Making archive IL2C #6-55 dotnet600 2018Kouji Matsui
A translator for ECMA-335 CIL/MSIL to C language.
How works and aiming for tiny resource requirements by the IL2C?
How works AOT (ahead of time compilation) by the IL2C?
What’s done, doing and will do the IL2C project?
* What’s the BrainPad?
* What’s STEM and STEAM?
* Block construction language - Microsoft MakeCode
* Evolution programming step - Microsoft Visual Studio
* Conclusion
It’s very tiny slides about compositions for functional.
We can do free discussion in this session about what’s functional and/or what’s problem for functional?
These answers are yourself.
This document summarizes Kouji Matsui's background and projects. It discusses his use of a Seeed WioLTE device and issues encountered with the LiPo battery connection. Key points include:
- Kouji Matsui is a Microsoft MVP based in Nagoya, Japan who works on .NET, C#, and metaprogramming projects.
- One of his projects involves implementing a "Meow-button" using a Seeed WioLTE device.
- He encountered a pitfall with the LiPo battery connection to the WioLTE, initially connecting it with reversed polarity. Correct connection polarity is noted.
This document summarizes Kouji Matsui's presentation on making a calculator using operator notations in .NET. It discusses Polish notation, infix notation, and reverse Polish notation. It demonstrates parsing expressions into abstract syntax trees using Polish notation and reducing the trees through recursive calls. The presentation concludes by discussing the current status and future plans to support more features in the IL2C compiler, such as class types, polymorphism, and garbage collection.
This document summarizes a presentation about making .NET code run anywhere by compiling it to C++ using IL2C. The presentation discusses intercepting data using C# class implementations, transitioning between C# and C++ using platform invocation, and demonstrates IL2C by running a C# program in the Windows kernel. The conclusion is that IL2C allows very neutral implementations of .NET code to run on Windows, Linux, embedded devices and more.
This document discusses the concepts of locality of reference and anti-locality of reference in computing. It begins by describing the physical architecture of processors, cores, and caches. It then discusses the logical architecture of processes, threads, and virtual memory spaces. It explains how data moves between the physical and logical layers, and how threads accessing common data can cause cache coherency penalties if not designed carefully. The document emphasizes that locality of reference, where data is accessed from the same cache repeatedly, improves performance, while anti-locality of reference, where data is accessed from different caches, can hurt performance due to cache misses and coherency issues. Careful design is needed to minimize anti-locality and its penalties.
A Lisp-like lightweight functional language on .NET.
This slide contains how to generate expressions from Nesp parser.
ML勉強会 #2
You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.Kouji Matsui
The document discusses a presentation about Roslyn C# and F# active patterns. It begins with an introduction stating "I BORG" and mentioning that resistance to being assimilated is futile. The presentation agenda is then listed as covering the Borg introduction, Roslyn C#, and that attendees will be assimilated. Code samples are shown for Roslyn parsing C# code. It concludes by stating that C# code can be assimilated into F# through the use of active patterns and provides links for following up.
This document discusses continuation passing style and its relationship to .NET Tasks and F# Async workflows. It explains that both Tasks and Async workflows follow a continuation passing style under the hood. It then describes how the two could be linked together to allow using Tasks in F# Async workflows and vice versa through conversion functions. This would allow awaiting Tasks in F# code and using Async workflows in C# code. Finally, it mentions an implementation of these conversions on GitHub called FusionTasks.
Beachhead implements new opcode on CLR JITKouji Matsui
This document summarizes Kouji Matsui's presentation on adding a custom IL opcode to the .NET Core Common Language Runtime (CLR). The presentation covers building CoreCLR from source, declaring a new "customcode" opcode, implementing the JIT helper function and interpreter support, and verifying it works by inserting the opcode into a sample assembly using ilasm. The goal is to understand CoreCLR internals by adding a no-op opcode that outputs a debug string when executed.
Windows asyncronous I/O discovering in .NET through kernel mode.
Unconference before Microsoft Japan "de:code" 2016 conference.
