This document provides instructions for installing the KDE Plasma graphical environment on OpenSUSE Linux in 3 steps: 1) Create a virtual machine with a 30GB virtual hard disk using VirtualBox; 2) Download the OpenSUSE Linux ISO and add it to the virtual machine; 3) Start the installation process, selecting language/keyboard options and the KDE Plasma desktop interface before waiting for installation to complete.
The document summarizes the key components and types of computer power supplies. It discusses the main parts of a power supply including the metal coating, switch, fan, and current input. It then describes the most common power supply formats: ATX, SFX, TFX, Flex ATX, and custom formats for servers. It provides details on the ATX, SFX, and TFX formats and their typical maximum power capacities. The document also explains 80 Plus power supply certification and the different tiers from White to Titanium in terms of minimum power efficiency levels delivered under varying load conditions.
The document summarizes the key components and types of computer power supplies. It discusses the main parts of a power supply including the metal coating, switch, fan, and current input. It then describes the most common power supply formats: ATX, SFX, TFX, Flex ATX, and custom formats for servers. Each type has maximum power capacities ranging from 250W to 2000W depending on the format. The document also explains 80 Plus power supply certification levels from White to Titanium, which indicate the percentage of rated power the supply can deliver under load.
4. Comandes Terminal
Una vegada tenim els usuaris creats ens dirigim al terminal i posem aquesta comanda vi /etc/fstab.
A la ultima filera afegim la comanda usrquota,grpquota, fem esc, dos punts wq! I sortim.
6. Comandes Terminal
Fem un mount -o remoount,rw /home per demuntar i tornar-les a muntar per fer com una mena de reinici per a que funcioni.
7. Comandes Terminal
Fem un quoatachek -vguma per comprovar que les quotes estiguin funcionant correctament.
8. Aqu鱈 el que fem es anar a home i fer ls per veure que ha creat be la quota de grups i
Aqu鱈 fem un quotaon
-va per
encendre les quotes i
quotacheck -cgu
/home per
9. Posem la comanda edquota -u nom dusuari per poder editar les quotes i podem el hard de blocs i inodes per veure que funciona correctament,
despr辿s entrem des de lusuari i creem carpeta i un arxiu m辿s del perm竪s per veure que funciona
11. Fem la comanda edquota -t per modificar el temps de grcia del inodes hard.
Una vegada tenim cambiat el temps de grcia dels inodes ens dirigim una altra vegada al edquota -u in31501 per cambiar el soft i el hard
dels inodes.
12. Comprovem creant arxius i veiem que en surt un avis, mes tard en surt que s'ha excedit la quota de disc.