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Submitted by
Diana Krasnova
Los Angeles City College
Principles of Selling (811)
November 27, 2012
The purpose of this project is to show my knowledge of the selling techniques
such as approaches to the customers, meeting the objections, and closing techniques.
For my product, I have chosen Microsoft Windows 7 software package. This package
includes the software only that comes in the box and need installation. These packages
sell in the several types of stores. First of all, they sell in the Microsoft Store,
Microsoft.com, Staples and Best Buy.
Microsoft Stores are relatively new. Before, if a person wanted to purchase the
software, he or she would typically go directly to Staples or Best Buy. Microsoft stores
are specialty stores. They sell Microsoft related products only. Such products include:
tablets, computers that have Microsoft software, computer accessories, X-Box and X-
Box accessories. Also, there is a wide variety of the different software packages.
These programs designed to accommodate every persons needs. They include:
Microsoft office software, games, financial software, educational packages, and utility
packages for computer professionals. The software packages are located behind the
glass on the display rack space. MicrosoftStore.com is an extension to the Microsoft
store. Just like the stores, the website carries a large variety of non-competing
merchandise. This includes larger inventory of items found in the Microsoft stores and a
wide selection of the additional items.
Staples is an office supply store. They sell stationary, office furniture, office
supplies, computers, computer accessories, calculators, cell phones, bulk media such
as clean CDs, DVDs, Flash Drives, and portable hard drives. Some of the products are
competing and some are not.
Best Buy is traditional electronics stores. They carry a wide assortment of
products ranging from large and small household appliances, office equipment, to
entertainment media such as CDs, and DVDs. They also have a computer department
where they sell computers and software. Most of the items sold in the computer
department and the store are competing products as well. These products come from
competing manufacturers, and serve similar purpose. They also have a very small shelf
space allocated for the software.
For my assignment, I decided to visit all the stores. I asked my brother, Boris
Krasnov, to accompany me to the store. When we visited both Microsoft stores, he was
dressed in Coca Cola T-shirt, Disney Cars 2 baseball hat, blue jacket, prescription
glasses, jeans, and tennis shoes. He carried my messenger bag with his laptop. I was
dressed in blue sweater, greenish-blue jacket, jeans and flats. I carried black and white
Microsoft Store kiosk at Glendale Galleria
Date: November 16th
Enter time: 1:55 pm.
Approach time: 1:57pm
Leave time: 2:07 pm
How may I help you?
Diana Krasnova:
My brother and I are looking to purchase Microsoft Windows 7 software package.
I am sorry, but as you can see, we carry only Windows 8 Pro and basic Windows 8
upgrade version only.
Boris Krasnov:
Tell me more about it.
Microsoft Windows 8 is the best software ever. (Walked us toward the nearest
computer.) They are compatible both with Windows Vista and Windows 7 versions.
However, there are a lot of additional benefits to the program. First of all, it loads faster
and there is no start button. Second, you will not lose your Windows 7 files after the
transfer. Third, it works with both 32 and 64 bit programs. Also, it shuts down faster.
Moreover, just like a smartphone, it has a touch screen and comes with a wide selection
of preloaded apps. Additional apps can be purchased at the Mircorosoftstore.com. In
addition, it comes with full version of Microsoft Office documents. Can I see your
notebook, please? (Looked at my brothers computer) I see you have Lakers computer
cover skin I am a fan of Lakers as well. By the way, our full Pro version is the most
optimal software for the notebooks. (Looked at me) Do you have a computer as well?
Diana Krasnova:
I have a desktop computer at home.
(Flashed a wide smile) Our Windows 8 Pro full version a two-computer license version.
This means that you can use the same package for both the notebook and desktop.
(Looked at my jacket and reached for the nearest software box with a green picture.)
Diana Krasnova:
(Looked down at the picture) How did you know that green is my favorite color?
