Overview of blockchain and formal verification efforts over it. In Japanese.
This document presents research on using compiler-controlled power reduction techniques on an Android platform with multiple cores. It discusses how the OSCAR compiler estimates execution times and schedules tasks to cores at different frequencies/voltages to meet deadlines while minimizing power. Experiments were conducted on an ODROID-X2 board with an Exynos4412 quad-core chip to evaluate parallelizing applications and applying dynamic voltage and frequency scaling, clock gating, and power gating through software to reduce power consumption.
The document discusses the history and evolution of UNIX file systems. It describes the key characteristics of first, second, and third generation file systems:
- First generation (used in UNIX V6) used a fixed-length 14 character file name and array-based block management that resulted in fragmentation over time.
- Second generation (used in 4.2BSD) introduced variable-length up to 255 character file names and bitmap-based block management to address fragmentation issues.
- Third generation added journaling and supported various block management methods like bitmap and B-tree. It also allowed multiple simultaneous file systems with the introduction of vnodes in 4.2BSD.
Overview of blockchain and formal verification efforts over it. In Japanese.
This document presents research on using compiler-controlled power reduction techniques on an Android platform with multiple cores. It discusses how the OSCAR compiler estimates execution times and schedules tasks to cores at different frequencies/voltages to meet deadlines while minimizing power. Experiments were conducted on an ODROID-X2 board with an Exynos4412 quad-core chip to evaluate parallelizing applications and applying dynamic voltage and frequency scaling, clock gating, and power gating through software to reduce power consumption.
The document discusses the history and evolution of UNIX file systems. It describes the key characteristics of first, second, and third generation file systems:
- First generation (used in UNIX V6) used a fixed-length 14 character file name and array-based block management that resulted in fragmentation over time.
- Second generation (used in 4.2BSD) introduced variable-length up to 255 character file names and bitmap-based block management to address fragmentation issues.
- Third generation added journaling and supported various block management methods like bitmap and B-tree. It also allowed multiple simultaneous file systems with the introduction of vnodes in 4.2BSD.
This document provides a circuit diagram for a microcontroller development board. It includes the microcontroller IC, LEDs, buttons, oscillators, and power supply components connected with resistors and capacitors. The microcontroller is an XC6202P332TB with various pins labeled for inputs, outputs, power, and debugging interfaces.