This document provides instructions for making a peyote stitch collar with embellishments. The collar base is made using a modified two-drop peyote stitch with 110 and 150 seed beads. Loops are added across the front by skipping stitches and adding patterned beads. Fringe is attached along the outer edge and top of the collar for finishing touches. Embellishments like the loops and fringe add color, texture and interest to the collar.
BASIC RESEARCH NEEDS FOR ADVANCED NUCLEAR ENERGY SYSTEMS 2006myatomReport of the Basic Energy Sciences Workshop on Basic Research Needs
for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems
Prensas de segunda manoMaquinaria BarriusoDescubre un tipo de maquinaria industrial de ocasión utilizado para corte y deformación: las prensas hidráulicas.
bijouxBijouxnatu1) The document discusses using tubular peyote stitch to bead around an electrical wire core, allowing the creation of flexible yet shaped necklaces and beadwork.
2) Instructions are provided for beading a tubular peyote stitch around a wire core, closing the ends, and adding dangles to create a necklace design.
3) Additional details are given for creating fringe tassels as dangles, attaching them to the beaded tube, and finishing the thread ends.
Beads And Threads A New Technique For Fiber JewelryBijouxnatuThe document discusses the history and current state of climate change research. It notes that scientific consensus has formed around the occurrence of climate change due to human activity like fossil fuel burning. Recent studies have found that climate change effects are happening faster and more extensively than previous estimates, with global temperatures projected to rise significantly without action to reduce emissions.
Macrame chinojaiba10The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive functioning. Exercising for at least 30 minutes three times per week is recommended to see these mental health benefits.
CURSO DE BISUTERÍA - ANILLOSKOKESHI-WORLDEste documento presenta 8 modelos de anillos hechos con bisutería. Cada modelo describe los materiales necesarios y los pasos detallados para su creación. Los modelos utilizan diferentes combinaciones de cuentas como cristales Swarovski, mostacillas y perlas para crear diversos patrones y diseños en los anillos. El documento proporciona instrucciones claras y detalladas para que los lectores puedan aprender a hacer anillos de bisutería siguiendo estos modelos.
1 curso de bisuteria - instrucciones basicasKOKESHI-WORLDEste documento ofrece instrucciones básicas para la bisutería, incluyendo una introducción a la bisutería y sus beneficios, así como materiales y consejos para la bisutería con abalorios. Explica los diferentes tipos de hilos, cadenas, cordones, abalorios y cuentas comúnmente usados, con detalles sobre sus características y usos.
16319564 Proyectos Macrame Arbol NavidadBijouxnatuEste documento proporciona instrucciones paso a paso para hacer un árbol de Navidad en macramé. Explica cómo cortar e hilvanar cinco hilos para formar la base del árbol, añadiendo bolas rojas mediante nudos para darle un aspecto festivo. A medida que se añaden más hilos y nudos, el árbol toma forma, creando un adorno navideño hecho a mano con la técnica de macramé.
14769081 Taller De MacrameBijouxnatuEste documento describe un taller de macramé. El taller tiene como objetivos acercar a los estudiantes a esta técnica artesanal, fomentar el uso de materiales naturales, y despertar el interés por los nudos y la decoración. El taller enseña los materiales básicos, técnicas como teñir fibras y hacer llaveros y collares, y propone crear objetos de complejidad creciente. El taller se llevará a cabo en grupos para promover la colaboración y la creatividad.
7243165 Macrame Acess Rios Ano 2 N13BijouxnatuThis is a one paragraph document that does not contain any substantive information to summarize. It appears to be describing a software program used to create PDF documents but provides no other details.
16830565 Cursodemacramc389nivel2BijouxnatuEste documento presenta técnicas avanzadas de macramé como nudos de fantasía (Bodoque, Josefina, Amor dormido, Pensamiento, Resorte inglés, Nudo mariposa), aumentar hebras y tejido circular. También describe montajes sencillos para cinturones, pulseras y gargantillas usando nudos festón y cómo elaborar gargantillas circulares simples con nudos festón y cuadrados e insertar cuentas.
Qop0904layoutBijouxnatuThis document provides instructions for tying a knotted necklace using three cords and cube-shaped silver beads. The necklace is created by tying overlapping knots along each cord to space the beads evenly. The cords are then tied together and finished with crimp beads and clasps on each end. The result is a sleek, contemporary necklace using simple knotting techniques to unite the three cord strands into a unified design.
Bbpdf0404106BijouxnatuThis document provides instructions for making a ladder-style bead bracelet using various cylindrical beads and seed beads. The instructions are presented in a step-by-step format with accompanying photographs. The bracelet is made by stringing beads in rows, with the number of seed beads on either side of each row determining whether the bracelet lies flat. Additional instructions are provided for making matching beaded earrings. Materials needed and contact information for the author are listed at the end.
