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In Business to Make a Difference
MAB Enterprise is a business that provides a variety of services for all
business classes. We consist of seven components: ministry, advertisement,
business consulting, entertainment, motivational speaking, book publishing
and a youth non-profit. On the following pages you will see the services we
provide under business consulting. With our knowledge and professionalism we
can take your business to the next level and beyond. We even assist individuals
getting started in business.
We have served a vast market of clients which has enabled us to show just how
creative and effective we are. We strive for excellence in all that we do and it is our
desire to impart something great into your business for you to hold on to for years
to come.
Attached you will find a list of our current and previous clients. The range of these
businesses will give you an idea of how well rounded we are in consulting
businesses and providing them with the services they need.
If we can be of any assistant to you in your business venture please feel free to
contact us so that we can provide you with the services you need to succeed.
In Business to Make a Difference,
Dr. Mindy A. Butler
MABE, Executive
Address: PO Box 837
Liberty, NC 27298
Email: mabutler80@gmail.com
Phone: 336-252-8872
 Business, Strategic & Marketing Plans
 Project Management
 Leadership Training
 Event Coordination
 Virtual Office Assistance
 Personal & Business Assessments
Training & Workshops
Team Building  Trains groups have to work together effectively & creatively
Woman in the Mirror  Helping women heal, embrace who they are & come to love
Defining Your Destiny  Helping individuals identify their gifts and skills, goal setting and
learning what destiny really means.
Pillow Talk & Socks  A time of transparency to discuss issues that face women and in
turn build them up! The socks aspect is a unique way to get women to open up and talk
about their likes and dislikes.
Becoming W.E.I.R.D.  Empowerment session on what it means to live for God as we are
a peculiar people created to worship Him and show it in our daily lives.
Evangelism Training  Workshop
Leadership Training - Workshop
Time Management  Creating a balance
 Refreshing Springs of Living Water, Fort Mills, SC  Non-profit
 Ark of Christ Mission Int'l, Brooklyn, NY - Non-profit
 TFG Creative Mgt, Brooklyn, NY  Business Consultant & Artist Management
 DW Project, Brooklyn, NY  Gospel Recording Artist
 Phoneix Transportation, District Heights, MD  Bus Service company
 Commissioner Jamal Miller, District Heights, MD  Political
 Gospel Artist Terri Cann, Hollis, NY  Singer, song writer, actress
 J Muzik Global Ministries, Winston Salem, NC  Christian Entertainment
 One Accord Enterprise, Raleigh, NC  Christian Entertainment Company
 Restoration Christian Fellowship, Winston Salem, NC - Non-profit
 Porch Freight LLC, Winston Salem, NC  Transportation Company
 16-11 Crosswear, Greensboro, NC  Urban Wear
 Marias Snack Shack, Winston Salem, NC  Lemonade & Snack Stand
Triad Sports Weekly, Winston Salem, NC  Sports Newspaper
 Crown Laundry Express, Winston Salem, NC  Laundry Care Services
Fresh Designz, Raleigh, NC  Graphic Art Design
 Goels Plaza, Morrisville, NC  Social and Events Management
 Drydock Film Corporation, Fries, VA  Independent Films
 Mr. Bills Productions, Winston Salem, NC  Entertainment Production
 KidCommerceUSA, Winston Salem, NC  Non-profit Youth Program
 Prudential Realty, Winston Salem, NC  Real Estate Agency
 Triad Business Network, Winston Salem, NC  Business Support
 All Good Insurance, Winston Salem, NC  Insurance Agency
 PhD, Ministry 2013  Word of Life Bible College
 MA, Pastoral Counseling 2011  Liberty University
 BS, Business Administration 2005  Winston Salem State University
 Project Blue Print 2007  United Way of Forsyth County, North Carolina
 Alpha Nu Omega Sorority, Inc.  NC Piedmont Region
Client Statements
Mindy Butler provided me with consultation/coaching for my business for 2 years. Her services consisted
of event planning for both my 2008 and 2009 Customer Appreciation/Anniversary events, managing my
monthly E-blast to clients and assisting me in benchmarking company goals. Mindy has truly been an
asset to my business and I can safely say that my business is clearly better because of her efforts. Her
conscientiousness, attention to detail and persistence are second to none. I would recommend her to
anyone who desires to see their business dreams come to fruition.
