The document summarizes several presentations given at a seminar on forest and plant health held on November 11th, 2022 at the Natural Resources Institute Finland in Helsinki.
The first presentation summarized a 20-year study on the effects of restoration treatments including prescribed burning, dead wood creation, and retention trees on dead wood diversity and epixylic communities in boreal spruce forests. Preliminary findings showed long-term benefits of these treatments for maintaining dead wood and wood-inhabiting diversity.
The second presentation discussed a study on intraspecific growth variation in Norway spruce, finding that soil variation and genetic factors significantly influence functional trait variation, but specific soil agents causing environment-specific growth patterns require more research
This document summarizes a seminar on forest and plant health held on April 6th, 2022 at the Natural Resources Institute Finland in Helsinki. It includes summaries of several presentations:
1. Tord Snäll presented research on evaluating forest management scenarios and their impacts on biodiversity indicators and ecosystem services over 100 years. The green infrastructure scenario optimized environmental indicators while the economy scenario had the most negative impacts.
2. Juha Tuomola discussed research assessing the likelihood of pine wood nematode causing pine wilt disease or establishing in Finnish forests under current and future climate scenarios. Results found the climate is currently too cool and may only become suitable by 2080 under the worst-case climate scenario.
Luken webinaarissa kerrotaan, mitkä ovat Ukrainan sodan akuutit vaikutukset Suomen ruokamarkkinoilla sekä metsäsektorilla ja miten sota vaikuttaa pitkällä aikavälillä vihreän siirtymän toteutumiseen.
This document summarizes a study analyzing 123 texts written by Finnish high school students aged 15-18 describing their visions of sustainable food systems in Finland in 2050. Through qualitative analysis, the students' visions were condensed into 6 alternative futures: 1) Slow change 2) Domestic and local production 3) Conscious consumer 4) Regulation 5) Technology 6) Dystopia. The visions highlighted big changes to diets and food sources, concerns about plastic packaging, and ensuring social and economic sustainability through eating together and valuing producers. The students proposed technological solutions and ideas to reduce packaging waste through better recycling, less packaging, new materials, and reuse.
The document summarizes research on how emotions play a role in strategic packaging decisions for sustainability. It discusses how packaging development requires balancing usability, saleability, environmental friendliness and production effectiveness. Managers face dilemmas in balancing these factors as sustainability targets change. The research examines how emotions like satisfaction, frustration, and worry influence how managers evaluate opportunities and make decisions. It proposes that understanding emotions can help managers commit to responsible packaging solutions and navigate uncertainties when sustainability goals are evolving.
This document discusses sustainability decisions for businesses. It notes that sustainability can provide competitive advantages like efficiency, reputation benefits, and avoiding future regulations. However, sustainability orientation does not always lead to improved firm performance and may require large trade-offs. Studies discussed found that willingness to switch to more sustainable materials depends on factors like a product or process's dependency on existing materials and environmental friendliness as a predictor of change. The document advocates making sustainability decisions by responding to and anticipating stakeholder needs and feelings, including others' perspectives, and considering one's responsibilities.
This document discusses sustainability transitions in food packaging from the perspective of companies. It defines sustainability transitions as long-term transformations to more sustainable production and consumption. For food packaging, this involves innovations that meet changing societal values around policy, media, consumer and supply chain demands. However, barriers like complexity, uncertainty and competition exist. Collaboration is seen as key to overcoming barriers by creating shared understanding and multi-party problem solving. Currently, companies collaborate through associations, but different roles in relation to change exist, from maintaining the status quo to facilitating change. Ongoing and upcoming facilitated dialogues and the PackageHeroes transition arena aim to further cross-system collaboration for deciding concrete transition pathways.
The document presents visions for sustainable food packaging in Finland by 2050. It describes workshops and interviews conducted with stakeholders to develop these visions. The visions are categorized based on their depth of change and breadth of involvement across different systems and actors. Example visions include a future with intelligent delivery systems and limited reusable packaging, as well as standardized packaging that improves recyclability. The document concludes that continued cooperation across food packaging systems and levels of government and industry is needed to realize these visions and transform the packaging system for sustainability by 2050.