A lucky guess. By the way, we are having a special limited time promotion. If you
purchase our full Windows 8 today, I will give you a discount, and it will cost you only
$69.99. We do have a upgrade version that we sell at Microsoftstore.com for $39.99,
but I would not recommend you buying it.
Diana Krasnova:
What about the Windows 7 version?
We sell it online only due to the limited space in our kiosk. It costs over a $100.
Diana Krasnova:
(I opened my purse and reached for the wallet) Are you associated with a shopping
network called Memolink.com? They give me points for purchasing products through
their website and with their in-store partners.
No we are not, but I can talk to my manager about it. Please, give us couple of days to
fix this problem.
Diana Krasnova:
(I closed my purse) I will come back next weekend. (My brother and I headed for the
The Approach
During his presentation, Jason used a combination of shock, curiosity and
benefits approach. He shocked me and my brother by saying that the product I was
looking for is unavailable. He also shocked me buy quoting the online price of Windows
7, even though logically the outdated software should be cheaper. He made my brother
and me curious about new product by saying that Windows 8 is the best software
ever. The used the benefits approach to describe all the features of the product.
Using Questions
Jason used primary close-end questions. Also, he asked very few questions,
providing answers to the questions we might have before we had a chance to open our
Benefit Selling
Feature Advantage Benefit
Speed of Windows 8 Starts and shutdowns faster You wait less
Compatibility Works with Windows Vista
and 7 versions
32 and 64 bit systems
You can install it on
practically any IBM
compatible computer
Windows 8 are like a
Comes with a large variety
of preinstalled apps
You as a user of a
smartphone are familiar
with operation of the
Handling Objections
 Windows 8 is the latest version compared to Windows 7 and unlike Windows 7
comes with Microsoft Office included
 Full Windows 8 Package is cheaper than an upgrade package
 Windows 8 is much cheaper than Windows 7
 Not the product I was shopping for
 People will need retraining from Windows Vista and Windows 7
 Store is not associated with Memolink.com
Closing the Sale
Jason tried to close his sales presentation by trying to relate to me and my
brother. This was shown when he gave me the box with a green picture, that matched
my jacket. Also, he said that not being with a shopping network is Microsoft Stores
fault. He used a compliment closing technique.
Suggestion Selling
Jason, did not try to see me any additional items.
The Follow-up
He went to talk to the manager about Memolink.com. After 3 days, I found out
that Microsoft Store and Microsoftstore.com are members of Memolink.com
I was very impressed with Jasons presentation. He appeared to be very
knowledgeable. He impressed me a lot to almost buying Windows 8 instead of looking
for Windows 7.
Microsoft Store at Avenue of the Stars Mall
Date: November 16th
Enter time: 4:08 pm.
Approach time: 4:17 pm
Leave time: 4:21 pm
How may I help you?
Diana Krasnova:
My brother and I are looking to purchase Microsoft Windows 7 software package.
I am sorry, but as you can see, we carry only Windows 8 Pro and basic Windows 8
upgrade version only.
Diana Krasova:
It took you a long time to approach us. I had enough time to walk around the store and
see that you dont sell Windows 7. Why?
Flashed a wide smile) I am sorry, this is not a kiosk. We have a limited staff. I have
other customers as well, but I see that you are familiar with Windows 8 by the way you
were browsing the computer. I can answer you additional questions. Take all the time
you need.
Diana Krasnova:
(Looked at the computer screen) How much do the apps cost?
Do you have a specific app in mind? Our apps vary in price range. You can purchase
them at Microsoftstore.com. The cheapest app is $0.99 and the most expensive one is
Diana Krasnova:
What about the Windows 7 version?
How about purchasing this new Sony notebook with preinstalled Windows 8 version? It
saves you time and gives you a piece of mind. Also, Windows 8 Pro speed varies
depending on your hardware.
Diana Krasnova:
(I opened my purse) Sorry, I forgot my wallet in the car. Can I come back in couple of
No problem. I will be here. Just let me know when you are ready.
