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Data Genesis
is a premier payment
processing company
Our Success are Customer Service
        and Know-how

       Merchant Testimonials
           sales or lease
                Preserve Working Capital
                   No Upfront Expense
                Fixed Monthly Payments
        Tax Deductible (consult your tax advisor)
Amortize Investment (paying with future devalued dollars)
   Separation of Equipment Cost and Processing Fees
Next Day Funding

Data Genesis offers Next Day Funding to most merchants.
We deposit all batched transactions for all card brands at the same
time, including Visa速, MasterCard速, Discover速 and American
Next day funding isnt an option you select and pay extra for 
its standard!
You arent required to change your bank account.
With Data Genesis full acquiring status, you benefit from fast,
easy, secure enhanced cash flow.
Cash Flow Management
     Current Technology Processing Solutions
                Next Day Funding
              Cash Advance Services
           Equipment Leasing Options
           Check Acceptance Programs
              Check Cashing Services
                    Gift Cards
 Business Management through Portfolio Manager
Cash Advance Services
              No Collateral
     No Application or Closing Fees
           No Fixed Payment
            No Interest Rate
  Simple Renewal for Additional Funds
         Higher Approval Rate
          Faster Approval Rate
             Faster Funding
        No Personal Guarantee
    Repayment % from Daily Deposits
Check Acceptance Programs
     No Paper Checks, No Deposits, No Returns
         Guarantee the Face Value of Check
    Check is Converted to Electronic Transaction
                Cash Flow Increases
       Reduce or Eliminate Certain Bank Fees
Eliminate Debits for Returned Checks (face value &
                    service fee)
      Protect Customers Personal Information
Gift Cards
Customer Service
 get a live person
    Hours of Operation
       7am  5pm
       Pacific Time
     Monday  Friday
PCI Security
Encrypt transmission of cardholder data across open,
                    public networks.
Restrict access to cardholder data on a need-to-know
     Restrict physical access to cardholder data.
  Assign a unique ID to each person with computer
 Develop, maintain and review at least once a year a
  policy that addresses information security for all
Steven Arnold 716-208-5088

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  • 2. Data Genesis is a premier payment processing company
  • 3. Our Success are Customer Service and Know-how Merchant Testimonials
  • 4. Equipment sales or lease Preserve Working Capital No Upfront Expense Fixed Monthly Payments Tax Deductible (consult your tax advisor) Amortize Investment (paying with future devalued dollars) Separation of Equipment Cost and Processing Fees
  • 5. Next Day Funding Data Genesis offers Next Day Funding to most merchants. We deposit all batched transactions for all card brands at the same time, including Visa速, MasterCard速, Discover速 and American Express速. Next day funding isnt an option you select and pay extra for its standard! You arent required to change your bank account. With Data Genesis full acquiring status, you benefit from fast, easy, secure enhanced cash flow.
  • 6. Cash Flow Management Current Technology Processing Solutions Next Day Funding Cash Advance Services Equipment Leasing Options Check Acceptance Programs Check Cashing Services Gift Cards Business Management through Portfolio Manager
  • 7. Cash Advance Services No Collateral No Application or Closing Fees No Fixed Payment No Interest Rate Simple Renewal for Additional Funds Higher Approval Rate Faster Approval Rate Faster Funding No Personal Guarantee Repayment % from Daily Deposits
  • 8. Check Acceptance Programs No Paper Checks, No Deposits, No Returns Guarantee the Face Value of Check Check is Converted to Electronic Transaction Cash Flow Increases Reduce or Eliminate Certain Bank Fees Eliminate Debits for Returned Checks (face value & service fee) Protect Customers Personal Information
  • 10. Customer Service get a live person Hours of Operation 7am 5pm Pacific Time Monday Friday
  • 11. PCI Security Encrypt transmission of cardholder data across open, public networks. Restrict access to cardholder data on a need-to-know basis. Restrict physical access to cardholder data. Assign a unique ID to each person with computer access. Develop, maintain and review at least once a year a policy that addresses information security for all personnel