This document discusses consumer cultures and food packaging from an ethnographic research perspective. It defines consumer culture and argues that qualitative research is needed to understand how identities are shaped by consumption and how consumption habits are molded by identities. The roles of food packaging in consumer choices and everyday lives are examined. The document also outlines the history of food packaging from industrialization to today's single-use plastic culture and takeaway trends. It reflects on stakeholders' differing views of responsibility in transitioning to sustainable packaging and consumers' challenges with sorting and recycling.
This document discusses several topics related to fibre-based packaging materials, forests, and sustainability:
1) The global market for paperboard packaging is expected to grow steadily reaching over $200 billion by 2026, driven by changing consumer preferences for more sustainable options. Growth is highest for stand-up pouches and liquid cartons.
2) As pulp use in paper decreases, surplus pulp could be allocated to increasing production of paperboards, food and beverage packaging, or new pulp-based products. However, price and EU policies will influence these allocation decisions.
3) Finnish forests can sustain current wood harvest levels through 2035 but increased harvesting risks failing to meet biodiversity and climate targets unless additional conservation measures
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The document summarizes several presentations given at a seminar on forest and plant health held on November 11th, 2022 at the Natural Resources Institute Finland in Helsinki.
The first presentation summarized a 20-year study on the effects of restoration treatments including prescribed burning, dead wood creation, and retention trees on dead wood diversity and epixylic communities in boreal spruce forests. Preliminary findings showed long-term benefits of these treatments for maintaining dead wood and wood-inhabiting diversity.
The second presentation discussed a study on intraspecific growth variation in Norway spruce, finding that soil variation and genetic factors significantly influence functional trait variation, but specific soil agents causing environment-specific growth patterns require more research
This document summarizes a seminar on forest and plant health held on April 6th, 2022 at the Natural Resources Institute Finland in Helsinki. It includes summaries of several presentations:
1. Tord Snäll presented research on evaluating forest management scenarios and their impacts on biodiversity indicators and ecosystem services over 100 years. The green infrastructure scenario optimized environmental indicators while the economy scenario had the most negative impacts.
2. Juha Tuomola discussed research assessing the likelihood of pine wood nematode causing pine wilt disease or establishing in Finnish forests under current and future climate scenarios. Results found the climate is currently too cool and may only become suitable by 2080 under the worst-case climate scenario.
Luken webinaarissa kerrotaan, mitkä ovat Ukrainan sodan akuutit vaikutukset Suomen ruokamarkkinoilla sekä metsäsektorilla ja miten sota vaikuttaa pitkällä aikavälillä vihreän siirtymän toteutumiseen.
This document summarizes a study analyzing 123 texts written by Finnish high school students aged 15-18 describing their visions of sustainable food systems in Finland in 2050. Through qualitative analysis, the students' visions were condensed into 6 alternative futures: 1) Slow change 2) Domestic and local production 3) Conscious consumer 4) Regulation 5) Technology 6) Dystopia. The visions highlighted big changes to diets and food sources, concerns about plastic packaging, and ensuring social and economic sustainability through eating together and valuing producers. The students proposed technological solutions and ideas to reduce packaging waste through better recycling, less packaging, new materials, and reuse.
The document summarizes research on how emotions play a role in strategic packaging decisions for sustainability. It discusses how packaging development requires balancing usability, saleability, environmental friendliness and production effectiveness. Managers face dilemmas in balancing these factors as sustainability targets change. The research examines how emotions like satisfaction, frustration, and worry influence how managers evaluate opportunities and make decisions. It proposes that understanding emotions can help managers commit to responsible packaging solutions and navigate uncertainties when sustainability goals are evolving.
