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Lynn Wang
Educational Background
? 2005.9-2008.1 Dalian University of Technology, major in Automation (Master degree)
? 2004.5-2005.7 Dalian University of Technology, major in English (Double bachelor
? 2000.9-2004.7 Dalian University of Technology, major in Automation (Bachelor degree)
Working Experience
2015.5 – now, RockwellAutomation Dalian R&D Center, Product Owner
? Product Owner of RockwellAutomation design software Studio 5000Architect
? Responsible for Detailed Requirement/Backlog management, including user story
generating, scope/acceptance criteria refinement, backlog priority adjustment timely.
? Work with R&D, help developers and testers understand use cases and marketing
requirement, daily questions answering, triage.
? Generate detailed feature document. Work with team to generate detailed design and
mockups as needed.
? Work with global product managers on product direction clarification, and new
requirement identification.
? Work with user experience design team on software function workflow and UI
? In scaled agile framework mode. Responsible for two scrum teams.
? Support local business events. Product promotion and presentation to customers.
2008.4 – 2015.5, RockwellAutomation Dalian R&D Center, senior software test engineer
Products and Projects working on:
Studio 5000 Architect (2014-2015, 3 months)
As technical leader in test team, lead daily testing work and coordinate between key
Configuration software of Guard master safety relay 830/850 (2013-2014)
It is a brand new safety software product developed and cooperated by Dalian, US and
Germany R&D centers. As point of contact in Dalian site, in charge of coordination with
US and Germany regarding the product design and full test design. Lead two releases.
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Dev/Test mode is scrum.
Main responsibilities:
? Working together with product manager to discuss software requirements, write
down software’s major workflows into User Interface Design document to direct
software development and test.
? By deep diving into firmware functional design document, contribute in software
requirement analysis about SW/FW communicating function and handshake
? Create test plan, test schedule for key milestones; manage appropriate test strategy;
risk handling; test progress monitoring; key-functions testing design and execution.
? Anomalies statistics and analysis periodically, provide data and charts to high level
management team, and direct the following test working.
? In charge of coordinating with developer leader (Dalian), product manager
(Germany) and project manager (US), improving process and project efficiency.
? Lead and provide product knowledge training to whole project team including
testers and developers.
? Break through test blocks as a result of distinguish between software surface data
and background data, generate test methodology based on new innovative approach
of exposure of background data and apply it into daily test work.
? Lead and coach three new test engineers to accomplish test tasks
? Coordinate Dalian engineer teams on TUV assessment and certification.
Connected Components Workbench, localized edition (2011-2012)
Five language edition test support, cooperate with PM in Singapore R&D. Generate test
methodology for localized edition. Utilize resource file’s data as a new testing input,
solving defects among different edition and recognized as Rockwell yearly Innovation
Main responsibility:
? Lead and coach four new contractor staff, including technical training and product
knowledge as their mentor.
? Performance assessment for new contractors.
? In charge of team test plan, test design, progress monitor, defect analysis, risk
management, lesson learn sharing.
? Coordination with key stakeholders including developing leader, product manager
and project manager.
RSLogix Architect(2009-2011)
Lead three releases of testing work for this product. Dev/Test mode is scrum.
Main responsibility:
? Lead four testers to complete V3.6, V19 and V20 RSLA releases.
? Lead team to conquer severallarge features integration test design and execution.
? Create test plan, monitor test progress, and analyze anomalies metrics.
Thank you for your time to view my resume
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager and RSBizware(2008-2009)
Work on software which are used for storing factory data into database (Oracle &
MSSQL) and generating report.
Main responsibility:
? Use VB to develop and maintain auto-test scripts to exchange data between factory
and database.
? Test execution.
Skill Set:
? Good knowledge and experiences of industrial automation.
? Good software products knowledge of RockwellAutomation.
? Good communication skills.
? Good coordination skills.
? Good leadership skills.
? Good verbal and written English skills.
? Good software test management skills.
? Good working attitude, self-motivated, confident and responsible.
