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Market(ing) Research 
Presented by: 
Asma & Zaib, BBA
 Discuss what ,why ,when ,how  
Highlight some important elements. 
Discuss creative ways to do quick scans. 
Offer some tips. 
Some final thoughts. 
Q A.
Marketing research
What can entrepreneurs learn 
from this ?
Dont do things just for doing, but ask first where you 
want to take your business ,and subsequently choose 
the right path to reach that destination.
Articulates the direction a business will pursue and the 
step it will take to achieve its goal .
You can not develop a strategy without 
proper knowledge on key aspects of your 
business or industry 
And here is where Market(ing)Research 
comes in.
Marketing research
Marketing research
Marketing research
Marketing research
Conducting marketing research is about gathering 
facts and opinions in an orderly ,objective way to 
find out what people want to buy, not just what you 
want to sell them..
Marketing Research 
a few more things you should know 
about it..
Marketing Research :when? 
>Startups >Established
Presentation by Edward Erasmus 
 Small enterprises  Big corporations
Presentation by Edward Erasmus 
 In times of  In times of 
economic growth economic decline
Problem Identification Problem Solving
Why do marketers research? 
Presentation by Edward Erasmus 
 Identify potential customers 
 Understanding your existing customers. 
Examine and solve business problems 
 Prepare for business startup or expansion 
Identify business opportunities 
 Develop effective strategies
How to conduct 
market research?
The Process 
Step One - Define Marketing Problems and Opportunities 
Step Two - Set Objectives, Budget and Timetables 
Step Three - Select Research Types and Methods 
Step Four - Design Research Instruments 
Step Five - Collect Data 
Step Six - Organize and Analyze Data 
Step Seven - Present and Use Marketing Research Findings
Quick scanning your business
Presentation by Edward Erasmus 
 No time or budget to do extensive research? 
 There are some quick and creative ways to 
gather information for decision making.
Presentation by Edward Erasmus 
 Talk to customers 
 Talk to employees 
 Observe activities in your store 
 Look at sales records 
 Product return data 
 Customer complaints
Presentation by Edward Erasmus 
 Visit your competitor(s)what/how are they 
 Look for secondary research (data already 
 Read the newspapers 
 Read global news (online)
Presentation by Edward Erasmus 
 Its a quick scan 
 It provides limited and unstructured information 
 Its no replacement for formal research
Final thoughts 
Advertising people who ignore 
research are as dangerous as 
generals who ignore decodes of 
enemy signals. 
~David Ogilvy, advertising pioneer and 
founder of Ogilvy Group
Marketing research

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Marketing research

  • 1. Market(ing) Research Presented by: Asma & Zaib, BBA
  • 2. Discuss what ,why ,when ,how Highlight some important elements. Discuss creative ways to do quick scans. Offer some tips. Some final thoughts. Q A.
  • 4. What can entrepreneurs learn from this ?
  • 5. Dont do things just for doing, but ask first where you want to take your business ,and subsequently choose the right path to reach that destination.
  • 6. Articulates the direction a business will pursue and the step it will take to achieve its goal .
  • 7. You can not develop a strategy without proper knowledge on key aspects of your business or industry And here is where Market(ing)Research comes in.
  • 12. Conducting marketing research is about gathering facts and opinions in an orderly ,objective way to find out what people want to buy, not just what you want to sell them..
  • 13. Marketing Research a few more things you should know about it..
  • 14. Marketing Research :when? >Startups >Established
  • 15. Presentation by Edward Erasmus Small enterprises Big corporations
  • 16. Presentation by Edward Erasmus In times of In times of economic growth economic decline
  • 18. Why do marketers research? Presentation by Edward Erasmus Identify potential customers Understanding your existing customers. Examine and solve business problems Prepare for business startup or expansion Identify business opportunities Develop effective strategies
  • 19. How to conduct market research?
  • 20. The Process Step One - Define Marketing Problems and Opportunities Step Two - Set Objectives, Budget and Timetables Step Three - Select Research Types and Methods Step Four - Design Research Instruments Step Five - Collect Data Step Six - Organize and Analyze Data Step Seven - Present and Use Marketing Research Findings
  • 22. Presentation by Edward Erasmus CREATIVE WAYS TO GATHER INFORMATION No time or budget to do extensive research? There are some quick and creative ways to gather information for decision making.
  • 23. Presentation by Edward Erasmus INTERNAL Talk to customers Talk to employees Observe activities in your store Look at sales records Product return data Customer complaints
  • 24. Presentation by Edward Erasmus EXTERNAL Visit your competitor(s)what/how are they doing? Look for secondary research (data already available) Read the newspapers Read global news (online)
  • 25. Presentation by Edward Erasmus BUT BE AWARE.. Its a quick scan It provides limited and unstructured information Its no replacement for formal research
  • 26. Final thoughts Advertising people who ignore research are as dangerous as generals who ignore decodes of enemy signals. ~David Ogilvy, advertising pioneer and founder of Ogilvy Group