Sosiaalinen media kaupunginosaviestinn辰ss辰Esko Lius
Sosiaalisen median toimintaperiaatteet ja soveltaminen kaupunginosaviestinn辰ss辰. Esittelyss辰 my旦s sosiaalisen median wiki-sivusto Someopisto:
Suomen mielenterveysseuran koulutusp辰iv辰t 15-16.10.2011:
Sosiaalisen median ja verkkoauttamisen keinoja yhdistystoiminnassa Elinvoimainen yhdistys.
Puheenvuoro Virtuaalisuudesta elinvoimaa j辰rjest旦toimintaan
Shane Elcoate is a seasoned piping engineer with over 15 years of experience in engineering design, project management, and field work. He has worked on numerous LNG projects in Australia for companies including Bechtel and Rio Tinto. Elcoate has filled roles such as senior field engineer, construction completions inspector, and special class welder. He is skilled in areas like welding, pipe fitting, engineering design, scheduling, and safety compliance.
The document provides demographic information about the readers and pricing of several magazines including Kent Life, Cumbria Life, Dorset Magazine, Time Out, Viewpoint, and Derbyshire Life. It then discusses targeting a magazine called "My Magazine" at readers ages 30-45 of all genders and ethnicities, with a price of 贈3.00 per issue to reflect the average UK earnings of the target audience.
Esta exposi巽達o ensina t辿cnicas de desenho com l叩pis grafite, como frotagem e varia巽達o na press達o e 但ngulo do l叩pis para criar texturas. As crian巽as copiar達o texturas reais e criar達o desenhos originais usando o repert坦rio adquirido ao longo de oito aulas.
The Redcurrant India is a marketing process outsourcing company based in Indore, India that was founded 3 years ago by industry veterans to provide affordable and effective marketing solutions for small and medium enterprises. It offers services like call centers, digital marketing, CRM and marketing automation, and talent acquisition. The company has a small team of experienced professionals and aims to deliver high-quality, customized solutions while maintaining high ethical standards and low costs for its clients in India's tier 2 cities.
For more information, see
Do not include any personal information as all posted material on this site is considered to be part of a public record as defined by section 27 of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
We reserve the right to remove inappropriate comments. Please see Terms of Use for City of Toronto Social Media Sites at
At any given time, with all the knowledge we have, new knowledge can emerge. We call this the adjacent possible. It explains why new inventions are invented when they are, and why they are not possible before. Adjacent possible is a very useful term to understand the progress of technology. Technology evolves by using prevailing technologies to improve upon. Thus technology is combinatorial and built in layers. With each layer new ideas can be built upon the previous layers. Thus Gall's Law says that any complex system that works is built of simpler systems that work.
We will look at the adjacent possible and some ideas that came when all the enabling technologies are available. We also look at an idea that was not possible to build at the time, Charles Babbage engines.
Manoj Kumar Sadhu is seeking a position where he can contribute his skills and abilities to grow an organization. He has strong skills in SQL, Java, C, Linux, and Microsoft technologies. He has a Master's degree in Computer Science from Northwestern Polytechnic University with a GPA of 3.2/4.0 and a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from VEMU Institute of Technology with a GPA of 6.5/10.0. His academic projects include developing an advertising agency website, a board game called Navy Beach, and a health and fitness website called Fit Now.
Groups consist of two or more individuals interacting and being interdependent to achieve common objectives, which is essential for organizational functioning. Group behavior refers to how people interact in large or small groups, which can be quite complex but important. Kurt Lewin defined group dynamics as both a subject matter and field of study that focuses on teamwork and how small groups are constantly interacting and sharing common ideas to accomplish tasks. Understanding group dynamics is important for analyzing formal and informal workgroups, fostering teamwork, and helping groups achieve their goals.
Improving Lives: Supporting Adults with Learning Disabilities conferencemckenln
This document discusses supporting and maximizing talent in the workplace, including those with neurodiverse conditions. It notes that talented individuals often share traits like lateral thinking, problem solving, creativity, and determination. Organizations that succeed recognize each person's potential rather than limitations. Evidence shows that many successful entrepreneurs have conditions like dyslexia. The document advocates for a culture shift towards acceptance and support of all talents through education and assistive technologies to unleash potential.
Improving Lives: Supporting Adults with Learning Disabilities conferencemckenln
This document discusses preparing children and young people with special educational needs for adulthood. It emphasizes starting discussions about long-term goals like employment, independent living, relationships, and health by age 13-14. It provides guidance on supporting employment, independent living, health, relationships and community participation from an early age through transition planning, resources, role models and inclusive local services. The goal is for young people to achieve positive adult outcomes in these key areas.
Sosiaalinen media kaupunginosaviestinn辰ss辰Esko Lius
Sosiaalisen median toimintaperiaatteet ja soveltaminen kaupunginosaviestinn辰ss辰. Esittelyss辰 my旦s sosiaalisen median wiki-sivusto Someopisto:
Suomen mielenterveysseuran koulutusp辰iv辰t 15-16.10.2011:
Sosiaalisen median ja verkkoauttamisen keinoja yhdistystoiminnassa Elinvoimainen yhdistys.
