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Introduction and implementation of rootkit. Targeting linux kernel 5.x.x.
Proxmox VE 功能概觀、案例分享與實用工具 [2019/12/07] @Proxmox VE 中文使用者社團 2019 年會Jason Cheng
Proxmox VE 開源伺服器虛擬化平台方案介紹、使用心得、應用技巧以及實用工具搭配,打造適合企業自建私有虛擬化平台的絕佳方案,並分享最新版 Proxmox VE 6.1 版的新特性。
This document provides instructions on configuring Linux security features such as SSH key-based authentication, firewall rules using iptables, SELinux concepts, and the Fail2ban utility. It discusses generating SSH keys, editing SSH configuration files, setting default firewall policies and rules for input, output, and forwarding, as well as network address translation rules. It also covers SELinux file and process context types and restoring default contexts. Lastly, it explains how to install, configure, and check the status of Fail2ban to automatically ban IPs with too many failed login attempts.
- The document discusses various Linux system log files such as /var/log/messages, /var/log/secure, and /var/log/cron and provides examples of log entries.
- It also covers log rotation tools like logrotate and logwatch that are used to manage log files.
- Networking topics like IP addressing, subnet masking, routing, ARP, and tcpdump for packet sniffing are explained along with examples.
The document provides information on systemd service management commands. It shows examples of using systemctl to start, stop, restart, and check the status of the httpd service. It also displays the output of systemctl status httpd which shows details about the loaded unit, active state, process IDs, and log entries for the Apache HTTP Server service.
This document provides instructions for mounting a Google Drive folder on a Linux system using google-drive-ocamlfuse and accessing Google Drive from the command line using the skicka tool. It explains how to install and configure both tools, including setting authentication, selecting the mount point for google-drive-ocamlfuse, and configuring encryption for file transfers with skicka.
This document discusses using Vagrant and DevStack to build an OpenStack development environment. It provides an overview of Vagrant, describing its basic commands and functions. It then explains how to install and configure DevStack using Vagrant to provision and manage virtual machines. Finally, it briefly outlines how to launch and access instances after the OpenStack environment has been built.
This document provides instructions and configuration details for securing a FreeBSD system using PF packet filtering, fail2ban, and log monitoring. It includes steps for updating software and ports, configuring PF rules to block unwanted traffic and allow internal access, integrating fail2ban with PF to block banned hosts, and monitoring system logs and resource usage with tools like Logwatch and top.