? Innovation award of test process improvement of year 2012
? Mentor of Year 2012
? Year 2009 Excellent employee
? Year 2008 Good performance employee
? RA The Way ForwardAward for RSLA integration Test Leadership
? RA The Way ForwardAward for good performance of RSLA transferring from US
Get certificate of CSTQB (software test engineer certificate)
Other Skills
English proficiency
TEM-4 (Test for English Major)
Good oral, listening and written English skills
Familiar with VB Programming Language
Proficient with Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Paper of Masterdegree
2005.12-2007.11 Design and configure controlmonitoring system of Waste Oil filtering
factory of Liaohe Oil field
Thank you for your time to view my resume
In charge of:
? Using Zutaiwang software to develop monitoring and visualization software.
? Using AB SLC500 as field controller. Using RSLogix500 to write Ladder
routine (PID controlmethod).
? Commissioning on factory site.
Activities at University:
Member of student union of Telecommunication academy
Organize activities such as “Students walking into small village”, “Match of dormitory
Lynn Wang
? 2005.9-2008.1 大连理工大学 电信自动化( 测试计量技术及仪器专业
? 2004.5-2005.7 大连理工大学 英语专业(英语第二学士学位)
? 2000.9-2004.7 大连理工大学 电信自动化(自动化学士学位)
2015.5 – now, RockwellAutomation 大连研发中心 技术产物经理 Product Owner
? Product Owner of RockwellAutomation design software Studio 5000Architect
? 负责需求管理,包括需求列表创建,优化,优先级调整。
? 帮助研发团队理解市场需求及典型用户案例。
? 编写功能文档,设计文档,及界面草图。
? 与市场经理一起理解并确定产物方向策略,发现需求。
? 敏捷开发模式,负责两个团队
? 协助产物的市场宣传及商业活动的支持。
Thank you for your time to view my resume
2008.4 - 2015.5 美国罗克韦尔自动化大连研发中心 高级软件测试工程师
Studio 5000 Architect (2014–2015, 4 个月)
Guardmaster safety relay 可编程继电器组态软件 (2013-2014 为期一年半)
? 作为三名新测试工程师的导师,培训以及带领他们进行测试工作。
? 主要负责项目整个测试工作的计划,测试工作的时间安排和里程碑的敲定,测
? 质量控制方面主要负责定期进行缺陷的分析,以数据或者图表的形式得出分析
? 主要负责与软件开发组长,产物经理以及项目经理的沟通协调
? 给全项目组(测试人员以及开发人员)提供产物知识的系列培训。
? 攻克了软件表面数据以及背景数据不一致但难以发现的测试难点。提出了暴露
Connected Components Workbench, localized edition 小型控制器编程软件本
地化版本 (为期一年 2012)五种语言版本的测试工作并行进行。期间负责与新加
? 培训四名新入职的外派人员,包括本地化软件的测试技术以及产物知识。作为
? 外派人员的绩效评估。
? 负责整个测试工作的计划,测试设计,进程监督,缺陷分析,风险分析,经验
? 主要负责与软件开发组长,产物经理以及项目经理的沟通协调。
RSLogix Architect 自动化系统构架管理软件(为期三年 2009-2011):该软件为
? 第一年,主要负责测试用例的设计以及执行。缺陷提交及分析。期间通过了
ISTQB 基础认证。
? 一年后开始带领 4 名测试人员共同工作。领导设计数据交互大功能的功能测试
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? 独立领导三个版本的测试工作。
FTTM 数据采集存储软件(为期一年 2008-2009): 该软件能够根据用户需求及所
选择触发条件,存储被监控参数数值到 MSSQL 或者 Oracle 数据库,并根据存储
? 测试用例手动执行。
? 采用 IBM 的 RFT 自动测试软件。使用 VB 进行自动化脚本编写调试以及运行。
编写的自动测试脚本包括对 MSSQL 及 Oracle 数据库的创建以及数据的操作。
? 2008 年公司优秀员工称号
? 2009 年 年度员工称号(年终评定最高级别)
? RA The way forward 奖项若干
? 2012 年度最佳导师
? 2012 创新奖 – 测试流程改进
通过 CSTQB(软件测试工程师认证)考试
? 外语: 大学英语等级 CET-6
专业英语等级 TEM-4
(可听懂 80%英语日常对话与 60%西方电影,流利的口语,扎
? 计算机: 有工业控制系统研发和使用经验
熟悉罗克韦尔公司旗下 AB 品牌多种 PLC(ControlLogix,
CompactLogix 等系列)
掌握应用 VB 程序设计语言
熟练应用 Word, Excel, PPT 等日常办公软件
? 2005.12-2007.11 辽河油田污油处理工厂水处理监控系统设计与实现
1) 采用亚控公司组态王软件设计上位机监视控制软件
2) 采用 AB SLC500 作为现场控制器。 使用
RSLogix500 软件编写梯形图程序
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3) 参与系统现场调试。
? 自动化专业课程 : 计算机控制技术,电路分析,模拟电路,自动控制原
理,数字电路,数据结构,计算机原理,C 语言,电机拖动,嵌入式系统
? 任职及活动:大连理工大学 2000 级电信学院学生会干事,参与组织“大
? 游泳,羽毛球,唱歌
? 阅读有启发性的文章
? 旅游
? 逻辑性好,学习能力强
? 开朗直爽,待人真诚,踏实刻苦
? 勤于思考,能够清晰准确的表达自己
? 有良好的团队意识,沟通能力强

