The document lists various dates and events that Google has created themes or doodles for, including birthdays of famous people like Dr. Seuss, holidays like Saint Patrick's Day, anniversaries of important inventions or discoveries, and major events like the Vancouver Winter Olympics in 2010. It notes that there are more themes that could be listed but there is no more room to include them all.
Meatless Monday is a campaign that encourages people to not eat meat on Mondays. It was originally started during World War 1 to reduce meat consumption. The campaign believes cutting back on meat has health benefits and positively impacts the environment by reducing the resources needed for meat production. The researchers conducted a focus group with college students to understand their perspectives on Meatless Monday, including why they participate and how it affects their lifestyle. They found a variety of reasons for participation and plan to further analyze the data and present their final results.
V O T E D T H E B E S T E M A I L O F T H I S Y E A RHuong Linh Pham
This document provides perspective on appreciating what you have by considering those who have less. It suggests that while some things may seem unfair or lacking in one's own life, others have it much worse. It encourages enjoying life as it is rather than complaining, as some things are better for you than for others. It also notes that few things will truly capture your heart, so appreciate what does.
Austin afp f ire up your board for friendmaking 3 stepsgailperry
This document discusses how to get boards more engaged in fundraising through a "Fired-Up Fundraising" approach. It recommends firing up boards by having them connect with their personal passion for the organization's mission, discuss what funds are being raised and why, and provide direct experiences with the mission. It also suggests livening up board meetings and adding social time. The approach then involves redefining fundraising as cultivating friends first through thanking, advising, and getting feedback. This is meant to inspire boards and spread optimism to get major donors involved.
This person enjoys table tennis, horseracing and volleyball but dislikes football, car racing and golf. Their favorite sports are chess, volleyball and billiards which they listed under "My Favorites Sport".
The document lists various dates and events that Google has created themes or doodles for, including birthdays of famous people like Dr. Seuss, holidays like Saint Patrick's Day, anniversaries of important inventions or discoveries, and major events like the Vancouver Winter Olympics in 2010. It notes that there are more themes that could be listed but there is no more room to include them all.
Meatless Monday is a campaign that encourages people to not eat meat on Mondays. It was originally started during World War 1 to reduce meat consumption. The campaign believes cutting back on meat has health benefits and positively impacts the environment by reducing the resources needed for meat production. The researchers conducted a focus group with college students to understand their perspectives on Meatless Monday, including why they participate and how it affects their lifestyle. They found a variety of reasons for participation and plan to further analyze the data and present their final results.
V O T E D T H E B E S T E M A I L O F T H I S Y E A RHuong Linh Pham
This document provides perspective on appreciating what you have by considering those who have less. It suggests that while some things may seem unfair or lacking in one's own life, others have it much worse. It encourages enjoying life as it is rather than complaining, as some things are better for you than for others. It also notes that few things will truly capture your heart, so appreciate what does.
Austin afp f ire up your board for friendmaking 3 stepsgailperry
This document discusses how to get boards more engaged in fundraising through a "Fired-Up Fundraising" approach. It recommends firing up boards by having them connect with their personal passion for the organization's mission, discuss what funds are being raised and why, and provide direct experiences with the mission. It also suggests livening up board meetings and adding social time. The approach then involves redefining fundraising as cultivating friends first through thanking, advising, and getting feedback. This is meant to inspire boards and spread optimism to get major donors involved.
This person enjoys table tennis, horseracing and volleyball but dislikes football, car racing and golf. Their favorite sports are chess, volleyball and billiards which they listed under "My Favorites Sport".
Este documento proporciona una lista de inscritos para la Ruta de la Sal de 2012, incluyendo 57 embarcaciones de varios paÃses. Cada entrada incluye el número de embarcación, paÃs, nombre, capitán, marca y modelo del barco, y club al que pertenece.
YoungDelft's september 2012 workshop by Molly Quell and Marion van Putten.
YoungDelft is the network for all young employees and PhD candidates at Delft University of Technology.
