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Mbarara University Of Science and Technology
Pathology Department
Learning Objectives
 Know the concept of Lymphoma
 Know the classification of
 Know the most important
morphological changes on
What is Lymphoma?
Name for a group of cancers of the
lymphatic system, part of the body's
immune defense system.
It can occur when an error takes place in the
way a lymphocyte is produced. The
resulting abnormal cells accumulate either
by duplicating faster or living longer than
normal cells, and they displace normal
Like normal lymphocytes, cancerous
lymphocytes can grow in many parts of the
body, including the lymph nodes, spleen,
bone marrow or blood. Because there is
lymph tissue throughout the body, the cancer
cells may spread to other organs
Types of Lymphoma
Hodgkin's Disease/Lymphoma (HD)
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL)
Over the years, different classification systems
have been used to differentiate lymphomas
and several groups around the world are
continuing to work on the best way to classify
the various subtypes.
Depending on the classification system being
used, there are between 4 to 6 classes of HD
and anywhere from 15 to over 30 classes of
The simplest way to think of Lymphoma is to
look at whether :
It arises from a B- or T-cell lymphocyte (90%
of lymphomas are of B-cell origin)
it is a slow progressing lymphoma (indolent)
or a fast progressing lymphoma (aggressive)
All Hodgkins disease lymphomas are B-Cell
lymphomas, so they can be further classified
by classic or "lymphocyte predominant
All Hodgkin's Disease lymphomas
are B-Cell malignancies
There are over 30 different NHL
subtypes, classified by a
combination of the two categories
Lymphoma accounts for about 3 percent of
all cases of cancer in the United States.
Unfortunately, while the incidence rate of
many other cancers is decreasing, the
incidence rate for lymphoma is rising.
Each year, 60,900 persons in the United
States learn they have lymphoma. This
figure includes approximately 7,000 new
cases of Hodgkins disease (HD) and 53,900
new cases of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
Incidence of Lymphoma
Facts about Lymphoma
Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma is a
much larger percentage of all
lymphoma cases than Hodgkins
The pattern by age group varies
for Hodgkins Disease vs. Non-
Hodgkins Lymphoma
The incidence of Non-Hodgkins
Lymphoma increases dramatically
with age.
Hodgkins Disease peaks among
young adults
(people in their mid-20s)
falls to less than half that rate in
middle age and increases
infrequency in older adults
Lymphocyte Depletion Hodgkin's Disease
Lymphocyte-Rich Classic Hodgkin's Disease
Mixed Cellularity Hodgkin's Disease
Nodular Sclerosis Hodgkin's Disease
Classic Hodgkins Disease
Classic Hodgkins Disease
Lymphocyte Predominant
Hodgkin's Disease (LPHD)
Nodular Lymphocyte Predominant
Hodgkins Disease (nLPHD)
Diffuse Lymphocyte Predominant
Hodgkins Disease (dLPHD)
Hodgkins Disease
Reed Stemberg cell
Hodgkins Disease
Hodgkins Disease
Hodgkins Disease
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma
(Immunoblastic lymphoma)
Small cell type, follicular lymphoma
Nodular type
Small lymphocytic type, diffuse
NH lymphoma B cell Origin
Mbarara University of Science and Technology
Pathology Department
Denis P. Burkitt
Within his category fall:
African (endemic) Burkitt Lymphoma
Sporadic (nonendemic) Burkitt Lymphoma
A subset of aggressive lymphomas occurring
in individuals infected with HIV.
Burkitt Lymphomas occurring in
each of these settings are
histologically identical, but some
clinical, genotypic, and virologic
differences exist.
Involved tissue are effaced by a diffuse
infiltrate of intermediate-sized
lymphoid cells, 10-25 袖 in diameter,
containing round or oval nuclei, and
with coarse chromatin, several
nucleoli and moderate amount of
faintly basophilic or amphophilic
The nuclear size approximates that of
benign macrophages within the
A high mitotic index is typical, as in
apoptotic tumor cell death,
accounting for the presence of
numerous tissue macrophages with
ingested nuclear debris.
These benign macrophages are
diffusely ly distributed among the
tumor cells and have abundant clear
cell cytoplasm, creating a
characteristic starry sky pattern.
In case with bone marrow involvement,
the tumor cells in marrow aspirates have
slightly clumped nuclear chromatin, two
to five distinct nucleoli, and royal blue
cytoplasm containing multiple, clear
cytoplasmic vacuoles.
These are tumors of mature B cells
expressing surface IgM,
monotypic  or  light chain,
CD19. CD20, and CD10, and BCl6,
a phenotype that closely
resembles that of rapidly dividing
B cells within the dark zones of
normal germinal centers.
