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Logo research.
As you can see a typical convention of logos
from indie rock bands, is the use of just black
and white colouring, I found this to be a
continuing trait throughout the number of
logos I researched, these just being three
examples. I think this use of colour helps
people remember the logo more easily due
to it being simple but effective allowing them
to link that logo to the particular band

You can see from these logos that neither
three are too complicated but have enough
detail to look good and for the intended
audience to remember that logo, all
containing their own style and feel to them.
Also its very rare that the logo is
perfect what I mean is usually a
letter or something is out of
place which gives it a rushed rigid
look. As you can see the
libertines logo has the squares
and letters out of place, not so
much so it isn't readable but just
enough to give it that urban we
dont care look.

The 1975 is also a good example
of indie rock logos not being
normal as you can see parts of
the characters are missing and
some are backwards- this gives
the logos a unique look, making
it stand out from other logos
which all bands try and do.
Other logos have particular shapes in them, which Is
part of the logo as well as the font and design choice
and people are able to recognise the band or something
from that band e.g a promotional poster just by that

Through researching many different types of
indie rock logos I have found out all the
typical conventions; for example the black
and white colouring choices and the unique
style each and every logo has making it
different form the rest. Bands do this by
making the logos their own by roughing up
letters or adding shapes etc to them, overall
we have chosen to follow this convention on
designing our logo.

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Logo research

  • 2. Conventions. As you can see a typical convention of logos from indie rock bands, is the use of just black and white colouring, I found this to be a continuing trait throughout the number of logos I researched, these just being three examples. I think this use of colour helps people remember the logo more easily due to it being simple but effective allowing them to link that logo to the particular band intended. You can see from these logos that neither three are too complicated but have enough detail to look good and for the intended audience to remember that logo, all containing their own style and feel to them. Also its very rare that the logo is perfect what I mean is usually a letter or something is out of place which gives it a rushed rigid look. As you can see the libertines logo has the squares and letters out of place, not so much so it isn't readable but just enough to give it that urban we dont care look. The 1975 is also a good example of indie rock logos not being normal as you can see parts of the characters are missing and some are backwards- this gives the logos a unique look, making it stand out from other logos which all bands try and do.
  • 3. Other logos have particular shapes in them, which Is part of the logo as well as the font and design choice and people are able to recognise the band or something from that band e.g a promotional poster just by that shape. Through researching many different types of indie rock logos I have found out all the typical conventions; for example the black and white colouring choices and the unique style each and every logo has making it different form the rest. Bands do this by making the logos their own by roughing up letters or adding shapes etc to them, overall we have chosen to follow this convention on designing our logo.