El documento discute la formaci¨®n del profesorado en TIC. Se?ala que la formaci¨®n actual se centra demasiado en lo t¨¦cnico en lugar de desarrollar habilidades pedag¨®gicas. Tambi¨¦n argumenta que las TIC pueden usarse para crear nuevos m¨¦todos de ense?anza m¨¢s participativos. El papel del profesor debe cambiar de transmisor de informaci¨®n a dise?ador de experiencias de aprendizaje y adaptador de recursos a las necesidades de los estudiantes.
The document describes the basic architecture and components of a computer processor. It explains that a processor fetches instructions from memory through a fetch/execute cycle. It first copies the address of the next instruction from the sequence control register to the memory address register. It then copies the instruction from memory to the memory data register and instruction register for execution by the control unit. The main components are the memory, processor, registers, arithmetic logic unit, accumulator, and peripheral devices that provide input/output.
Heather Robinson is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree at Thompson Rivers University with a goal of completing a Bachelor of Social Work degree and Masters in Counseling. She is seeking a summer position to gain experience working with an organization that helps people, with a long term goal of becoming a social work counselor. Her portfolio outlines her skills in communication, organization, flexibility, teamwork and attention to detail developed through experiences teaching music lessons, working at a guest ranch, and volunteering. She is actively involved in her community through music and mentoring programs.
This document provides an introduction to exponential functions including:
1) Defining the exponential function f(x) = a^x and exploring graphs of different bases like 2, 3, and 5.
2) Covering exponent rules like multiplying bases adds exponents and dividing bases subtracts exponents.
3) Discussing exponential growth and decay in natural systems and the general exponential form of y = k*a^x.
La ISO 26000 identifica siete materias fundamentales de responsabilidad social (RS) que toda organizaci¨®n debe considerar: 1) gobernanza, 2) derechos humanos, 3) pr¨¢cticas laborales, 4) medio ambiente, 5) pr¨¢cticas justas de operaci¨®n, 6) asuntos de consumidores y 7) participaci¨®n comunitaria. Cada materia incluye principios y asuntos espec¨ªficos que la organizaci¨®n debe tener en cuenta para integrar la RS de manera integral.
Dokumen ini berisi biodata dan riwayat pendidikan Annisya Kendamayanti beserta anggota keluarganya seperti ayah, ibu, dan adik laki-lakinya. Informasi pribadi masing-masing anggota keluarga seperti nama, tempat dan tanggal lahir, pekerjaan, golongan darah, dan alamat rumah dituliskan secara terperinci.
Este documento presenta los estatutos de la Asociaci¨®n de Vecinos "El Carrascalajo" en Palazuelos de Eresma, Segovia. Los estatutos describen los objetivos de la asociaci¨®n como defender los intereses de los vecinos, informarles sobre cuestiones que les afecten, y representarles ante las administraciones p¨²blicas. Tambi¨¦n especifican que la asociaci¨®n tendr¨¢ socios fundadores, de n¨²mero y de honor, y define los derechos, deberes y causas para perder la condici¨®n de socio. Finalmente, establece que
Tema 1, la sociedad de la informaci¨®nAlbayBlanca8
Este documento describe la sociedad de la informaci¨®n y c¨®mo las tecnolog¨ªas de la informaci¨®n y la comunicaci¨®n (TIC) han transformado la sociedad. Explica que las TIC permiten almacenar y compartir informaci¨®n de manera r¨¢pida y que la sociedad de la informaci¨®n valora el conocimiento sobre la informaci¨®n. Tambi¨¦n detalla algunas aplicaciones clave de las TIC en la educaci¨®n y la medicina y concluye que las TIC mantienen informada a la sociedad sobre eventos mundiales.
El documento resume las teor¨ªas del cognitivismo y del psic¨®logo Robert Gagn¨¦. Explica que el cognitivismo estudia los procesos mentales que llevan al aprendizaje y la adquisici¨®n del conocimiento. Gagn¨¦ propuso que el aprendizaje implica cambios en los eventos internos y externos, y distingui¨® entre diferentes tipos de aprendizaje y resultados del aprendizaje. Su teor¨ªa incluye los procesos de aprendizaje y las condiciones necesarias para facilitarlo.
