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Email ID: sadhum690@gmail.com
Contact No. +1 (551) 587-2895
Career Objective
To secure a position where I can efficiently contribute my skills and abilities to the growth of the
organization and build my professional career.
Profile Summary
 An enthusiastic fresher with highly motivated and leadership skills.
 Have good acumen in SQL implementation..
 Eager to learn new technologies.
 Keen and quick learner.
 Try to innovate new methods which can improve the existing technology.
 Ability to produce best in a crisis.
 Excellent communication skills.
 Ability to work as well an individual, to blend well in group.
Northwestern Polytechnic University  Masters in Computer science
GPA - 3.2/4.0 (JAN-2015 to AUG-2016)
Courses: Java and Internet Programming, Software Engineering, Computer Algorithms, Database
Management concepts and Systems, Computer Architecture, Big Data Processing  MapReduce
Programming, Data Mining and Business Intelligence, Advanced Internet Programming and Design.
VEMU Institute of Technology (Affiliated to JNTUA), India  Bachelors in Computer Science
GPA  6.5/10.0 (May -2014)
Courses: C, C++ and Data Structures, Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Design and Analysis of
Algorithms, Operating Systems, Database Management System, and Computer Networks etc.
Technical Qualification
Programming : PL/SQL, java, C.
Platforms and Tools : Eclipse, Net Beans, My SQL, Oracle 10g, Apache Tomcat
Operating Systems : Windows, LINUX, Mac.
Academic Projects
Advertising Agency ( 2016 )
Advertising agencies are outside companies that provide for the marketing and advertising needs of
otherbusinesses and organizations. Advertising agencies offer a full range of advertising services and
advice based on market studies, popular culture and advanced sales techniques. Because they are
independent from the client company, they can be objective about a client's promotional needs.
Navy Beach  The Board Game ( 2016 )
Description:Timers is a Startup Private Organization, in Fremont, CA. Our Organization has launched a
new game- Navy Beach. Navy Beach is a web and desktop level board game which is supported by
computermachinesandotherportable deviceslike mobiles. The game is currently at testing stage and
is working on marketing plan to penetrate the market and gain success.
Fit Now ( 2015 )
Description: The main aim of the website is to take input from the user regarding his age, weight,
height, activity level, gender and his desired outcome (lose weight, gain weight, maintain weight) to
determine the optimumnumber of calories intake for that person. The website also recommends diet
plans for vegetarian, balanced and low fat diets having different calorie ranges.
Online Banking System ( 2015 )
Description:Implementedawebapplicationforcreating checking and saving accounts .Customers can
able to accesstheir account statements and they have a chance to pay utility bills and auto payments.
This system was developed using netbeans IDE with JavaEE, JSP and EJB and Oracle 10g as database.
Cloud Computing Security from single to multi Cloud. ( 2014 )
Description:The use of cloudcomputinghasincreasedrapidly in many organizations. Cloud computing
provides many benefits in terms of low cost and accessibility of data. Ensuring the security of cloud
computing is a major factor in the cloud computing environment, as users often store sensitive
information with cloud storage providers but these providers may be untrusted. Dealing with single
cloudprovidersispredictedtobecome lesspopular with customers due to risks of service availability
failure andthe possibilityof maliciousinsidersinthe singlecloud.A movement towards multi-clouds,
or in other words, interclouds or cloud-of-clouds has emerged recently. This paper surveys recent
researchrelatedtosingle andmulti-cloudsecurityandaddressespossible solutions. It is found that the
researchintothe use of multi-cloudproviderstomaintainsecurityhas received less attention from the
research community than has the use of single clouds. This work aims to promote the use of multi -
clouds due to its ability to reduce security risks that affect the cloud computing user.
 Cloud computing , Attended workshops.
 Participated in Conferences on Cloud Computing.
 Completed training on Basics of Java and SQL.
 Completed Training on NCC (National Credit Corps) got A certificate.
Extra Curricular Activities
 Actively participated in Events Organizing.
 Playing Cricket, Voracious reader.
Personal Details
Languages Known- English,Telugu.
