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 Experienced Mechanical Engineer
 Preventive Maintenance & Repair
 Adhere to safety policies &
 Technical team leadership
 Proactive  Adaptable- Quick
 Abreast with latest technologies
Mechanical Engineering
Mobile +971566383005,
E-Mail: thomasvarun@gmail.com : thomasvarun1983@gmail.com
 B.E in Mechanical Engineering (1st Class)
Anna University , Chennai, India
 Graduate Marine Engineer (1st Class)
D. G. Shipping approved, Cochin Shipyard Limited, Kochi, India
 Marine Engineering Certificate of Competency
Directorate General of Shipping: Govt. Of India
 Used personal judgment and initiative to develop effective and practical solutions to challenges
and obstacles.
 Maintained and developed collaborative relationship with colleague and top management.
 Consistently demonstrated resourcefulness and initiative in support of top management with
flexibility in working well in cross-functional teams.
 Recognized as a quick learner who can easily understand and adapt company processes.
Work Experience
 Field Service Engineer, National Oilwell Varco 2014 - 2015
 Marine Mechanical Engineer, Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha ( K-Line). Ltd. Japan 2008 - 2013
 Trainee Engineer, Cochin Shipyard Ltd. 2007 - 2008
 Trainee Engineer, The Travancore Cements Ltd. (TCL) 2006 - 2007
Areas of Expertise
 Mechanical Engineering
 Evaluation, installation, operation and maintenance of mechanical products, equipments,
systems or processes to meet requirements and ensure application of engineering principles.
 Read and interpret blueprints, technical drawings, schematics and computer-generated reports.
 Organize tools requirement, setup tools record and coding as well as conduct safety inspection.
 Recommend design modifications to eliminate machine or system malfunctions. Investigate
equipment failures to diagnose faults and recommend to the maintenance crew.
 Confer with engineers and other personnel to implement operating procedures, resolve system
Technically astute and skilled engineering professional
with 6+ years of work exposure in mechanical
engineering, maintenance and repair within diversified
industries. Skilled in various machinery operations,
maintenance and troubleshooting. Have profound
understanding plus technical knowledge on
mechanical equipments and systems thereby able to
conduct product presentation and reply to technical
queries from potential customers. Efficient and
committed engineer with excellent analytical,
coordination, communication, supervision,
interpersonal and time management skills. Seeking an
executive work profile to use diverse skills and
maximize the potential of gained experience and
malfunctions and provide technical information.
 Conduct used oil analysis, scrape down oil analysis, cylinder oil monitoring, Bunker sampling and
Interpret oil analysis reports.
Proven Job Role
Field Service Engineer
 Investigate product problems and complete the corrective action necessary to achieve improved
customer satisfaction.
 Interface with relevant departments to obtain a thorough understanding of NOV products and how they
are safely operated, tested, calibrated and problems are resolved in a timely manner.
 Travel to customer sites to inspect, install, commission, test, calibrate, repair and train customers on
the safe and proper operation of NOV products.
 Manage projects, Perform field upgrades/retrofits and train customers on how to properly operate the
 Communicate field failures and feedback reports to the appropriate departments.
 Complete and submit field service documentation in a timely manner.
 Investigate reported product problems and initiate corrective action following through on the corrective
action required ensuring successful field implementation.
 Conduct field operational analysis, make improvement recommendations and conduct retrofit
management to assist in the development of products
 Participate in product design reviews through analyzing events, preparing review packages and
recommending solutions.
 Provide information and support all customers with equipment problems
 Manage turnkey, installation and repair projects to achieve project goals with meeting technical,
delivery and budgetary expectations.
 Render prompt and proficient technical assistance to customer.
 Recommend lube oil analysis and check compliance with OEM recommended lubrication schedule.
 Coordinates with Purchasing Department to improve lead time in ordering spare parts and timely
delivery of purchase Requisitions raised for the critical / urgent required spare parts.
 Co-ordinates with various divisions (NOV Projects, Repair and Spare parts) on a variety of matters
related to equipment service, installation and commissioning.
 Coordinates with NOV Spare Parts group for the timely delivery of critical / urgent required spares.
Marine Mechanical Engineer  (Container , Ammonia, LPG Vessels)
 Monitor materials usage to ensure possible shortages are identified and orders placed at the earliest
possible opportunity.
 Diagnosed problems by assessing machinery conditions.
 Prepare, implement and manage any required project related engineering method statements and
execution plans.
 Prepared estimates for maintenance works and prepared material requisitions.
 Supervised marine machinery overhauling, maintenance and repair.
 Responsible for the proper operation, maintenance, and repair of auxiliary boilers and appurtenances.
 Operation of Power Generators (Load Stabilization, Paralleling & Synchronization of Generators) & all
types of maintenance.