The document is a curriculum vitae for Arjun Singh providing his personal details, education history, and work experience. It includes his name, address, contact information, objective of seeking a position using his financial and project management skills. It also lists his core competencies, academic history with percentages and degrees obtained, a summer internship at Religare Securities, academic projects conducted, and personal details like date of birth and languages known.
This document contains 5 paragraphs summarizing different photos from a nature-themed fashion shoot. The photos show a model in a floral dress with a wheelbarrow against a fenced backdrop. Some photos effectively use sunlight and positioning to draw attention to the model and theme, while others have unwanted background elements like houses that detract from the natural feel. Lighting is also discussed, with some photos overexposing details in the model's clothing.
This student reflects on things they love like certain activities or hobbies, things that bother them like challenges they face, and what they enjoy most about their current grade level like subjects or friends. They also share their favorite book and movie, describing characters, settings, problems and solutions, and envision what they may do in the future like their career or family. Overall, the student provides personal insights and aspirations.
1) O documento discute o desenvolvimento e verifica??o do processo de comunica??o entre agentes assistentes do sistema AgenTCC.
2) A plataforma JADE ser¨¢ utilizada para estabelecer a comunica??o entre os agentes nos ambientes web e m¨®vel.
3) Os objetivos incluem desenvolver interfaces para usu¨¢rios, verificar a comunica??o proposta entre os agentes assistentes, e estudar o uso de ontologias no processo de comunica??o.
The document provides style recommendations and product descriptions for the winter season. It features 5 sections that highlight popular winter colors and styles: winter grey, red, shine, details, and military. Each section includes photos and descriptions of bag shells and accessories available in those colors and styles. The final sections provide an overview of the interchangeable shell bag system and photos and descriptions of various classic and demi bag shell options.
The document provides examples of how to format references and in-text citations for various sources like books, journal articles, websites, and more according to APA style. It notes that the reference list should now use a hanging indent and in-text citations for direct quotes should include the page number. Examples are given for books with one, two, or three authors, books from a corporate author, book chapters, journal articles from one or two authors, magazine articles with and without authors, encyclopedia articles, newspaper articles, electronic sources, and websites.
Rethinking Surveys for Digital-First Community EngagementBang the Table
With digital-first community engagement sweeping through cities across the globe, it is important to explore best practices and strategies when it comes to engaging the public and obtaining inclusive participation. How do we get richness and meaning, relationships and empathy, resilience and rapport out of a digital-first approach?
What might community engagement look like for the performing arts sector in t...Bang the Table
The document discusses various ways for performing arts organizations to engage with their local communities, such as involving community members in programming decisions, hosting community performances, and co-creating content. It suggests digital engagement strategies like online communities and distributed performances. The overall message is that performing arts organizations should think strategically about how to better support their local artists and audiences.
Auckland West Transport Network: Using civic technology to engage the communityBang the Table
Presentation to the IAP2 network in Auckland, New Zealand, about the use of Bang the Table's online stakeholder engagement software, EngagementHQ, to engage the broader Auckland community in a conversation about transport planning
Creating and Nurturing Onnline Business CommunitiesBang the Table
Crispin Butteriss is the Chief Practice Officer at Bang the Table and gave a presentation on building successful online business communities. He discussed seven preconditions for success, including having a niche topic, strong purpose, interested members, and ongoing promotion strategy. Butteriss also outlined seven strategies for nurturing communities, such as engaging members and thanking new members. He warned of seven common mistakes like being self-serving, unrealistic expectations, and isolating members. Butteriss recommended modeling thriving communities like those on LitReactor and Good and encouraged attendees to connect with him on LinkedIn.
18 examples of good practice community engagement onlineBang the Table
This document lists 18 examples of online public engagement projects run by Bang the Table, including debates on off-leash beaches and home composting, stories from new parents and those with disabilities, mapping exercises to identify unsafe areas and sites of entrepreneurial innovation, submissions on climate change and land use policy, participatory budgeting on council priorities and community infrastructure, Q&As on the sale of historic assets and coal seam gas, surveys on recycling attitudes and airport preferences, a complaints handling program, an ideas collection platform, and strategies bringing together inputs for Queensland's digital economy and NSW's arts and culture. The document is authored by Crispin Butteriss, co-founder of Bang the Table.
