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Photos of my Homer Award
 This photo is when I
  received my homer award
  as a Taking Care of Our
  People, stepping into help
  them. That was happened
  on last September 5th 2012.
  In there are another two
  more awards I received for
  an Excellent Service I
  provided to customer and
  as well as in getting
  customers signed in
  companys credit cards.
Photos of my Homer Award
Photos of Certificate in
 Completion of Successful Transitions Program
          (For 40 years and above)
 This transitions program is for 40 years and above. I
  completed my program within 3 weeks. This program
  helped me and my other colleague how to interact
  with other people. The workshop we did in this
  group showed us how to job search, labour market
  Internet (Job boards), computers and printers,
  telephone, fax, photocopier and how to find a better
  job by writing proper resume, and how to focus in
  job interview. I learned how to better interact with
  all other types of people. It is a good learning process
  and good experienced to be around with different
  diversity. It will really help how to get a better job in
  the future.
Photos of Special Event

This event was taken March 16, 2013. I had celebrated the fiesta festival with my family and friends for St.
Josephs Birthday (who is one of the Saints that most of the Catholic believes and worship him). This is our third
year celebration for St. Josephs birthday here in Canada. In my own country, this fiesta is the biggest event that
we celebrate every 19th day of March. It has always been a successfully special event that everyone celebrate in
our homeland and in abroad. This social interaction is good for business event as well, because you are
experiencing how to interact with all types of people.
Photos of my Business
Communication Presentation
Business Communication
 The photo above was taken when I was
  giving my presentation in class about the
  company I chose. It was all about what the
  company use for communication strategies
  externally and internally. I learned from my
  own experienced how important
  communication is in the business world.
Photos of Volunteer Experience
 Ontario Association of
  Childrens Aid Society
  Training Program
 Pre-Service Training for
  Prospective Resource
Volunteer Training Program
   I attended this session to learn how to be competent as a prospective resource parents will:
   To know the meaning of Ontario Practice Model: Resource Family Assessment, Preparation and ongoing
   To know the value of informed decision-making in relation to fostering or adoption, and the meaning of
    mutual assessment.
   To know the mandate of the childrens aid society and the Ministry of Children & Youth Services in
    governing domestic, private & international adoption services. The importance of respecting cultural
    diversity, understand the factors that contribute to neglect, emotional maltreatment, physical and sexual
    abuse and children relinquishment.
   To understand the concept of permanence for children and why children in out-of-home care are at risk for
    not being connected to lifetime relationships.
   Better understanding that effective foster care and adoption can mitigate the impact of a childs trauma
    and that adoption through parental consent is a planned process rights to adoptive parents. Must
    understand the needs of specific children awaiting adoption and roles, rights and responsibilities of
    foster/kin/customary care and adoptive parents.
   All of that we discussed in this training program made me to become competent and learned how
    important the children in our society and how to get a better relationship with them. This gives me a
    broad understanding in Foster Care and Adoption. Because foster means to encourage, to cherish, to
    nurture and to help someone to grow. It means to help a child in a family in a nurturing way. Meanwhile
    adopt means to take as your own, you would parent the child placed with you in the same way. It really a
    great experienced to debate and respect childrens right where they can be either with their own parents
    or with their foster parents. I believed when you are a good parent then you will have a good children
    because children takes after their parents footprints and having a good relationship and respect is totally
    important to each other.
Photos of Certificate of Appreciation
  (The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation)
 This is a photo of certificate
  of appreciation from
  Princess Margaret Hospital
  Foundation as a gratefully
  acknowledges the generous
  support Ive done to help
  them Conquer Cancer in
  their lifetime. As a business
  person should care about
  the community and all
  people suffering. I believe in
  what you give you will
  receive in kind.

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際際滷 share showcase assignment 5

  • 1. Photos of my Homer Award This photo is when I received my homer award as a Taking Care of Our People, stepping into help them. That was happened on last September 5th 2012. In there are another two more awards I received for an Excellent Service I provided to customer and as well as in getting customers signed in companys credit cards.
  • 2. Photos of my Homer Award
  • 3. Photos of Certificate in Completion of Successful Transitions Program (For 40 years and above) This transitions program is for 40 years and above. I completed my program within 3 weeks. This program helped me and my other colleague how to interact with other people. The workshop we did in this group showed us how to job search, labour market Internet (Job boards), computers and printers, telephone, fax, photocopier and how to find a better job by writing proper resume, and how to focus in job interview. I learned how to better interact with all other types of people. It is a good learning process and good experienced to be around with different diversity. It will really help how to get a better job in the future.
  • 4. Photos of Special Event This event was taken March 16, 2013. I had celebrated the fiesta festival with my family and friends for St. Josephs Birthday (who is one of the Saints that most of the Catholic believes and worship him). This is our third year celebration for St. Josephs birthday here in Canada. In my own country, this fiesta is the biggest event that we celebrate every 19th day of March. It has always been a successfully special event that everyone celebrate in our homeland and in abroad. This social interaction is good for business event as well, because you are experiencing how to interact with all types of people.
  • 5. Photos of my Business Communication Presentation
  • 6. Business Communication Presentation The photo above was taken when I was giving my presentation in class about the company I chose. It was all about what the company use for communication strategies externally and internally. I learned from my own experienced how important communication is in the business world.
  • 7. Photos of Volunteer Experience Ontario Association of Childrens Aid Society Training Program PRIDE Pre-Service Training for Prospective Resource Families
  • 8. Volunteer Training Program I attended this session to learn how to be competent as a prospective resource parents will: To know the meaning of Ontario Practice Model: Resource Family Assessment, Preparation and ongoing Development. To know the value of informed decision-making in relation to fostering or adoption, and the meaning of mutual assessment. To know the mandate of the childrens aid society and the Ministry of Children & Youth Services in governing domestic, private & international adoption services. The importance of respecting cultural diversity, understand the factors that contribute to neglect, emotional maltreatment, physical and sexual abuse and children relinquishment. To understand the concept of permanence for children and why children in out-of-home care are at risk for not being connected to lifetime relationships. Better understanding that effective foster care and adoption can mitigate the impact of a childs trauma and that adoption through parental consent is a planned process rights to adoptive parents. Must understand the needs of specific children awaiting adoption and roles, rights and responsibilities of foster/kin/customary care and adoptive parents. All of that we discussed in this training program made me to become competent and learned how important the children in our society and how to get a better relationship with them. This gives me a broad understanding in Foster Care and Adoption. Because foster means to encourage, to cherish, to nurture and to help someone to grow. It means to help a child in a family in a nurturing way. Meanwhile adopt means to take as your own, you would parent the child placed with you in the same way. It really a great experienced to debate and respect childrens right where they can be either with their own parents or with their foster parents. I believed when you are a good parent then you will have a good children because children takes after their parents footprints and having a good relationship and respect is totally important to each other.
  • 9. Photos of Certificate of Appreciation (The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation) This is a photo of certificate of appreciation from Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation as a gratefully acknowledges the generous support Ive done to help them Conquer Cancer in their lifetime. As a business person should care about the community and all people suffering. I believe in what you give you will receive in kind.