This document provides statistics on the most commonly spoken languages around the world. Mandarin Chinese is spoken natively by the most people at 874 million, followed by Spanish at 341 million and English at 322-358 million. While English has fewer native speakers, it is the most widely distributed language internationally and is spoken as a second language by 375 million people and as a foreign language by 750 million people, making it the most commonly spoken language worldwide overall. The document also defines the terms native language, official language, second language, and foreign language.
3BHK & 4BHK Villas for sale off Sarjapur Road, Bangalore at Nithesh Palo Alto
2BHK Apartments in Bangalore
Site at Bangalore
Villa Houses in Bangalore
Apartments for sale at Electronic city
This document provides statistics on the most commonly spoken languages around the world. Mandarin Chinese is spoken natively by the most people at 874 million, followed by Spanish at 341 million and English at 322-358 million. While English has fewer native speakers, it is the most widely distributed language internationally and is spoken as a second language by 375 million people and as a foreign language by 750 million people, making it the most commonly spoken language worldwide overall. The document also defines the terms native language, official language, second language, and foreign language.
3BHK & 4BHK Villas for sale off Sarjapur Road, Bangalore at Nithesh Palo Alto
2BHK Apartments in Bangalore
Site at Bangalore
Villa Houses in Bangalore
Apartments for sale at Electronic city
3BHK & 4BHK Villas for sale in Devanahalli, Bangalore at Nitesh Fisher Island
2BHK Apartments in Bangalore
Site at Bangalore
Villa Houses in Bangalore
Apartments for sale at Electronic city
For More:
This document discusses content based web resources that can be used to develop educational materials. It defines content based web resources as informational websites that provide tools and materials to support courses. These resources allow teachers and students to find materials online to integrate technology into the curriculum. Examples of content based websites that provide language learning activities are provided, such as Boggles World ESL. The conclusion discusses how content-based instruction can improve English language skills for ESL students when combined with independent research using online informational resources on the internet.
Everett wilkinson entrepreneurship and business managementEverett Wilkinson
This document discusses entrepreneurship and business management. It defines an entrepreneur as an individual who starts their own business and takes on risks to generate profits. Entrepreneurship plays an important economic role by introducing new products/services, opening new markets and resources. Small businesses are significant for national income, employment, and exports. The document outlines various business functions like marketing, operations, finance, and organizational management that entrepreneurs must effectively manage, especially with smaller businesses that lack resources of large companies. It concludes that entrepreneurship requires focusing on market research, financial planning, and using technology to differentiate from larger competitors.
Convocatoria de junta general extraordinariaB_roni_k_91
La empresa Deportes EPJ S.A. convoca a una Asamblea General Extraordinaria el 10 de mayo a las 19:00 h. en su sede central para discutir el resultado del segundo trimestre, las expectativas para el tercer trimestre, propuestas para alcanzar objetivos, la implantaci坦n de nuevos equipos de trabajo, cursos formativos para empleados, y preguntas de los trabajadores.
Ankit Malpani has a background in finance and accounting, holding qualifications as a Chartered Accountant and a Master's degree in finance and management. He has extensive professional experience conducting financial analysis, modeling, reporting, and auditing for clients across various industries. His career highlights include developing financial models, analyzing costs, tracking key performance indicators, assisting with planning and strategies, and making recommendations to solve business problems. He describes himself as a resourceful problem solver able to conceptualize solutions in a timely manner.
The document announces a two-day seminar for high school girls on relationships with parents and friends, to be held on October 27-28, 2007 at the Narra Club. The seminar will include talks on being a good daughter of God, dealing with parents, friendship, fashion and color tips, and practical applications of faith through outreach activities and community service. Interested parties can contact Eden at 806 7273 for more information.
L'essentiel sur la d辿marche ePortfolio.