Presentation to the 2013 Australasian IAP2 conference by Dr Crispin Butteriss on the power and possibility of digital stories as part of community engagement processes.
La ISO 26000 identifica siete materias fundamentales de responsabilidad social (RS) que toda organizaci¨®n debe considerar: 1) gobernanza, 2) derechos humanos, 3) pr¨¢cticas laborales, 4) medio ambiente, 5) pr¨¢cticas justas de operaci¨®n, 6) asuntos de consumidores y 7) participaci¨®n comunitaria. Cada materia incluye principios y asuntos espec¨ªficos que la organizaci¨®n debe tener en cuenta para integrar la RS de manera integral.
Dokumen ini berisi biodata dan riwayat pendidikan Annisya Kendamayanti beserta anggota keluarganya seperti ayah, ibu, dan adik laki-lakinya. Informasi pribadi masing-masing anggota keluarga seperti nama, tempat dan tanggal lahir, pekerjaan, golongan darah, dan alamat rumah dituliskan secara terperinci.
Este documento presenta los estatutos de la Asociaci¨®n de Vecinos "El Carrascalajo" en Palazuelos de Eresma, Segovia. Los estatutos describen los objetivos de la asociaci¨®n como defender los intereses de los vecinos, informarles sobre cuestiones que les afecten, y representarles ante las administraciones p¨²blicas. Tambi¨¦n especifican que la asociaci¨®n tendr¨¢ socios fundadores, de n¨²mero y de honor, y define los derechos, deberes y causas para perder la condici¨®n de socio. Finalmente, establece que
Tema 1, la sociedad de la informaci¨®nAlbayBlanca8
Este documento describe la sociedad de la informaci¨®n y c¨®mo las tecnolog¨ªas de la informaci¨®n y la comunicaci¨®n (TIC) han transformado la sociedad. Explica que las TIC permiten almacenar y compartir informaci¨®n de manera r¨¢pida y que la sociedad de la informaci¨®n valora el conocimiento sobre la informaci¨®n. Tambi¨¦n detalla algunas aplicaciones clave de las TIC en la educaci¨®n y la medicina y concluye que las TIC mantienen informada a la sociedad sobre eventos mundiales.
El documento resume las teor¨ªas del cognitivismo y del psic¨®logo Robert Gagn¨¦. Explica que el cognitivismo estudia los procesos mentales que llevan al aprendizaje y la adquisici¨®n del conocimiento. Gagn¨¦ propuso que el aprendizaje implica cambios en los eventos internos y externos, y distingui¨® entre diferentes tipos de aprendizaje y resultados del aprendizaje. Su teor¨ªa incluye los procesos de aprendizaje y las condiciones necesarias para facilitarlo.
The document is a curriculum vitae for Arjun Singh providing his personal details, education history, and work experience. It includes his name, address, contact information, objective of seeking a position using his financial and project management skills. It also lists his core competencies, academic history with percentages and degrees obtained, a summer internship at Religare Securities, academic projects conducted, and personal details like date of birth and languages known.
This document contains 5 paragraphs summarizing different photos from a nature-themed fashion shoot. The photos show a model in a floral dress with a wheelbarrow against a fenced backdrop. Some photos effectively use sunlight and positioning to draw attention to the model and theme, while others have unwanted background elements like houses that detract from the natural feel. Lighting is also discussed, with some photos overexposing details in the model's clothing.
This student reflects on things they love like certain activities or hobbies, things that bother them like challenges they face, and what they enjoy most about their current grade level like subjects or friends. They also share their favorite book and movie, describing characters, settings, problems and solutions, and envision what they may do in the future like their career or family. Overall, the student provides personal insights and aspirations.
1) O documento discute o desenvolvimento e verifica??o do processo de comunica??o entre agentes assistentes do sistema AgenTCC.
