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Loan elerts presentation for realtors
Arent you tired of working
with mortgage lenders that
dont communicate during
     the loan process?
Selling Agents:
Doesnt it get old constantly
calling the Mortgage Lender
 to make sure everything is
        still on track?
Listing Agents:
Dont you get tired of the
Seller calling you to make
sure the Buyers financing
    isnt falling apart?
Lets take a look at the old way of
 communicating throughout the
       home buying process.
Loan Officer

                Selling Agent

Listing Agent
Loan Officer

                        Selling Agent

Listing Agent
Loan Officer


 A BETTER WAY!            Selling Agent

  Listing Agent
Now there is!
Pro-Active Communication
Everyone in the transaction will
 receive email updates during
every step of the loan process!



                  LOAN OFFICER
The Loan Process Revealed
     We remove the Guess Work and show
     you the entire loan process in real time.
Loan elerts presentation for realtors
Anticipated Closing Date
           Disclosed to everyone upfront
              to avoid any confusion.

     STEP 1of 8           LOAN STARTED
Anticipated Closing Date
          * Not just in the beginning, but
        throughout the entire loan process.

Video Messages
   Some things are just
easier to understand when
you can see it for yourself.
Some things are just easier to
understand when you can see
     them for yourself.
No LARGE email attachments!
 Videos are viewable in a web
browser instead of adding them
       as attachments.
Loan elerts presentation for realtors
Reduced Phone
Calls For Everyone!
   Because everyone is in
  Sync you can finally focus
  on phone calls that make
   you money, not phone
  calls that take your time.
Easier To Organize!
You can print the
          updates and add to
            your file or just
            save the digital
           version for future

Easy Paper Trail!
Are you asking for referrals?
We make it easy for the buyers to
send all of us referrals throughout
     the entire loan process.


The majority of the stress in a
 purchase transaction stems
around the mortgage process.
Because you can get a
  new credit card in
Because you can buy a
new car in a few hours.
But it can take DAYS to
      buy a home!
The entire process can be
  overwhelming and most
borrowers are scared it will
         fall apart.
The easiest way to prevent this
  is to keep everyone in the
    transaction up to date
  throughout the entire loan
How well we communicate
with each other will make the
     difference in a good
     experience or a bad
 experience for our clients.

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