 Operate and maintain as necessary, the engine cooling water system, lube oil system, fuel system,
Including transfer pumps, strainers, heaters, heating coils and storage tanks.
 Ensured adherence to all safe operation guidelines.
 Handled budget of existing and future equipments upgrade including replacements.
 Monitored work-in-progress and completion to attained set requirements.
 Administered operation and maintenance of pumps (all types), Reciprocating and screw compressors,
oil purifiers, Fresh water generation plant, heat exchangers.
 Conduct Risk assessment and take Work Permit prior starting maintenance works.
 Facilitated lube and fuel oils bunkering handled chemicals and kept Material Safety Data Sheets.
 Functioned as Duty Engineer and conducted Engine Room Watch keeping as well as maintained
machinery space equipments for optimum performance
 Prevented unscheduled stoppages by executing weekly and monthly preventive maintenance checks
regarding automated heavy duty equipments and machineries.
 Dealt with potable water testing/treatment, bulk lube oils storage and carried out regular testing of lube
oils in various engineering systems.
 Carried out Main Engine Scavenge manifold inspections.
 Familiar with Digi cells, ferrous wear meter, bunker sampling kits, onboard lube oil testing and sampling
kits ( kittiwake, Lube marine, Wear check, Signum )
 Carried out vessel systems maintenance and repair as per Chief Engineers orders as well as based on
Preventive maintenance system (PMS).
 Ensure that all activities are carried out in accordance with the Company Quality Management System.
Professional Development
 Engine Room Simulator Course.
 Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET)  OPITO
 Oil Tanker Familiarization.
 Advanced Fire Fighting.
 Personal Survival Techniques.
 Medical First Aid.
 Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats.
 Personal Safety and Social Responsibility.
 Refrigerated Container maintenance Certificate.
 Boiler Combustion Control.
 BASSNET training certificate. (Preventive Maintenance Software)
 Liquid Cargo Handling Simulator For LPG Tankers
 Specialized Training For Liquefied Gas Tanker Operation.
IT Skills
 MSOffice Suite, Internet & E-mail Applications.
 BASSNET Preventive Maintenance Software.
 ADMAX Preventive Maintenance Software.
 GLOVIA ERP software
Personal Details
 Sex / Marital Status : Male / Married.
 Date of Birth : 20th July 1983.
 Nationality / Religion : Indian / Christian.
 Linguistic Proficiency : English, Hindi, Malayalam and Tamil.
 Passport No / Visa : F7767869 / Visit Visa.
 Indian CDC No. / COC No : CH55177 / 95z-11600.
 Driving License : UAE Automatic

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Marine Mechanical- Engineer 6+ years 2015

  • 1. Strengths Experienced Mechanical Engineer Preventive Maintenance & Repair Adhere to safety policies & standards Technical team leadership capabilities Proactive Adaptable- Quick Learner Abreast with latest technologies VARUN THOMAS Mechanical Engineering Mobile +971566383005, E-Mail: thomasvarun@gmail.com : thomasvarun1983@gmail.com Qualifications B.E in Mechanical Engineering (1st Class) Anna University , Chennai, India Graduate Marine Engineer (1st Class) D. G. Shipping approved, Cochin Shipyard Limited, Kochi, India Marine Engineering Certificate of Competency Directorate General of Shipping: Govt. Of India Achievements Used personal judgment and initiative to develop effective and practical solutions to challenges and obstacles. Maintained and developed collaborative relationship with colleague and top management. Consistently demonstrated resourcefulness and initiative in support of top management with flexibility in working well in cross-functional teams. Recognized as a quick learner who can easily understand and adapt company processes. Work Experience Field Service Engineer, National Oilwell Varco 2014 - 2015 Marine Mechanical Engineer, Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha ( K-Line). Ltd. Japan 2008 - 2013 Trainee Engineer, Cochin Shipyard Ltd. 2007 - 2008 Trainee Engineer, The Travancore Cements Ltd. (TCL) 2006 - 2007 Areas of Expertise Mechanical Engineering Evaluation, installation, operation and maintenance of mechanical products, equipments, systems or processes to meet requirements and ensure application of engineering principles. Read and interpret blueprints, technical drawings, schematics and computer-generated reports. Organize tools requirement, setup tools record and coding as well as conduct safety inspection. Recommend design modifications to eliminate machine or system malfunctions. Investigate equipment failures to diagnose faults and recommend to the maintenance crew. Confer with engineers and other personnel to implement operating procedures, resolve system Technically astute and skilled engineering professional with 6+ years of work exposure in mechanical engineering, maintenance and repair within diversified industries. Skilled in various machinery operations, maintenance and troubleshooting. Have profound understanding plus technical knowledge on mechanical equipments and systems thereby able to conduct product presentation and reply to technical queries from potential customers. Efficient and committed engineer with excellent analytical, coordination, communication, supervision, interpersonal and time management skills. Seeking an executive work profile to use diverse skills and maximize the potential of gained experience and expertise.