2) A plataforma JADE ser¨¢ utilizada para estabelecer a comunica??o entre os agentes nos ambientes web e m¨®vel.
3) Os objetivos incluem desenvolver interfaces para usu¨¢rios, verificar a comunica??o proposta entre os agentes assistentes, e estudar o uso de ontologias no processo de comunica??o.
The document provides style recommendations and product descriptions for the winter season. It features 5 sections that highlight popular winter colors and styles: winter grey, red, shine, details, and military. Each section includes photos and descriptions of bag shells and accessories available in those colors and styles. The final sections provide an overview of the interchangeable shell bag system and photos and descriptions of various classic and demi bag shell options.
The document provides examples of how to format references and in-text citations for various sources like books, journal articles, websites, and more according to APA style. It notes that the reference list should now use a hanging indent and in-text citations for direct quotes should include the page number. Examples are given for books with one, two, or three authors, books from a corporate author, book chapters, journal articles from one or two authors, magazine articles with and without authors, encyclopedia articles, newspaper articles, electronic sources, and websites.
Rethinking Surveys for Digital-First Community EngagementBang the Table
With digital-first community engagement sweeping through cities across the globe, it is important to explore best practices and strategies when it comes to engaging the public and obtaining inclusive participation. How do we get richness and meaning, relationships and empathy, resilience and rapport out of a digital-first approach?
What might community engagement look like for the performing arts sector in t...Bang the Table
The document discusses various ways for performing arts organizations to engage with their local communities, such as involving community members in programming decisions, hosting community performances, and co-creating content. It suggests digital engagement strategies like online communities and distributed performances. The overall message is that performing arts organizations should think strategically about how to better support their local artists and audiences.
Auckland West Transport Network: Using civic technology to engage the communityBang the Table
Presentation to the IAP2 network in Auckland, New Zealand, about the use of Bang the Table's online stakeholder engagement software, EngagementHQ, to engage the broader Auckland community in a conversation about transport planning
Creating and Nurturing Onnline Business CommunitiesBang the Table
Crispin Butteriss is the Chief Practice Officer at Bang the Table and gave a presentation on building successful online business communities. He discussed seven preconditions for success, including having a niche topic, strong purpose, interested members, and ongoing promotion strategy. Butteriss also outlined seven strategies for nurturing communities, such as engaging members and thanking new members. He warned of seven common mistakes like being self-serving, unrealistic expectations, and isolating members. Butteriss recommended modeling thriving communities like those on LitReactor and Good and encouraged attendees to connect with him on LinkedIn.
18 examples of good practice community engagement onlineBang the Table
This document lists 18 examples of online public engagement projects run by Bang the Table, including debates on off-leash beaches and home composting, stories from new parents and those with disabilities, mapping exercises to identify unsafe areas and sites of entrepreneurial innovation, submissions on climate change and land use policy, participatory budgeting on council priorities and community infrastructure, Q&As on the sale of historic assets and coal seam gas, surveys on recycling attitudes and airport preferences, a complaints handling program, an ideas collection platform, and strategies bringing together inputs for Queensland's digital economy and NSW's arts and culture. The document is authored by Crispin Butteriss, co-founder of Bang the Table.
Presentation to the 2013 Australasian IAP2 conference by Dr Crispin Butteriss on the power and possibility of digital stories as part of community engagement processes.
Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook as a social club for students. It grew rapidly and became a global social network with hundreds of millions of users. While it was initially seen as a free service, users eventually realized Facebook was a business that collected and monetized their personal data and changed its rules frequently. Organizations also joined Facebook to engage with users but found it difficult to do so seriously given the casual, social nature of the platform. The document provides advice on using Facebook effectively for organizations while avoiding problems like trolls, inappropriate content, and meeting regulatory requirements for consultations.
The document summarizes several online public consultation projects. It notes that regular engagement through site updates, new content, emails and open discussions helped build community around the Sydney Harbour National Park plan. Knowledgeable facilitators also prompted deeper discussion for the Yarra Ranges public art project. The Lake Macquarie council demonstrated responsiveness by commenting on 62 occasions to address participant comments. The Hornsby housing strategy consultation generated significant participation by focusing on a hot local topic and building an engagement database.