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  • 1. Thank you for your time to view my resume Lynn Wang Educational Background ? 2005.9-2008.1 Dalian University of Technology, major in Automation (Master degree) ? 2004.5-2005.7 Dalian University of Technology, major in English (Double bachelor degree) ? 2000.9-2004.7 Dalian University of Technology, major in Automation (Bachelor degree) Working Experience 2015.5 – now, RockwellAutomation Dalian R&D Center, Product Owner ? Product Owner of RockwellAutomation design software Studio 5000Architect ? Responsible for Detailed Requirement/Backlog management, including user story generating, scope/acceptance criteria refinement, backlog priority adjustment timely. ? Work with R&D, help developers and testers understand use cases and marketing requirement, daily questions answering, triage. ? Generate detailed feature document. Work with team to generate detailed design and mockups as needed. ? Work with global product managers on product direction clarification, and new requirement identification. ? Work with user experience design team on software function workflow and UI design. ? In scaled agile framework mode. Responsible for two scrum teams. ? Support local business events. Product promotion and presentation to customers. 2008.4 – 2015.5, RockwellAutomation Dalian R&D Center, senior software test engineer Products and Projects working on: Studio 5000 Architect (2014-2015, 3 months) As technical leader in test team, lead daily testing work and coordinate between key stakeholders. Configuration software of Guard master safety relay 830/850 (2013-2014) It is a brand new safety software product developed and cooperated by Dalian, US and Germany R&D centers. As point of contact in Dalian site, in charge of coordination with US and Germany regarding the product design and full test design. Lead two releases.
  • 2. Thank you for your time to view my resume Dev/Test mode is scrum. Main responsibilities: ? Working together with product manager to discuss software requirements, write down software’s major workflows into User Interface Design document to direct software development and test. ? By deep diving into firmware functional design document, contribute in software requirement analysis about SW/FW communicating function and handshake protocol. ? Create test plan, test schedule for key milestones; manage appropriate test strategy; risk handling; test progress monitoring; key-functions testing design and execution. ? Anomalies statistics and analysis periodically, provide data and charts to high level management team, and direct the following test working. ? In charge of coordinating with developer leader (Dalian), product manager (Germany) and project manager (US), improving process and project efficiency. ? Lead and provide product knowledge training to whole project team including testers and developers. ? Break through test blocks as a result of distinguish between software surface data and background data, generate test methodology based on new innovative approach of exposure of background data and apply it into daily test work. ? Lead and coach three new test engineers to accomplish test tasks ? Coordinate Dalian engineer teams on TUV assessment and certification. Connected Components Workbench, localized edition (2011-2012) Five language edition test support, cooperate with PM in Singapore R&D. Generate test methodology for localized edition. Utilize resource file’s data as a new testing input, solving defects among different edition and recognized as Rockwell yearly Innovation Award. Main responsibility: ? Lead and coach four new contractor staff, including technical training and product knowledge as their mentor. ? Performance assessment for new contractors. ? In charge of team test plan, test design, progress monitor, defect analysis, risk management, lesson learn sharing. ? Coordination with key stakeholders including developing leader, product manager and project manager. RSLogix Architect(2009-2011) Lead three releases of testing work for this product. Dev/Test mode is scrum. Main responsibility: ? Lead four testers to complete V3.6, V19 and V20 RSLA releases. ? Lead team to conquer severallarge features integration test design and execution. ? Create test plan, monitor test progress, and analyze anomalies metrics.