  • 2. malfunctions and provide technical information. Conduct used oil analysis, scrape down oil analysis, cylinder oil monitoring, Bunker sampling and Interpret oil analysis reports. Proven Job Role Field Service Engineer Investigate product problems and complete the corrective action necessary to achieve improved customer satisfaction. Interface with relevant departments to obtain a thorough understanding of NOV products and how they are safely operated, tested, calibrated and problems are resolved in a timely manner. Travel to customer sites to inspect, install, commission, test, calibrate, repair and train customers on the safe and proper operation of NOV products. Manage projects, Perform field upgrades/retrofits and train customers on how to properly operate the system. Communicate field failures and feedback reports to the appropriate departments. Complete and submit field service documentation in a timely manner. Investigate reported product problems and initiate corrective action following through on the corrective action required ensuring successful field implementation. Conduct field operational analysis, make improvement recommendations and conduct retrofit management to assist in the development of products Participate in product design reviews through analyzing events, preparing review packages and recommending solutions. Provide information and support all customers with equipment problems Manage turnkey, installation and repair projects to achieve project goals with meeting technical, delivery and budgetary expectations. Render prompt and proficient technical assistance to customer. Recommend lube oil analysis and check compliance with OEM recommended lubrication schedule. Coordinates with Purchasing Department to improve lead time in ordering spare parts and timely delivery of purchase Requisitions raised for the critical / urgent required spare parts. Co-ordinates with various divisions (NOV Projects, Repair and Spare parts) on a variety of matters related to equipment service, installation and commissioning. Coordinates with NOV Spare Parts group for the timely delivery of critical / urgent required spares. Marine Mechanical Engineer (Container , Ammonia, LPG Vessels) Monitor materials usage to ensure possible shortages are identified and orders placed at the earliest possible opportunity. Diagnosed problems by assessing machinery conditions. Prepare, implement and manage any required project related engineering method statements and execution plans. Prepared estimates for maintenance works and prepared material requisitions. Supervised marine machinery overhauling, maintenance and repair. Responsible for the proper operation, maintenance, and repair of auxiliary boilers and appurtenances. Operation of Power Generators (Load Stabilization, Paralleling & Synchronization of Generators) & all types of maintenance. Operate and maintain as necessary, the engine cooling water system, lube oil system, fuel system, Including transfer pumps, strainers, heaters, heating coils and storage tanks. Ensured adherence to all safe operation guidelines. Handled budget of existing and future equipments upgrade including replacements. Monitored work-in-progress and completion to attained set requirements. Administered operation and maintenance of pumps (all types), Reciprocating and screw compressors, oil purifiers, Fresh water generation plant, heat exchangers. Conduct Risk assessment and take Work Permit prior starting maintenance works. Facilitated lube and fuel oils bunkering handled chemicals and kept Material Safety Data Sheets. Functioned as Duty Engineer and conducted Engine Room Watch keeping as well as maintained machinery space equipments for optimum performance
  • 3. Prevented unscheduled stoppages by executing weekly and monthly preventive maintenance checks regarding automated heavy duty equipments and machineries. Dealt with potable water testing/treatment, bulk lube oils storage and carried out regular testing of lube oils in various engineering systems. Carried out Main Engine Scavenge manifold inspections. Familiar with Digi cells, ferrous wear meter, bunker sampling kits, onboard lube oil testing and sampling kits ( kittiwake, Lube marine, Wear check, Signum ) Carried out vessel systems maintenance and repair as per Chief Engineers orders as well as based on Preventive maintenance system (PMS). Ensure that all activities are carried out in accordance with the Company Quality Management System. Professional Development Engine Room Simulator Course. Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET) OPITO Oil Tanker Familiarization. Advanced Fire Fighting. Personal Survival Techniques. Medical First Aid. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats. Personal Safety and Social Responsibility. Refrigerated Container maintenance Certificate. Boiler Combustion Control. BASSNET training certificate. (Preventive Maintenance Software) Liquid Cargo Handling Simulator For LPG Tankers Specialized Training For Liquefied Gas Tanker Operation. IT Skills MSOffice Suite, Internet & E-mail Applications. BASSNET Preventive Maintenance Software. ADMAX Preventive Maintenance Software. GLOVIA ERP software Personal Details Sex / Marital Status : Male / Married. Date of Birth : 20th July 1983. Nationality / Religion : Indian / Christian. Linguistic Proficiency : English, Hindi, Malayalam and Tamil. Passport No / Visa : F7767869 / Visit Visa. Indian CDC No. / COC No : CH55177 / 95z-11600. Driving License : UAE Automatic