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In a partnership of producers of factual content at VRT, public broadcaster, and Limecraft, the company behind the online production platform Flow we re-imagined the documentary workflow in order to enable collaboration. Simultaneously we tackled issues endemic to documentary, factual and news production: facilitating, timing, transcribing and annotating interviews, collecting, reviewing and structuring research from a variety of sources and building a narrative without using a standard formatted script.
We developed a researcher application with following integrated tools: a docu board, a transcription tool and a storybuilding tool. The docuboard allows for mind mapping website content, audiovisual material and text. The transcription tool partly automates transcription using speakers recognition and keyword spotting. The storybuilding tool offers the user blocks to build a narrative from content collected in the docuboard and the transcription tool.
As the researcher application is integrated with Flow, all data are semantically discerned and universally represented in its underlying data model. As such data can be rendered in any required production document and turned into metadata. Stored in one single online repository, worldwide collaboration between different production members becomes possible.
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From Research To Edit: new ways of collaboration within documentary production
1. From research to edit
New ways of collaboration within documentary production
Nico Oorts | Sven Rousseaux
2. 001. | Limecraft
Limecraft creates cutting edge
production applications and
work鍖ow solutions for creative
video professionals.
Limecraft was incorporated in
2010, boosting 40 years of
research and development
3. 002. | VRT Research & Innovation
VRT Research & Innovation
researches the creation,
management, distribution and
consumption of media
VRT Research & Innovation is
a department of the public
broadcasting network of the
Flemish Community.
4. 003. | Our Partnership
Joint research e鍖ort on next generation production platforms
5. 004. | Researcher Project: Objective
Design an online production platform for factual formats
8. 005. | Researcher Project: Use Case
Current a鍖airs program
Team of 6 investigative journalists
13 productions per year
52 per episode
20 - 30 hours raw material per production
9. 006. | Researcher Project: Current Toolkit
則р Word & Excel for writing & planning
則р Devonthink & Evernote for research
則р Standard mediaplayers for screening
則р Dropbox & WeTransfer for 鍖le sharing
10. 007. | Researcher Project: Issues
則р Tools are not TV-production speci鍖c
則р Tools are not integrated
則р Collaboration is hard
11. 008. | Researcher Project: Fundamentals
back to the art of
12. 008. | Researcher Project: Fundamentals
Help the user in the iterative process of storytelling
16. 010. | Researcher Project: Docuboard
Ideas, concepts, online resources & documents
collected on one
Add clips and quotes later
18. 010. | Researcher Project: Docuboard
則р Tags & tag groups
則р Docuclipper (browser based extension)
則р Support for notes, documents, web resources, audio & video 鍖les
則р Searchable
19. 011. | Researcher Project: Story Editor
Docuboard Story Editor
21. 011. | Researcher Project: Story Editor
Create your story outline and re鍖ne story parts continuously
Support your story by adding docuboard snippets, clips and quotes
23. 011. | Researcher Project: Story Editor
則р Outline your story
則р Specify directions for image and sound
則р Connect your storylines with your research
則р Search within your docuboard for snippets, clips &
26. 012. | Researcher Project: Shaping
Prepare for the edit by bringing the story and material together
Export all your clips, quotes and docuboard snippets to your edit suite
28. 012. | Researcher Project: Shaping
則р Assemble sequences per story part
則р Select bucket items for export
則р Export to Final Cut, Avid or Adobe Premiere
30. 004. | Researcher Project: fundamentals
metadatabrighten your production
31. 014. | Researcher Project: Fundamentals
Capture a production metadata stream
Make the tagging of documents & web items possible
Analyse video material
Analyse audio material
Enable the building of narrative structures