[ZigBee 嵌入式系統] ZigBee 應用實作 - 使用 TI Z-Stack FirmwareSimen Li
The document outlines an application called BasicApp that is used to understand the basic operations of the OSAL (Operating System Abstraction Layer) embedded in the ZigBee firmware. It describes initializing tasks using OSAL, processing events, and handling key presses to control an LED using the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) APIs. The code files for the BasicApp include OSAL_BasicApp.c for task initialization, BasicApp.h for constants and function declarations, and BasicApp.c which implements the task event processing and key handling functions.
This document discusses testing and programming the ADF4113 frequency synthesizer chip. It shows initialization code, setting the frequency and function registers through API calls, and an example main program that initializes the chip and allows changing the output frequency and function settings through buttons. Initialization sets the frequency to 2476 MHz, and pressing button 2 changes settings like loop bandwidth and current before setting a new frequency of 2423 MHz. The API functions HalSynInit(), HalSynStart(), and halSynSetFunc() are used to control the chip.
Check out my blog : https://oalieno.github.io/2019/06/07/security/pwn/rootkit/
Introduction and implementation of rootkit. Targeting linux kernel 5.x.x.