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Mohamed AbdelKader Al-
Professional Medical Representative
6th of October city,Giza | +201000 500 439 - 02 36920101| m_abdelkader89@yahoo.com
Veterinarian with More than 4 Years as Freelancer at age of 15 years Old and 4 years
of working For biggest International pharmaceutical Company ,Successfully finished
post graduate Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Looking for a Job
opportunity that extremely matches and exploits my strengths and competencies with
strong interpersonal skills reflecting presentation, communication, analytical and
organization skills, with creative ability coupled with eagerness to learning and
innovation at the field of Sales and Marketing Management.
2014 - 2016
2013 - 2014
2012 - Dec,2012
2004 - 2008
Professional Medical Representative
Giza Branch:
Best Achiever (Units & Values) for 2 Years.
Efficient relationship with most key persons in my different areas.
What i learned:
Strong Sales and Marketing knowledge.
Outstanding customer engagement and professional relationship-building skills
Ability to discover and satisfy client needs and expectations.
Sales Opportunity hunter and rain maker, Energetic, Enthusiastic, Hardworking,
Ambitious, Achiever.
Prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency.
Excellent negotiation and decision-making skill.
Quick learner and skilled in strategic planning and budget management.
Medical Representative
EIPICO Company
Mansoura Branch.
Achievement 110 %.
Veterinarian Assistant Manager
Sanad For Dairy Production
Assistant Manager of Veterinary Pharmacy which responsible for drug supply of
more than 3000 Dairy Cattle.
FreeLancer with Age (15 years Old)
Own Business
Startup business provide 2000 people with Internet Service.
Entertainment center (PlayStation,CyperNet,Billiard).
Small poultry project 1000 broiler.
Date of birth : 1 / 3 / 1989.
Nationality : Egyptian.
Marital Status : Married.
Marketing Management
MBA Holder
Sales Effectiveness
Presentation skills
Time Management
Critical Thinking
Analytical skills
Communication Skills
Maintain and acquire relationship with
Microsoft Office
Valid License till 2023
Own Car
Arabic Language
Work History
Personal Data
2014 - 2016
June 2012 - Dec,2012
2006 - 2012
(MBA),Master of Business Administration,Marketing
(AAST),Arab academy for science, technology Maritime transport
MBA GPA=3.88 (Excellent)
(Contemporary Management.  Accounting  Economics Statistics- Operations
Management - Marketing  Finance  H.R-International Marketing-Marketing
Research-Consumer behavior-promotion&Personal Selling - MIS - Distribution
channels - Strategic Management - Advanced Marketing).
Artificial Insemination
Animal production Research Institute
Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine.
Mansoura University
Organize IMS Marketing (Personality and Career Change Program) (2010).
Launch different seminars of Veterinary courses (Set your Goals) Mansoura
University (2011).
Chairman of the Scientific Committee at Students Union (2011_2012) at Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine.
Chairman & founder of Uni Vets Family Mansoura University (2009  2011).
2014 - 2015
2014 - 2015
2012 - 2012
(AAST),Arab academy for science, technology Maritime transport
Score of 540 PBT.
(AAST),Arab academy for science, technology Maritime transport
Score of 480.
Microsoft Office
Outstanding Sales Achievements Award for Best Medical Representative for all
EIPICO Branches on Aug, 2016.
Maintain Rank No 1 of achievement for EIPICO (Jan-Oct 2016 >122%).
Best achiever (Units-Value) of all branches of EIPICO 2015-130%.
Best achiever of Giza branch 2014-119%.
Volunteer Member at different
Medical conveys which enable us
to supply the poorest people in
different Villages with critical drugs
medical support (2013-2016).
Participate in a lot of conferences
and conveys in Veterinary Field
which focus on Farmer awareness
about dangerous infectious
diseases that threat their livestock
in Egypt like Rift valley disease,Foot
and mouth disease and Rabies
Member of S.P.A.R.E - Society for
the Protection of Animal Rights in
Egypt which enable us to launch
the Initiative to establish a
donation box and treat more than
5000 stray animals(2012-2013).
Dr.Hatem Hamza .Supervisor at EIPICO.