Demarcus Williams
J Muzik Global Ministries
Mindy has been working with my company for the past 18 months. Through her services she has brought
our vision to life through formulating our business plan and providing us with a web presence. She is
very energetic and thorough in her work. I am confident that any service she provides you with will be
done in excellence.
Outside of working with Mindy I have known her for 9 years. She has always put her best effort forward
in everything she does and has been an asset to everyone she serves. Working with Mindy would be an
excellent decision as she is very creative and resourceful when it comes to getting the job done.
Jeremiah Salter
Commissioner Jamal Miller  District Height, MD
To whom it may concern:
I would like to take a few minutes to express how helpful Mindy Butler and her services have been in my
efforts as a professional and elected official. To be honest, outside of the words fantastic, wonderful, and
amazing, I cant think of one word to adequately describe Mindys professionalism, follow-through,
attention to detail wonderful demeanor. Mindy has truly been an invaluable asset to me in many ways.
She helps to organize the many priorities I have in the multiple areas of my life and keeps me on track.
Everyone who interacts with her speaks about how they are able to feel her sincerity over the phone. I
can honestly say that Mindy truly has a gift for what she does; shes thorough, consistent, and diligent. I
highly and strongly recommend Mindy Butler, she indeed is a professional treasure. I am most certain
that she will continue to excel and exceed expectations in whatever project or initiative is involved in.
Please dont hesitate to contact me if you would like more specific information regarding Mindys stellar
performance, and I will be more than happy to provide.
Jamal I. Miller
Commissioner, Ward II

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MABE-Business Profile

  • 1. In Business to Make a Difference Greetings, MAB Enterprise is a business that provides a variety of services for all business classes. We consist of seven components: ministry, advertisement, business consulting, entertainment, motivational speaking, book publishing and a youth non-profit. On the following pages you will see the services we provide under business consulting. With our knowledge and professionalism we can take your business to the next level and beyond. We even assist individuals getting started in business. We have served a vast market of clients which has enabled us to show just how creative and effective we are. We strive for excellence in all that we do and it is our desire to impart something great into your business for you to hold on to for years to come. Attached you will find a list of our current and previous clients. The range of these businesses will give you an idea of how well rounded we are in consulting businesses and providing them with the services they need. If we can be of any assistant to you in your business venture please feel free to contact us so that we can provide you with the services you need to succeed. In Business to Make a Difference, Dr. Mindy A. Butler MABE, Executive Address: PO Box 837 Liberty, NC 27298 Email: mabutler80@gmail.com Phone: 336-252-8872
  • 2. SERVICES PROVIDED Business, Strategic & Marketing Plans Project Management Leadership Training Event Coordination Virtual Office Assistance Personal & Business Assessments Training & Workshops Team Building Trains groups have to work together effectively & creatively Woman in the Mirror Helping women heal, embrace who they are & come to love themselves. Defining Your Destiny Helping individuals identify their gifts and skills, goal setting and learning what destiny really means. Pillow Talk & Socks A time of transparency to discuss issues that face women and in turn build them up! The socks aspect is a unique way to get women to open up and talk about their likes and dislikes. Becoming W.E.I.R.D. Empowerment session on what it means to live for God as we are a peculiar people created to worship Him and show it in our daily lives. Evangelism Training Workshop Leadership Training - Workshop Time Management Creating a balance CURRENT & PREVIOUS CLIENTS Refreshing