Two sentences are tokenized and encoded by a BERT model. The first sentence describes two kids playing with a green crocodile float in a swimming pool. The second sentence describes two kids pushing an inflatable crocodile around in a pool. The tokenized sentences are passed through the BERT model, which outputs the encoded representations of the token sequences.
Two sentences are tokenized and encoded by a BERT model. The first sentence describes two kids playing with a green crocodile float in a swimming pool. The second sentence describes two kids pushing an inflatable crocodile around in a pool. The tokenized sentences are passed through the BERT model, which outputs the encoded representations of the token sequences.
Open data and linked open data (LOD) were discussed. LOD involves publishing open data in a linked format using URIs and properties to connect related data. This allows data to be queried and used as a global database. Examples of LOD included DBpedia, which extracts data from Wikipedia and makes it available in multiple languages through SPARQL endpoints. Japanese LOD datasets such as DBpedia Japanese were also presented and can be queried to learn information about topics in Japan.
6. 講演概要
? Linked Open Data(LOD)の技術紹介
? LODの公開事例
? LODの使い方
Linked Open Data(LOD) Linked Data
SPARQL Wikidata DBpedia
7. Linked Open Data (LOD)
Linked Open Data
=Linked Data + Open Data(オープンデータ)
=Linked Dataとして公開されたOpen Data
8. オープンデータとは
? オープンデータとは
? 誰でも自由に使える形で公開されているデータ
? オープンデータの定義(Open Definition)
? “Open data and content can be freely used, modified,
and shared by anyone for any purpose”
? オープンデータでない例
? 改変や再配布が禁止されている
? 利用者を限定 例)学術機関のみ,個人利用不可
? 利用目的を限定 例)商用利用不可,コンテスト応募目的のみ