This presentation is a Social Media Showcase. It shows the ingredients Starbucks uses to ben engaged in Social Media. This presentation was give on Sept 1. 2009 @ Customer Media Council, Heemstede, The Netherlands
The document provides analyses of a poster and website for the fictional film "Dreams of Death". The poster analysis explains that faded images on the main actor's head show visions from his dreams. The website analysis notes that consistency is kept by using the same main picture from the poster. Fonts and logos are also kept consistent between the poster and website to professionally advertise the film.
Of course, in my humble opinion. Every UX Designer has a different perception about what is UX, and I卒m sure that I卒ll be agree with all opinions. However, could you give 1 minute to argument the post卒s title?
This document contains 3 draft versions of a front cover created by Joseph Knight. The document lists the title "Front Cover" followed by "- 1st Draft", "- 2nd Draft", and "- 3rd Draft", suggesting there are 3 iterations of designs for a front cover that was created.
Crate training a new puppy requires a systematic approach using rewards. Introduce the puppy to its comfortable crate on the first day and use treats to encourage it to enter. Start by feeding the puppy near the crate entrance and slowly moving its food bowl farther inside over time. Teach the puppy commands like "go to crate" to help it learn to enter independently.
The document discusses the importance of networks for knowledge sharing and innovation in today's rapidly growing knowledge economy. It provides examples of different types of networks, from informal networks within organizations to formal networks between firms. It highlights that an individual's position and participation in networks influences their opportunities. The key is to develop participation in a variety of networks both strong and weak, inside and outside one's organization, and to think strategically about how to develop and leverage networks.
When we examine the Evolution of UX over the years, we can divide it into 3 broad sections.
The first section is about the Design卒s Paradigm. ( I promise not to be boring).
The second one is knowing and accepting that everything we do, we do with the user in the center of our decisions, and understanding that we should measure the risk of our decisions
And finally the rapid evolution of new interfaces.
Our products have evolved based in the evolution of these sections. I卒ll show you this evolution in a section about Liferay Portal
This document contains 3 draft versions of a table of contents. The document lists the titles "TOC 1st Draft", "TOC 2nd Draft", and "TOC 3rd Draft", suggesting it holds 3 iterations of a table of contents created by Joseph Knight for a media-related project.
Joseph and Reece decided to combine their film synopses into a new joint project. The synopsis tells two stories: in 1955, Victoria Caroline was a serial killer who murdered men but then mysteriously vanished. In present day, college student Omar experiences sleep paralysis and hallucinates an old woman, Victoria. Omar begins to question whether the woman is just in his dreams or if she is real. The synopsis blends elements of a 1950s serial killer story with a modern story of a student experiencing sleep paralysis and hallucinations.
This document discusses various photos taken by Joseph Knight to illustrate articles for a Table of Contents (TOC). The photos include: a pile of revision work showing exam stress; students debating to illustrate an article on homework; a pensive student to represent the challenges of being 18 today; cafes and restaurants in St. Marylebone to highlight places to eat; and a PlayStation 3 to promote an article about winning one. Each photo was chosen to represent and summarize the key topic of the corresponding article in the TOC.
1) The video pitch is for an artist called Moon and their song "Friends Forever".
2) At the beginning of the video, the piano keys will appear to play themselves to depict loneliness without friends, accompanied by title cards.
3) There will be black and white flashbacks showing memories with old friends.
4) One location is a graffiti wall where the artists will be surrounded by friends, representing their talents in art and riding mopeds.
Alex Clooney, a 17-year old schoolboy, starts having vivid nightmares of a female serial killer on the loose in Marylebone, dreaming nightly of a bloody knife and street sign. When he sees his teacher Miss Caroline Love at school, who was the woman stalking him in his dreams, she smiles at him eerily, as if signaling that he is her next victim.
The document analyzes the trailers for the films Prometheus and The Dark Knight Rises in two sections. It provides a breakdown and discussion of key scenes, visuals, and plot points teased in the trailers for both upcoming movies.
The document provides an analysis of the website for the film "Martha Marcy May Marlene". The website includes a film review from critics, the film title, an instantly updating Twitter and Facebook feed of comments about the movie, an actor credit for the main role, navigation buttons to easily move between site sections, and social media sharing buttons. The analysis was written by Joseph Knight.