Cytogenetic and molecular
Genetic Features
All forms of Burkitt lymphomas are
associated with translocations of the
c-MYC gene on chromosome 8.
The pattern in the translocation is
usually the IgH occurs (t(8;14)) but
may be also be the  )(t:2;8)) or 
((t(8;22)) light chain locus.
Essentially all endemic tumors are
latently infected with EBV, which is
also present in about 25% of HIV-
associated tumors and 15% to 20%
of sporadic cases.
Cytogenetic and molecular
Genetic Features:
Molecular analysis has shown that
the configuration of the episomal
EBV DNA, is identically in all
tumors cells within the individual
cases, indicating that infection
precedes cellular transformation.
Cytogenetic and molecular
Genetic Features:
Clinical Features
Both endemic and sporadic cases
are found largely in children and
young adults, accounting for
approximately 30 % of childhood
NHLs in the United State
Most tumors manifest at extranodal
Endemic Burkitt Lymphoma most often
presents as an abdominal mass
involving the ileocecum and
peritoneum. Involvement of the bone
marrow and peripheral blood is
uncommon, specially in endemic cases.
Burkitt Lymphoma is very aggressive but
responds well to short-term high doses
Clinical Features
Most tumors manifest at
extranodal sites.
Endemic Burkitt Lymphoma most
often presents as an abdominal
mass involving the ileocecum and
Clinical Features
Involvement of the bone marrow and
peripheral blood is uncommon,
specially in endemic cases.
Burkitt Lymphoma is very aggressive
but responds well to short-term high
doses chemotherapy
Clinical Features
Patient and material collection In Uganda
95 cases from Ugandan tribes
2-64 years (median age: 16)
Site of involvement:
- lymph node (34 cases)
- abdomen (26 cases)
- gonads (25 cases)
- jaw (10 cases)
(Formalin fixed paraffin embedded blocks punched and collected in 2 TMA
blocks (48 and 47 cases each)
International Conference 2008, Kampala
Burkitt Lymphoma
Burkitt Lymphoma
Burkitt Lymphoma
Infected T cells EBV
(immunoperoxidase stain for EBV)
Next topics
 Non Neoplastic Disease of Bone
 Tumor of Bone
 Inflammatory disease of joint
 Synovial Sarcoma
 Tumour of skeletal muscle
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  • 1. Mbarara University Of Science and Technology Lymphomas Pathology Department 2008
  • 2. Learning Objectives Know the concept of Lymphoma Know the classification of lymphomas Know the most important morphological changes on lymphomas
  • 3. What is Lymphoma? Name for a group of cancers of the lymphatic system, part of the body's immune defense system. It can occur when an error takes place in the way a lymphocyte is produced. The resulting abnormal cells accumulate either by duplicating faster or living longer than normal cells, and they displace normal lymphocytes.
  • 4. Like normal lymphocytes, cancerous lymphocytes can grow in many parts of the body, including the lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow or blood. Because there is lymph tissue throughout the body, the cancer cells may spread to other organs
  • 5. Types of Lymphoma Hodgkin's Disease/Lymphoma (HD) Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL)
  • 6. Over the years, different classification systems have been used to differentiate lymphomas and several groups around the world are continuing to work on the best way to classify the various subtypes. Depending on the classification system being used, there are between 4 to 6 classes of HD and anywhere from 15 to over 30 classes of NHL
  • 7. The simplest way to think of Lymphoma is to look at whether : It arises from a B- or T-cell lymphocyte (90% of lymphomas are of B-cell origin) it is a slow progressing lymphoma (indolent) or a fast progressing lymphoma (aggressive) All Hodgkins disease lymphomas are B-Cell lymphomas, so they can be further classified by classic or "lymphocyte predominant HD.