Artesanato (19)BijouxnatuThis document provides instructions for making a chevron bracelet embellished with fire-polished beads arranged in floral motifs. The summary includes instructions to make either a wide or narrow version of the bracelet using different bead combinations and colors. Embellishments are added by sewing additional beads in a picot edging or chevron pattern around the bracelet.
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16319564 Proyectos Macrame Arbol NavidadBijouxnatuEste documento proporciona instrucciones paso a paso para hacer un árbol de Navidad en macramé. Explica cómo cortar e hilvanar cinco hilos para formar la base del árbol, añadiendo bolas rojas mediante nudos para darle un aspecto festivo. A medida que se añaden más hilos y nudos, el árbol toma forma, creando un adorno navideño hecho a mano con la técnica de macramé.
14769081 Taller De MacrameBijouxnatuEste documento describe un taller de macramé. El taller tiene como objetivos acercar a los estudiantes a esta técnica artesanal, fomentar el uso de materiales naturales, y despertar el interés por los nudos y la decoración. El taller enseña los materiales básicos, técnicas como teñir fibras y hacer llaveros y collares, y propone crear objetos de complejidad creciente. El taller se llevará a cabo en grupos para promover la colaboración y la creatividad.
7243165 Macrame Acess Rios Ano 2 N13BijouxnatuThis is a one paragraph document that does not contain any substantive information to summarize. It appears to be describing a software program used to create PDF documents but provides no other details.
16830565 Cursodemacramc389nivel2BijouxnatuEste documento presenta técnicas avanzadas de macramé como nudos de fantasía (Bodoque, Josefina, Amor dormido, Pensamiento, Resorte inglés, Nudo mariposa), aumentar hebras y tejido circular. También describe montajes sencillos para cinturones, pulseras y gargantillas usando nudos festón y cómo elaborar gargantillas circulares simples con nudos festón y cuadrados e insertar cuentas.
Qop0904layoutBijouxnatuThis document provides instructions for tying a knotted necklace using three cords and cube-shaped silver beads. The necklace is created by tying overlapping knots along each cord to space the beads evenly. The cords are then tied together and finished with crimp beads and clasps on each end. The result is a sleek, contemporary necklace using simple knotting techniques to unite the three cord strands into a unified design.
Bbpdf0404106BijouxnatuThis document provides instructions for making a ladder-style bead bracelet using various cylindrical beads and seed beads. The instructions are presented in a step-by-step format with accompanying photographs. The bracelet is made by stringing beads in rows, with the number of seed beads on either side of each row determining whether the bracelet lies flat. Additional instructions are provided for making matching beaded earrings. Materials needed and contact information for the author are listed at the end.
Artesanato (19)BijouxnatuThis document provides instructions for making a chevron bracelet embellished with fire-polished beads arranged in floral motifs. The summary includes instructions to make either a wide or narrow version of the bracelet using different bead combinations and colors. Embellishments are added by sewing additional beads in a picot edging or chevron pattern around the bracelet.
Contrasting colors
and textures define the
feel of this comfortable
peyote stitch collar
designed by Virginia Jensen
Custom-fit this collar to lay beautifully
on your neckline by carefully placing
110 and 150 seed beads. Finishing
touches include loops of seed beads
and graceful fringe.
2. b e
Being a longtime Egyptophile, I loved the idea of collars, and
I started out early to try to make one. I tried netted collars,
but they didn’t give me the look I wanted. After making d c a
Rebecca Peapples’ two-drop peyote collar from the October
2005 issue of Bead&Button, I decided to use the same b
technique to realize the base for this design.
a c f g h i
stepbystep stitches using 110s (f–g).
[6] Continue working in modified two-
Both of these collars begin with a base drop peyote, adding thread (Basics) as d
stitched in modified two-drop peyote. needed until your collar is 14½ in. a e
They curve naturally because you stitch (36.8 cm) or the desired length (g–h),
150 seed beads in the inner edge and keeping the length of the clasp in mind.