Diana Krasnova:
(I closed my purse. My brother and I headed for the exit)
The Approach
During his presentation, Mary used a benefits approach to try to sell me
notebook. She said that implied that newer computers work best with new software
Using Questions
Mary used primary close-end questions. Just like Jason she asked very few
questions, providing answers to the questions we might have before we had a chance
to open our mouths
Benefit Selling
Feature Advantage Benefit
Speed of Windows 8 Depends on speed of the
You wait less
Handling Objections
 Windows 8 is the latest version compared to Windows 7
 New computers are better for Windows 8
 Price of the apps
Closing the Sale
Mary did not close the sale. She assumed that if my brother and I are familiar
with Windows 8, we will buy them.
Suggestion Selling
Mary, wanted to sell us the new and probably very expensive computer.
The Follow-up
None. She moved on to another customer while waiting for us to come back.
Mary was too busy because they might have been short on staff. This made her
to do a short and sloppy presentation. She lost me as a costumer in 2 minutes.
Staples at 5425 Wilshire Blvd
Date: November 21st
Enter time: 3:01 pm.
Approach time: None. Sales associate were in other isles. There was an empty space
where the software should be.
Leave time: 3:21 pm
Staples should train their associates to better help customers.
Best Buy # 393 at La Brea & Santa Monica
Date: November 21st
Enter time: 3:59 pm.
Approach time: None. The sales associates were unloading some boxes right in front of
me. Neither guy was willing to talk to me. No Windows 7 on the shelves, but they were
in the boxes that employees were unloading.
Leave time: 4:19 pm
Best Buy should train their associates to better help customers.

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  • 1. SALES PRESENTATION ANALYSIS MICROSOFT WINDOWS 7 SOFTWARE PACKAGE AT MICOROSFT STORE, STAPLES, AND BEST BUY Submitted by Diana Krasnova Los Angeles City College Principles of Selling (811) November 27, 2012
  • 2. 3 SALES PRESENTATION ANALYSIS MICROSOFT WINDOWS 7 SOFTWARE PACKAGE AT MICOROSFT STORE, STAPLES, AND BEST BUY The purpose of this project is to show my knowledge of the selling techniques such as approaches to the customers, meeting the objections, and closing techniques. For my product, I have chosen Microsoft Windows 7 software package. This package includes the software only that comes in the box and need installation. These packages sell in the several types of stores. First of all, they sell in the Microsoft Store, Microsoft.com, Staples and Best Buy. Microsoft Stores are relatively new. Before, if a person wanted to purchase the software, he or she would typically go directly to Staples or Best Buy. Microsoft stores are specialty stores. They sell Microsoft related products only. Such products include: tablets, computers that have Microsoft software, computer accessories, X-Box and X- Box accessories. Also, there is a wide variety of the different software packages. These programs designed to accommodate every persons needs. They include: Microsoft office software, games, financial software, educational packages, and utility packages for computer professionals. The software packages are located behind the glass on the display rack space. MicrosoftStore.com is an extension to the Microsoft store. Just like the stores, the website carries a large variety of non-competing merchandise. This includes larger inventory of items found in the Microsoft stores and a wide selection of the additional items.
  • 3. 4 Staples is an office supply store. They sell stationary, office furniture, office supplies, computers, computer accessories, calculators, cell phones, bulk media such as clean CDs, DVDs, Flash Drives, and portable hard drives. Some of the products are competing and some are not. Best Buy is traditional electronics stores. They carry a wide assortment of products ranging from large and small household appliances, office equipment, to entertainment media such as CDs, and DVDs. They also have a computer department where they sell computers and software. Most of the items sold in the computer department and the store are competing products as well. These products come from competing manufacturers, and serve similar purpose. They also have a very small shelf space allocated for the software. For my assignment, I decided to visit all the stores. I asked my brother, Boris Krasnov, to accompany me to the store. When we visited both Microsoft stores, he was dressed in Coca Cola T-shirt, Disney Cars 2 baseball hat, blue jacket, prescription glasses, jeans, and tennis shoes. He carried my messenger bag with his laptop. I was dressed in blue sweater, greenish-blue jacket, jeans and flats. I carried black and white purse.
