Athlete's foot is caused by microscopic fungi that live on dead skin cells. There are four main types of fungi that can cause athlete's foot, with Trichophyton rubrum being the most common. Symptoms include itching, burning, and blistering between the toes. Prevention methods consist of keeping feet dry, wearing breathable shoes, and not sharing personal items. Treatment involves using over-the-counter or prescription antifungal medications.
Este documento lista v叩rias profiss探es em portugu棚s e suas formas masculinas e femininas, incluindo agricultor, aluno, artista, arquiteto, assistente social, ator, banc叩rio, bombeiro, cantor, cozinheiro, enfermeiro, engenheiro, estudante, jornalista, mec但nico, professor, secret叩rio, t辿cnico e vendedor.
This curriculum vitae is for Arslan Ahmed Butt. He has a bachelor's degree in Software Engineering from Mirpur University of Science and Technology with a 3.0 GPA. He is proficient in English, Urdu, Microsoft Office, computer hardware, web design, Java script and has experience working for the Local Government & Rural Development Department. He aims to work in a challenging environment and use his skills to improve organizations.
Este documento presenta un resumen del libro "El hombre m叩s rico de Babilonia" de George S. Clason. Cuenta la historia de Bansir, un carpintero de carros en Babilonia que sue単a con ser rico. Habla con su amigo Kobi, un m炭sico, sobre sus deseos de prosperidad y su frustraci坦n por no poder alcanzarla a pesar de trabajar duro. El documento introduce los temas centrales del libro como las reglas para ganar, ahorrar y hacer que el dinero trabaje.
MPLS-based Metro Ethernet Networks Tutorial by KhatriFebrian
This document provides an overview of traditional metro Ethernet networks and carrier Ethernet services. It discusses:
1. How services were traditionally identified using VLAN IDs and Q-in-Q tagging which allowed for more services by preserving customer VLAN tags.
2. Forwarding was done through dynamic MAC learning in switch databases, which posed scaling issues as databases in all switches had to contain all MAC addresses.
3. Resiliency was provided by variants of spanning tree protocol, but these resulted in unused bandwidth during topology changes.
Infrastructure as code: running microservices on AWS using Docker, Terraform,...Yevgeniy Brikman
This is a talk about managing your software and infrastructure-as-code that walks through a real-world example of deploying microservices on AWS using Docker, Terraform, and ECS.
10 Ways Your Boss Kills Employee MotivationOfficevibe
This document outlines 10 ways that bosses can kill employee motivation, including micromanaging employees, focusing only on mistakes, dismissing new ideas, holding useless meetings, making empty promises, telling inappropriate jokes, not keeping their word, measuring employee success in the wrong way, setting unrealistic deadlines, and playing favorites. The document encourages bosses to listen to employee concerns to better motivate them.
- The gig economy as currently defined will not last long term, as tasks like ridesharing and delivery are likely to be automated. However, skilled professionals using platforms like Thumbtack to find clients will persist and proliferate.
- Technology is empowering skilled tradespeople by allowing them to connect directly with customers and run their businesses more efficiently without traditional employers. Skilled professionals are less reliant on college degrees and are building middle-class lifestyles through online skills marketplaces.
- Policymakers should support independent workers through policies that provide safety nets and make it easier for skilled professionals to succeed without full-time employment.
Recovery: Job Growth and Education Requirements Through 2020CEW Georgetown
Recovery: Job Growth and Education Requirements Through 2020: Projections of jobs and education requirements through 2020. This report shows where the jobs will be by education level, occupation and industry. Recovery 2020 is an update to our Help Wanted: Projections of Jobs and Education Requirements Through 2018.
African Americans: College Majors and Earnings CEW Georgetown
While college access has increased among African Americans, they are overrepresented in majors that lead to low-paying jobs. In our new report, African Americans: College Majors and Earnings shows that African Americans are underrepresented in the number of college majors associated with the fastest growing, highest-paying occupations. Read the full report:
The Online College Labor Market: Where the Jobs Are More than 80 percent of job openings for workers with a bachelors degree or higher are posted online. This report analyzes the demand for college talent in the job market by examining online job advertisements for college degree-holders by education, occupations, and industries.
