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William ShakespearesWilliam Shakespeares
Act 1 Scene 1Act 1 Scene 1
 The three witches areThe three witches are
introduced. Theyintroduced. They
inform the reader thatinform the reader that
they are going to meetthey are going to meet
with Macbeth.with Macbeth.
 Anon  immediatelyAnon  immediately
 Character DescriptionsCharacter Descriptions
 Are they actualAre they actual
supernatural beings?supernatural beings?
 Important LinesImportant Lines
 Fair is foul, foul is fairFair is foul, foul is fair
Act 1 Scene 2Act 1 Scene 2 SummarySummary
 Duncan is introduced. A soldierDuncan is introduced. A soldier
comes to Duncan to tell him thatcomes to Duncan to tell him that
Macbeth has killed the rebelMacbeth has killed the rebel
Macdonwald. However, the battleMacdonwald. However, the battle
continues as the Norwegian lord begancontinues as the Norwegian lord began
a new assault. He was aided by thea new assault. He was aided by the
Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth was ableThane of Cawdor. Macbeth was able
to defeat them. Duncan orders theto defeat them. Duncan orders the
Thane of Cawdor to be killed and giveThane of Cawdor to be killed and give
Macbeth the title.Macbeth the title.
 Notes or DefinitionsNotes or Definitions
 a title of nobility in Scotlanda title of nobility in Scotland
corresponding to that of an earl.corresponding to that of an earl.
 Bellonas bridegroomBellonas bridegroom
 Bellona was a goddess of war andBellona was a goddess of war and
sister of mars.sister of mars.
 Character DescriptionsCharacter Descriptions
 Seems to be in controlSeems to be in control
 Even though we dont meetEven though we dont meet
him, we learn about him.him, we learn about him.
 Brave soldier, loyal to hisBrave soldier, loyal to his
 Important LinesImportant Lines
 And with his former title greetAnd with his former title greet
Act 1 Scene 3Act 1 Scene 3
 The witches appear again. They give 3The witches appear again. They give 3
predictions to Macbeth and one topredictions to Macbeth and one to
Banquo. Scarcely have the predictionsBanquo. Scarcely have the predictions
been made than Ross and Angusbeen made than Ross and Angus
arrive to tell Macbeth that he has beenarrive to tell Macbeth that he has been
made Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth andmade Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth and
Banquo react differently. BanquoBanquo react differently. Banquo
recognizes evil as such but Macbeth isrecognizes evil as such but Macbeth is
now encouragement to put further trustnow encouragement to put further trust
in them.in them.
 Themes or SymbolismThemes or Symbolism
 Symbolism of FearSymbolism of Fear
 Notice how Macbeth gets afraid whenNotice how Macbeth gets afraid when
the witches mention he will be King.the witches mention he will be King.
This symbolism is associated with theThis symbolism is associated with the
main theme of the play which is gradualmain theme of the play which is gradual
ruin of a man through his yielding toruin of a man through his yielding to
 Theme of DarknessTheme of Darkness
 Witches 0 goes back to scene 1.Witches 0 goes back to scene 1.
 Character DescriptionsCharacter Descriptions
 His ambition begin to work at him.His ambition begin to work at him.
 Loyal to the kingLoyal to the king
 Not influenced by predictionsNot influenced by predictions
 Important LinesImportant Lines
 So foul and fair a day have not seenSo foul and fair a day have not seen
 Present fears are less than horriblePresent fears are less than horrible
Act 1 Scene 4Act 1 Scene 4
 Malcolm is describing theMalcolm is describing the
execution of the thane ofexecution of the thane of
Cawdor. Macbeth and BanquoCawdor. Macbeth and Banquo
enter and are thanked byenter and are thanked by
Duncan for their loyalty andDuncan for their loyalty and
service. He promises toservice. He promises to
reward them with morereward them with more
honours. Duncan then nameshonours. Duncan then names
his son Malcom as the heir tohis son Malcom as the heir to
the throne (Prince ofthe throne (Prince of
Cumberland). As an honour toCumberland). As an honour to
Macbeth, Duncan invitesMacbeth, Duncan invites
himself and the court tohimself and the court to
Macbeths castle. MacbethMacbeths castle. Macbeth
leaves immediately of theleaves immediately of the
castle but he is upset thatcastle but he is upset that
Malcolm has been named heir.Malcolm has been named heir.