Les pr辿sentations sonoris辿es ayant 辿t辿 supprim辿es par 際際滷Share en avril 2014, vous pouvez voir celle-ci sur YouTube :
El documento discute la importancia de la inteligencia emocional en la educaci坦n y presenta ejemplos de escuelas que la aplican. Algunas escuelas usan t辿cnicas como identificar sentimientos, escuchar a los estudiantes, y enfocarse en soluciones en lugar de castigos. Estos m辿todos han mejorado el comportamiento de los estudiantes y el ambiente escolar. Sin embargo, la educaci坦n emocional no es ampliamente aceptada en Espa単a y las autoridades educativas no le dan mucha importancia. A炭n as鱈, m叩s profesores y escuelas
Impacto Medioambiental del TAV en la Y Vasca.guestf69031
El documento resume los impactos negativos que tendr鱈a la construcci坦n de la l鱈nea de alta velocidad "Y vasca" en tres 叩reas: medioambiental, econ坦mica y social. Causar鱈a graves da単os al terreno durante la construcci坦n e impactos fuera de Euskadi. No mejorar鱈a realmente el transporte ni ser鱈a rentable, respondiendo m叩s a intereses particulares. Existe una amplia oposici坦n al proyecto por parte de municipios, asociaciones y expertos dado sus considerables impactos.
El documento habla sobre la importancia de la evaluaci坦n y el feedback como herramientas de mejora para los estudiantes. Resalta que la evaluaci坦n debe usarse para identificar 叩reas de mejora y que el feedback debe ser claro en se単alar estas 叩reas mientras ofrece sugerencias para mejorar. Tambi辿n enfatiza la necesidad de establecer reglas claras sobre el proceso de evaluaci坦n y dar feedback de manera oportuna y constructiva.
Hazitegi taldeko kideen aurkezpena INFAD kongresuan.
Presentaci坦n del equipo Hazitegi en el congreso INFAD.
Hazitegi team's presentation in INFAD congress.
1. IKTak HEZKUNTZAN: ikuspegi orokorra 2009-2010 ikasturtea Masterra Eskoriatza tek no hez kun tza 2 0 0 9
2. GAUR EGUNGO GIZARTEA Ezagutzaren gizartea Informazio eta komunikazio bide ugari Inguru multimedia: ordenagailua, internet, telefonoa, bideo-jokoak, DVDak... Testu idatziaren gainbehera eta irudien nagusitasuna Ikasleak IKTetan natiboak tek no hez kun tza 2 0 0 9
3. GAUR EGUNGO HEZKUNTZA ARAUTUA Irakaslea erreferente Testuliburuak nagusi Testu idatziaren nagusitasuna eta ohiko euskarriak: koadernoak, boligrafoak Irakasleak IKTetan etorkinak tek no hez kun tza 2 0 0 9
8. ZEIN HELBURUREKIN? Ikasleak motibatuago eta aktiboago egoteko Diziplinartekotasuna ahalbideratzeko Komunikazioa eta talde lana bultzatzeko Gizartearen ezaugarrietara hobeto egokitzeko Alfabetizazio digitalerako Eten digitala ekiditeko tek no hez kun tza 2 0 0 9
9. OINARRIZKO IRIZPIDEAK Kontuan izaten ez garela informatikoak, IKTekin lan egiten dugun irakasle arruntak baizik Jarrera baikorra izaten IKTak beste tresna didaktiko bat bezala txertatzeko IKTak ez daude informatika erakusteko, hizkuntza, matematika, biologia ikasteko eta IKTekin loturiko zenbait konpetentzia lantzeko baizik tek no hez kun tza 2 0 0 9
10. AUKERAK Internet bidezkoak: Blogak Wikiak Webquestak... Tailer moduan antola daitezkeenak: DVD, bideo eta argazkien sorrera, edizioa eta azterketa Irrati eta telebista digitala... Baliabide gisa erabiltzekoak: Arbel Digital Interaktiboak Software Didaktikoa... Tresna gisa: Bulegotika, informazio bilaketak... tek no hez kun tza 2 0 0 9
11. AUKERAK tek no hez kun tza 2 0 0 9 Partaidetza Gardentasuna Lankidetza Komunikazioa Presentzia