This document discusses sustainability decisions for businesses. It notes that sustainability can provide competitive advantages like efficiency, reputation benefits, and avoiding future regulations. However, sustainability orientation does not always lead to improved firm performance and may require large trade-offs. Studies discussed found that willingness to switch to more sustainable materials depends on factors like a product or process's dependency on existing materials and environmental friendliness as a predictor of change. The document advocates making sustainability decisions by responding to and anticipating stakeholder needs and feelings, including others' perspectives, and considering one's responsibilities.
This document discusses sustainability transitions in food packaging from the perspective of companies. It defines sustainability transitions as long-term transformations to more sustainable production and consumption. For food packaging, this involves innovations that meet changing societal values around policy, media, consumer and supply chain demands. However, barriers like complexity, uncertainty and competition exist. Collaboration is seen as key to overcoming barriers by creating shared understanding and multi-party problem solving. Currently, companies collaborate through associations, but different roles in relation to change exist, from maintaining the status quo to facilitating change. Ongoing and upcoming facilitated dialogues and the PackageHeroes transition arena aim to further cross-system collaboration for deciding concrete transition pathways.
The document presents visions for sustainable food packaging in Finland by 2050. It describes workshops and interviews conducted with stakeholders to develop these visions. The visions are categorized based on their depth of change and breadth of involvement across different systems and actors. Example visions include a future with intelligent delivery systems and limited reusable packaging, as well as standardized packaging that improves recyclability. The document concludes that continued cooperation across food packaging systems and levels of government and industry is needed to realize these visions and transform the packaging system for sustainability by 2050.
This document discusses consumer cultures and food packaging from an ethnographic research perspective. It defines consumer culture and argues that qualitative research is needed to understand how identities are shaped by consumption and how consumption habits are molded by identities. The roles of food packaging in consumer choices and everyday lives are examined. The document also outlines the history of food packaging from industrialization to today's single-use plastic culture and takeaway trends. It reflects on stakeholders' differing views of responsibility in transitioning to sustainable packaging and consumers' challenges with sorting and recycling.
This document discusses several topics related to fibre-based packaging materials, forests, and sustainability:
1) The global market for paperboard packaging is expected to grow steadily reaching over $200 billion by 2026, driven by changing consumer preferences for more sustainable options. Growth is highest for stand-up pouches and liquid cartons.
2) As pulp use in paper decreases, surplus pulp could be allocated to increasing production of paperboards, food and beverage packaging, or new pulp-based products. However, price and EU policies will influence these allocation decisions.
3) Finnish forests can sustain current wood harvest levels through 2035 but increased harvesting risks failing to meet biodiversity and climate targets unless additional conservation measures
2. Johdanto
• Fosforilannoituskokeita on tyypillisesti tehty koeasetelmalla, jossa
erisuuruisia P-lannoituksia verrataan P-lannoittamattomaan kontrolliin
viljavuus-P-luokaltaan tasaisella koealueella.
→ tutkimustietoa maan viljavuusluokan vaikutuksesta, tai etenkään viljavuusluokan ja
P-lannoituksen yhdysvaikutuksesta ei juuri ole
• Ohran tiedetään hyötyvän P-lannoituksesta säilörehunurmia enemmän
• Karjatilojen nurmikierrossa on usein mukana ohraa
• Tässä kokeessa tutkittiin maan viljavuus-P-luokan ja P-lannoituksen
yhdysvaikutusta tätä tarkoitusta varten valmistetulla tutkimusalustalla
Kuva: Juliana Roivainen/Luke
3. Tutkimusalustan perustaminen
• Valittiin peltolohko, jossa matala viljavuusfosforipitoisuus
• Maalaji runsasmultainen hiesusavi (rm HsS)
• Sijainti Luke Kuopio Maaningalla Pohjois-Savossa
• Nostettiin maan P-lukua
kaksoissuperfosfaattilannoituksella (P 20%) ja kynnöillä
vuosina 2017 ja 2018.
• Tuloksena latinalainen neliö (kolme viljavuusfosforitasoa,
kolme kerrannetta), jossa kunkin alueen koko
70 m x 70 m.
