This document introduces colors and color theory. It discusses primary colors, secondary colors, color combinations, and includes a thank you message at the end. The document serves as an introduction to colors for educational purposes.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengenalan warna dan jenis-jenisnya seperti warna asas, sekunder dan tertier yang dihasilkan dari campuran warna-warna lain. Dibahas pula nilai-nilai warna seperti ton, kroma, dan warna netral serta berbagai gubahan warna seperti sewarna, harmoni, dan penggenap yang dapat menimbulkan berbagai suasana. Diakhiri dengan pembahasan tentang suhu dan perspektif warna.
Dokumen tersebut membahasakan peranan warna dalam pendidikan dan pembelajaran murid. Warna dapat menarik perhatian murid, menciptakan suasana yang kondusif untuk belajar, dan membantu proses ingatan dan pemikiran murid. Penggunaan warna yang tepat dalam bilik darjah dan bahan pembelajaran dapat memaksimalkan potensi kreativiti dan kecerdasan pelbagai murid.
Penilaian dalam Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak membahas penilaian, pendekatan penilaian, dan contoh penilaian untuk kanak-kanak usia pra-sekolah. Dokumen ini menjelaskan bahwa penilaian bertujuan untuk menilai prestasi siswa dan memberikan umpan balik untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran. Metode penilaian seperti observasi dan catatan dapat digunakan untuk menilai perkembangan motorik halus dan kognitif kanak-kanak.
Introducing colours completed with pronunciation n interactive quiz. Want more? available in CD PowerPoint . Please visit my blog or email me at
'Colour' mengenal warna dalam bahasa Inggris untuk anak-anakRisa Meiranti
Dokumen tersebut membahas warna-warna dasar dan warna buah. Terdapat daftar warna dasar seperti merah, biru, hijau, dan orange. Kemudian ada soal tentang warna apel yang merah dan warna pisang yang kuning.
1. Masa kanak-kanak awal (2-6 tahun) dicirikan oleh perkembangan pemikiran simbolis dan intuitif serta keterampilan motorik yang berkembang
2. Pada masa ini, perkembangan fisik, intelektual, bahasa, emosi, sosial, bermain, kepribadian, dan moral anak mulai terbentuk
3. Orang tua dan pendidik memainkan peran penting dalam membimbing perkembangan anak pada masa kanak-kanak awal
Multimedia authoring tools have two main features - the ability to create and edit products, and to deliver the final product. There are four perspectives to consider - the tool, product, developer, and end user. Tools have features like pages to contain content, controls for interaction and navigation, and different types of execution. Authoring tools can be categorized as simple like word processors, programming tools that require coding skills, or complex interactive tools that balance ease of use and powerful features.
Digital video can be recorded and edited on a computer. It is stored using file formats like AVI, MOV, MPEG, and FLV which determine compatibility and file size. Digital video is composed of individual frames that have a rate, size, and color depth. Video editing software allows cutting, combining, and adding effects to video clips. Captured digital video can be used in multimedia products like presentations, websites, and games.
Animation is created by displaying a series of images in rapid succession to give the illusion of motion. There are two main types of animation - frame animation which displays individual frames, and vector animation which uses mathematical equations. Morphing uses a series of frames to smoothly transition one shape into another. 2D animation can be cel-based where images change from frame to frame, or path-based where an object moves along a predetermined path. Virtual reality aims to immerse users in simulated environments. When creating animations for the internet, file size and download times must be considered.
Calculating the size of an audio file requires determining the sampling rate, sample size, recording time, and number of channels. A 180 second stereo file at 44.1 kHz with 16-bit samples would be 30.28 MB in size. A mono file recorded at 11 kHz with 8-bit samples for 1000 minutes would be 528 GB in size. A high quality stereo music file recorded for 61 minutes at 44 kHz with 16-bit samples would be 614.3 MB in size.