DOB- August-30-1993
Address- 40037 Fremontblvdapt#406, Fremont,CA 94538.

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  • 1. MANOJ KUMAR SADHU Email ID: sadhum690@gmail.com Contact No. +1 (551) 587-2895 Career Objective To secure a position where I can efficiently contribute my skills and abilities to the growth of the organization and build my professional career. Profile Summary An enthusiastic fresher with highly motivated and leadership skills. Have good acumen in SQL implementation.. Eager to learn new technologies. Keen and quick learner. Try to innovate new methods which can improve the existing technology. Ability to produce best in a crisis. Excellent communication skills. Ability to work as well an individual, to blend well in group. Academics Northwestern Polytechnic University Masters in Computer science GPA - 3.2/4.0 (JAN-2015 to AUG-2016) Courses: Java and Internet Programming, Software Engineering, Computer Algorithms, Database Management concepts and Systems, Computer Architecture, Big Data Processing MapReduce Programming, Data Mining and Business Intelligence, Advanced Internet Programming and Design. VEMU Institute of Technology (Affiliated to JNTUA), India Bachelors in Computer Science GPA 6.5/10.0 (May -2014) Courses: C, C++ and Data Structures, Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Operating Systems, Database Management System, and Computer Networks etc. Technical Qualification Programming : PL/SQL, java, C. Platforms and Tools : Eclipse, Net Beans, My SQL, Oracle 10g, Apache Tomcat Operating Systems : Windows, LINUX, Mac.
  • 2. Academic Projects Advertising Agency ( 2016 ) Description: Advertising agencies are outside companies that provide for the marketing and advertising needs of otherbusinesses and organizations. Advertising agencies offer a full range of advertising services and advice based on market studies, popular culture and advanced sales techniques. Because they are independent from the client company, they can be objective about a client's promotional needs. Navy Beach The Board Game ( 2016 ) Description:Timers is a Startup Private Organization, in Fremont, CA. Our Organization has launched a new game- Navy Beach. Navy Beach is a web and desktop level board game which is supported by computermachinesandotherportable deviceslike mobiles. The game is currently at testing stage and is working on marketing plan to penetrate the market and gain success. Fit Now ( 2015 ) Description: The main aim of the website is to take input from the user regarding his age, weight, height, activity level, gender and his desired outcome (lose weight, gain weight, maintain weight) to determine the optimumnumber of calories intake for that person. The website also recommends diet plans for vegetarian, balanced and low fat diets having different calorie ranges. Online Banking System ( 2015 ) Description:Implementedawebapplicationforcreating checking and saving accounts .Customers can able to accesstheir account statements and they have a chance to pay utility bills and auto payments. This system was developed using netbeans IDE with JavaEE, JSP and EJB and Oracle 10g as database. Cloud Computing Security from single to multi Cloud. ( 2014 ) Description:The use of cloudcomputinghasincreasedrapidly in many organizations. Cloud computing provides many benefits in terms of low cost and accessibility of data. Ensuring the security of cloud computing is a major factor in the cloud computing environment, as users often store sensitive information with cloud storage providers but these providers may be untrusted. Dealing with single cloudprovidersispredictedtobecome lesspopular with customers due to risks of service availability failure andthe possibilityof maliciousinsidersinthe singlecloud.A movement towards multi-clouds, or in other words, interclouds or cloud-of-clouds has emerged recently. This paper surveys recent researchrelatedtosingle andmulti-cloudsecurityandaddressespossible solutions. It is found that the researchintothe use of multi-cloudproviderstomaintainsecurityhas received less attention from the research community than has the use of single clouds. This work aims to promote the use of multi - clouds due to its ability to reduce security risks that affect the cloud computing user.
  • 3. Achievements Cloud computing , Attended workshops. Participated in Conferences on Cloud Computing. Completed training on Basics of Java and SQL. Completed Training on NCC (National Credit Corps) got A certificate. Extra Curricular Activities Actively participated in Events Organizing. Playing Cricket, Voracious reader. Personal Details Languages Known- English,Telugu. DOB- August-30-1993 Address- 40037 Fremontblvdapt#406, Fremont,CA 94538.