Este documento es una lista de inscritos para la regata La Ruta de la Sal del año 2012. Contiene información sobre 75 barcos participantes como su número, paÃs, nombre, capitán, embarcación y club al que pertenecen. La lista incluye detalles como el número de vela, eslora, TRM y número de tripulantes de cada barco.
Application software can be categorized into several primary functions including problem solving, collaboration, project and financial management, web authoring and media editing, educational and reference tools, desktop publishing and CAD, entertainment, and productivity. Productivity software includes suites that bundle word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, databases, and personal information managers, as well as mobile apps and rich internet applications.
The document discusses the equipment used for badminton and table tennis. For badminton, it describes the rackets, strings, grips, shuttlecocks, and shoes used. It notes that rackets are made of materials like carbon fiber or steel, strings have a tension range, and grips come in different materials. Shuttlecocks have feathers in a cork base. Badminton shoes are lightweight with grippy soles. For table tennis, it mentions the rackets, tables, nets, balls, clothing, and shoes used, as well as measurements for the table and court.
The Romans Chapter 3 discusses the different social classes in ancient Rome, including the ruling class of patricians, wealthy merchants and landowners, and lower classes of freemen, slaves, and foreigners. The senate was made up of upper-class politicians who helped advise and rule the Republic. Citizens had rights like voting and joining the legions, while criminals and enemies of Rome could be killed through punishments like crucifixion or being thrown to beasts. Non-citizens could gain citizenship by serving in the military or through manumission. The Roman legal system and agreement on laws and customs held the empire together. Most houses were small and lacked plumbing or heating, while slaves typically did manual labor or served their owner
The document provides steps to recover data from a Lacie CloudBox NAS server hard drive by removing it and connecting it to a Linux computer. It describes mounting the hard drive partition containing the user data, which uses a Linux RAID and LVM file system. The solution involves installing mdadm and lvm2, assembling the RAID device, scanning LVM physical volumes, displaying the logical volume, and mounting the logical volume to access the stored data files.
This document provides instructions for blocking access to Facebook using MikroTik router software. It outlines creating an address list of all Facebook IP ranges, then denying firewall access to that list. Alternatively, it shows how to block Facebook at the application layer by filtering traffic matching "" in the layer 7 protocol. The goal is to be able to block Facebook access since they use large blocks of IP addresses on the internet.
A l'Ubuntu instal·lem snmp:
apt-get install snmpd
Guardem el fitxer original:
mv /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf /etc/snmp/
Creem el nou fitxer de configuració:
vi /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
Editem el nou /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf i afegim:
rocommunity public
syslocation "Promoció econòmica de Mataró"
Ara fem que l'Ubuntu escolti per totes les interfÃes:
Editem /etc/default/snmpd fent:
vi /etc/default/snmpd
i substituim:
SNMPDOPTS='-Lsd -Lf /dev/null -u snmp -g snmp -I -smux -p /var/run/'
SNMPDOPTS='-Lsd -Lf /dev/null -u snmp -I -smux -p /var/run/ -c /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf'
Ara cal que reiniciem SNMP fent:
/etc/init.d/snmpd restart
I per comprovar el correcte funcionament d'SNMP podem escriure la comanda:
snmpwalk -v 1 -c public -O e localhost
Aquesta comanda ens mostrarà per pantalla tots els parà metres que podran ser monitoritzats
per Cacti o qualsevol altre servidor SNMP.
En aquest punt ja podem afegir a Cacti la mà quina Ubuntu, tal com hem fet amb el Windows
Existeix un BUG en el Cacti a Debian 6 que impedeix que els
ping generin grà fiques. Per esmenar-ho cal modificar el fitxer:
vi /usr/share/cacti/site/scripts/
i modificar la lÃnia (la lletra s per la lletra r):
open(PROCESS, "ping -c 1 $host | grep icmp_seq | grep time |");
open(PROCESS, "ping -c 1 $host | grep icmp_req | grep time |");