This wedding venue in Cheshire, England offers a unique space for ceremonies and receptions. The venue has a licensed capacity of 80 people inside and 120 outside. It features a large patio overlooking the countryside, ideal for photographs. The beautifully converted sandstone barn provides old world charm with modern amenities. Packages starting at ?1600-?2150 include exclusive use of the venue and grounds from Friday to Sunday.
This document outlines the assessment structure for a 2nd year high school program. It states that 70% of the grade will be based on tests, including a final exam called Selectivitat that counts for 20%. The remaining 30% includes activities like reading, writing, oral comprehension, and speaking. It provides details on reading assignments, a writing workshop with both group and individual components, vocabulary exercises, and exam dates for three different class schedules.
This document contains a summary of Chapter 1 of the course ET 201 Electrical Circuits. It outlines 6 practice problems related to analyzing electrical circuits:
1. Identifying parameters such as period, frequency, peak value, etc. from a given waveform.
2. Determining values of current at different times from an equation defining AC current.
3. Performing mathematical operations on complex numbers representing phasors.
4. Expressing phasor quantities in rectangular and polar form from a circuit diagram.
5. Sketching phasor diagrams and waveforms showing voltage-current relationships in resistive, capacitive and inductive circuits.
6. Calculating current and voltage values in two circuits containing resistors
1) The document discusses Arab Initiatives of Open Access (AIOA), a volunteer group founded in 2007 to promote open access publishing in the Arab world and beyond.
2) AIOA advocates for unrestricted use and free dissemination of research. It aims to encourage researchers and publishers in the region to adopt open access models to maximize dissemination of knowledge.
3) The group has translated works on open access policies into Arabic and developed an Arab Digital Repositories database. It also contributes to conferences and is registered with the Open Access Directory.
This document provides information for students going on a Belgium Battlefields trip in June 2012. It details the staff attending, what students need to bring including passports and money, expectations for behavior on the coach, ferry, and at the youth hostel. The itinerary is given, including visits to Vimy Ridge, Somme battlefields, Ypres Salient, and museums. Students are reminded of safety rules and expectations to respect the sites and listen to teachers.
This wedding venue in Cheshire, England offers a unique space for ceremonies and receptions. The venue has a licensed capacity of 80 people inside and 120 outside. It features a large patio overlooking the countryside, ideal for photographs. The beautifully converted sandstone barn provides old world charm with modern amenities. Packages starting at ?1600-?2150 include exclusive use of the venue and grounds from Friday to Sunday.
This document outlines the assessment structure for a 2nd year high school program. It states that 70% of the grade will be based on tests, including a final exam called Selectivitat that counts for 20%. The remaining 30% includes activities like reading, writing, oral comprehension, and speaking. It provides details on reading assignments, a writing workshop with both group and individual components, vocabulary exercises, and exam dates for three different class schedules.
This document contains a summary of Chapter 1 of the course ET 201 Electrical Circuits. It outlines 6 practice problems related to analyzing electrical circuits:
1. Identifying parameters such as period, frequency, peak value, etc. from a given waveform.
2. Determining values of current at different times from an equation defining AC current.
3. Performing mathematical operations on complex numbers representing phasors.
4. Expressing phasor quantities in rectangular and polar form from a circuit diagram.
5. Sketching phasor diagrams and waveforms showing voltage-current relationships in resistive, capacitive and inductive circuits.
6. Calculating current and voltage values in two circuits containing resistors
1) The document discusses Arab Initiatives of Open Access (AIOA), a volunteer group founded in 2007 to promote open access publishing in the Arab world and beyond.
2) AIOA advocates for unrestricted use and free dissemination of research. It aims to encourage researchers and publishers in the region to adopt open access models to maximize dissemination of knowledge.
3) The group has translated works on open access policies into Arabic and developed an Arab Digital Repositories database. It also contributes to conferences and is registered with the Open Access Directory.
This document provides information for students going on a Belgium Battlefields trip in June 2012. It details the staff attending, what students need to bring including passports and money, expectations for behavior on the coach, ferry, and at the youth hostel. The itinerary is given, including visits to Vimy Ridge, Somme battlefields, Ypres Salient, and museums. Students are reminded of safety rules and expectations to respect the sites and listen to teachers.