Presentation slides from the Australasian IAP2 national conference in Sydney, October 2011. The session was co-hosted by Ben Parsons talking about using Tablets for community consultation.
Does Online Community Engagement Work for Local GovernmentBang the Table
The document provides examples of different online engagement strategies used by various local councils in Australia. It summarizes key metrics like site visits, visitors, comments, and documents downloaded for each engagement site. Some examples of successful strategies highlighted include building a community through regular updates and discussion, asking open and appreciative questions, using knowledgeable facilitators, and running parallel consultations on high-interest issues. Demonstrating responsiveness to participant comments is also noted.
How to Engage & Consult Your Community OnlineBang the Table
This document provides guidance on effectively engaging a local community online through consultation. It discusses mapping project impacts, choosing the right engagement tools like blogs and forums, managing risks of online discussions, promoting the engagement through various channels, and analyzing and reporting on the results both qualitatively and quantitatively.
The document discusses various online consultation platforms and strategies used by local governments in Australia to engage with communities on planning and policy issues. Some of the strategies highlighted include asking open-ended and appreciative questions, providing knowledgeable moderation, building community through regular updates, and using scenario-based questions to prompt thoughtful discussion. Platforms that utilized multiple strategies saw higher levels of engagement with thousands of visits and hundreds of comments.
Presentation to the Australian and Singaporian Commissioners of Taxation on the application of various new media and social software applications to the revenue collection agencies.
Managing Risk in Online Community EngagementBang the Table
The document discusses various ways that governments have successfully structured online consultations to get meaningful engagement and responses from the community. These include using plain language, embedding slideshows, video invitations, video vox pops, scenario-based questions, appreciative questions, and allowing participants to create their own discussion topics. It provides examples of consultations that used these techniques and the results in terms of site visits, comments, and document downloads. The overall message is that these techniques can make even complex consultations accessible and prompt thoughtful responses.
Not a Kubernetes fan? The state of PaaS in 2025Anthony Dahanne
Kubernetes won the containers orchestration war. But has it made deploying your apps easier?
Let's explore some of Kubernetes extensive app developer tooling, but mainly what the PaaS space looks like in 2025; 18 years after Heroku made it popular.
Is Heroku still around? What about Cloud Foundry?
And what are those new comers (fly.io, railway, porter.sh, etc.) worth?
Did the Cloud giants replace them all?
Leadership u automatizaciji: RPA pri?e iz prakse!UiPathCommunity
Dobrodo?li na "AI Powered Automation Leadership Talks", online doga?aj koji okuplja senior lidere i menad?ere iz razli?itih industrija kako bi podelili svoja iskustva, izazove i strategije u oblasti RPA (Robotic Process Automation). Ovaj doga?aj pru?a priliku da zavirite u na?in razmi?ljanja ljudi koji donose klju?ne odluke u automatizaciji i liderstvu.
? Kroz panel diskusiju sa tri izuzetna stru?njaka, istra?i?emo:
Kako uspe?no zapo?eti i skalirati RPA projekte u organizacijama.
Koji su najve?i izazovi u implementaciji RPA-a i kako ih prevazi?i.
Na koje na?ine automatizacija menja radne procese i poma?e timovima da ostvare vi?e.
Bez obzira na va?e iskustvo sa UiPath-om ili RPA uop?te, ovaj doga?aj je osmi?ljen kako bi bio koristan svima ¨C od menad?era do tehni?kih lidera, i svima koji ?ele da unaprede svoje razumevanje automatizacije.
Pridru?ite nam se i iskoristite ovu jedinstvenu priliku da nau?ite od onih koji vode automatizaciju u svojim organizacijama. Pripremite svoja pitanja i inspiraciju za slede?e korake u va?oj RPA strategiji!
AI Trends and Fun Demos ¨C Sotheby¡¯s Rehoboth PresentationEthan Holland
Ethan B. Holland explores the impact of artificial intelligence on real estate and digital transformation. Covering key AI trends such as multimodal AI, agency, co-pilots, and AI-powered computer usage, the document highlights how emerging technologies are reshaping industries. It includes real-world demonstrations of AI in action, from automated real estate insights to AI-generated voice and video applications. With expertise in digital transformation, Ethan shares insights from his work optimizing workflows with AI tools, automation, and large language models. This presentation is essential for professionals seeking to understand AI¡¯s role in business, automation, and real estate.
