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How to convert website visitors to
paying customers and increase sales
up to 2,5 times with no investments?

A1 solution
Web services average conversion

Web services average conversion

From 8%
of those who start
the payment process
5% are lost.
Lets figure out why.

Suggested payment options are not available:

≒ according to the data of Public Opinion Foundation, bank card
   payments in Russia are used by 40% of population*;

≒ according to the data of E-Money Association, e-money payments
   are used by appr. 25 mln people in Russia, which is about 18% of

≒ http://www.banki31.ru/analytics1/research/plasticcards_research.html
** http://kiosks.ru/content/rus/817/8172-article.asp

Suggested payment options are not preferable:

≒ it is unsafe*

only 22%** of cardholders are ready to use them in web payments;

≒ it is complicated/long

bank card  in average 3 redirects, 10 actions, 10 minutes;
e-money  in average 3 redirects, 7 actions, 8 minutes.

≒ http://www.banki.ru/news/bankpress/?id=3906402
** http://www.banki31.ru/analytics1/research/plasticcards_research.html

Web service demand

 Sales growth

 Reduction of visitors attracting expenses

Solution: mCommerce

Easily-accessible, safe and convenient
payment option which enables the web
service to increase the conversion rate of
visitors to customers up to 2,5 times.

mCommerce advantages

Mobile penetration rate in Russia is 161%*.

The payment is made in 2 actions (entering MSISDN on the payment
page, sending confirmation SMS).

Your customer needs only a mobile phone.

No redirects and no displays of competitors services/brands.

The payment takes 15 secs, your customer has no time to change his

No risk of losing money from bank accounts.

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mobile_network_operators_of_Europe#Russian_Federation
mCommerce also solves additional
business goals:

≒Increases customers loyalty to your service due to simplicity
and convenience of payment method.

≒Provides additional sales due to a new channel of
communication with customers via MSISDNs: SMS
advertisements and application installation.

mCommerce from your customers point of view:

Legal and technological issues

Arbitrary transaction sum (up to 15 000 rubles).

Lack of unsecured transactions: the payment can be
processed only in case there is enough money on end users
mobile phone balance. Consequently, there is no hold/fraud/

Minimal requirements for website formalization, an opportunity
to save your own design.

What can A1 offer to your business?

       Reliable billing system smoothly operating 24*7

             Direct contracts with mobile operators

                     24/7 free end user support

                             Open API

                                     Private account with detailed
                                     online statistics

Finance issues
Finance issues

        No setup fees

                 No monthly fees and hidden commissions

                          Negotiating the most beneficial
                          conditions for your service with
                          operators (payouts up to 95%
                          from EUP excl. VAT)

                                 Increased payouts when using different
                                 A1s payment options


    +7 499 638 40 77   sales@alt1.ru   www.alt1.ru

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  • 1. How to convert website visitors to paying customers and increase sales up to 2,5 times with no investments? A1 solution
  • 2. Web services average conversion 02
  • 3. Web services average conversion From 8% of those who start the payment process 5% are lost. Lets figure out why. 03
  • 4. Suggested payment options are not available: ≒ according to the data of Public Opinion Foundation, bank card payments in Russia are used by 40% of population*; ≒ according to the data of E-Money Association, e-money payments are used by appr. 25 mln people in Russia, which is about 18% of population**. ≒ http://www.banki31.ru/analytics1/research/plasticcards_research.html ** http://kiosks.ru/content/rus/817/8172-article.asp 04
  • 5. Suggested payment options are not preferable: ≒ it is unsafe* only 22%** of cardholders are ready to use them in web payments; ≒ it is complicated/long bank card in average 3 redirects, 10 actions, 10 minutes; e-money in average 3 redirects, 7 actions, 8 minutes. ≒ http://www.banki.ru/news/bankpress/?id=3906402 ** http://www.banki31.ru/analytics1/research/plasticcards_research.html 05
  • 6. Web service demand Sales growth Reduction of visitors attracting expenses 06
  • 7. Solution: mCommerce Easily-accessible, safe and convenient payment option which enables the web service to increase the conversion rate of visitors to customers up to 2,5 times. 07
  • 8. mCommerce advantages Mobile penetration rate in Russia is 161%*. The payment is made in 2 actions (entering MSISDN on the payment page, sending confirmation SMS). Your customer needs only a mobile phone. No redirects and no displays of competitors services/brands. The payment takes 15 secs, your customer has no time to change his mind. No risk of losing money from bank accounts. * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mobile_network_operators_of_Europe#Russian_Federation 08
  • 9. mCommerce also solves additional business goals: ≒Increases customers loyalty to your service due to simplicity and convenience of payment method. ≒Provides additional sales due to a new channel of communication with customers via MSISDNs: SMS advertisements and application installation. 09
  • 10. mCommerce from your customers point of view: 10
  • 11. Legal and technological issues Arbitrary transaction sum (up to 15 000 rubles). Lack of unsecured transactions: the payment can be processed only in case there is enough money on end users mobile phone balance. Consequently, there is no hold/fraud/ chargebacks. Minimal requirements for website formalization, an opportunity to save your own design. 11
  • 12. What can A1 offer to your business? Reliable billing system smoothly operating 24*7 Direct contracts with mobile operators 24/7 free end user support Open API Private account with detailed online statistics 12
  • 13. Finance issues Finance issues No setup fees No monthly fees and hidden commissions Negotiating the most beneficial conditions for your service with operators (payouts up to 95% from EUP excl. VAT) Increased payouts when using different A1s payment options 13
  • 14. Contacts +7 499 638 40 77 sales@alt1.ru www.alt1.ru