Ks. tutkimusalustan perustamisesta tarkemmin: Mustonen ym. 2022. Maan fosforivarantojen ja lannoituksen tutkimiseen
kehitettiin uusi tutkimusalusta – mihin lannoitusfosfori maassa päätyy? Maataloustieteen Päivät 2022, Esitelmä- ja
posteritiivistelmät. Suomen Maataloustieteellisen seuran tiedote no 39. s. 205.
matala keskim. korkea
korkea matala keskim.
keskim. korkea matala
4. Koeasetelma ja kokeen toteutus
• Kokeen toteutus 2020–2023
• Pääruutu maan P-luokka (matala PAAC 5,3 mg/l, keskimääräinen 13,6 mg/l, korkea 22,9 mg/l)
• [Osaruutu kasvilaji, puitava ohra ja säilörehunurmi, tässä käsitellään vain ohraa]
• Osa-osaruutu P-lannoitus (0, 10, 20 ja 40 kg P/ha)
• Kaarle-ohra, 500 kpl itävää siementä/m2, 100 kg N/ha + 53 kg K/ha (NK2), P-portaat kylvön
yhteydessä sekoitettuna NK2:een (superfosfaatti P20)
• Kasvinsuojeluruiskutus
• Puinti
• Määritetty mm. sato (15 % kosteus), hehtolitrapaino, jyvien P-pitoisuus
• Maasta mm. viljavuus-P ruuduittain joka syksy
• Tulossa kevät 2024: Fosforin huuhtoumakoe SIMU-olosuhdekammiossa
5. Jyväsato
• Vuonna 2021 sato oli todella
heikko kuivuuden vuoksi.
• Vuonna 2020 sato oli oikein hyvä
huomioiden maantieteellinen
sijainti ja pellon ominaisuudet,
2022 ja 2023 kohtalaisia
2020 2021 2022 2023
Keskimääräinen jyväsato
(15% kosteus) eri vuosina
6. Yhdysvaikutus
• Matalassa P-luokassa 20P ja 40P
tuottivat suuremman kumulatiivisen
sadon kuin 0P (p < 0,05),
vuosikohtaisesti tämä oli
tilastollisesti merkitsevä 2022 ja 2023
• Keskimääräisessä ja korkeassa P-
luokassa P-lannoituksella ei ollut
vaikutusta satoon, paitsi yksittäisenä
vuonna 2023, jolloin 20P ja 40P
tuottivat korkeamman sadon kuin 0P
keskimääräisessä luokassa (p < 0,05)
Maan P-luokka
0P 10P 20P 40P
Keskimääräinen P-luokka 2023
b b
7. Yhdysvaikutus
Voidaanko matalassa P-luokassa
riittävällä P-lannoituksella saada yhtä
korkea sato kuin keskimääräisessä tai
korkeassa luokassa ilman P-
Maan P-luokka
Kumulatiivinen sato 2020-2023:
10 kg P/ha –lannoitus matalassa P-
luokassa riitti tuottamaan saman sadon
kuin 0 P keskimääräisessä
40 kg P/ha ei riittänyt matalassa P-luokassa
samaan satoon kuin 0 P korkeassa
Tässä kuitenkin vuosikohtaista vaihtelua
8. Jyvien laatu
• Viljavuusluokalla tai P-lannoituksella
ei pääosin ollut vaikutusta
hehtolitrapainoon tai jyvien P-
• Vain vuonna 2022 korkeassa
viljavuusluokassa saatiin korkeampi
hlp (59,5 kg) ja jyvien P-pitoisuus
(5,6 g/kg ka) kuin muissa kahdessa
(hlp 57,5 kg ja P 5,3 g/kg ka)
Vuosi Hlp
(g/kg ka)
2020 60,2 4,0
2021 52,8 5,6
2022 58,2 5,4
2023 62,7 4,6
Kuva: Juliana Roivainen/Luke
9. Viljavuus-P:n muutos maassa
• Neljän kasvukauden aikana 0P ja 40P