This document provides instructions for performing an Azure Web App performance test using deployment slots. It outlines steps to create a web app or select an existing one, add a deployment slot, select the slot, and then use the performance test tool to set up a Visual Studio Online account if needed and configure test details like user load and duration. The performance test is then ready to be run from the details page to assess the web app's performance under different usage scenarios.
This document provides instructions for integrating an application with Application Insight on Microsoft Azure. It outlines the requirements to sign up for an Azure account and configure Application Insights in Visual Studio. It also describes how Application Insights can be used to track app performance metrics and references additional documentation for getting started.
(...) El 6 de mar? de 1851, despr¨¦s de 21 anys, pogueren casar-se. [John Stuart] Mill, de 45 anys, sign¨¤ la seg¨¹ent declaraci¨®: "Estic a punt, si tinc la joia d¡¯obtindre el seu consentiment, d¡¯entrar en relaci¨® de matrimoni amb l¡¯¨²nica dona amb la que, des de que la conec, jo podria haver entrat en aquest estat. Ella i jo desaprovem el car¨¤cter de la relaci¨® matrimonial, tal i com la llei l¡¯estableix. Entre altres raons, perqu¨¨ confereix sobre una de les parts contractants poder legal i control sobre la persona, la propietat i la llibertat d¡¯acci¨® de l¡¯altra part, sense tindre en compte els desitjos i la voluntat d¡¯aquesta".
(...) Amb 25 anys, Thomas Clarkson present¨¤, a la Universitat de Cambridge, un assaig titulat ?s legal esclavitzar altres en contra dels seus desigs? Iniciava una lluita que tingu¨¦, com a primera gran fita, la fundaci¨® de la British Antislavery Society, dos anys despr¨¦s. Fou un pioner: el primer en utilitzar el boicot com a arma pol¨ªtica, demanant que no es consumiren productes obtinguts amb ma d¡¯obra esclava...
This document provides instructions for students to create their own blog. It outlines 6 learning objectives for creating and using a blog. It then asks questions to define what a blog is and discusses why people use blogs. It provides a 3 step process to create a blog on, including making an account. Students are instructed to post their first 3 blog posts - an introduction, information about their favorite city, and their best experience. They are also told to check classmates' blogs, leave comments, and evaluate their own blog.
This document provides instructions for students to create their own blog. It outlines 6 lesson objectives including creating a blog, posting messages, adding pictures/videos, editing posts, commenting on classmates' posts, and sharing hobbies. It then explains what a blog is and why people use them. Students are instructed to create a blogger account in 3 easy steps, and to post their first 3 messages - an introduction, information about their favorite city, and their best experience. They are also told to review and comment on classmates' blogs.
El documento presenta varias frases formadas con palabras clave. La frase de Mahatma Gandhi es "Nuestra recompensa se encuentra en el esfuerzo y no en el resultado. Un esfuerzo total es una victoria completa".
3. Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King va
n¨¦ixer a Atlanta el 15 de
gener de 1929 i, a m¨¦s de
ser un fam¨®s clergue, va
ser un activista en pro dels
drets dels negres, per la
qual cosa va ser retribu?t
amb el Premi Nobel de la
Pau de 1964.
Aix¨ª doncs, fou un dels
principals l¨ªders del
moviment afroameric¨¤
pels drets civils dels anys
4. I have a dream / Tinc un
"Tinc un somni" (I have a
dream) ¨¦s la frase m¨¦s
identificativa i el nom popular
del discurs m¨¦s fam¨®s de
Martin Luther King.
El discurs va ser pronunciat als
graons de l'escala del Lincoln
Memorial, a Washington DC el
28 d'agost del 1963, com a
part de la Marxa sobre
Washington per la Feina i la
Parla poderosament i
eloq¨¹entment del desig de
King per un futur en qu¨¨ els
blancs i els negres poguessin
coexistir en harmonia i en
5. ¡®I have a dream ¡¡¯
6. Martin Luther King
? Fou assassinat el 4 ?
d¡¯abril de 1968 a m/watch?v=8DfRUD2Eq
Memphis (Tennessee). 5c&feature=related
? La seva mort provoc¨¤
greus aldarulls en m¨¦s
de 100 ciutats.
7. Hem apr¨¨s a volar com els
a nedar com els peixos,
per¨° no hem apr¨¨s l'art de
viure junts, com a germans.
(Martin Luther King)