Creative Traction Methodology - For Early Stage StartupsTommaso Di Bartolo
The document discusses the Creative Traction Methodology (CTM) for gaining traction for new products and ideas. CTM has three parts: 1) The Idea Release Life Cycle which emphasizes validating ideas before development and engaging communities early. 2) Ransack Tools which means leveraging new growth hacking strategies and tools. 3) Act Creatively which involves lateral thinking with no biases to attract niche audiences and validate assumptions through experimentation. The document provides examples and case studies for applying each part of CTM.
SXSW Interactive is amazing this year! Im talking VR, AR, IoT, enter next acronym here, and even the P.O.T.U.S. made an appearance.
SXSW plays an increasingly important role in revolutionizing interactive media. While often known as a hotbed for tech startups, its the discussions around practical applications of such media, the opportunities they present, and the surrounding implications that have attracted the attention of a growing number of brands, platforms, and creators each year.
In this webinar we share key takeaways from SXSW 2016 and discuss what each means for the year ahead.
Este documento presenta un resumen del libro "El hombre m叩s rico de Babilonia" de George S. Clason. Cuenta la historia de Bansir, un carpintero de carros en Babilonia que sue単a con ser rico. Habla con su amigo Kobi, un m炭sico, sobre sus deseos de prosperidad y su frustraci坦n por no poder alcanzarla a pesar de trabajar duro. El documento introduce los temas centrales del libro como las reglas para ganar, ahorrar y hacer que el dinero trabaje.
MPLS-based Metro Ethernet Networks Tutorial by KhatriFebrian
This document provides an overview of traditional metro Ethernet networks and carrier Ethernet services. It discusses:
1. How services were traditionally identified using VLAN IDs and Q-in-Q tagging which allowed for more services by preserving customer VLAN tags.
2. Forwarding was done through dynamic MAC learning in switch databases, which posed scaling issues as databases in all switches had to contain all MAC addresses.
3. Resiliency was provided by variants of spanning tree protocol, but these resulted in unused bandwidth during topology changes.
Infrastructure as code: running microservices on AWS using Docker, Terraform,...Yevgeniy Brikman
This is a talk about managing your software and infrastructure-as-code that walks through a real-world example of deploying microservices on AWS using Docker, Terraform, and ECS.
10 Ways Your Boss Kills Employee MotivationOfficevibe
This document outlines 10 ways that bosses can kill employee motivation, including micromanaging employees, focusing only on mistakes, dismissing new ideas, holding useless meetings, making empty promises, telling inappropriate jokes, not keeping their word, measuring employee success in the wrong way, setting unrealistic deadlines, and playing favorites. The document encourages bosses to listen to employee concerns to better motivate them.
- The gig economy as currently defined will not last long term, as tasks like ridesharing and delivery are likely to be automated. However, skilled professionals using platforms like Thumbtack to find clients will persist and proliferate.
- Technology is empowering skilled tradespeople by allowing them to connect directly with customers and run their businesses more efficiently without traditional employers. Skilled professionals are less reliant on college degrees and are building middle-class lifestyles through online skills marketplaces.
- Policymakers should support independent workers through policies that provide safety nets and make it easier for skilled professionals to succeed without full-time employment.
Recovery: Job Growth and Education Requirements Through 2020CEW Georgetown
Recovery: Job Growth and Education Requirements Through 2020: Projections of jobs and education requirements through 2020. This report shows where the jobs will be by education level, occupation and industry. Recovery 2020 is an update to our Help Wanted: Projections of Jobs and Education Requirements Through 2018.
African Americans: College Majors and Earnings CEW Georgetown
While college access has increased among African Americans, they are overrepresented in majors that lead to low-paying jobs. In our new report, African Americans: College Majors and Earnings shows that African Americans are underrepresented in the number of college majors associated with the fastest growing, highest-paying occupations. Read the full report:
The Online College Labor Market: Where the Jobs Are More than 80 percent of job openings for workers with a bachelors degree or higher are posted online. This report analyzes the demand for college talent in the job market by examining online job advertisements for college degree-holders by education, occupations, and industries.
Creative Traction Methodology - For Early Stage StartupsTommaso Di Bartolo
The document discusses the Creative Traction Methodology (CTM) for gaining traction for new products and ideas. CTM has three parts: 1) The Idea Release Life Cycle which emphasizes validating ideas before development and engaging communities early. 2) Ransack Tools which means leveraging new growth hacking strategies and tools. 3) Act Creatively which involves lateral thinking with no biases to attract niche audiences and validate assumptions through experimentation. The document provides examples and case studies for applying each part of CTM.
