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Randall Barron, CLIA, QWEL, ARCSA
     Water Conservation Technician
                   City of Santa Rosa
Overview of our Water System
 Santa Rosas population is 161,496
 Provide water and sewer services
 Over 52,000 service connections
   Approximately 43,000 SFR, 3,000 MFR, 3,000 CII and
    1,700 dedicated irrigation customers
 In 2008, delivered 18,450 acre-feet of water
   Currently most of our water supply from SCWA
   Additional Groundwater Sources Available
Snapshot of Santa Rosas Demand

   Current Demand
       Average daily use: 17 mgd
       Winter daily use: 13 mgd
       Peak month average daily use: 32.5 mgd
Water Use Efficiency Program
   Started in 1976-77 in response to the drought
   Further established in the early 1990s
   Signatory to CUWCC MOU in 1998
   Saving 4,497AFY or over 4.0 mgd
   Reduces GHGs by 2,900 tons per year
Water Conservation Programs
 Rebate and Incentive Programs
   Residential & Commercial
 Residential Check-ups
   Indoor & Outdoor
   Free water efficient shower heads, faucet
    aerators, hose shutoff nozzles
 Customer Information and Outreach
   Public events, hotline, website
   Home Audit Kits, Turf-time, Top Ten Tips
 Large Landscape Irrigation Audits
   Water use analysis
   Irrigation Efficiency
 Tiered Water Rates
Conservation Technologies
 Green Exchange
   Cash for grass
   Irrigation Upgrades
 Rainwater Harvesting
 Gray Water
 Turf Time information
 Water Wise Gardening
Rainwater Rebate
 $0.25 per gallon of storage
   Rebate is limited to the estimated peak
    month gallons of water use for the site
   Rebate cannot exceed the cost of
    materials, labor not included
 Backflow required for all systems
   Requirement depends on system
   Plumbing permit needed
   Requires annual testing
 Pre & post inspection by Water Use
  Efficiency section
 Permits required by Building Dept
Rainwater  Additional Info

 Electrical permit needed if pump installed
 Other permits as required
 Must insure vector control  consider length of storage
  and include appropriate treatment if needed
 Recommended that all vents and inlets have mesh
  screens at minimum to prevent debris from entering
 Recommend maximizing irrigation efficiency in order
  to more efficiently use stored rainwater
Peak Month Water Use
 At pre-inspection, all landscape square footage is
  measured as low (LW), moderate (MW) and high (HW)
  water use.
 Low water use assigned 30% of Eto, moderate 60% and
  high 100%.
 Budget is determined using peak month ET (July)
 Formula is (( HW ( MW * .6) ( LW * .3)) * 6.6 * .623 ) / 1000
       where 6.6 is 10-year avg ET for July and
       .623 is conversion factor for gallons
  Outcome is site water budget for peak month in 1000s
  of gallons, rounded up to nearest 1000.
Current Projects
 Program authorized January of 2009. Advertised to customers
  starting spring 2009.
 Eighteen pre-inspections to date  17 residential, 1 commercial.
 Five residential projects currently completed.
    Average storage installed: 4815 gallons
    Min: 1000 gallons. Max: 11400 gallons. Total: 24076 gallons
 Commercial project planned at local High School
    Planned installed storage: 89000 gallons
        Site budget is over 2.5 million gallons
 Commercial (dedicated irrg meter) outreach next planned push
Case Studies
Case 1
 5600 sq ft of total landscaping
 15Kgal budget
 Lawn reduction and irrigation improvements installed
 in June 2009 (prior to rainwater system)
Installed System

                                   Pump and
     WISY filter                   pressure tank

                   3076 gal tank
 Summer (May-Sep) 2007:    112,000 gallons
    Prior to changes

 Summer (May-Sep) 2008:    62,000 gallons
    Turf reduction
    Plant establishment

 Summer (May-Sep) 2009:    37,000 gallons
    RWH system installed

 Summer (May-Sep) 2010:    33,000 gallons
Case 2
 15600 sq ft of total landscaping
 24Kgal budget
 No irrigation improvements prior to
  RWH system installation
Installed System
 Pumped from collection to storage

 Gravity feed to irrigation system
 Summer (May-Sep) 2007:                140,000 gallons
   Prior to changes

 Summer (May-Sep) 2008:                126,000 gallons
   550 gallons storage installed

 Summer (May-Sep) 2009:                75,000 gallons
   Additional 4500 gallons installed

 Summer (May-Sep) 2010:
   Additional 6000 gallons installed   33,000 gallons
Rebate Cost v. Savings
 Current cost per acre foot of water:   $ 604

 Projected cost in 2011:                $ 676

 Cost to city of rebate:                $ 678

 Site water savings due to increase
  in consumer awareness:                 Pri蔵ele$$
Questions  Thank you