  • 3. Thank you for your time to view my resume FactoryTalk Transaction Manager and RSBizware(2008-2009) Work on software which are used for storing factory data into database (Oracle & MSSQL) and generating report. Main responsibility: ? Use VB to develop and maintain auto-test scripts to exchange data between factory and database. ? Test execution. Skill Set: ? Good knowledge and experiences of industrial automation. ? Good software products knowledge of RockwellAutomation. ? Good communication skills. ? Good coordination skills. ? Good leadership skills. ? Good verbal and written English skills. ? Good software test management skills. ? Good working attitude, self-motivated, confident and responsible. Awards: ? Innovation award of test process improvement of year 2012 ? Mentor of Year 2012 ? Year 2009 Excellent employee ? Year 2008 Good performance employee ? RA The Way ForwardAward for RSLA integration Test Leadership ? RA The Way ForwardAward for good performance of RSLA transferring from US Certificates: Get certificate of CSTQB (software test engineer certificate) Other Skills Language: English proficiency CET-6 TEM-4 (Test for English Major) Good oral, listening and written English skills Computer: Familiar with VB Programming Language Proficient with Word, Excel, PowerPoint Paper of Masterdegree 2005.12-2007.11 Design and configure controlmonitoring system of Waste Oil filtering factory of Liaohe Oil field
  • 4. Thank you for your time to view my resume In charge of: ? Using Zutaiwang software to develop monitoring and visualization software. ? Using AB SLC500 as field controller. Using RSLogix500 to write Ladder routine (PID controlmethod). ? Commissioning on factory site. Activities at University: Member of student union of Telecommunication academy Organize activities such as “Students walking into small village”, “Match of dormitory design”. 王琳 Lynn Wang 教育背景 ? 2005.9-2008.1 大连理工大学 电信自动化( 测试计量技术及仪器专业 硕士学位) ? 2004.5-2005.7 大连理工大学 英语专业(英语第二学士学位) ? 2000.9-2004.7 大连理工大学 电信自动化(自动化学士学位) 工作经验 2015.5 – now, RockwellAutomation 大连研发中心 技术产物经理 Product Owner ? Product Owner of RockwellAutomation design software Studio 5000Architect ? 负责需求管理,包括需求列表创建,优化,优先级调整。 ? 帮助研发团队理解市场需求及典型用户案例。 ? 编写功能文档,设计文档,及界面草图。 ? 与市场经理一起理解并确定产物方向策略,发现需求。 ? 敏捷开发模式,负责两个团队 ? 协助产物的市场宣传及商业活动的支持。