Data-Driven Public Safety: Reliable Data When Every Second CountsSafe Software
When every second counts, you need access to data you can trust. In this webinar, we¡¯ll explore how FME empowers public safety services to streamline their operations and safeguard communities. This session will showcase workflow examples that public safety teams leverage every day.
We¡¯ll cover real-world use cases and demo workflows, including:
Automating Police Traffic Stop Compliance: Learn how the City of Fremont meets traffic stop data standards by automating QA/QC processes, generating error reports ¨C saving over 2,800 hours annually on manual tasks.
Anonymizing Crime Data: Discover how cities protect citizen privacy while enabling transparent and trustworthy open data sharing.
Next Gen 9-1-1 Integration: Explore how Santa Clara County supports the transition to digital emergency response systems for faster, more accurate dispatching, including automated schema mapping for address standardization.
Extreme Heat Alerts: See how FME supports disaster risk management by automating the delivery of extreme heat alerts for proactive emergency response.
Our goal is to provide practical workflows and actionable steps you can implement right away. Plus, we¡¯ll provide quick steps to find more information about our public safety subscription for Police, Fire Departments, EMS, HAZMAT teams, and more.
Whether you¡¯re in a call center, on the ground, or managing operations, this webinar is crafted to help you leverage data to make informed, timely decisions that matter most.
[Webinar] Scaling Made Simple: Getting Started with No-Code Web AppsSafe Software
Ready to simplify workflow sharing across your organization without diving into complex coding? With FME Flow Apps, you can build no-code web apps that make your data work harder for you ¡ª fast.
In this webinar, we¡¯ll show you how to:
Build and deploy Workspace Apps to create an intuitive user interface for self-serve data processing and validation.
Automate processes using Automation Apps. Learn to create a no-code web app to kick off workflows tailored to your needs, trigger multiple workspaces and external actions, and use conditional filtering within automations to control your workflows.
Create a centralized portal with Gallery Apps to share a collection of no-code web apps across your organization.
Through real-world examples and practical demos, you¡¯ll learn how to transform your workflows into intuitive, self-serve solutions that empower your team and save you time. We can¡¯t wait to show you what¡¯s possible!
William Maclyn Murphy McRae, a logistics expert with 9+ years of experience, is known for optimizing supply chain operations and consistently exceeding industry standards. His strategic approach, combined with hands-on execution, has streamlined distribution processes, reduced lead times, and consistently delivered exceptional results.
5 Best Agentic AI Frameworks for 2025.pdfSoluLab1231
AI chatbots use generative AI to develop answers from a single interaction. When someone asks a question, the chatbot responds using a natural language process (NLP). Agentic AI, the next wave of artificial intelligence, goes beyond this by solving complicated multistep problems on its way by using advanced reasoning and iterative planning. Additionally, it is expected to improve operations and productivity across all sectors.
Predictive vs. Preventive Maintenance ¡ª Which One is Right for Your FactoryDiagsense ltd
Efficient maintenance is the backbone of any manufacturing operation. It ensures that machinery runs smoothly, minimizes downtime and optimizes overall productivity. Earlier, factories have relied on preventive maintenance but with advancements in technology, Manufacturing PdM Solutions is gaining traction. The question is¡ªwhich one is the right fit for your factory? Let¡¯s break it down.
FinTech is reshaping the way businesses handle payments, risk management, and financial operations. From AI-driven fraud detection to blockchain-powered security, the right FinTech solutions can streamline processes, reduce costs, and improve decision-making. This guide explores 10 essential FinTech tools that help businesses stay ahead in an increasingly digital economy.
Discover how digital payments, credit risk management, treasury solutions, AI, blockchain, and RegTech can enhance efficiency, security, and profitability.
Read now to learn how businesses are leveraging FinTech for smarter financial management!
