
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
From Theory to Reality
   With the concept?

   During R&D?

   With the completed product?

   With the first sale?
   Facebook        YouTube

   Twitter         Instagram

   LinkedIn        Google +

   Foursquare      Pinterest
   Phonebook       Billboards

   Magazine        Storefront Signs

   Television      Yard Signs

   Newspaper       Sign Spinners
Mass marketing
   Survey your current customers
     Which platforms do they use?
     How do you currently communicate with them?
     Brick & mortar or virtual?
     B2B or B2C?
   Create your listening posts
     Google Alerts
      Your name
      Company name
      Competitors names

   Talk Listen to your
   They will change, but
    something will always be
   Pages  Likes
       Company / Organization
       Stimulate Interest / Provide Value
       Access to Analytics

   Would you trust Facebook with your
     Facebook will not replace websites.
   Based on SMS
     140 Character Messages
     Messages Can Include Links, Pics, Videos
   Broadcast to Anyone Listening / Watching
   Use #Hashtags to Mark & Search Topics
     By Date, Geographic Area, Topic, Sentiment
   Great Listening Tool
   Youtube, Foursquare, Yelp, Instagram, Pinter

   It isnt always about where you are

   Dont jump on all of them at once
     (but reserve your name now!)

   Empower / Activate your fans to use them
   Social media community is about sharing
       Ask questions, people will help you along the way
       Learn the lingo
       Make it personal
       Find your voice
   Put your plan into action
   Commit time to maintain
   Use common sense
     Spam: not good in a can, inbox, or social media
   Just because you know how to use
    Facebook, Twitter, etc. doesnt mean you
    know how to do it for your business!
   Blog Regularly

   Create Opportunities to backlink
     Guest blogging

   Determine your keywords

1.   Create a plan, set goals, & pick platforms
2.   Start small, grow with your comfort
3.   Listen First
4.   Tools, tools, tools
5.   Its a community: Share Your Expertise
6.    Engage: Find your voice
7.    Empower/Activate your Fans
8.    Go Offline
9.    Its social but not childs play
10.   SEOcial
       Learn Everywhere

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Mass marketing

  • 1. From Theory to Reality
  • 2. With the concept? During R&D? With the completed product? With the first sale?
  • 3. Facebook YouTube Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Google + Foursquare Pinterest
  • 4. Phonebook Billboards Magazine Storefront Signs Television Yard Signs Newspaper Sign Spinners
  • 6. Survey your current customers Which platforms do they use? How do you currently communicate with them? Brick & mortar or virtual? B2B or B2C?
  • 7. Create your listening posts Google Alerts tweetbeep Your name Company name Competitors names Talk Listen to your Customers!
  • 8. They will change, but something will always be there.
  • 9. Pages Likes Company / Organization Professional Stimulate Interest / Provide Value Access to Analytics Would you trust Facebook with your company? Facebook will not replace websites.
  • 10. Based on SMS 140 Character Messages Messages Can Include Links, Pics, Videos Broadcast to Anyone Listening / Watching Use #Hashtags to Mark & Search Topics search.twitter.com/advanced By Date, Geographic Area, Topic, Sentiment Great Listening Tool
  • 11. Youtube, Foursquare, Yelp, Instagram, Pinter est It isnt always about where you are Dont jump on all of them at once (but reserve your name now!) Empower / Activate your fans to use them
  • 12. Social media community is about sharing Ask questions, people will help you along the way Learn the lingo Make it personal Find your voice Put your plan into action Commit time to maintain Use common sense Spam: not good in a can, inbox, or social media feed
  • 13. Just because you know how to use Facebook, Twitter, etc. doesnt mean you know how to do it for your business!
  • 14. Blog Regularly Create Opportunities to backlink HARO Guest blogging Determine your keywords #Hashtags
  • 15. 1. Create a plan, set goals, & pick platforms 2. Start small, grow with your comfort 3. Listen First 4. Tools, tools, tools 5. Its a community: Share Your Expertise
  • 16. 6. Engage: Find your voice 7. Empower/Activate your Fans 8. Go Offline 9. Its social but not childs play 10. SEOcial
  • 17. www.mashable.com www.techcrunch.com www.openforum.com www.smallbiztrends.com http://business.twitter.com/twitter101 www.knowem.com
  • 18. joshua@joshuacjohnson.com www.twitter.com/joshuacjohnson www.fb.com/mar3765 Learn Everywhere joshua@learneverywhere.com www.twitter.com/lrneverywhere www.fb.com/learneverywhere.com