ovat erkaantuneet toisistaan kaikissa
kolmessa viljavuus-P-luokassa
• Vuosittain tapahtuva kyntö
todennäköisesti lisää käyrien
2020 kevät 2020 syksy 2021 syksy 2022 syksy 2023 syksy
Viljavuus-P muutos maassa
Matala 0P Matala 40P Keskimääräinen 0P
Keskimääräinen 40P Korkea 0P Korkea 40P
10. P-tase
• Matalassa ja
luokassa taseet samaa
• Korkeassa luokassa
taseet 10-20 kg
matalampia (p < 0,05,
korkeampi satotaso →
korkeampi P-poistuma)
0 10 20 40 0 10 20 40 0 10 20 40
P-lannoitus kg/ha/vuosi
P-tase vilja 2020-2023
Matala Keskimääräinen Korkea
Fosforilannoituksen enimmäismäärät
11. Johtopäätökset
• Ohran sato oli pienempi matalassa
P-luokassa (5,3 mg/l) verrattuna
korkeaan (22,9 mg/l). Matalassa
luokassa P-lannoitus nosti satoa.
• Keskimääräisessä (13,6 mg/l) ja
korkeassa luokassa P-lannoituksella
ei saatu suoraa satohyötyä.
• Ohra on usein mukana karjatilojen
nurmikierrossa. Ohran nurmesta
poikkeava fosforitarve on syytä ottaa
huomioon. Kuva: Juliana Roivainen/Luke
#4: Keskimääräinen 325 kg P/ha, korkea 650 kg P/ha, kaksoissuperfosfaattilannoitus (P20)
#5: SIMU-kokeessa nurmi/ohra, kolme P-luokkaa, lannoiteportaat 0P ja 40P, kyntö/sänki
#6: Viralliset lajikekokeet 2016-2023, Kaarle-ohra viljelyvyöhyke 3 keskisato 6504 kg (kokeita 19).
Tällä alueella viljelijät ovat yleensä tyytyväisiä keskimäärin 4000 satoihin. 2020 sato on tosi hyvä, kun pelto ei ole parhain mitä meillä on.
#8: Sama vuosikohtaisesti:
2020: matala ei jää keskimääräistä heikommaksi myöskään nollaruudulla. Myöskään ero korkeaan ei ole vielä niin selkeä, eikä johdonmukainen (saattaa jäädä matalammaksi kuin 0P, mutta muissa ei)
2021: katovuosi, ei kiinnostava
2022: sama kuin kumulatiivinen
2023: matala0 ja keskimääräinen0 ei eroa, pääasiassa sama tulkinta kuin kumulatiivisessa keskimääräisen luokan osalta, mutta korkeassa 20 kg P riitti tuottamaan saman sadon kuin 0 P korkeassa luokassa
#9: Hlp vastaanottorajat 58-60. Perushinnan vähennysraja 64-65, monitahoisilla ohrilla karjatiloilla ollaan yleensä tyytyväisiä kun hlp 62.
Valokuva eri kokeelta.
#10: Kuvasta näkyy syy miksi pääruutujen nimet eivät ole viljavuusluokkien nimiä: matala luokka välttävän ja tyydyttävän rajalla, keskimääräinen tyydyttävän ja hyvän rajalla, korkea = korkea lähes mutta ei ihan joka ruutu.
Käyrien siksakkaus johtuu osin kynnöstä, nurmiruudut käyttäytyy loogisemmin. Nurmella myöskään Matala 0P ei nouse 2020 syksyllä.
#11: Välttävä 16P, tyydyttävä 10P, hyvä 5P, korkea 0P
#12: Tulosten tarkempi käsittely pitkässä tekstissä. Nurmi kasvoi aivan yhtä hyvin kaikissa viljavuusfosforiluokissa kaikilla P-lannoituksilla.
Huuhtoumakoe alkamassa 15.1.