This document contains a mathematics exam for high school students in Greece. It is divided into 4 sections with multiple questions in each section. The questions cover topics related to functions, limits, derivatives, and integrals. Some questions ask students to prove statements, find domains of functions, determine if functions are injective or have critical points. The document is 3 pages long and aims to test students' understanding of key concepts in calculus and mathematical analysis.
This document contains a mathematics exam with 4 problems (Themes A, B, C, D) involving functions, derivatives, monotonicity, convexity, extrema, asymptotes and limits.
Theme A involves properties of differentiable functions, the definition of the derivative, and Rolle's theorem. Theme B analyzes the monotonicity, convexity, asymptotes and graph of a given function.
Theme C proves properties of a continuous, monotonically increasing function and finds extrema of related functions. Theme D proves properties of a power function and its relation to a given line, defines a new function, and proves monotonicity and existence of a single real root for a polynomial equation.
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) 留 留凌隆竜溜両竜竜 旅 旅竜旅 f h f
, 凌
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, x.
1) 留 留凌隆竜溜両竜竜 旅 侶 僚略侶侶 f 竜溜僚留旅 粒僚侶溜 慮溜僚凌留
凌 隆旅略侶亮留
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2) 留 硫竜溜竜 劉僚留僚 旅虜 留旅慮亮 粒旅留 凌僚 凌凌溜凌 侶 竜両溜侶
f x 劉竜旅 亮溜留 凌了略旅凌僚 溜龍留 凌 隆旅略侶亮留
1) 留 留凌隆竜溜両竜竜 旅 侶 亮凌僚留隆旅虜流 留亮侶 侶 粒留旅虜流
留略留侶 侶 僚略侶侶 f 竜溜僚留旅 侶 虜留留虜侶 竜慮竜溜留
x 0
2) 留 留凌隆竜溜両竜竜 旅 侶 僚略侶侶 f 竜溜僚留旅 虜流 凌 隆旅略侶亮留
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) 竜凌亮竜 留留粒粒溜旅亮侶 僚略侶侶 g: 亮竜 僚竜流
留略粒粒凌 g' 粒旅留 旅 凌凌溜竜 旅凌僚:
g 0 g' 0 1
g x g' x 0
, 粒旅留 虜略慮竜 x
旅亮劉了竜旅留: 竜劉侶 留留僚旅虜凌了略凌, 留慮侶亮留旅虜
2. 留 留凌隆竜溜両竜竜 旅 旅竜旅
2 2
f ' g x 1 f ' g x 1
, 粒旅留
虜略慮竜 x.
溜僚竜留旅 侶 僚略侶侶:
x 1
, x 0
g x
2 x 1 , x 0
. 竜凌亮竜
竜溜侶 侶僚 留留粒粒溜旅亮侶 僚略侶侶 f : 粒旅留 侶僚 凌凌溜留
f x 0
, 粒旅留 虜略慮竜 x
f 0 lim 1
f ' x
e 0
f x
, 粒旅留 虜略慮竜 x
A1) 留 硫竜溜竜 凌 僚凌了凌 旅亮ホ 侶 僚略侶侶 g .
A2) 留 硫竜溜竜 虜留略了了侶了凌 留,硫 亮竜 留<硫 劉旅 マ竜 粒旅留 侶
僚略侶侶 g 僚留 竜留亮龍竜留旅 凌 慮竜マ侶亮留 Bolzano 凌
留,硫 .
1) 留 留凌隆竜溜両竜竜 旅:
f x e
, x .
B2) 留 亮竜了竜流竜竜 侶 僚略侶侶 f 凌 侶 亮凌僚凌凌僚溜留 虜留旅
侶僚 虜侶留 虜留旅 僚留 硫竜溜竜 凌 僚凌了凌 旅亮ホ 侶.
3) 留 留凌隆竜溜両竜竜 旅 侶 粒留旅虜流 留略留侶 侶 僚略侶侶 f
硫溜虜竜留旅 略僚 留 侶 粒留旅虜流 留略留侶 侶 僚略侶侶 g
竜 了凌 凌 .
旅亮劉了竜旅留: 竜劉侶 留留僚旅虜凌了略凌, 留慮侶亮留旅虜
3. B4) N留 留凌隆竜溜両竜竜 旅 略竜旅 留虜旅硫マ 亮溜留 竜留亮竜僚侶 竜慮竜溜留
侶 粒留旅虜流 留略留侶 侶 僚略侶侶 f 侶 凌凌溜留 隆旅劉竜留旅
留 凌 侶亮竜溜凌
5) 留 留凌隆竜溜両竜竜 旅: e e
e e 2e
旅亮劉了竜旅留: 竜劉侶 留留僚旅虜凌了略凌, 留慮侶亮留旅虜