  • 4. 5 DIALOGUE 1 Microsoft Store kiosk at Glendale Galleria Date: November 16th Enter time: 1:55 pm. Approach time: 1:57pm Leave time: 2:07 pm Jason: How may I help you? Diana Krasnova: My brother and I are looking to purchase Microsoft Windows 7 software package. Jason: I am sorry, but as you can see, we carry only Windows 8 Pro and basic Windows 8 upgrade version only. Boris Krasnov: Tell me more about it.
  • 5. 6 Jason: Microsoft Windows 8 is the best software ever. (Walked us toward the nearest computer.) They are compatible both with Windows Vista and Windows 7 versions. However, there are a lot of additional benefits to the program. First of all, it loads faster and there is no start button. Second, you will not lose your Windows 7 files after the transfer. Third, it works with both 32 and 64 bit programs. Also, it shuts down faster. Moreover, just like a smartphone, it has a touch screen and comes with a wide selection of preloaded apps. Additional apps can be purchased at the Mircorosoftstore.com. In addition, it comes with full version of Microsoft Office documents. Can I see your notebook, please? (Looked at my brothers computer) I see you have Lakers computer cover skin I am a fan of Lakers as well. By the way, our full Pro version is the most optimal software for the notebooks. (Looked at me) Do you have a computer as well? Diana Krasnova: I have a desktop computer at home. Jason: (Flashed a wide smile) Our Windows 8 Pro full version a two-computer license version. This means that you can use the same package for both the notebook and desktop. (Looked at my jacket and reached for the nearest software box with a green picture.) Diana Krasnova: (Looked down at the picture) How did you know that green is my favorite color? Jason: A lucky guess. By the way, we are having a special limited time promotion. If you purchase our full Windows 8 today, I will give you a discount, and it will cost you only $69.99. We do have a upgrade version that we sell at Microsoftstore.com for $39.99, but I would not recommend you buying it. Diana Krasnova: What about the Windows 7 version? Jason: We sell it online only due to the limited space in our kiosk. It costs over a $100. Diana Krasnova: (I opened my purse and reached for the wallet) Are you associated with a shopping network called Memolink.com? They give me points for purchasing products through their website and with their in-store partners.
  • 6. 7 Jason: No we are not, but I can talk to my manager about it. Please, give us couple of days to fix this problem. Diana Krasnova: (I closed my purse) I will come back next weekend. (My brother and I headed for the exit) ANALYSIS The Approach During his presentation, Jason used a combination of shock, curiosity and benefits approach. He shocked me and my brother by saying that the product I was looking for is unavailable. He also shocked me buy quoting the online price of Windows 7, even though logically the outdated software should be cheaper. He made my brother and me curious about new product by saying that Windows 8 is the best software ever. The used the benefits approach to describe all the features of the product. Using Questions Jason used primary close-end questions. Also, he asked very few questions, providing answers to the questions we might have before we had a chance to open our mouths.