  • 5. Thank you for your time to view my resume 2008.4 - 2015.5 美国罗克韦尔自动化大连研发中心 高级软件测试工程师 所测产物项目以及主要职责: Studio 5000 Architect (2014–2015, 4 个月) 主要负责测试工作的安排协调。以及主要软件功能的设计与测试方法的敲定。 Guardmaster safety relay 可编程继电器组态软件 (2013-2014 为期一年半) 该软件为新开发的软件,领导软件第一个版本的测试工作。期间负责与美国研发中 心的技术人员,德国研发中心的产物经理进行产物设计的研讨和测试工作安排的敲 定。 主要职责: ? 作为三名新测试工程师的导师,培训以及带领他们进行测试工作。 ? 主要负责项目整个测试工作的计划,测试工作的时间安排和里程碑的敲定,测 试策略的制定,测试风险的分析,测试进程监督,以及主要功能的测试用例的 设计执行工作。 ? 质量控制方面主要负责定期进行缺陷的分析,以数据或者图表的形式得出分析 结论,用以后续测试的方向性指导。 ? 主要负责与软件开发组长,产物经理以及项目经理的沟通协调 ? 给全项目组(测试人员以及开发人员)提供产物知识的系列培训。 ? 攻克了软件表面数据以及背景数据不一致但难以发现的测试难点。提出了暴露 背景数据进行测试的方法并且成功的引入到了日常工作中。 Connected Components Workbench, localized edition 小型控制器编程软件本 地化版本 (为期一年 2012)五种语言版本的测试工作并行进行。期间负责与新加 坡研发中心的项目经理沟通测试工作。提出了创新的本地化版本测试方法,引入源 数据定位,解决了缺陷在不同语言中难以发现的问题,并且获得了罗克韦尔年度创 新奖。 主要职责: ? 培训四名新入职的外派人员,包括本地化软件的测试技术以及产物知识。作为 他们的导师进行为期一年的指导。这四名外派人员后来成为了组内的技术骨干。 ? 外派人员的绩效评估。 ? 负责整个测试工作的计划,测试设计,进程监督,缺陷分析,风险分析,经验 总结。 ? 主要负责与软件开发组长,产物经理以及项目经理的沟通协调。 RSLogix Architect 自动化系统构架管理软件(为期三年 2009-2011):该软件为 用户提供控制系统集成构架平台。负责产物从美国研发中心到中国研发中心的转移, 以及与美国的产物经理进行沟通。 主要职责: ? 第一年,主要负责测试用例的设计以及执行。缺陷提交及分析。期间通过了 ISTQB 基础认证。 ? 一年后开始带领 4 名测试人员共同工作。领导设计数据交互大功能的功能测试 设计以及集成测试设计。主要负责与开发团队,项目经理,产物经理的沟通协 调。
  • 6. Thank you for your time to view my resume ? 独立领导三个版本的测试工作。 FTTM 数据采集存储软件(为期一年 2008-2009): 该软件能够根据用户需求及所 选择触发条件,存储被监控参数数值到 MSSQL 或者 Oracle 数据库,并根据存储 数据生成报表,以供用户分析工厂运行状况。 主要职责: ? 测试用例手动执行。 ? 采用 IBM 的 RFT 自动测试软件。使用 VB 进行自动化脚本编写调试以及运行。 编写的自动测试脚本包括对 MSSQL 及 Oracle 数据库的创建以及数据的操作。 获奖情况: ? 2008 年公司优秀员工称号 ? 2009 年 年度员工称号(年终评定最高级别) ? RA The way forward 奖项若干 ? 2012 年度最佳导师 ? 2012 创新奖 – 测试流程改进 认证: 通过 CSTQB(软件测试工程师认证)考试 主要技能 ? 外语: 大学英语等级 CET-6 专业英语等级 TEM-4 (可听懂 80%英语日常对话与 60%西方电影,流利的口语,扎 实的英语材料阅读能力和写作能力) ? 计算机: 有工业控制系统研发和使用经验 掌握应用可编程控制器梯形图编程语言 熟悉罗克韦尔公司旗下 AB 品牌多种 PLC(ControlLogix, CompactLogix 等系列) 熟练使用多种组态软件 掌握应用 VB 程序设计语言 熟练应用 Word, Excel, PPT 等日常办公软件 攻读硕士学位期间项目经验 ? 2005.12-2007.11 辽河油田污油处理工厂水处理监控系统设计与实现 该系统采用以太网作为通信方式,实现上位机监控软件与工厂现场控制器 实时通信。 主要负责: 1) 采用亚控公司组态王软件设计上位机监视控制软件 2) 采用 AB SLC500 作为现场控制器。 使用 RSLogix500 软件编写梯形图程序
  • 7. Thank you for your time to view my resume 3) 参与系统现场调试。 在校期间情况 ? 自动化专业课程 : 计算机控制技术,电路分析,模拟电路,自动控制原 理,数字电路,数据结构,计算机原理,C 语言,电机拖动,嵌入式系统 开发,可编程控制器,智能检测与转换技术 ? 任职及活动:大连理工大学 2000 级电信学院学生会干事,参与组织“大 学生走进小渔村”活动,参与组织“寝室设计大赛”。 爱好 ? 游泳,羽毛球,唱歌 ? 阅读有启发性的文章 ? 旅游 自我评价 ? 逻辑性好,学习能力强 ? 开朗直爽,待人真诚,踏实刻苦 ? 勤于思考,能够清晰准确的表达自己 ? 有良好的团队意识,沟通能力强