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Computers have changed our   PERCEPTION of our IDENTITIES
Computers: Function as tool Project our ideas & fantasies Augment our intellect & physical presence Fulfill our social thoughts Create new social & cultural sensibility Enable us to live in virtual worlds in which we  are not alone Are evocative objects that cause old boundaries to be negotiated
Cyberspace  William Gibsons hallucination! The SPACE where computer mediated communication between an  unlimited number of people from around the globe exchange ideas,  conduct business, create, play and engage without the need for a shared physical (bodily) presence. Everything we do online e-mail read video conferencing blogging gaming is part of Cyberspace
We Interact And Augment interact with others partake in virtual communities impersonate others
Eroding Boundaries Between Real & Surreal LETS PLAY!!! We are reinventing ourselves as we go along The self is constructed & rules of social interaction are built show Lets pick the NEW you
You navigate,   converse and build Are evocative objects for thinking about  identity Offer new forms of communities  * use of windows (places) * interact with others  * adhere to different roles  Offer new forms of collaborative written literature * similarities with script writing *   you  are the author;   self  is constructed Our Sense of Limitations Fades MUD
what previously seemed abstract is now experienced in MUD  real & artificial are disappearing philosophy has become  mainstream From a modernist Culture of Calculation to a post-modernist Culture of Simulation
How is this ARTIFICIAL   Culture of Simulation affecting our self-perception  in real-life?
What Are The Disadvantages? Social isolation strong relations replaced by weak mediated relations (Kraut et al 1998) Diminished real-life involvement cultivating loners (Nie & Erbring 2000) Impoverished social interaction  shallow, deceiving online interactions (Nie. 2001) deception in light of self-protection (Curtis 2010) Fragmented culture (potentially) changes language needs; creates subcultures Destructive self-exposure (YouTube) hidden dangers of self-exposure   YOU NEVER KNOW WHO MIGHT BE WATCHING IN CYBERSPACE
Online Desires Turn Soar Offline
Beneficial Outcome of the Virtual World  Can boost social confidence Assist in social growth and participation Online relationships are considered fun (not all too serious) Enable small voices to express  Allow real life limitations come true in surreal life
Conclusion Computers are used to become comfortable with  new ways of thinking about evolution, relationship,  and much  more . . .  bound by our capabilities in real and virtual life Both should be in balance if well continue to immerse online and offline!
 People who live parallel lives on the screen are nevertheless bound by the desires, pain, and mortality of their physical self. (Turkle 1995)
References Bell, D., Loader, B.D, Pleace, N & Schuler (2004).  Cyberculture,  London: Routledge Curtin University. Identity Deception in Virtual Communities and Networks and its Requisitoires (Internet) 10 May 2010 viewed from <http://networkconference.netstudies.org/2010/05/identity-deception-in-virtual-communities-and-networks-and-its-requisitoires/> Henley, J. Teenagers and Technology: Id rather give up my kidney than my phone (Internet). 16 July 2010. Viewed from  http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2010/jul/16/teenagers-mobiles-facebook-social-networking Kraut, R. Kiesler, S. Mukhopadhyay, T. Scherlis, W. and Patterson, W. (1998) Social Impact of the Internet: what does it mean?  Communications of the ACM , 41 (12): 21-2 Nie, N.H. (2001) Sociability, interpersonal relations and the Internet; reconstructing conflicting findings,  American Behavioral Scientist , 45 (3): 420-35 Nie, N.H. and Erbring, L. (2000)  Internet and society: A preliminary report .  www.stanford.edu/group/siqss McCartney, T. Australian Teens Protective of their Online Identity (Internet) 18 February 2010. Viewed from <http://www.australianwomenonline.com/australian-teens-protective-of-their-online-identity/> Van Dijk, J. (2006)  The Network Society . London: Sage Publications Verhaeghe, A. (2010).  Teen-memes: Memetic branding and identity of youngsters.  Ghent: InSites Consulting Youtube. Viewed from <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4w4_Hrwh2XI&feature=player_embedded> Rheingold, H. (2000).  The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier . Cambridge: MIT press.