Making archive IL2C #6-55 dotnet600 2018Kouji Matsui
A translator for ECMA-335 CIL/MSIL to C language.
How works and aiming for tiny resource requirements by the IL2C?
How works AOT (ahead of time compilation) by the IL2C?
What’s done, doing and will do the IL2C project?
* What’s the BrainPad?
* What’s STEM and STEAM?
* Block construction language - Microsoft MakeCode
* Evolution programming step - Microsoft Visual Studio
* Conclusion
It’s very tiny slides about compositions for functional.
We can do free discussion in this session about what’s functional and/or what’s problem for functional?
These answers are yourself.
This document summarizes Kouji Matsui's background and projects. It discusses his use of a Seeed WioLTE device and issues encountered with the LiPo battery connection. Key points include:
- Kouji Matsui is a Microsoft MVP based in Nagoya, Japan who works on .NET, C#, and metaprogramming projects.
- One of his projects involves implementing a "Meow-button" using a Seeed WioLTE device.
- He encountered a pitfall with the LiPo battery connection to the WioLTE, initially connecting it with reversed polarity. Correct connection polarity is noted.
This document summarizes Kouji Matsui's presentation on making a calculator using operator notations in .NET. It discusses Polish notation, infix notation, and reverse Polish notation. It demonstrates parsing expressions into abstract syntax trees using Polish notation and reducing the trees through recursive calls. The presentation concludes by discussing the current status and future plans to support more features in the IL2C compiler, such as class types, polymorphism, and garbage collection.
This document summarizes a presentation about making .NET code run anywhere by compiling it to C++ using IL2C. The presentation discusses intercepting data using C# class implementations, transitioning between C# and C++ using platform invocation, and demonstrates IL2C by running a C# program in the Windows kernel. The conclusion is that IL2C allows very neutral implementations of .NET code to run on Windows, Linux, embedded devices and more.
This document discusses the concepts of locality of reference and anti-locality of reference in computing. It begins by describing the physical architecture of processors, cores, and caches. It then discusses the logical architecture of processes, threads, and virtual memory spaces. It explains how data moves between the physical and logical layers, and how threads accessing common data can cause cache coherency penalties if not designed carefully. The document emphasizes that locality of reference, where data is accessed from the same cache repeatedly, improves performance, while anti-locality of reference, where data is accessed from different caches, can hurt performance due to cache misses and coherency issues. Careful design is needed to minimize anti-locality and its penalties.
A Lisp-like lightweight functional language on .NET.
This slide contains how to generate expressions from Nesp parser.
ML勉強会 #2
You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.Kouji Matsui
The document discusses a presentation about Roslyn C# and F# active patterns. It begins with an introduction stating "I BORG" and mentioning that resistance to being assimilated is futile. The presentation agenda is then listed as covering the Borg introduction, Roslyn C#, and that attendees will be assimilated. Code samples are shown for Roslyn parsing C# code. It concludes by stating that C# code can be assimilated into F# through the use of active patterns and provides links for following up.
This document discusses continuation passing style and its relationship to .NET Tasks and F# Async workflows. It explains that both Tasks and Async workflows follow a continuation passing style under the hood. It then describes how the two could be linked together to allow using Tasks in F# Async workflows and vice versa through conversion functions. This would allow awaiting Tasks in F# code and using Async workflows in C# code. Finally, it mentions an implementation of these conversions on GitHub called FusionTasks.
Beachhead implements new opcode on CLR JITKouji Matsui
This document summarizes Kouji Matsui's presentation on adding a custom IL opcode to the .NET Core Common Language Runtime (CLR). The presentation covers building CoreCLR from source, declaring a new "customcode" opcode, implementing the JIT helper function and interpreter support, and verifying it works by inserting the opcode into a sample assembly using ilasm. The goal is to understand CoreCLR internals by adding a no-op opcode that outputs a debug string when executed.
Windows asyncronous I/O discovering in .NET through kernel mode.
Unconference before Microsoft Japan "de:code" 2016 conference.