 Character DescriptionsCharacter Descriptions
 Notice his ambition 0 he isNotice his ambition 0 he is
upset that he is not heir to theupset that he is not heir to the
 Not a good judge of characterNot a good judge of character
 trusted Thane of Cawdor who trusted Thane of Cawdor who
was a traitor.was a traitor.
 Important LinesImportant Lines
Theres no artTheres no art
To find the minds construction inTo find the minds construction in
the face.the face.
Act 1 Scene 5Act 1 Scene 5
 Lady Macbeth is reading a letterLady Macbeth is reading a letter
her husband has sent telling herher husband has sent telling her
about the prophecies and theirabout the prophecies and their
partial fulfillment. She expressespartial fulfillment. She expresses
her determination that the thirdher determination that the third
prophecy will also come true.prophecy will also come true.
However, she also believes thatHowever, she also believes that
Macbeth is not capable of theMacbeth is not capable of the
direct action required  the murderdirect action required  the murder
of Duncan  and decides she mustof Duncan  and decides she must
spur him on.spur him on.
 A messenger arrives with the newsA messenger arrives with the news
that Duncan is on his way tothat Duncan is on his way to
Inverness. She knows this will beInverness. She knows this will be
an ideal opportunity to carry outan ideal opportunity to carry out
her plan and wants her femininityher plan and wants her femininity
to be replaced with evil.to be replaced with evil.
 Macbeth arrives.Macbeth arrives.
 Character DescriptionsCharacter Descriptions
 Lady MacbethLady Macbeth
 Notice how cruel she is.Notice how cruel she is.
 She takes control.She takes control.
 Important LinesImportant Lines
 Unsex me here Unsex me here 
 Yet I do fear thy natureYet I do fear thy nature
Listen to MacbethListen to Macbeth

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Macbeth act-1-notes-

  • 2. Act 1 Scene 1Act 1 Scene 1 SummarySummary The three witches areThe three witches are introduced. Theyintroduced. They inform the reader thatinform the reader that they are going to meetthey are going to meet with Macbeth.with Macbeth. ThemesThemes SupernaturalSupernatural WitchesWitches DefinitionsDefinitions Anon immediatelyAnon immediately Character DescriptionsCharacter Descriptions WitchesWitches Are they actualAre they actual supernatural beings?supernatural beings? Important LinesImportant Lines Fair is foul, foul is fairFair is foul, foul is fair AntithesisAntithesis SettingSetting
  • 3. Act 1 Scene 2Act 1 Scene 2 SummarySummary Duncan is introduced. A soldierDuncan is introduced. A soldier comes to Duncan to tell him thatcomes to Duncan to tell him that Macbeth has killed the rebelMacbeth has killed the rebel Macdonwald. However, the battleMacdonwald. However, the battle continues as the Norwegian lord begancontinues as the Norwegian lord began a new assault. He was aided by thea new assault. He was aided by the Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth was ableThane of Cawdor. Macbeth was able to defeat them. Duncan orders theto defeat them. Duncan orders the Thane of Cawdor to be killed and giveThane of Cawdor to be killed and give Macbeth the title.Macbeth the title. Notes or DefinitionsNotes or Definitions ThaneThane a title of nobility in Scotlanda title of nobility in Scotland corresponding to that of an earl.corresponding to that of an earl. Bellonas bridegroomBellonas bridegroom Bellona was a goddess of war andBellona was a goddess of war and sister of mars.sister of mars. NaveNave navelnavel ChapsChaps jawsjaws Character DescriptionsCharacter Descriptions DuncanDuncan Seems to be in controlSeems to be in control MacbethMacbeth Even though we dont meetEven though we dont meet him, we learn about him.him, we learn about him. Brave soldier, loyal to hisBrave soldier, loyal to his country.country. Important LinesImportant Lines And with his former title greetAnd with his former title greet Macbeth.Macbeth.