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Life on the Screen

  • 2. Computers have changed our PERCEPTION of our IDENTITIES
  • 3. Computers: Function as tool Project our ideas & fantasies Augment our intellect & physical presence Fulfill our social thoughts Create new social & cultural sensibility Enable us to live in virtual worlds in which we are not alone Are evocative objects that cause old boundaries to be negotiated
  • 4. Cyberspace William Gibsons hallucination! The SPACE where computer mediated communication between an unlimited number of people from around the globe exchange ideas, conduct business, create, play and engage without the need for a shared physical (bodily) presence. Everything we do online e-mail read video conferencing blogging gaming is part of Cyberspace
  • 5. We Interact And Augment interact with others partake in virtual communities impersonate others
  • 6. Eroding Boundaries Between Real & Surreal LETS PLAY!!! We are reinventing ourselves as we go along The self is constructed & rules of social interaction are built show Lets pick the NEW you
  • 7. You navigate, converse and build Are evocative objects for thinking about identity Offer new forms of communities * use of windows (places) * interact with others * adhere to different roles Offer new forms of collaborative written literature * similarities with script writing * you are the author; self is constructed Our Sense of Limitations Fades MUD
  • 8. what previously seemed abstract is now experienced in MUD real & artificial are disappearing philosophy has become mainstream From a modernist Culture of Calculation to a post-modernist Culture of Simulation
  • 9. How is this ARTIFICIAL Culture of Simulation affecting our self-perception in real-life?
  • 10. What Are The Disadvantages? Social isolation strong relations replaced by weak mediated relations (Kraut et al 1998) Diminished real-life involvement cultivating loners (Nie & Erbring 2000) Impoverished social interaction shallow, deceiving online interactions (Nie. 2001) deception in light of self-protection (Curtis 2010) Fragmented culture (potentially) changes language needs; creates subcultures Destructive self-exposure (YouTube) hidden dangers of self-exposure YOU NEVER KNOW WHO MIGHT BE WATCHING IN CYBERSPACE
  • 11. Online Desires Turn Soar Offline
  • 12. Beneficial Outcome of the Virtual World Can boost social confidence Assist in social growth and participation Online relationships are considered fun (not all too serious) Enable small voices to express Allow real life limitations come true in surreal life
  • 13. Conclusion Computers are used to become comfortable with new ways of thinking about evolution, relationship, and much more . . . bound by our capabilities in real and virtual life Both should be in balance if well continue to immerse online and offline!
  • 14. People who live parallel lives on the screen are nevertheless bound by the desires, pain, and mortality of their physical self. (Turkle 1995)
  • 15. References Bell, D., Loader, B.D, Pleace, N & Schuler (2004). Cyberculture, London: Routledge Curtin University. Identity Deception in Virtual Communities and Networks and its Requisitoires (Internet) 10 May 2010 viewed from <http://networkconference.netstudies.org/2010/05/identity-deception-in-virtual-communities-and-networks-and-its-requisitoires/> Henley, J. Teenagers and Technology: Id rather give up my kidney than my phone (Internet). 16 July 2010. Viewed from http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2010/jul/16/teenagers-mobiles-facebook-social-networking Kraut, R. Kiesler, S. Mukhopadhyay, T. Scherlis, W. and Patterson, W. (1998) Social Impact of the Internet: what does it mean? Communications of the ACM , 41 (12): 21-2 Nie, N.H. (2001) Sociability, interpersonal relations and the Internet; reconstructing conflicting findings, American Behavioral Scientist , 45 (3): 420-35 Nie, N.H. and Erbring, L. (2000) Internet and society: A preliminary report . www.stanford.edu/group/siqss McCartney, T. Australian Teens Protective of their Online Identity (Internet) 18 February 2010. Viewed from <http://www.australianwomenonline.com/australian-teens-protective-of-their-online-identity/> Van Dijk, J. (2006) The Network Society . London: Sage Publications Verhaeghe, A. (2010). Teen-memes: Memetic branding and identity of youngsters. Ghent: InSites Consulting Youtube. Viewed from <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4w4_Hrwh2XI&feature=player_embedded> Rheingold, H. (2000). The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier . Cambridge: MIT press.

Editor's Notes

  • #5: The term cyberspace was first labeled by the writer William Gibson in his novel Neuromancer. A graphic representation of data. He thought of it as an unthinkable complexity. Cyberspace is a domain which will eventually replace the politics of the human body, sovereignty, military force and national boundaries (Bell). Our imaginations and systems have contributed to the developments in virtual reality (bell).
  • #6: Virtual reality as we experience it today is a real time 3D audio and visual experience simulating a reality. Back in 1993, Rheingold was one of the adopter that popularized the term including the virtual communities. So lets have a look how can we can look in our own augmented life.
  • #7: http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2007/06/15/magazine/20070617_AVATAR_SLIDESHOW_1.html
  • #13: Proponent advocate for