This document discusses digital audio, including how sound is digitized, processed, and stored. It explains that digital audio quality depends on sampling rate. Common sampling rates used in multimedia are 44.1 kHz for CD quality, 22.05 kHz for good voice, and 11.025 kHz for voice quality. File formats for digital audio are discussed, along with calculating file sizes. Guidelines are provided for using audio in multimedia, such as choosing high quality recordings and testing sound timing. Copyright considerations are also covered.
This document discusses graphics and their use in multimedia applications. It defines graphics as pictures, diagrams, charts and backgrounds. It discusses resolution and color depth of graphics. The two main types of graphics are vector graphics, which are represented by geometric shapes, and bitmap graphics, which are represented by pixels in an array. Bitmap graphics have higher image quality but larger file sizes than vector graphics. The document also covers compression formats, image sizes, sources of graphics, and software used to create and edit graphics.
This document discusses the use of text in multimedia presentations. It covers topics like the importance of text, understanding fonts and typefaces, using text elements, computers and text, font editing tools, and multimedia/hypertext. Text provides key information to audiences and is an important element in multimedia, used for menus, navigation, content, and more. Fonts refer to a specific typeface size, while typefaces are graphic representations of letters. Factors like font style, size, case, and serif vs. sans serif are also examined.
Courseware refers to educational software used for teaching or self-learning purposes. It combines course content with various multimedia elements like text, audio, images, video and interactivity. The block structure of multimedia courseware includes course content, objectives, pedagogical methods and learning outcomes. It organizes these elements along with multimedia using an architectural control component. Storyboarding is used to plan, produce and evaluate multimedia presentations by providing a written synopsis of the multimedia resources and their order in the finished presentation.
ADDIE is a systematic instructional design model that consists of five phases - Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The Analysis phase involves identifying the learning problem and goals as well as understanding the learners. In the Design phase, learning objectives are specified and instructional materials are designed. During Development, the instructional materials are created. In Implementation, the materials are delivered to learners. Finally, in Evaluation, the effectiveness of the materials is assessed through formative and summative evaluation to improve the materials.
Multimedia authoring tools have two main features - the ability to create and edit products, and to deliver the final product. There are four perspectives to consider - the tool, product, developer, and end user. Tools have features like pages to contain content, controls for interaction and navigation, and different types of execution. Authoring tools can be categorized as simple like word processors, programming tools that require coding skills, or complex interactive tools that balance ease of use and powerful features.
The document defines multimedia as a combination of text, graphics, sound, animation and video delivered through a computer. It discusses the components of multimedia including hypermedia, hypertext, text, graphics, audio, video and animation. The document also outlines advantages and disadvantages of using multimedia in education, such as increasing student interest but potentially reducing human interaction. It provides examples of where multimedia can be used, such as business, education, entertainment and medicine.
Introducing colours completed with pronunciation n interactive quiz. Want more? available in CD PowerPoint . Please visit my blog or email me at
'Colour' mengenal warna dalam bahasa Inggris untuk anak-anakRisa Meiranti
Dokumen tersebut membahas warna-warna dasar dan warna buah. Terdapat daftar warna dasar seperti merah, biru, hijau, dan orange. Kemudian ada soal tentang warna apel yang merah dan warna pisang yang kuning.
1. Masa kanak-kanak awal (2-6 tahun) dicirikan oleh perkembangan pemikiran simbolis dan intuitif serta keterampilan motorik yang berkembang
2. Pada masa ini, perkembangan fisik, intelektual, bahasa, emosi, sosial, bermain, kepribadian, dan moral anak mulai terbentuk
3. Orang tua dan pendidik memainkan peran penting dalam membimbing perkembangan anak pada masa kanak-kanak awal
Multimedia authoring tools have two main features - the ability to create and edit products, and to deliver the final product. There are four perspectives to consider - the tool, product, developer, and end user. Tools have features like pages to contain content, controls for interaction and navigation, and different types of execution. Authoring tools can be categorized as simple like word processors, programming tools that require coding skills, or complex interactive tools that balance ease of use and powerful features.
