[바디랭짶 강의 자료 4탄] 30가지 키스의 기술(The Art of Kisses)형희 김[바디랭짶 강의 자료 4탄]
30가지 키스의 기술(The Art of Kisses)
키스는 접촉(Haptic)을 통해 상대에게 느낌과 감정을 전달하는 매우 강력한 소통 수단 중 하나입니다. ^^
[바디랭짶 강의자료 12탄] 웃음의 과학(the science of smile) ^^형희 김바디랭짶 강의자료 12탄 " 웃음의 과학(The Smile of Science)입니다.
바디랭짶에 관한 더 많은 자료를 다운 받기 원하신다면 http://body-language 로 방문하셔서 자료를 다운 받으시기 바랍니다.
ㅇ 강의 자료 내용
- 15가지 웃음들
- 웃음의 과학 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- 웃음라인벨트
- 웃음에 관한 7가지 이론(우월이론, 부조화이론, 놀람이론, 해방이론, 반대감정병존이론, 구성이론, 절약이론)
- 웃음이 나에게 준 선물(강사 사례)
[바디랭짶 강의 자료 3탄] 바디랭짶의 비밀(Secret of Body Language)형희 김[바디랭짶 강의 자료 3탄]
바디랭짶의 비밀(Secret of Body Language)
제1회 이그나이트 부산에서 진행한 바디랭짶의 비밀 강의자료입니다. 7가지 비밀을 알려 드립니다. ^^
Stress At Work (Tips to Reduce and Manage Job and Workplace Stress)Jodie HarperWhile some workplace stress is normal, excessive stress can interfere with your productivity and impact your physical and emotional health. You can’t control everything in your work environment, but that doesn’t mean you’re powerless—even when you’re stuck in a difficult situation. Finding ways to manage workplace stress isn’t about making huge changes or rethinking career ambitions, but rather about focusing on the one thing that’s always within your control: YOU.
Shared by: http://www.familychiropractic.com.sg/
Nyati EmporiusExpressionSShowroom Spaces & Offices at Baner
Nyati Emporius, Baner is a haven for those with commercial acumen. If being in the right space is the mantra for any successful business venture, we are just the landmark that any businessman would be eyeing.
Located centrally near Balewadi, the project has an assured audience of high purchasing powers from Aundh and Hinjewadi. The Avenue is close to the Mumbai-Pune Expressway and well-connected with the city centers.
Verp Non Verbal Lying Ppt1guest0b91baThis document discusses nonverbal signs of lying. It identifies several signs such as avoiding eye contact, fake smiling, and frequent face touching. These signs are communicated through facial expressions and body language. Specific examples of signs are described, such as liars tending to blink less and forcing unnatural smiles. The document cautions that nonverbal signs can differ between cultures and individuals, so it is best to look at both verbal and nonverbal clues to detect deception rather than relying on one sign alone.
14 이승희KOS-ROBOT1) The document discusses issues related to human labor in an era of advanced robotics and AI, including job losses due to automation and exploitation of digital labor.
2) It notes estimates that nearly half of US jobs could be replaced by computers in 20 years and two billion jobs lost worldwide by 2030.
3) The document also discusses the potential for a "symbiotic relationship" between humans and robots, where robots perform labor to help humans or humans provide technical support to robots.
Walking As Work: #15ntcBeth KanterThis document summarizes a session on incorporating walking into the workday. It discusses the health benefits of movement and risks of prolonged sitting. Research shows that walking boosts creativity and problem-solving. The session provided tips for walking meetings and solo walks, including planning routes and using mobile phones. Attendees were encouraged to replace one sitting meeting per week with a walking alternative and make small changes like using a standing desk or stretching at their desk. Leaders in various fields shared examples of incorporating walking into their work.
is lying ever justifiedJackson Street Church of ChristRahab the harlot lied to protect Israelite spies by telling the King of Jericho's men that the spies had already left the city when they were actually hiding on her roof. Some argue Rahab's lie was justified given the situation, while others say no lie is justified according to scripture. Rahab is praised in the Bible for protecting the spies, and went on to be included in Jesus' lineage, showing how God can forgive and use anyone. The document discusses whether lying is ever justified and what the Bible says about truth and lying.