The document provides details on the front cover design for a music magazine mock-up project. It discusses taking inspiration from the Rolling Stone magazine covers by featuring a single photo of the main artist. The document also analyzes a sample front cover photo layout, noting how the models' outfits follow color schemes and the photo was the most suitable from a photoshoot. Details are given on the mock-up cover created, including the magazine name "Licks" referring to lyrics, the band members looking at readers, shadowed text, and inclusion of a barcode.
When we examine the Evolution of UX over the years, we can divide it into 3 broad sections.
The first section is about the Design卒s Paradigm. ( I promise not to be boring).
The second one is knowing and accepting that everything we do, we do with the user in the center of our decisions, and understanding that we should measure the risk of our decisions
And finally the rapid evolution of new interfaces.
Our products have evolved based in the evolution of these sections. I卒ll show you this evolution in a section about Liferay Portal
This document contains 3 draft versions of a table of contents. The document lists the titles "TOC 1st Draft", "TOC 2nd Draft", and "TOC 3rd Draft", suggesting it holds 3 iterations of a table of contents created by Joseph Knight for a media-related project.
Joseph and Reece decided to combine their film synopses into a new joint project. The synopsis tells two stories: in 1955, Victoria Caroline was a serial killer who murdered men but then mysteriously vanished. In present day, college student Omar experiences sleep paralysis and hallucinates an old woman, Victoria. Omar begins to question whether the woman is just in his dreams or if she is real. The synopsis blends elements of a 1950s serial killer story with a modern story of a student experiencing sleep paralysis and hallucinations.
This document discusses various photos taken by Joseph Knight to illustrate articles for a Table of Contents (TOC). The photos include: a pile of revision work showing exam stress; students debating to illustrate an article on homework; a pensive student to represent the challenges of being 18 today; cafes and restaurants in St. Marylebone to highlight places to eat; and a PlayStation 3 to promote an article about winning one. Each photo was chosen to represent and summarize the key topic of the corresponding article in the TOC.
1) The video pitch is for an artist called Moon and their song "Friends Forever".
2) At the beginning of the video, the piano keys will appear to play themselves to depict loneliness without friends, accompanied by title cards.
3) There will be black and white flashbacks showing memories with old friends.
4) One location is a graffiti wall where the artists will be surrounded by friends, representing their talents in art and riding mopeds.
Alex Clooney, a 17-year old schoolboy, starts having vivid nightmares of a female serial killer on the loose in Marylebone, dreaming nightly of a bloody knife and street sign. When he sees his teacher Miss Caroline Love at school, who was the woman stalking him in his dreams, she smiles at him eerily, as if signaling that he is her next victim.
The document analyzes the trailers for the films Prometheus and The Dark Knight Rises in two sections. It provides a breakdown and discussion of key scenes, visuals, and plot points teased in the trailers for both upcoming movies.
The document provides an analysis of the website for the film "Martha Marcy May Marlene". The website includes a film review from critics, the film title, an instantly updating Twitter and Facebook feed of comments about the movie, an actor credit for the main role, navigation buttons to easily move between site sections, and social media sharing buttons. The analysis was written by Joseph Knight.
The document provides details on the front cover design for a music magazine mock-up project. It discusses taking inspiration from the Rolling Stone magazine covers by featuring a single photo of the main artist. The document also analyzes a sample front cover photo layout, noting how the models' outfits follow color schemes and the photo was the most suitable from a photoshoot. Details are given on the mock-up cover created, including the magazine name "Licks" referring to lyrics, the band members looking at readers, shadowed text, and inclusion of a barcode.
Una descrizione di cosa sia il CSV e del processo di stakeholder engagement, facendo riferimento all'implementazione di questo nella strategia di Enel.
Con blog, forum, social network, i mercati sono sempre pi湛 conversazionali, 竪 questa la prima e forse pi湛 celebre tesi del Cluetrain Manifesto, il manifesto che invita all'azione tutte le imprese che operano all'interno del nuovo油mercato油interconnesso.
A chi vendere il nostro prodotto? La segmentazione di marketing, tra vecchi e...Simone Moriconi
Presentazione svolta presso l'Universit degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo.
La segmentazione e il targeting nell'era digitale: insight in profondit, conversazioni dalla rete, profilazione di user personas. Ecco come cambiano le variabili di analisi del mercato, in ottica sempre pi湛 approfondita e predittiva.