80s in the outer edge. The curve of the [7] Work two more rows of two-drop
topaz necklace is greater than the black-
b e peyote using 110s (h–i). Weave through
and-white one because you use 150s in the beadwork to exit at point j. size 80, color A
every other row along the inner edge, [8] Pick up half of the clasp, sew into b
size 110, color A
as opposed to every fourth row along the next two 110s (figure 2), and retrace
the outer edge, as in the black-and- the thread path several times to rein- size 150, color A
white collar. The pattern shown in force the clasp. Secure the working size 110, color B
figure 1 is for the topaz necklace. For thread in the beadwork with a few half- size 110, color C
a more gentle curve, substitute two 110s hitch knots (Basics), and trim.
for every other group of three 150s. [9] Remove the stop bead from the tail
Both collars have netting along the on the other end of the collar, and a c f g h i
outer edge, but the black-and-white repeat steps 7–9 to attach the other half
collar also has edging along the top and of the d
clasp. b j
c a
loops across the front. Embellish your
collar as desired.
Embellishments a
Collar base Front loops
[1] On 3 yd. (2.7 m) of thread, pick up [1] Secure 2 yd. (1.8 m) of thread in the
a stop bead (Basics, p. 126), leaving a beadwork, and exit figure 3, point a. b e
10-in. (25 cm) tail. Referring to figure 1 [2] Pick up a color C 110, a color A 110, f e
for the bead pattern, pick up three 150s a color B 110, an A 110, and a C. Skip
and 12 110s. Skip the last four 110s, and over four 110s on the collar base, and
sew through the next two (a–b). Work sew through the next C (a–b). Sew
two more two-drop peyote stitches through the adjacent C in the horizontal d
using two 110s per stitch, and exit the row (b–c). figure 1
first three 150s added (b–c). [3] Pick up a C, a B 110, an A 110, a B
[2] Work three two-drop peyote 110, and a C. Skip over four 110s on the
size 80, color A
stitches, using two 110s per stitch (c–d). collar base, and sew through the next C
[3] Work one stitch with an 80 instead size 110, colorSew through the next horizontal
(c–d). A
of two 110s (d–e). C (d–e).
size 150, color A
d c a
[4] Work two two-drop peyote stitches size 110, color B steps 2 and 3 along the
[4] Repeat
using two 110s per stitch (e–f). center rows of stitches until you reach
size 110, color C
[5] Work one stitch using either three the other end. Secure the tails in the b
150s or two 110s, as explained above, beadwork, and trim.
figure 2
and then work five two-drop peyote | December 2007 81
3. a c f g h i
a e
d c a b
a e
b e
b a c
c b d
b f e
figure 5
figure 3
Top edge a C, and three B 110s. Sew through the
d c a [1] Secure 1 yd. (.9 m) ofbthread in next 80 and 110 (a–b). Sew through the
size 80, color A the beadwork, and exit one end of the adjacent 110 in the horizontal row and
size 110, color A b collar at figure 4, point a. back through the 80 and the 110 below
b [2] Pick up a B 110, a C, and a B 110.
c it (b–c).
size 150, color A
Skip the stack of 150s, and sew through [3] Repeat step 2, but pick up only
sizefigure 4B
110, color the next stack of 110s (a–b). Sew two B 110s at first, then pick up the
size 110, color C through the next stack of 110s (b–c). remaining sequence. Repeat along the
c [3] Pick up an A 110, and sew back f
outer edge until you e reach the other
maTerials through the stack of 110s your thread end (c–d). When you reach the last
both collars is exiting and through the next stack of stitch, continue on through the next
• Fireline or Power Pro 8 lb. test
f e 110s (c–d). four 110s (d–e).
• beading needles, # 10 [4] Repeat steps 2 and 3 along the [4] Pick up a C, two B 110s, a drop
inner edge until you reach the other bead, two B 110s, and a C. Sew through
black-and-white collar end. Secure the tails in the beadwork, the A 110 in the next loop of the previ-
without clasp size 80,in. (36.8 cm)
14½ color A and trim. ous row of netting (e–f).
• 42 5 x 8 mm glass or pearl drop beads [5] Repeat step 4 until you reach the
size 110, color A
• Japanese seed beads Netting other end. Secure the tails in the bead-
2 g size 80, color A color A
size 150, [1] Secure 2 yd. (1.8 m) of thread in work, and trim.
size 110, color B
30 g size 110, in each of 3 colors: the beadwork, and exit the first 80 from
A, B, C size 110, color C one end along the outer edge of stitches
3 g size 150, color A (figure 4, point a). After 30 years
• clasp [2] Pick up three B 110s, a C, an A 110, of working in
graphic design,
topaz collar Virginia Jensen
without clasp 14½ in. (36.8 cm) finds it natural
• 42 5 x 8 mm glass or pearl drop beads to apply design
• Japanese seed beads principles to
1 g size 80, color D beading tech-
25 g size 110, in each of 3 colors: niques. As the graphics trade became
A, B, C more computerized, she liked the
4 g size 150, color B idea of returning to working with
• clasp her hands. Visit Virginia’s Web site,
82 Bead&Button |
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