Springs of Living Water, Fort Mills, SC Non-profit Ark of Christ Mission Int'l, Brooklyn, NY - Non-profit TFG Creative Mgt, Brooklyn, NY Business Consultant & Artist Management DW Project, Brooklyn, NY Gospel Recording Artist Phoneix Transportation, District Heights, MD Bus Service company Commissioner Jamal Miller, District Heights, MD Political Gospel Artist Terri Cann, Hollis, NY Singer, song writer, actress J Muzik Global Ministries, Winston Salem, NC Christian Entertainment One Accord Enterprise, Raleigh, NC Christian Entertainment Company Restoration Christian Fellowship, Winston Salem, NC - Non-profit Porch Freight LLC, Winston Salem, NC Transportation Company 16-11 Crosswear, Greensboro, NC Urban Wear Marias Snack Shack, Winston Salem, NC Lemonade & Snack Stand Triad Sports Weekly, Winston Salem, NC Sports Newspaper Crown Laundry Express, Winston Salem, NC Laundry Care Services Fresh Designz, Raleigh, NC Graphic Art Design Goels Plaza, Morrisville, NC Social and Events Management Drydock Film Corporation, Fries, VA Independent Films Mr. Bills Productions, Winston Salem, NC Entertainment Production KidCommerceUSA, Winston Salem, NC Non-profit Youth Program Prudential Realty, Winston Salem, NC Real Estate Agency Triad Business Network, Winston Salem, NC Business Support All Good Insurance, Winston Salem, NC Insurance Agency EDUCATION/LEADERSHIP PhD, Ministry 2013 Word of Life Bible College MA, Pastoral Counseling 2011 Liberty University BS, Business Administration 2005 Winston Salem State University Project Blue Print 2007 United Way of Forsyth County, North Carolina Alpha Nu Omega Sorority, Inc. NC Piedmont Region
  • 3. Client Statements FRESHDESIGNZ, LLC Mindy Butler provided me with consultation/coaching for my business for 2 years. Her services consisted of event planning for both my 2008 and 2009 Customer Appreciation/Anniversary events, managing my monthly E-blast to clients and assisting me in benchmarking company goals. Mindy has truly been an asset to my business and I can safely say that my business is clearly better because of her efforts. Her conscientiousness, attention to detail and persistence are second to none. I would recommend her to anyone who desires to see their business dreams come to fruition. Demarcus Williams 919.783.4172 demarcus@freshdesignz.net J Muzik Global Ministries Mindy has been working with my company for the past 18 months. Through her services she has brought our vision to life through formulating our business plan and providing us with a web presence. She is very energetic and thorough in her work. I am confident that any service she provides you with will be done in excellence. Outside of working with Mindy I have known her for 9 years. She has always put her best effort forward in everything she does and has been an asset to everyone she serves. Working with Mindy would be an excellent decision as she is very creative and resourceful when it comes to getting the job done. Jeremiah Salter 336-757-9706 jazzdapro@gmail.com Commissioner Jamal Miller District Height, MD To whom it may concern: I would like to take a few minutes to express how helpful Mindy Butler and her services have been in my efforts as a professional and elected official. To be honest, outside of the words fantastic, wonderful, and amazing, I cant think of one word to adequately describe Mindys professionalism, follow-through, attention to detail wonderful demeanor. Mindy has truly been an invaluable asset to me in many ways. She helps to organize the many priorities I have in the multiple areas of my life and keeps me on track. Everyone who interacts with her speaks about how they are able to feel her sincerity over the phone. I can honestly say that Mindy truly has a gift for what she does; shes thorough, consistent, and diligent. I highly and strongly recommend Mindy Butler, she indeed is a professional treasure. I am most certain that she will continue to excel and exceed expectations in whatever project or initiative is involved in. Please dont hesitate to contact me if you would like more specific information regarding Mindys stellar performance, and I will be more than happy to provide. Sincerely, Jamal I. Miller Commissioner, Ward II 301-221-5526 jamalimiller@districtheights.org