TripAdvisor - Un'indagine di mercato sul colosso delle review 2.0Valeria Gennari
Relazione del progetto "TripAdvisor - Un'indagine di mercato sul colosso delle review 2.0" svolto per il Corso Strumenti d'indagine per le organizzazioni e il mercato - Unimib.
Il modello ACV per vendere con il Social SellingGiorgio Tosi
I Social stanno modificando il contesto competitivo digitale, facendolo evolvere da un eccesso di informazione indifferenziata, ad una condivisione di opinioni ed esperienze personali. Tale evoluzione si ripercuote anche nei comportamenti di acquisto: i Social hanno facilitato e velocizzato la ricerca, la valutazione, il confronto e linterazione tra clienti e prospect, influenzando fortemente il processo decisionale di acquisto di prodotti e servizi, sia sui mercati B2C che B2B.
Al fine di inseguire e 束cavalcare損 questo fenomeno le aziende devono adeguare le proprie metodologie e processi dvendita, non limitandosi ad affiancare i Social ai tradizionali canali di vendita, ma integrandoli allinterno del modellocommerciale complessivo, sfruttando a proprio favore le caratteristiche peculiari che tali strumenti hanno.
Strategic MP, sintetizzando le esperienze maturate sia nellambito Commerciale e Marketing che nei Social Network, propone alle aziende di riflettere su come i Social possano supportare efficacemente lazione commerciale, attraverso il modello ACV:
-Ascoltare: utilizza i Social per rilevare le opportunit commerciali
-Coinvolgere: interagisci con i prospect sui Social, mostra le tue competenze ed influenza il processo decisionale
-Vendere: conduci la trattativa e finalizza la vendita in sinergia con i diversi canali commerciali disponibili
Visto il cambio di mentalit e di metodologia di lavoro richiesti, Strategic MP consiglia ladozione di un approccio prototipale sulla base di un progetto pilota, attraverso il quale capitalizzare lesperienza fatta e decidere modalit e perimetro di uneventuale estensione dambito.
Una social media strategy per le organizzazioni cristina felice civitillo in...Cristina FELICE CIVITILLO
Il mercato, i consumatori, le aziende, i lavoratori sono cambiati. tempo di aggiornare il modo in cui lavoriamo diffondendo una cultura della collaborazione e della condivisione, supportando i processi spontanei di networking che mettano in collegamento le persone e le loro competenze, implementando strumenti che facilitino i flussi di comunicazione sia interni allazienda (bottom-up, top-down e peer-to-peer) che esterni.
Augmendy is a website that allows users to share ideas and creative works through photos and videos hosted on Flickr. The site encourages sharing ideas that others will enjoy seeing or that can inspire them. Users are able to browse and view the media shared by others on topics of their interest.
This document summarizes common myths about social marketing. It dispels the myths that 1) advertising is dead and viral is the future, noting most popular videos and Twitter links are from professional media; 2) user-generated content is taking over, as only 20% of most popular videos are UGC; and 3) social media does not work for business-to-business, showing average connections on social media. It questions how many influencers are needed and asserts social media impact can be measured based on objectives like awareness, consideration, or purchase. Finally, it notes TV still drives social interaction, not the other way around.
This document discusses how brands are using Facebook to build their brands and deepen customer relationships. It provides examples of how Starbucks and P&G have successfully used Facebook strategies like localized campaigns, applications, and engagement ads. The document advocates that brands create an "always on" communication calendar to maintain a Facebook presence and gain customer insights.
Market research 2.0 motivazione e co-creazione sul brand
1. MARKET RESEARCH 2.0: motivazione e co-creazione sul brand Social Media Week 2010 Andrea Giovenali - Presidente
2. I social media Gli usi sociali dei media stanno cambiando il modo con il quale i consumatori si stanno rapportando alle aziende e i loro prodotti: il loro sviluppo 竪 stato determinato dalla volont degli individui di accedere e connettersi ad altri individui; gli individui stanno smettendo di consumare messaggi, e hanno iniziato a produrli e scambiarli, come attori principali.
3. Cosa cambia con i social media Le modalit di coinvolgimento dei consumatori da parte delle aziende per comunicare e promuovere i prodotti. Le forme di analisi degli individui per comprendere i loro comportamenti di consumo e le ragioni ad essi sottese.