Randall S Barron, City of Santa Rosa, (707) 543-3994, rbarron@srcity.org

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Manhattan Beach Randy

  • 1. Randall Barron, CLIA, QWEL, ARCSA Water Conservation Technician City of Santa Rosa
  • 2. Overview of our Water System Santa Rosas population is 161,496 Provide water and sewer services Over 52,000 service connections Approximately 43,000 SFR, 3,000 MFR, 3,000 CII and 1,700 dedicated irrigation customers In 2008, delivered 18,450 acre-feet of water Currently most of our water supply from SCWA Additional Groundwater Sources Available
  • 3. Snapshot of Santa Rosas Demand Current Demand Average daily use: 17 mgd Winter daily use: 13 mgd Peak month average daily use: 32.5 mgd
  • 4. Water Use Efficiency Program Started in 1976-77 in response to the drought Further established in the early 1990s Signatory to CUWCC MOU in 1998 Saving 4,497AFY or over 4.0 mgd Reduces GHGs by 2,900 tons per year
  • 5. Water Conservation Programs Rebate and Incentive Programs Residential & Commercial Residential Check-ups Indoor & Outdoor Free water efficient shower heads, faucet aerators, hose shutoff nozzles Customer Information and Outreach Public events, hotline, website Home Audit Kits, Turf-time, Top Ten Tips Large Landscape Irrigation Audits Water use analysis Irrigation Efficiency Tiered Water Rates
  • 6. Conservation Technologies Green Exchange Cash for grass Irrigation Upgrades Rainwater Harvesting Gray Water Turf Time information Water Wise Gardening
  • 7. Rainwater Rebate $0.25 per gallon of storage Rebate is limited to the estimated peak month gallons of water use for the site Rebate cannot exceed the cost of materials, labor not included Backflow required for all systems Requirement depends on system Plumbing permit needed Requires annual testing Pre & post inspection by Water Use Efficiency section Permits required by Building Dept
  • 8. Rainwater Additional Info Electrical permit needed if pump installed Other permits as required Must insure vector control consider length of storage and include appropriate treatment if needed Recommended that all vents and inlets have mesh screens at minimum to prevent debris from entering storage Recommend maximizing irrigation efficiency in order to more efficiently use stored rainwater
  • 9. Peak Month Water Use At pre-inspection, all landscape square footage is measured as low (LW), moderate (MW) and high (HW) water use. Low water use assigned 30% of Eto, moderate 60% and high 100%. Budget is determined using peak month ET (July) Formula is (( HW ( MW * .6) ( LW * .3)) * 6.6 * .623 ) / 1000 where 6.6 is 10-year avg ET for July and .623 is conversion factor for gallons Outcome is site water budget for peak month in 1000s of gallons, rounded up to nearest 1000.
  • 10. Current Projects Program authorized January of 2009. Advertised to customers starting spring 2009. Eighteen pre-inspections to date 17 residential, 1 commercial. Five residential projects currently completed. Average storage installed: 4815 gallons Min: 1000 gallons. Max: 11400 gallons. Total: 24076 gallons Commercial project planned at local High School Planned installed storage: 89000 gallons Site budget is over 2.5 million gallons Commercial (dedicated irrg meter) outreach next planned push
  • 12. Case 1 5600 sq ft of total landscaping 15Kgal budget Lawn reduction and irrigation improvements installed in June 2009 (prior to rainwater system)
  • 13. Installed System Pump and WISY filter pressure tank 3076 gal tank
  • 14. Statistics Summer (May-Sep) 2007: 112,000 gallons Prior to changes Summer (May-Sep) 2008: 62,000 gallons Turf reduction Plant establishment Summer (May-Sep) 2009: 37,000 gallons RWH system installed Summer (May-Sep) 2010: 33,000 gallons
  • 15. Case 2 15600 sq ft of total landscaping 24Kgal budget No irrigation improvements prior to RWH system installation
  • 16. Installed System Pumped from collection to storage Gravity feed to irrigation system
  • 17. Statistics Summer (May-Sep) 2007: 140,000 gallons Prior to changes Summer (May-Sep) 2008: 126,000 gallons 550 gallons storage installed Summer (May-Sep) 2009: 75,000 gallons Additional 4500 gallons installed Summer (May-Sep) 2010: Additional 6000 gallons installed 33,000 gallons
  • 18. Rebate Cost v. Savings Current cost per acre foot of water: $ 604 Projected cost in 2011: $ 676 Cost to city of rebate: $ 678 Site water savings due to increase in consumer awareness: Pri蔵ele$$
  • 19. Questions Thank you Randall S Barron, City of Santa Rosa, (707) 543-3994, rbarron@srcity.org

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Intro, who we are, about our program, two typical installations
  • #3: One AF is approx 326,000 gallons
  • #8: CDPH's Title 17 of Code of Regulations says Premises having auxiliary water supply must have cross-connection control油(1) Auxiliary Water Supply is any water supply other than that received from a public water system.油(2) Premises where there is an unapproved auxiliary water supply and there are not interconnections with the public water system, a double check may be provided in lieu of a reduce pressure device if approved by the Health agency and water supplier.油(3) Backflow preventer shall be tested at least annually or more frequently if determined to be necessary by the water supplier.
  • #15: Part physical water savings, part heightening of customer awareness
  • #18: 107kgal/summer savings. $622/yr System cost: $6550