SXSW Interactive is amazing this year! Im talking VR, AR, IoT, enter next acronym here, and even the P.O.T.U.S. made an appearance.
SXSW plays an increasingly important role in revolutionizing interactive media. While often known as a hotbed for tech startups, its the discussions around practical applications of such media, the opportunities they present, and the surrounding implications that have attracted the attention of a growing number of brands, platforms, and creators each year.
In this webinar we share key takeaways from SXSW 2016 and discuss what each means for the year ahead.
1. 21
Avant-nudeIn het huiselijke atelier van de
ervaren schilder dwalen de modellen
net niet naakt rond in lange zijden
mantels of stijlvolle kimonos, net
voor ze ook de lingerie in de ring
gooien en zich professioneel van hun
poseertaak kwijten. Of het moet een
fata morgana geweest zijn.
Beha en slip,
Eres, 255 en
120 euro
Mantel, Cos,
150 euro
Sam Edelman,
195 euro
Jasje, Xandres,
159 euro
Marie Jo,
155 euro
Top, Cos,
69 euro
In het huiselijke atelier van de
ervaren schilder dwalen de modellen
net niet naakt rond in lange zijden
mantels of stijlvolle kimonos, net
voor ze ook de lingerie in de ring
gooien en zich professioneel van hun
poseertaak kwijten. Of het moet een
fata morgana geweest zijn.
Beha en slip,
Eres, 255 en
120 euro
Mantel, Cos,
150 euro
Sam Edelman,
195 euro
Jasje, Xandres,
159 euro
Marie Jo,
155 euro
Top, Cos,
69 euro
2. 2322
Beha en slip,
Etam, 19,90 en 12,90 euro
Jurk, Vince, 440 euro
Mantel, Essentiel, 395 euro
Liu Jo, 324 euro
Korset, Chantal
Thomass, 320 euro
Beha, Andres Sarda,
prijs op aanvraag
Bandeau, Chantal
Thomass, 140 euro
Shorts, Maison
Martin Margiela,
270 euro
Liu Jo, 324 euro
Korset, Chantal
Thomass, 320 euro
Beha, Andres Sarda,
prijs op aanvraag
Bandeau, Chantal
Thomass, 140 euro
Shorts, Maison
Martin Margiela,
270 euro
3. 2524
Witte beha
en string,
Marie Jo, 83,95
en 43,95 euro
Beha en slip
Eres, 245
en 125 euro
Cos, 125 euro
Sam Edelman,
139 euro
LINKS: Body, Implicite, 79 euro | Rok, Cos, 99 euro | Korset, Schipper, prijs op aanvraag |
Porte-jartelle, Chantal Thomass, 115 euro | Sandalen, Sam Edelman, 230 euro |
RECHTS: Bh, Eres, 225 euro | Rok, Twin-set, 286,20 euro | Crinoline, Chantal Thomass, 240 euro
Witte beha
en string,
Marie Jo, 83,95
en 43,95 euro
Beha en slip
Eres, 245
en 125 euro
Cos, 125 euro
Sam Edelman,
139 euro
4. 2726
Fotografie: Marleen Daniels I Styling: Audrey Heselmans
Haar & make-up: Ad Van Mierlo I Assistent fotografie: Andrew Thomas
Modellen: Nikki, Hannah & Zohra bij Dominique Models
Met dank aan: Quinten Torp
Beha, Twin-set, prijs op aanvraag
Blinddoek, Agent Provocateur, prijs op aanvraag
Rok, Avelon, prijs op aanvraag
Beha satijn
en beha kant,
Eres, prijs op aanvraag
en 270 euro
Rok, Essentiel, 115 euro
Kaftan, Studio Collection
bij H&M, 69,99 euro
Essentiel, 395 euro
Beha satijn
en beha kant,
Eres, prijs op aanvraag
en 270 euro
Rok, Essentiel, 115 euro
Kaftan, Studio Collection
bij H&M, 69,99 euro
Essentiel, 395 euro
Beha satijn
en beha kant,
Eres, prijs op aanvraag
en 270 euro
Rok, Essentiel, 115 euro
Kaftan, Studio Collection
bij H&M, 69,99 euro
Essentiel, 395 euro