Computational Photography: How Technology is Changing Way We Capture the WorldHusseinMalikMammadli
? Computational Photography (Computer Vision/Image): How Technology is Changing the Way We Capture the World
He? d¨¹?¨¹nm¨¹s¨¹n¨¹zm¨¹, m¨¹asir smartfonlar v? kameralar nec? bu q?d?r g?z?l g?r¨¹nt¨¹l?r yarad?r? Bunun sirri Computational Fotoqrafiyas?nda(Computer Vision/Imaging) gizlidir¡ª??kill?ri ??km? v? emal etm? ¨¹sulumuzu t?kmill??dir?n, komp¨¹ter elmi il? fotoqrafiyan?n inqilabi birl??m?si.
Getting Started with AWS - Enterprise Landing Zone for Terraform Learning & D...Chris Wahl
Recording: https://youtu.be/PASG0NTKUQA?si=1Ih7O9z0Lk0IzX9n
Welcome innovators! In this comprehensive tutorial, you will learn how to get started with AWS Cloud and Terraform to build an enterprise-like landing zone for a secure, low-cost environment to develop with Terraform. We'll guide you through setting up AWS Control Tower, Identity and Access Management, and creating a sandbox account, ensuring you have a safe and controlled area for learning and development. You'll also learn about budget management, single sign-on setup, and using AWS organizations for policy management. Plus, dive deep into Terraform basics, including setting up state management, migrating local state to remote state, and making resource modifications using your new infrastructure as code skills. Perfect for beginners looking to master AWS and Terraform essentials!
How to teach M365 Copilot and M365 Copilot Chat prompting to your colleagues. Presented at the Advanced Learning Institute's "Internal Communications Strategies with M365" event on February 27, 2025. Intended audience: Internal Communicators, User Adoption Specialists, IT.
Caching for Performance Masterclass: The In-Memory DatastoreScyllaDB
Understanding where in-memory data stores help most and where teams get into trouble.
- Where in the stack to cache
- Memcached as a tool
- Modern cache primitives
This business intelligence report, "The Big Ten Biopharmaceutical MNCs: Global Capability Centers in India", provides an in-depth analysis of the operations and contributions of the Global Capability Centers (GCCs) of ten leading biopharmaceutical multinational corporations in India. The report covers AstraZeneca, Bayer, Bristol Myers Squibb, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Novartis, Sanofi, Roche, Pfizer, Novo Nordisk, and Eli Lilly. In this report each company's GCC is profiled with details on location, workforce size, investment, and the strategic roles these centers play in global business operations, research and development, and information technology and digital innovation.
Transcript: AI in publishing: Your questions answered - Tech Forum 2025BookNet Canada
George Walkley, a publishing veteran and leading authority on AI applications, joins us for a follow-up to his presentation "Applying AI to publishing: A balanced and ethical approach". George gives a brief overview of developments since that presentation and answers attendees' pressing questions about AI¡¯s impact and potential applications in the book industry.
Link to recording and presentation slides: https://bnctechforum.ca/sessions/ai-in-publishing-your-questions-answered/
Presented by BookNet Canada on February 20, 2025 with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.
Agentic AI: The 2025 Next-Gen Automation GuideThoughtminds
Introduction to Agentic AI: Explains how it differs from traditional automation and its ability to make independent decisions.
Comparison with Generative AI: A structured comparison between Generative AI (content creation) and Agentic AI (autonomous action-taking).
Technical Breakdown: Covers core components such as LLMs, reinforcement learning, and cloud infrastructure that power Agentic AI.
Real-World Use Cases (2025 & Beyond): Examines how Agentic AI is transforming industries like insurance, healthcare, retail, finance, and cybersecurity.
Business Impact & ROI: Discusses case studies from Unilever, FedEx, and more, showcasing cost savings and operational efficiency improvements.
Challenges & Risks: Highlights bias, security threats, regulatory compliance, and workforce reskilling as critical challenges in AI adoption.
5-Step Implementation Strategy: A practical roadmap to help organizations integrate Agentic AI seamlessly.
Future Predictions (2025-2030): Forecasts on AI-driven workforce evolution, industry disruptions, and the rise of Quantum AI.