Puheenvuoro Virtuaalisuudesta elinvoimaa j辰rjest旦toimintaan
Shane Elcoate is a seasoned piping engineer with over 15 years of experience in engineering design, project management, and field work. He has worked on numerous LNG projects in Australia for companies including Bechtel and Rio Tinto. Elcoate has filled roles such as senior field engineer, construction completions inspector, and special class welder. He is skilled in areas like welding, pipe fitting, engineering design, scheduling, and safety compliance.
The document provides demographic information about the readers and pricing of several magazines including Kent Life, Cumbria Life, Dorset Magazine, Time Out, Viewpoint, and Derbyshire Life. It then discusses targeting a magazine called "My Magazine" at readers ages 30-45 of all genders and ethnicities, with a price of 贈3.00 per issue to reflect the average UK earnings of the target audience.
Esta exposi巽達o ensina t辿cnicas de desenho com l叩pis grafite, como frotagem e varia巽達o na press達o e 但ngulo do l叩pis para criar texturas. As crian巽as copiar達o texturas reais e criar達o desenhos originais usando o repert坦rio adquirido ao longo de oito aulas.
The Redcurrant India is a marketing process outsourcing company based in Indore, India that was founded 3 years ago by industry veterans to provide affordable and effective marketing solutions for small and medium enterprises. It offers services like call centers, digital marketing, CRM and marketing automation, and talent acquisition. The company has a small team of experienced professionals and aims to deliver high-quality, customized solutions while maintaining high ethical standards and low costs for its clients in India's tier 2 cities.
For more information, see
Do not include any personal information as all posted material on this site is considered to be part of a public record as defined by section 27 of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
We reserve the right to remove inappropriate comments. Please see Terms of Use for City of Toronto Social Media Sites at
At any given time, with all the knowledge we have, new knowledge can emerge. We call this the adjacent possible. It explains why new inventions are invented when they are, and why they are not possible before. Adjacent possible is a very useful term to understand the progress of technology. Technology evolves by using prevailing technologies to improve upon. Thus technology is combinatorial and built in layers. With each layer new ideas can be built upon the previous layers. Thus Gall's Law says that any complex system that works is built of simpler systems that work.
We will look at the adjacent possible and some ideas that came when all the enabling technologies are available. We also look at an idea that was not possible to build at the time, Charles Babbage engines.
Manoj Kumar Sadhu is seeking a position where he can contribute his skills and abilities to grow an organization. He has strong skills in SQL, Java, C, Linux, and Microsoft technologies. He has a Master's degree in Computer Science from Northwestern Polytechnic University with a GPA of 3.2/4.0 and a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from VEMU Institute of Technology with a GPA of 6.5/10.0. His academic projects include developing an advertising agency website, a board game called Navy Beach, and a health and fitness website called Fit Now.
Groups consist of two or more individuals interacting and being interdependent to achieve common objectives, which is essential for organizational functioning. Group behavior refers to how people interact in large or small groups, which can be quite complex but important. Kurt Lewin defined group dynamics as both a subject matter and field of study that focuses on teamwork and how small groups are constantly interacting and sharing common ideas to accomplish tasks. Understanding group dynamics is important for analyzing formal and informal workgroups, fostering teamwork, and helping groups achieve their goals.
Improving Lives: Supporting Adults with Learning Disabilities conferencemckenln
This document discusses supporting and maximizing talent in the workplace, including those with neurodiverse conditions. It notes that talented individuals often share traits like lateral thinking, problem solving, creativity, and determination. Organizations that succeed recognize each person's potential rather than limitations. Evidence shows that many successful entrepreneurs have conditions like dyslexia. The document advocates for a culture shift towards acceptance and support of all talents through education and assistive technologies to unleash potential.
Improving Lives: Supporting Adults with Learning Disabilities conferencemckenln
This document discusses preparing children and young people with special educational needs for adulthood. It emphasizes starting discussions about long-term goals like employment, independent living, relationships, and health by age 13-14. It provides guidance on supporting employment, independent living, health, relationships and community participation from an early age through transition planning, resources, role models and inclusive local services. The goal is for young people to achieve positive adult outcomes in these key areas.
6.9.2010 Tietoyhteiskunta, sosiaalinen media oppimisessa ja tiedon saamises...Marko Ter辰s
Tietoyhteiskunta, sosiaalisen median m辰辰ritelm辰, sosiaalinen media oppimisessa ja informaali, el辰m辰n l辰pi kest辰v辰 oppiminen. Presentaatio Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulun liiketalouden opiskelijoille ja valmentajille.
Ty旦pajassa 11.4.2018 Maria Dean Tapiolan koulusta ja Anne Rongas Tampereen yliopistolta kertoivat, kuinka k辰ytt辰辰 koulun l辰hiymp辰rist旦辰 oppimisymp辰rist旦n辰. Erasmus+ tutkimushankkeessa ATS2020, jota Suomen osalta toteutti Tampereen yliopiston TRIM-tutkimuskeskus hy旦dynnettiin e-portfolioita ja tavoiteltiin laaja-alaisten osaamisten harjoittelua. Suomessa 20:n tutkimuskoulun toteutukset yhdistettiin monialaisiin oppimiskokonaisuuksiin. Lis辰tietoja koko tutkimushankkeesta
ITK'18 foorumiesitys Johanna Mattila, Najat Ouakrim-Soivio ja Anne Rongas.
Vinkkej辰 oppimisteht辰vien muotoiluun niin, ettei opiskelija voi kopioida vastauksia mist辰辰n. Anne Rongas #jaajotain 2018, aineisto vuodelta 2011 ja l辰hteen辰 vuodelta 2005 saman tekij辰n Facta-verkkopalvelun pedagoginen opas.
Portfolioty旦skentelyyn tai muuhun prosessimaiseen opiskeluun sopivia ty旦kaluja opiskelijalle: ker辰辰, luokittele ja j辰sentele itse hankkimaasi aineistoa.
Snellman kes辰yliopiston luentokurssi Digiopus. Toinen luento: Vuorovaikutteisuus ja interaktiiviset elementit oppimateriaalissa. Anne Rongas ja Kari A. Hintikka
Snellman kes辰yliopiston luentokurssi Digiopus. Ensimm辰inen luento: Mit辰 tietoja tarvitsen digitaalisen oppimateriaalin tekemisen alkuvaiheessa. Anne Rongas ja Kari A. Hintikka
Ilmi旦pohjainen oppiminen johdattaa tutkivaan opiskelutapaan. Kohteina ovat autenttisen maailman ilmi旦t, joiden avulla opiskellaan useamman oppiaineen tavoitteiden mukaisesti. T辰h辰n esitykseen on koottu vinkkej辰 lukiov辰elle ilmi旦pohjaisen opetuksen suunnittelusta.
iPad on mainio kuvien ja videoitten kanssa, mutta jos laite ei ole oma, pulmana tuotosten siirt辰minen muille laitteille. Pilvipalvelut ja kaapelilla synkronointi toki, vaan nopein apu iPadill辰 toimivasta tikusta. T辰ss辰 Opeblogin vinkki.
Podcastit ovat oivallinen keino opiskella ja opettaa asioita. T辰m辰 diasarja on koottu erityisesti oppimisen n辰k旦kulmasta. Podcastit ovat vanha, mutta v辰h辰n tunnettu sosiaalisen median sis辰ll旦n jakamisen muoto. Ota podcast mukaan lenkille ja opi leikiten.
3. T辰ss辰 esityksess辰 Mit辰 on sosiaalinen media? Miten se tukee oppimista? Kenen oppimista? Pedagogisia k辰ytt旦perusteita Opit ja sosiaalinen media Suljetun sis辰ll辰 Avoimesta suljettuun
4. Alkukysymys Ovatko sosiaalisen median avoimet palvelut syrj辰ytt辰m辰ss辰 suljettuja, salasanojen takana olevia oppimisymp辰rist旦j辰? Eiv辰t. Kaikille on paikkansa ja suljettu sopii eritt辰in hyvin tiettyihin asioihin. Avoin ui suljettuun: linkitykset, upotuk-set ja informaation ohjaukset (RSS).
6. Mit辰 on sosiaalinen media? Ensisijassa ihmisten v辰list辰 toimintaa Tekniikan tarjoamat kanavat Vuorovaikutus keskeist辰 Ohessa yhteiskuvassa kasvokkain ja virtuaalisesti (Second Life) kohtaavat
12. Keskustelu on sosiaalisen median ydint辰: kysymyksi辰, kommentteja, argumentointia puolesta ja vastaan, jatkokehittelyj辰, vinkkaamista Kuin ty旦paikan kahvip旦yd辰ss辰
18. Sosiaalinen media Laajakaista Mobiili Web 2.0 (Web 1.0) Uudet liiketoimintamallit Sis辰ll旦ntuotanto, jakaminen, verkostot Avoin l辰hdekoodi Wisdom of the crowds, Crowdsourcing Konvergenssi, integroituminen, ubiikki Rajapinnat kohtaavat (upotukset, vimpaimet)
21. Yksisuuntaisesta verkkoon Kouluopetuksessa vuorovaikutuksen suunta on usein oppijalta opettajalle. Verkko antaa luontevasti tilaa vertaisoppimiselle. Koko oppiva yhteis旦 ammentaa yhteisest辰 ty旦skentelyst辰. Kyse ei ole vain koneitten kanssa puuhailusta vaan teknologian v辰litt辰m辰st辰 aidosta sosiaalisuudesta.
23. Ihminen on utelias ja pyrkii sopeutumaan. Luovuus ei el辰 pys辰ytettyn辰. Ent辰, jos kehitys pys辰htyisi? Maailma ahdistaisi joitakin v辰hemm辰n.... aluksi. Jatkuvaan muutokseen on sopeuduttava.