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Life PlLife Plan
Submitted by
Iqram Hussain,Life Prep q ,
Life Prep,
Canvas Network
Life Prep
Conducted by
Michael Freedman
 As a graduate mechanical engineer, I have quite a
good opportunity to serve better for family and
world as a whole.
 I have skill on computing and internet that will
enable me to react with people beyond my
 I am fluent in writing, listening and reading
English. I have moderate English speaking ability too.g g p g y
 I have a good number of online leaning (MOOC)
experiences. I earned about fifteen MOOC certificates
with distinctionwith distinction.
 I am involved in social and political activities that
helps me to grow smartly.p g y
 I have not accomplished my higher
studies(M.Sc./PhD, MBA) yet.
 I need to develop my English speaking ability
to expert level.
 I need to gain work experience beyond my
region internationally.
 I have not enough control on my anger. I
have to work on it.
 My financial planning should be more
 I am from a beautiful country, Bangladesh
where people are friendly and lots ofwhere people are friendly and lots of
opportunity to grow.
 Everybody should be positive to life andEv ry y s l p s v l f
 I believe that I have enough ability to reach ag y
perfectly predicted goal.
 Knowledge and education is most effectiveg
tool to grow to greatness.
 Voice against crime and lie should be active.g
 To accomplish my higher education, I have
to go Germany or Australia. I will start
lli d l denrolling procedure next year. I already
stated my IELTS exam preparation.
I d t E li h ki bilit I h t In order to English speaking ability, I have to
use online materials and talk to myself and
people more. I have to do it just now.p p j
 I will start Yoga and meditation to increase
my mental strength and control anger.y g g
 I will involve in professional training
program to develop my career.p g p y
 To lead in sustainable
e i ee i de el p e tengineering development
in Bangladesh and worldg
as a whole and grow
myself a successful personmyself a successful person
socially and financially.
 Short Term Goals:Short Term Goals:
 To be a good English speaker.
 To complete some Yoga and meditation courses.p g
 Continue to MOOC courses related to my interest.
 Mid term:Mid term:
 Accomplish my M.Sc. from a reputed university of
 Immigrate to Australia and make a option of second
L T Long Term:
 Be a COO of large sustainable engineering firm.
Be a Billi ai e!! Be a Billionaire!!
You Ca Reach me You Can Reach me
 Facebook: www.facebook.com/engr.iqram
 Gmail: iqram.coursera@gmail.com

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Marusya Eneva
Sam.rab. po okolen sviat 2kl
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Sam.rab. po okolen sviat 2kl
Dani Parvanova
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于亳亟仂于亠 亳亰亠亠仆亳 仗仂 舒于
亳亟亳 舒仆亠于舒
舒仄仂仂亠仍仆舒 舒弍仂舒 亟仂 10 1
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Life prep

  • 1. Life PlLife Plan AssignmentAssignment Submitted by Iqram Hussain,Life Prep q , Student, Life Prep, Canvas Network Life Prep Conducted by Michael Freedman Director, MyCoreCourse.Com
  • 2. Resources: As a graduate mechanical engineer, I have quite a good opportunity to serve better for family and world as a whole. I have skill on computing and internet that will enable me to react with people beyond my territoryterritory. I am fluent in writing, listening and reading English. I have moderate English speaking ability too.g g p g y I have a good number of online leaning (MOOC) experiences. I earned about fifteen MOOC certificates with distinctionwith distinction. I am involved in social and political activities that helps me to grow smartly.p g y
  • 3. Liability:y I have not accomplished my higher studies(M.Sc./PhD, MBA) yet. I need to develop my English speaking ability to expert level. I need to gain work experience beyond my region internationally. I have not enough control on my anger. I have to work on it. My financial planning should be more perfect.
  • 4. Values: I am from a beautiful country, Bangladesh where people are friendly and lots ofwhere people are friendly and lots of opportunity to grow. Everybody should be positive to life andEv ry y s l p s v l f work. I believe that I have enough ability to reach ag y perfectly predicted goal. Knowledge and education is most effectiveg tool to grow to greatness. Voice against crime and lie should be active.g
  • 5. Mission: To accomplish my higher education, I have to go Germany or Australia. I will start lli d l denrolling procedure next year. I already stated my IELTS exam preparation. I d t E li h ki bilit I h t In order to English speaking ability, I have to use online materials and talk to myself and people more. I have to do it just now.p p j I will start Yoga and meditation to increase my mental strength and control anger.y g g I will involve in professional training program to develop my career.p g p y
  • 6. Purpose: To lead in sustainable e i ee i de el p e tengineering development in Bangladesh and worldg as a whole and grow myself a successful personmyself a successful person socially and financially.
  • 7. Goals: Short Term Goals:Short Term Goals: To be a good English speaker. To complete some Yoga and meditation courses.p g Continue to MOOC courses related to my interest. Mid term:Mid term: Accomplish my M.Sc. from a reputed university of Germany/Australia. Immigrate to Australia and make a option of second home. L T Long Term: Be a COO of large sustainable engineering firm. Be a Billi ai e!! Be a Billionaire!!
  • 9. You Ca Reach me You Can Reach me Facebook: www.facebook.com/engr.iqram Gmail: iqram.coursera@gmail.com