Género narrativo. Segundo Ciclo.Milva Bustamante MolinaElementos del género narrativo. espacio narrativo, personajes, acciones, momentos de la narración.
Project based learning powerpointckdozierProject-based learning is a teaching method where students gain knowledge and skills by working to design and create a product or presentation. It uses multimedia like text, graphics, video and sound. Key aspects include addressing core curriculum, making real-world connections, extended timeframes, student decision making, collaboration, and assessment. Students learn by creating multimedia themselves rather than just using others' work. Benefits include improving hard skills like problem solving and soft skills like collaboration. It prepares students for skills like planning, presenting information, and applying academic knowledge to the real world.
Smart city project of PM Narendra Modi,Govt of indiasanjeeev bahadur, m.tech,mba100 Smart cities project of Sh Narendra Modi,Prime Minister,Govt of India which has been allocated Rs56,000 crores in 12 months in the Union Budget by Finance Minister.This project is set to revolutionize the development and growth of India's GDP and many Fortune 500 companies stand to benefit and create employment opportunities in the country!
Emotional intelligence(EQ)Col Mukteshwar PrasadEQ has now evolved to be important for progress and success in career as against IQ regarded so vital till date. Goleman deserves credit for it propagation and interest .Attempt is give an overview based on Goleman's book.
(EEG) ElectroencefalografíaClaribel IzquierdoLa electroencefalografía es una técnica que permite estudiar la actividad cerebral. Por tanto, la utilizamos para conocer mejor el diagnóstico y la localización de su enfermedad, y en muchos casos la intensidad de una posible lesión. De esta forma, podemos orientar a su médico especialista sobre el diagnóstico y tratamiento a seguir.
Project based learning powerpointckdozierProject-based learning is a teaching method where students gain knowledge and skills by working to design and create a product or presentation. It uses multimedia like text, graphics, video and sound. Key aspects include addressing core curriculum, making real-world connections, extended timeframes, student decision making, collaboration, and assessment. Students learn by creating multimedia themselves rather than just using others' work. Benefits include improving hard skills like problem solving and soft skills like collaboration. It prepares students for skills like planning, presenting information, and applying academic knowledge to the real world.
Smart city project of PM Narendra Modi,Govt of indiasanjeeev bahadur, m.tech,mba100 Smart cities project of Sh Narendra Modi,Prime Minister,Govt of India which has been allocated Rs56,000 crores in 12 months in the Union Budget by Finance Minister.This project is set to revolutionize the development and growth of India's GDP and many Fortune 500 companies stand to benefit and create employment opportunities in the country!
Emotional intelligence(EQ)Col Mukteshwar PrasadEQ has now evolved to be important for progress and success in career as against IQ regarded so vital till date. Goleman deserves credit for it propagation and interest .Attempt is give an overview based on Goleman's book.
(EEG) ElectroencefalografíaClaribel IzquierdoLa electroencefalografía es una técnica que permite estudiar la actividad cerebral. Por tanto, la utilizamos para conocer mejor el diagnóstico y la localización de su enfermedad, y en muchos casos la intensidad de una posible lesión. De esta forma, podemos orientar a su médico especialista sobre el diagnóstico y tratamiento a seguir.