Este documento describe cómo el aula 2.0 se adapta al presente mediante nuevas formas de enseñanza y aprendizaje que aprovechan las TIC. El rol del profesor ha cambiado a uno de guÃa que facilita el aprendizaje colaborativo de los estudiantes usando recursos digitales como portales educativos y redes sociales. Se requiere formación adicional para los profesores y una metodologÃa innovadora centrada en el estudiante para optimizar los recursos tecnológicos y superar la brecha digital entre aquellos
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang sistem otot dan jaringan ikat. Sistem otot meliputi otot polos, otot rangka, dan otot jantung yang berperan dalam menghasilkan gerakan tubuh secara keseluruhan atau sebagian. Jaringan ikat seperti tendon menghubungkan otot rangka dengan tulang. is a website that allows users to organize tasks into boards (pending, in process, done) that can be shared with groups. It is used by students, teachers, and others to collaboratively plan projects and assignments. Users can sign up and create boards to list and categorize homework, chores, or other tasks, helping them avoid procrastination and missed deadlines. The site founder cites its benefit as streamlining task management without wasting time.
TrustBearer - Virginia Security Summit - Web Authentication Strategies - Apri...TrustBearer
TrustBearer's Brian Kelly gave this presentation during the Identity Management track at the Virginia Security Summit in Richmond, VA. It compares SAML to OpenID and explains how different authentication methods can be used with either of these Single Sign On standards.
MIVE is a microdata visualizer and editor with a front-end interface and back-end API. It can parse microdata and RDFa, visually represent the data graphically, allow real-time editing, and restore sessions. It uses third party libraries like pyRdfa and pyMicrodata and tools like Ace Editor, jQuery UI, Bootstrap UI, and the JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit. The API supports requests to get properties by type, all types, and types from a property, and responses return type and score information.
This document discusses various authentication methods used on the web. It describes password authentication, biometric authentication, token-based authentication, and public key infrastructure (PKI). PKI uses digital certificates and asymmetric cryptography to bind a user's identity to their public key. The document also discusses the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) for querying directories, and OAuth as an open standard for secure API authentication without sharing passwords. Each method has advantages like convenience or security, and disadvantages like cost or requiring additional hardware/software.
The document discusses web authentication and authorization. It introduces various authentication threats and technologies like usernames/passwords, one-time passwords, and Kerberos. It also discusses authentication attacks like brute force attacks and weak password recovery validation. The document then covers authentication techniques and infrastructures such as pluggable authentication modules and secure sockets layer. Finally, it discusses web authentication standards including single sign-on, OAuth, and OpenID.
CompTIA exam study guide presentations by instructor Brian Ferrill, PACE-IT (Progressive, Accelerated Certifications for Employment in Information Technology)
"Funded by the Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, GrantÌý#TC-23745-12-60-A-53"
Learn more about the PACE-IT Online program:
Este documento describe cómo el aula 2.0 se adapta al presente mediante nuevas formas de enseñanza y aprendizaje que aprovechan las TIC. El rol del profesor ha cambiado a uno de guÃa que facilita el aprendizaje colaborativo de los estudiantes usando recursos digitales como portales educativos y redes sociales. Se requiere formación adicional para los profesores y una metodologÃa innovadora centrada en el estudiante para optimizar los recursos tecnológicos y superar la brecha digital entre aquellos
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang sistem otot dan jaringan ikat. Sistem otot meliputi otot polos, otot rangka, dan otot jantung yang berperan dalam menghasilkan gerakan tubuh secara keseluruhan atau sebagian. Jaringan ikat seperti tendon menghubungkan otot rangka dengan tulang. is a website that allows users to organize tasks into boards (pending, in process, done) that can be shared with groups. It is used by students, teachers, and others to collaboratively plan projects and assignments. Users can sign up and create boards to list and categorize homework, chores, or other tasks, helping them avoid procrastination and missed deadlines. The site founder cites its benefit as streamlining task management without wasting time.
TrustBearer - Virginia Security Summit - Web Authentication Strategies - Apri...TrustBearer
TrustBearer's Brian Kelly gave this presentation during the Identity Management track at the Virginia Security Summit in Richmond, VA. It compares SAML to OpenID and explains how different authentication methods can be used with either of these Single Sign On standards.
MIVE is a microdata visualizer and editor with a front-end interface and back-end API. It can parse microdata and RDFa, visually represent the data graphically, allow real-time editing, and restore sessions. It uses third party libraries like pyRdfa and pyMicrodata and tools like Ace Editor, jQuery UI, Bootstrap UI, and the JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit. The API supports requests to get properties by type, all types, and types from a property, and responses return type and score information.
This document discusses various authentication methods used on the web. It describes password authentication, biometric authentication, token-based authentication, and public key infrastructure (PKI). PKI uses digital certificates and asymmetric cryptography to bind a user's identity to their public key. The document also discusses the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) for querying directories, and OAuth as an open standard for secure API authentication without sharing passwords. Each method has advantages like convenience or security, and disadvantages like cost or requiring additional hardware/software.
The document discusses web authentication and authorization. It introduces various authentication threats and technologies like usernames/passwords, one-time passwords, and Kerberos. It also discusses authentication attacks like brute force attacks and weak password recovery validation. The document then covers authentication techniques and infrastructures such as pluggable authentication modules and secure sockets layer. Finally, it discusses web authentication standards including single sign-on, OAuth, and OpenID.
CompTIA exam study guide presentations by instructor Brian Ferrill, PACE-IT (Progressive, Accelerated Certifications for Employment in Information Technology)
"Funded by the Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, GrantÌý#TC-23745-12-60-A-53"
Learn more about the PACE-IT Online program: