Through interviews with the client, a makeup artist, several key concepts were identified to convey through the brand including ethereal, theater, dreams, motion, and femininity. These concepts reflect something profound about the client's work in evoking emotion and feelings in her clients. The brand should convey this ability to make people feel special, powerful, and help them get out of monotony. The goal is for people to stop hiding and feel crowned through the client's work.
2. Through several interviews with the client and
considering her international career in ?lm,
theater and television, we rescued several
important concepts to convey when creating
the brand:
Ethereal, second skin, theater, magie, dreams,
motion, colorful, blur, mystery, femininity,
asymetry, evocation, modernity, sophistication
and originality, elegance...
3. These are not just aesthetic concepts. They will
undoubtly help us when exploring ways in the graphic
But beyond aesthetics, beyond the colors, fonts,
shapes and visuals, these concepts really re?ect
something much more important and profound
about the work of Mar Mart¨ªnez.
Emotion, evocation, dreams, magic...
Feelings. The most important belonging of the
human beeing. What makes posible the imposible.
4. That's what the brand should convey.
Because the minute a person stands as a
blank canvas in front of Mar Martinez
she is keen to see the result of her work.
It?s during this time and then, when seeing
this result, when these feelings arise.
Much larger than an icon, a graphism
or a logo.