Magento Live Australia 2016: Request FlowVrann Tulika
As a web application, Magento 2s web request processing flow is similar to all other web framework flows, but offers more extension points to third-party developers. In this session, we will walk through a web request path in the Magento 2 application, from index.php to browser JS application, and will look at extension points available on that path.
Mage Titans USA 2016 - Igor Melnykov - Staging and Preview Stacey Whitney
Staging and preview is new functionality added in Magento Enterprise Edition 2.1. It makes it faster, easier and less expensive to add new campaigns, catalog updates, promotions and other changes that help keep site fresh and improve conversion rate. Ability to preview, test prior to launch and schedule when changes should be applied allow to deliver right customer experience. In this session I will give a brief overview of the functionality and talk about some implementation details.
Magento Live Australia 2016: Request FlowVrann Tulika
As a web application, Magento 2s web request processing flow is similar to all other web framework flows, but offers more extension points to third-party developers. In this session, we will walk through a web request path in the Magento 2 application, from index.php to browser JS application, and will look at extension points available on that path.
Mage Titans USA 2016 - Igor Melnykov - Staging and Preview Stacey Whitney
Staging and preview is new functionality added in Magento Enterprise Edition 2.1. It makes it faster, easier and less expensive to add new campaigns, catalog updates, promotions and other changes that help keep site fresh and improve conversion rate. Ability to preview, test prior to launch and schedule when changes should be applied allow to deliver right customer experience. In this session I will give a brief overview of the functionality and talk about some implementation details.
Mage Titans USA 2016 Magento/Facebook/RabbitMQVrann Tulika
The document discusses Magento integrations with external systems using RabbitMQ and APIs. It describes how a Magento store on average integrates with 15 external systems. It then focuses on a use case of a Facebook chatbot integrated with Magento to allow customers to ask questions and shop on Facebook Messenger without leaving the app. It outlines the architecture of using RabbitMQ to make the integration asynchronous and handle scaling and availability issues.
Depending on your goal, you might deploy Magento application differently. It may be a deployment on development environment: for an extension developer or for a contributor. It may be production environment: this may have a lot of variations, as each project is different. Depending on your case, you should now some Magento specifics that would help you avoid common mistakes leading to inefficient or broken deployment. In this session, Ill focus on such details with relation to each type of the deployment process.
Mage Titans USA 2016 - Miguel Balparda - Magento 2: Premium Performance with ...Stacey Whitney
This document summarizes performance testing done on a Magento 2 store using different PHP versions and configurations. It tested Magento 2 performance using PHP 5.6 alone and with Varnish, PHP 7 alone and with Varnish, and compared PHP 5.6 to PHP 7. The tests measured transaction rate, number of transactions and response time. The results showed that using PHP 7 alone or with Varnish provided a higher transaction rate and lower response times compared to PHP 5.6. Caching pages with Varnish also improved performance for both PHP 5.6 and 7 by increasing transaction rates and reducing response times.
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Enterprise Patterns in Magento
1. 丐仍亳从舒 于亞亠仆亳亶
Magento Developer
Professional Services Team
丿舒弍仍仂仆 从仂仗仂舒亳于仆
仗亳仍仂亢亠仆亳亶 于 Magento
2. 丿舒弍仍仂仆. 仂亠仄 仂 仆亳 亞仂于仂?
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3. Transaction Script
Identity Map Domain Model
Lazy Load
Data Mapper
Domain Logic Table Data
Object-Relational Active Record
Data Source
5. Transaction Script
舒亢亟舒 仂仗亠舒亳 亠舒仍亳亰仂于舒仆舒 于仂亳仄
public function addToCart()
//retrieve user data from session
//retrieve product from database
//add product information to quote
//save quote data to database
6. Domain Model
弍亠从舒仄亳 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆 亠舒仍仆亠
Business Logic Layer
Category Product Order
Quote Payment Cart
Customer_Address Customer
16. Lazy Loading in Magento
public function getAddressesCollection() Mage_Sales_Model_Order
if (is_null($this->_addresses)) {
$this->_addresses = Mage::getResourceModel('sales/order_address_collection')
if ($this->getId()) {
foreach ($this->_addresses as $address) {
return $this->_addresses;
17. 仍亠仆舒亳于. Table Data Gateway
Name City Telephone Age Insurance
Eugene Kyiv +3804456 21 32453453
Igor New York +45066 Model_DbTable 23452345
Model_Person +update()
+getName() +delete()
18. 仍亠仆舒亳于. Active Record
Name City Telephone Age Insurance
Eugene Kyiv +3804456 21 32453453
Igor New York +45066 Model_Person 23452345