Dr.Essam Hagag . Area manager at
EIPICO .01022205898
Student Activities:
Honors & Awards:
Achievement V.s Target
Volunteer Experience
2016 Oct201520142013Jan

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M.AbdelKader CV MBA

  • 1. Mohamed AbdelKader Al- Basheer Professional Medical Representative 6th of October city,Giza | +201000 500 439 - 02 36920101| m_abdelkader89@yahoo.com eg.linkedin.com/in/mohamed-abdelkader-mba-40249a127 Veterinarian with More than 4 Years as Freelancer at age of 15 years Old and 4 years of working For biggest International pharmaceutical Company ,Successfully finished post graduate Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Looking for a Job opportunity that extremely matches and exploits my strengths and competencies with strong interpersonal skills reflecting presentation, communication, analytical and organization skills, with creative ability coupled with eagerness to learning and innovation at the field of Sales and Marketing Management. 2014 - 2016 2013 - 2014 2012 - Dec,2012 2004 - 2008 Professional Medical Representative EIPICO Giza Branch: Best Achiever (Units & Values) for 2 Years. Efficient relationship with most key persons in my different areas. What i learned: Strong Sales and Marketing knowledge. Outstanding customer engagement and professional relationship-building skills Ability to discover and satisfy client needs and expectations. Sales Opportunity hunter and rain maker, Energetic, Enthusiastic, Hardworking, Ambitious, Achiever. Prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency. Excellent negotiation and decision-making skill. Quick learner and skilled in strategic planning and budget management. Medical Representative EIPICO Company Line Anti-Infective3 (FLUMOX,SILDEN,EMOXCLAV SUSP,CEFIDIME). Mansoura Branch. Achievement 110 %. Veterinarian Assistant Manager Sanad For Dairy Production Assistant Manager of Veterinary Pharmacy which responsible for drug supply of more than 3000 Dairy Cattle. FreeLancer with Age (15 years Old) Own Business Startup business provide 2000 people with Internet Service. Entertainment center (PlayStation,CyperNet,Billiard). Small poultry project 1000 broiler. Date of birth : 1 / 3 / 1989. Nationality : Egyptian. Marital Status : Married. Marketing Management MBA Holder Sales Effectiveness Presentation skills Time Management Critical Thinking Analytical skills Communication Skills Maintain and acquire relationship with everybody. Microsoft Office Word,PowerPoint,Excel,Access Driving Valid License till 2023 Own Car English Arabic Language Summary Work History Personal Data Skills https://www.visualcv.com/nt2fd-no3xu
  • 2. 2014 - 2016 June 2012 - Dec,2012 2006 - 2012 (MBA),Master of Business Administration,Marketing (AAST),Arab academy for science, technology Maritime transport MBA GPA=3.88 (Excellent) (Contemporary Management. Accounting Economics Statistics- Operations Management - Marketing Finance H.R-International Marketing-Marketing Research-Consumer behavior-promotion&Personal Selling - MIS - Distribution channels - Strategic Management - Advanced Marketing). Artificial Insemination Animal production Research Institute Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine. Mansoura University Organize IMS Marketing (Personality and Career Change Program) (2010). Launch different seminars of Veterinary courses (Set your Goals) Mansoura University (2011). Chairman of the Scientific Committee at Students Union (2011_2012) at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Chairman & founder of Uni Vets Family Mansoura University (2009 2011). 2014 - 2015 2014 - 2015 2012 - 2012 TOEFL (AAST),Arab academy for science, technology Maritime transport Score of 540 PBT. GMAT (AAST),Arab academy for science, technology Maritime transport Score of 480. ICDL UNESCO Microsoft Office Outstanding Sales Achievements Award for Best Medical Representative for all EIPICO Branches on Aug, 2016. Maintain Rank No 1 of achievement for EIPICO (Jan-Oct 2016 >122%). Best achiever (Units-Value) of all branches of EIPICO 2015-130%. Best achiever of Giza branch 2014-119%. Volunteer Member at different Medical conveys which enable us to supply the poorest people in different Villages with critical drugs medical support (2013-2016). Participate in a lot of conferences and conveys in Veterinary Field which focus on Farmer awareness about dangerous infectious diseases that threat their livestock in Egypt like Rift valley disease,Foot and mouth disease and Rabies (2009_2012). Member of S.P.A.R.E - Society for the Protection of Animal Rights in Egypt which enable us to launch the Initiative to establish a donation box and treat more than 5000 stray animals(2012-2013). Dr.Hatem Hamza .Supervisor at EIPICO. 01022205889. Dr.Essam Hagag . Area manager at EIPICO .01022205898 http://www.facebook.com/mohamed. abdelkader.3114 http://www.mans.edu.eg/students- results http://www.ott-summit.com/ http://www.unesco.org/new/ar/unesc o/worldwide/africa/egypt/ Education Student Activities: Courses Honors & Awards: Achievement V.s Target Volunteer Experience REFERENCES https://www.visualcv.com/nt2fd-no3xu