  • 7. 8 Benefit Selling Feature Advantage Benefit Speed of Windows 8 Starts and shutdowns faster You wait less Compatibility Works with Windows Vista and 7 versions 32 and 64 bit systems You can install it on practically any IBM compatible computer Windows 8 are like a smartphone Comes with a large variety of preinstalled apps You as a user of a smartphone are familiar with operation of the software Handling Objections Strengths: Windows 8 is the latest version compared to Windows 7 and unlike Windows 7 comes with Microsoft Office included Full Windows 8 Package is cheaper than an upgrade package Windows 8 is much cheaper than Windows 7 Weaknesses:
  • 8. 9 Not the product I was shopping for People will need retraining from Windows Vista and Windows 7 Store is not associated with Memolink.com Closing the Sale Jason tried to close his sales presentation by trying to relate to me and my brother. This was shown when he gave me the box with a green picture, that matched my jacket. Also, he said that not being with a shopping network is Microsoft Stores fault. He used a compliment closing technique. Suggestion Selling Jason, did not try to see me any additional items. The Follow-up He went to talk to the manager about Memolink.com. After 3 days, I found out that Microsoft Store and Microsoftstore.com are members of Memolink.com CONCLUSIONS I was very impressed with Jasons presentation. He appeared to be very knowledgeable. He impressed me a lot to almost buying Windows 8 instead of looking for Windows 7. DIALOGUE 2
  • 9. 10 Microsoft Store at Avenue of the Stars Mall Date: November 16th Enter time: 4:08 pm. Approach time: 4:17 pm Leave time: 4:21 pm Mary: How may I help you? Diana Krasnova: My brother and I are looking to purchase Microsoft Windows 7 software package. Mary: I am sorry, but as you can see, we carry only Windows 8 Pro and basic Windows 8 upgrade version only. Diana Krasova:
  • 10. 11 It took you a long time to approach us. I had enough time to walk around the store and see that you dont sell Windows 7. Why? Mary: Flashed a wide smile) I am sorry, this is not a kiosk. We have a limited staff. I have other customers as well, but I see that you are familiar with Windows 8 by the way you were browsing the computer. I can answer you additional questions. Take all the time you need. Diana Krasnova: (Looked at the computer screen) How much do the apps cost? Mary: Do you have a specific app in mind? Our apps vary in price range. You can purchase them at Microsoftstore.com. The cheapest app is $0.99 and the most expensive one is $10 Diana Krasnova: What about the Windows 7 version? Mary: How about purchasing this new Sony notebook with preinstalled Windows 8 version? It saves you time and gives you a piece of mind. Also, Windows 8 Pro speed varies depending on your hardware. Diana Krasnova: (I opened my purse) Sorry, I forgot my wallet in the car. Can I come back in couple of minutes? Mary: No problem. I will be here. Just let me know when you are ready. Diana Krasnova: (I closed my purse. My brother and I headed for the exit) ANALYSIS
  • 11. 12 The Approach During his presentation, Mary used a benefits approach to try to sell me notebook. She said that implied that newer computers work best with new software Using Questions Mary used primary close-end questions. Just like Jason she asked very few questions, providing answers to the questions we might have before we had a chance to open our mouths Benefit Selling Feature Advantage Benefit Speed of Windows 8 Depends on speed of the computer You wait less Handling Objections Strengths: Windows 8 is the latest version compared to Windows 7 New computers are better for Windows 8
  • 12. 13 Weaknesses: Price of the apps Closing the Sale Mary did not close the sale. She assumed that if my brother and I are familiar with Windows 8, we will buy them. Suggestion Selling Mary, wanted to sell us the new and probably very expensive computer. The Follow-up None. She moved on to another customer while waiting for us to come back. CONCLUSIONS Mary was too busy because they might have been short on staff. This made her to do a short and sloppy presentation. She lost me as a costumer in 2 minutes. DIALOGUE 3
  • 13. 14 Staples at 5425 Wilshire Blvd Date: November 21st Enter time: 3:01 pm. Approach time: None. Sales associate were in other isles. There was an empty space where the software should be. Leave time: 3:21 pm CONCLUSIONS Staples should train their associates to better help customers. DIALOGUE 4 Best Buy # 393 at La Brea & Santa Monica Date: November 21st Enter time: 3:59 pm. Approach time: None. The sales associates were unloading some boxes right in front of me. Neither guy was willing to talk to me. No Windows 7 on the shelves, but they were in the boxes that employees were unloading. Leave time: 4:19 pm CONCLUSIONS Best Buy should train their associates to better help customers.