  • 4. Act 1 Scene 3Act 1 Scene 3 SummarySummary The witches appear again. They give 3The witches appear again. They give 3 predictions to Macbeth and one topredictions to Macbeth and one to Banquo. Scarcely have the predictionsBanquo. Scarcely have the predictions been made than Ross and Angusbeen made than Ross and Angus arrive to tell Macbeth that he has beenarrive to tell Macbeth that he has been made Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth andmade Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth and Banquo react differently. BanquoBanquo react differently. Banquo recognizes evil as such but Macbeth isrecognizes evil as such but Macbeth is now encouragement to put further trustnow encouragement to put further trust in them.in them. Themes or SymbolismThemes or Symbolism Symbolism of FearSymbolism of Fear Notice how Macbeth gets afraid whenNotice how Macbeth gets afraid when the witches mention he will be King.the witches mention he will be King. This symbolism is associated with theThis symbolism is associated with the main theme of the play which is gradualmain theme of the play which is gradual ruin of a man through his yielding toruin of a man through his yielding to evil.evil. Theme of DarknessTheme of Darkness Witches 0 goes back to scene 1.Witches 0 goes back to scene 1. Character DescriptionsCharacter Descriptions MacbethMacbeth His ambition begin to work at him.His ambition begin to work at him. BanquoBanquo Loyal to the kingLoyal to the king Not influenced by predictionsNot influenced by predictions Important LinesImportant Lines So foul and fair a day have not seenSo foul and fair a day have not seen ParadoxParadox Present fears are less than horriblePresent fears are less than horrible imaginingsimaginings
  • 5. Act 1 Scene 4Act 1 Scene 4 SummarySummary Malcolm is describing theMalcolm is describing the execution of the thane ofexecution of the thane of Cawdor. Macbeth and BanquoCawdor. Macbeth and Banquo enter and are thanked byenter and are thanked by Duncan for their loyalty andDuncan for their loyalty and service. He promises toservice. He promises to reward them with morereward them with more honours. Duncan then nameshonours. Duncan then names his son Malcom as the heir tohis son Malcom as the heir to the throne (Prince ofthe throne (Prince of Cumberland). As an honour toCumberland). As an honour to Macbeth, Duncan invitesMacbeth, Duncan invites himself and the court tohimself and the court to Macbeths castle. MacbethMacbeths castle. Macbeth leaves immediately of theleaves immediately of the castle but he is upset thatcastle but he is upset that Malcolm has been named heir.Malcolm has been named heir. Character DescriptionsCharacter Descriptions MacbethMacbeth Notice his ambition 0 he isNotice his ambition 0 he is upset that he is not heir to theupset that he is not heir to the throne.throne. DuncanDuncan Not a good judge of characterNot a good judge of character trusted Thane of Cawdor who trusted Thane of Cawdor who was a traitor.was a traitor. Important LinesImportant Lines Theres no artTheres no art To find the minds construction inTo find the minds construction in the face.the face.
  • 6. Act 1 Scene 5Act 1 Scene 5 SummarySummary Lady Macbeth is reading a letterLady Macbeth is reading a letter her husband has sent telling herher husband has sent telling her about the prophecies and theirabout the prophecies and their partial fulfillment. She expressespartial fulfillment. She expresses her determination that the thirdher determination that the third prophecy will also come true.prophecy will also come true. However, she also believes thatHowever, she also believes that Macbeth is not capable of theMacbeth is not capable of the direct action required the murderdirect action required the murder of Duncan and decides she mustof Duncan and decides she must spur him on.spur him on. A messenger arrives with the newsA messenger arrives with the news that Duncan is on his way tothat Duncan is on his way to Inverness. She knows this will beInverness. She knows this will be an ideal opportunity to carry outan ideal opportunity to carry out her plan and wants her femininityher plan and wants her femininity to be replaced with evil.to be replaced with evil. Macbeth arrives.Macbeth arrives. Character DescriptionsCharacter Descriptions Lady MacbethLady Macbeth Notice how cruel she is.Notice how cruel she is. She takes control.She takes control. Important LinesImportant Lines Unsex me here Unsex me here Yet I do fear thy natureYet I do fear thy nature