Top 12 gestures if a person is lyingExcelThis document lists 12 common gestures and behaviors that may indicate a person is lying, including avoiding eye contact, mumbling or incorrect pronoun usage, touching the face, neck or ears, fidgeting with the toes or eyes, using qualifying statements, talking fast, inconsistent head gestures, lip biting or twisting, and crossing the arms. It provides the information as a reference for identifying signs of potential deception through body language.
Deep Breathing How To'saltonbairdThe document provides information about deep breathing and its benefits. It consists of 3 pages with headings such as "Focus on your breath", "Stress Affects Breathing", "Benefits of Deep Breathing", "Stress Response Cycle", and "SEROTONIN – Key Neurotransmitter". The summaries are:
1) The document instructs the reader on how to do deep breathing by inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth in 4 second intervals.
2) It discusses how stress can limit oxygen intake and explains that oxygen is important for major organs, and we expel toxins through breathing.
3) The benefits of deep breathing include increasing serotonin to calm the
[바디랭짶 강의 자료 3탄] 바디랭짶의 비밀(Secret of Body Language)형희 김[바디랭짶 강의 자료 3탄]
바디랭짶의 비밀(Secret of Body Language)
제1회 이그나이트 부산에서 진행한 바디랭짶의 비밀 강의자료입니다. 7가지 비밀을 알려 드립니다. ^^
Stress At Work (Tips to Reduce and Manage Job and Workplace Stress)Jodie HarperWhile some workplace stress is normal, excessive stress can interfere with your productivity and impact your physical and emotional health. You can’t control everything in your work environment, but that doesn’t mean you’re powerless—even when you’re stuck in a difficult situation. Finding ways to manage workplace stress isn’t about making huge changes or rethinking career ambitions, but rather about focusing on the one thing that’s always within your control: YOU.
Shared by: http://www.familychiropractic.com.sg/
Nyati EmporiusExpressionSShowroom Spaces & Offices at Baner
Nyati Emporius, Baner is a haven for those with commercial acumen. If being in the right space is the mantra for any successful business venture, we are just the landmark that any businessman would be eyeing.
Located centrally near Balewadi, the project has an assured audience of high purchasing powers from Aundh and Hinjewadi. The Avenue is close to the Mumbai-Pune Expressway and well-connected with the city centers.
Verp Non Verbal Lying Ppt1guest0b91baThis document discusses nonverbal signs of lying. It identifies several signs such as avoiding eye contact, fake smiling, and frequent face touching. These signs are communicated through facial expressions and body language. Specific examples of signs are described, such as liars tending to blink less and forcing unnatural smiles. The document cautions that nonverbal signs can differ between cultures and individuals, so it is best to look at both verbal and nonverbal clues to detect deception rather than relying on one sign alone.
14 이승희KOS-ROBOT1) The document discusses issues related to human labor in an era of advanced robotics and AI, including job losses due to automation and exploitation of digital labor.
2) It notes estimates that nearly half of US jobs could be replaced by computers in 20 years and two billion jobs lost worldwide by 2030.
3) The document also discusses the potential for a "symbiotic relationship" between humans and robots, where robots perform labor to help humans or humans provide technical support to robots.
Walking As Work: #15ntcBeth KanterThis document summarizes a session on incorporating walking into the workday. It discusses the health benefits of movement and risks of prolonged sitting. Research shows that walking boosts creativity and problem-solving. The session provided tips for walking meetings and solo walks, including planning routes and using mobile phones. Attendees were encouraged to replace one sitting meeting per week with a walking alternative and make small changes like using a standing desk or stretching at their desk. Leaders in various fields shared examples of incorporating walking into their work.
is lying ever justifiedJackson Street Church of ChristRahab the harlot lied to protect Israelite spies by telling the King of Jericho's men that the spies had already left the city when they were actually hiding on her roof. Some argue Rahab's lie was justified given the situation, while others say no lie is justified according to scripture. Rahab is praised in the Bible for protecting the spies, and went on to be included in Jesus' lineage, showing how God can forgive and use anyone. The document discusses whether lying is ever justified and what the Bible says about truth and lying.
Top 12 gestures if a person is lyingExcelThis document lists 12 common gestures and behaviors that may indicate a person is lying, including avoiding eye contact, mumbling or incorrect pronoun usage, touching the face, neck or ears, fidgeting with the toes or eyes, using qualifying statements, talking fast, inconsistent head gestures, lip biting or twisting, and crossing the arms. It provides the information as a reference for identifying signs of potential deception through body language.