Digital video can be recorded and edited on a computer. It is stored using file formats like AVI, MOV, MPEG, and FLV which determine compatibility and file size. Digital video is composed of individual frames that have a rate, size, and color depth. Video editing software allows cutting, combining, and adding effects to video clips. Captured digital video can be used in multimedia products like presentations, websites, and games.
Animation is created by displaying a series of images in rapid succession to give the illusion of motion. There are two main types of animation - frame animation which displays individual frames, and vector animation which uses mathematical equations. Morphing uses a series of frames to smoothly transition one shape into another. 2D animation can be cel-based where images change from frame to frame, or path-based where an object moves along a predetermined path. Virtual reality aims to immerse users in simulated environments. When creating animations for the internet, file size and download times must be considered.
Calculating the size of an audio file requires determining the sampling rate, sample size, recording time, and number of channels. A 180 second stereo file at 44.1 kHz with 16-bit samples would be 30.28 MB in size. A mono file recorded at 11 kHz with 8-bit samples for 1000 minutes would be 528 GB in size. A high quality stereo music file recorded for 61 minutes at 44 kHz with 16-bit samples would be 614.3 MB in size.
This document discusses digital audio, including how sound is digitized, processed, and stored. It explains that digital audio quality depends on sampling rate. Common sampling rates used in multimedia are 44.1 kHz for CD quality, 22.05 kHz for good voice, and 11.025 kHz for voice quality. File formats for digital audio are discussed, along with calculating file sizes. Guidelines are provided for using audio in multimedia, such as choosing high quality recordings and testing sound timing. Copyright considerations are also covered.
This document discusses graphics and their use in multimedia applications. It defines graphics as pictures, diagrams, charts and backgrounds. It discusses resolution and color depth of graphics. The two main types of graphics are vector graphics, which are represented by geometric shapes, and bitmap graphics, which are represented by pixels in an array. Bitmap graphics have higher image quality but larger file sizes than vector graphics. The document also covers compression formats, image sizes, sources of graphics, and software used to create and edit graphics.
This document discusses the use of text in multimedia presentations. It covers topics like the importance of text, understanding fonts and typefaces, using text elements, computers and text, font editing tools, and multimedia/hypertext. Text provides key information to audiences and is an important element in multimedia, used for menus, navigation, content, and more. Fonts refer to a specific typeface size, while typefaces are graphic representations of letters. Factors like font style, size, case, and serif vs. sans serif are also examined.
Courseware refers to educational software used for teaching or self-learning purposes. It combines course content with various multimedia elements like text, audio, images, video and interactivity. The block structure of multimedia courseware includes course content, objectives, pedagogical methods and learning outcomes. It organizes these elements along with multimedia using an architectural control component. Storyboarding is used to plan, produce and evaluate multimedia presentations by providing a written synopsis of the multimedia resources and their order in the finished presentation.
ADDIE is a systematic instructional design model that consists of five phases - Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The Analysis phase involves identifying the learning problem and goals as well as understanding the learners. In the Design phase, learning objectives are specified and instructional materials are designed. During Development, the instructional materials are created. In Implementation, the materials are delivered to learners. Finally, in Evaluation, the effectiveness of the materials is assessed through formative and summative evaluation to improve the materials.
Multimedia authoring tools have two main features - the ability to create and edit products, and to deliver the final product. There are four perspectives to consider - the tool, product, developer, and end user. Tools have features like pages to contain content, controls for interaction and navigation, and different types of execution. Authoring tools can be categorized as simple like word processors, programming tools that require coding skills, or complex interactive tools that balance ease of use and powerful features.
The document defines multimedia as a combination of text, graphics, sound, animation and video delivered through a computer. It discusses the components of multimedia including hypermedia, hypertext, text, graphics, audio, video and animation. The document also outlines advantages and disadvantages of using multimedia in education, such as increasing student interest but potentially reducing human interaction. It provides examples of where multimedia can be used, such as business, education, entertainment and medicine.