  • 8. All Hodgkin's Disease lymphomas are B-Cell malignancies There are over 30 different NHL subtypes, classified by a combination of the two categories described
  • 9. Lymphoma accounts for about 3 percent of all cases of cancer in the United States. Unfortunately, while the incidence rate of many other cancers is decreasing, the incidence rate for lymphoma is rising. Each year, 60,900 persons in the United States learn they have lymphoma. This figure includes approximately 7,000 new cases of Hodgkins disease (HD) and 53,900 new cases of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Incidence of Lymphoma
  • 10. Facts about Lymphoma Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma is a much larger percentage of all lymphoma cases than Hodgkins Disease The pattern by age group varies for Hodgkins Disease vs. Non- Hodgkins Lymphoma
  • 12. The incidence of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma increases dramatically with age. Hodgkins Disease peaks among young adults (people in their mid-20s) falls to less than half that rate in middle age and increases infrequency in older adults
  • 13. Lymphocyte Depletion Hodgkin's Disease (LDHD) Lymphocyte-Rich Classic Hodgkin's Disease (cLRHD) Mixed Cellularity Hodgkin's Disease (MCHD) Nodular Sclerosis Hodgkin's Disease (NSHD) Classic Hodgkins Disease
  • 14. Classic Hodgkins Disease Lymphocyte Predominant Hodgkin's Disease (LPHD) Nodular Lymphocyte Predominant Hodgkins Disease (nLPHD) Diffuse Lymphocyte Predominant Hodgkins Disease (dLPHD)
  • 19. Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (Immunoblastic lymphoma)
  • 20. Small cell type, follicular lymphoma Nodular type
  • 22. NH lymphoma B cell Origin
  • 23. Mbarara University of Science and Technology Pathology Department 2008
  • 25. Within his category fall: African (endemic) Burkitt Lymphoma Sporadic (nonendemic) Burkitt Lymphoma A subset of aggressive lymphomas occurring in individuals infected with HIV.
  • 27. Burkitt Lymphomas occurring in each of these settings are histologically identical, but some clinical, genotypic, and virologic differences exist.
  • 28. Morphology Involved tissue are effaced by a diffuse infiltrate of intermediate-sized lymphoid cells, 10-25 袖 in diameter, containing round or oval nuclei, and with coarse chromatin, several nucleoli and moderate amount of faintly basophilic or amphophilic cytoplasm.
  • 29. The nuclear size approximates that of benign macrophages within the tumor. A high mitotic index is typical, as in apoptotic tumor cell death, accounting for the presence of numerous tissue macrophages with ingested nuclear debris. Morphology
  • 30. These benign macrophages are diffusely ly distributed among the tumor cells and have abundant clear cell cytoplasm, creating a characteristic starry sky pattern. Morphology
  • 31. In case with bone marrow involvement, the tumor cells in marrow aspirates have slightly clumped nuclear chromatin, two to five distinct nucleoli, and royal blue cytoplasm containing multiple, clear cytoplasmic vacuoles. Morphology
  • 32. Immunophenotype These are tumors of mature B cells expressing surface IgM, monotypic or light chain, CD19. CD20, and CD10, and BCl6, a phenotype that closely resembles that of rapidly dividing B cells within the dark zones of normal germinal centers.
  • 33. Cytogenetic and molecular Genetic Features All forms of Burkitt lymphomas are associated with translocations of the c-MYC gene on chromosome 8. The pattern in the translocation is usually the IgH occurs (t(8;14)) but may be also be the )(t:2;8)) or ((t(8;22)) light chain locus.
  • 34. Essentially all endemic tumors are latently infected with EBV, which is also present in about 25% of HIV- associated tumors and 15% to 20% of sporadic cases. Cytogenetic and molecular Genetic Features:
  • 35. Molecular analysis has shown that the configuration of the episomal EBV DNA, is identically in all tumors cells within the individual cases, indicating that infection precedes cellular transformation. Cytogenetic and molecular Genetic Features:
  • 36. Clinical Features Both endemic and sporadic cases are found largely in children and young adults, accounting for approximately 30 % of childhood NHLs in the United State
  • 37. Most tumors manifest at extranodal sites. Endemic Burkitt Lymphoma most often presents as an abdominal mass involving the ileocecum and peritoneum. Involvement of the bone marrow and peripheral blood is uncommon, specially in endemic cases. Burkitt Lymphoma is very aggressive but responds well to short-term high doses chemotherapy Clinical Features
  • 38. Most tumors manifest at extranodal sites. Endemic Burkitt Lymphoma most often presents as an abdominal mass involving the ileocecum and peritoneum. Clinical Features
  • 39. Involvement of the bone marrow and peripheral blood is uncommon, specially in endemic cases. Burkitt Lymphoma is very aggressive but responds well to short-term high doses chemotherapy Clinical Features
  • 40. Patient and material collection In Uganda Population 95 cases from Ugandan tribes 2-64 years (median age: 16) Site of involvement: - lymph node (34 cases) - abdomen (26 cases) - gonads (25 cases) - jaw (10 cases) (Formalin fixed paraffin embedded blocks punched and collected in 2 TMA blocks (48 and 47 cases each) International Conference 2008, Kampala
  • 45. Infected T cells EBV (immunoperoxidase stain for EBV)
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