Deep Breathing How To'saltonbairdThe document provides information about deep breathing and its benefits. It consists of 3 pages with headings such as "Focus on your breath", "Stress Affects Breathing", "Benefits of Deep Breathing", "Stress Response Cycle", and "SEROTONIN – Key Neurotransmitter". The summaries are:
1) The document instructs the reader on how to do deep breathing by inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth in 4 second intervals.
2) It discusses how stress can limit oxygen intake and explains that oxygen is important for major organs, and we expel toxins through breathing.
3) The benefits of deep breathing include increasing serotonin to calm the
소셜미디어마케팅 무엇이고 왜 활용해야 하나?형희 김This document discusses how body language can change your life and body. It notes that body language is a powerful tool for communication and relationships. It recommends maintaining confident body language by keeping your back straight, making eye contact, and using hand gestures when speaking. The document also discusses the growth of social media and how many users there are worldwide on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. It notes that social media allows for easy sharing of information but that body language is still important for in-person interactions.
[바디랭짶 강의 자료 2탄] 바디랭짶의 무엇이고 어떻게 활용할 것인가?형희 김The document repeats the phrase "Change Your Life, Change Your Body-Language" multiple times and provides contact information for the author including an email, social media accounts, and website about body language. It does not contain any other substantive information.
110917 트리즈 강의 서면_pdf형희 김The document discusses the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ). It includes sections on the table of contents, examples of problems solved with TRIZ, and levels of TRIZ expertise from 1 to 5. TRIZ is presented as a problem solving method that can be used to resolve various technical, scientific, and engineering challenges.
86. Dr. Cal Lightman
칼 라이트먼(Cal Lightman)
최고의 거짓말 전문가(Deception Expert)
얼굴 표정, 바디랭짶, 목소리, 거짓말 연구
미세표정(Micro Experssion) 연구를 위해 오지
에서 몇년씩 삶
라이트먼 그룹 설립자
87. 질리언 포스터(Gillian Foster)
재능을 가진 심리학자
라이트먼의 비즈니스 파트너
인간의 목소리, 단어, 심리 집중 탐구
인간의 행동에 관하여 질리언의 견해가 필요
하다고 라이트먼은 느낌
88. 일라이 로커(Eli Loker)
라이트먼 그룹 수석 연구원
비디오 분석과 판독 담당
심리학 분야 전문가
라이트먼과 질리언에게 거짓말을 배우고 있음
89. 리아 토레즈(Ria Torres)
공항에서 일하고 있었으나 다른 보안요원의 7배
가 넘는 실적을 거둬, 라이트먼에게 스카웃 된 천
부적 인재
거짓말을 알아채는 ‘타고난 재능’이 있기에 라이
트먼으로부터 총애를 받음
91. Paul Ekman(폴 에크먼)
- 캘리포니아대학교 명예 교수
- 미드 “Lie To Me” 롤 모델
- 비언어의사소통 전문가
- 얼굴움직임부호화시스템(FACS)
- 2009년 미국 타임지 세계에서 가장
영향력 있는 100인(13위)
- 저서 ‘얼굴의 심리학’, ‘텔링라이즈’ 등
- http://www.paulekman.com
92. Micro-expression
What are micro-expressions?
Brief involuntary facial expressions shown on human
faces according to emotions experienced
Who is the man of importance in this realm?
Paul Ekman
○ Believes that facial expressions are universal rather than
culturally determined
○ Developed systems like the FACS, Facial Action Coding
System, EMFACS, Emotion Facial Action Coding System
99. Micro-expression
“Has not been subjected to controlled
scientific tests”
About Screening Passengers by
Observation Techniques (SPOT)- “would
achieve similar hit rates if they flipped a
100. Questions
1. 다른 사람들의 미세표정을 읽는 것이 인간관계에 도움이 될 거
라 생각하시나요?
2. 만약 여러분의 친구가 여러분의 미세표정을 읽고 있다면 어떤 느
낌이 들까요?
3. 만약 다른 사람의 마음을 읽는 능력이 있다면 그것을 계속 갖고
4. 미세표정을 읽는 능력을 갖고 싶으신가요? 그것이 당신의 미래
에 도움이 될 거라 생각하십니까?
101. - Thank you -
한국바디랭짶연구소 소장 김형희
010 – 3028 - 7927 khiya25@hanmail.net
http://body-language.org http://twitter.com/superhiya