4. Le caratteristiche del consumatore 2.0 spinto da motivazioni intrinseche Vuole creare, partecipare e contribuire attivamente Ricerca opportunit per s辿 stesso e per la collettivit Vuole essere connesso e comunicare con altri
6. Gli scopi Venga poco considerato Rappresenti quello che pensa la maggior parte delle persone Fonte - Indagine annuale di panel satisfaction Nextplora - gen 2010 Sia importante/determinante Possa contribuire a migliorare i prodotti che uso tutti i giorni Sia utile alle aziende per migliorare i loro profitti Sia utile per migliorare la societ in generale
7. Da cavie a collaboratori Nella maggior parte dei casi lopinione su una marca 竪 gi disponibile o 竪 fornita spontaneamente, senza sollecitazioni
8. Come cambia la ricerca di mercato ASCOLTO Dare voce ai consumatori per quello che sono gi motivati a dire ed interessati a contribuire INNOVAZIONE Prodotti/metodologie di ricerca che forniscono risposte in grado di rappresentare il mondo che cambia (mercati, comportamenti, esigenze) ORIENTAMENTO Interpretare linformazione per orientare le aziende verso le implicazioni delle loro scelte di marketing e di business
9. Crowd-sourcing ... the act of taking tasks traditionally performed by an employee or contractor, and outsourcing it to an undefined, generally large group of people or community in the form of an open call.
10. Nuovi metodi Osservare nuove dinamiche ed ascoltare la conversazione in atto tra i propri consumatori Rispondere alle crisi Accogliere le attese e migliorare il prodotto erogato Co-creazione di nuovi prodotti COMMUNITY ONLINE PER LA RICERCA DI MERCATO
11. Community Online per la ricerca di mercato Una COMMUNITY ONLINE per la RICERCA di MERCATO 竪 una nuova leva nelle mani del marketing di unazienda, uno strumento che nasce dallibridazione di 3 aree funzionali Si tratta di un ambiente OLISTICO in cui i clienti sono sia portatori di bisogni (needs and wants) da rilevare, sia attori nel processo di trasformazione dei loro bisogni in idee, concetti, stimoli, parte integrante del processo di sviluppo di nuovi prodotti (NPD)
12. Gli strumenti della community Una COMMUNITY ONLINE per la RICERCA di MERCATO vive e si sviluppa in un ambiente digitale, in cui sono abilitate tutte le tipiche funzionalit degli ambienti di socializzazione.
13. Le possibili applicazioni GENERAZIONE IDEE E CONCEPT DESIGN, IMPLEMENTAZIONE LIVELLO DI ENGAGEMENT SUL BRAND Specialisti che vengono coinvolti sulla base della competenza espressa per rispondere a obiettivi specifici promossi da una marca (design, progettazione, ecc.) Consumatori che vengono arruolati facendo leva sul loro livello di coinvolgimento sul brand per avere idee e stimoli utili alla ridefinizione di processi, sviluppo nuovi prodotti Consumatori che interagiscono in un ambiente di aggregazione branded e che vengono osservati parlare e discutere del brand Consumatori che interagiscono in ambiente indipendente e che vengono osservati in funzione di aspetti rilevanti per il brand
14. Forte autoselezione - fan del brand Osservazione passiva Funzionalit: limitate Costo: contenuto Impatto di marketing: elevato Community di marca nei Social Network
16. Community temporanee di marca Consumatori ed esperti Varie metodologie di ingaggio e analisi Funzionalit: estese Costo: contenuto Impatto di marketing: basso
17. Consumatori ed esperti Varie metodologie di ingaggio e analisi Funzionalit: custom Costo: molto alto Impatto di marketing: molto alto Community proprietaria di marca, pubblica
18. Favorire il contributo e la partecipazione dei consumatori allinnovazione di marca aumenta la conoscenza a disposizione delle aziende. Una societ di individui iper-connessi richiede la capacit di unire tutti i punti per estrarre questa conoscenza. La ricerca di mercato sta cambiando per interpretare le richieste e proposte che gli individui sono motivati a fornire alle aziende, con le quali sanno di generare opportunit per s辿 stessi e per gli altri componenti della loro rete sociale.