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Academic Raceway 500
Welcome to the Academic Raceway 500 Complete Three Races to Win the Academic Trophy Qualifying Lap Atlanta Motor Speedway Indianapolis 500 Click here to begin.
Qualifying Lap QUALIFYING LAP Click on the key to start
The amount of matter in an object is_____________.   Academic Raceway 500 mass Solid, liquid, gas
Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
The state of matter that has no definite shape and takes up no definite amount of space. Academic Raceway 500 gas liquid
Youve Crashed Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
Nails rusting is an example of a ___________. Academic Raceway 500 Physical change Chemical change
Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
The process in which a liquid changes to a gas Academic Raceway 500 evaporation condensation
Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
The amount of space that matter takes up Academic Raceway 500 mass volume
Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
Congratulations!  Youve Qualified! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go to your first race.
Atlanta Motor Speedway Atlanta Motor Speedway  Click on the key to start
The state of matter that takes the shape of its container and takes up a definite amount of space   Academic Raceway 500 gas liquid
Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
The state of matter that has a definite shape and takes up a definite amount of space   Academic Raceway 500 solid liquid
Youve Crashed Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
Any change in the size, shape, or state of a substance   Academic Raceway 500 Physical change Chemical change
Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
The size, shape, color, and smell are   Academic Raceway 500 properties States of matter
Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
Cutting paper with scissors is what kind of change? Academic Raceway 500 Chemical change Physical change
Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
Congratulations!  Youve Completed the First Race! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go to your final race to win the Academic Cup.
Indianapolis 500 INDIANAPOLIS 500 Click on the key to start
Particles that make up matter are called Academic Raceway 500 atoms Small particles
Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
Which state of matter has particles that do not have a strong pull between them Academic Raceway 500 gas solid
Youve Crashed Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
Which state of matter is an ice cube? Academic Raceway 500 liquid solid
Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
Water in the form of a gas is___________ Academic Raceway 500 Water vapor steam
Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
Burning wood is an example of a___________. Academic Raceway 500 Physical change Chemical change
Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
Congratulations!  Youve Won the Trophy! Academic Raceway 500 THE WINNERS CIRCLE

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Matter game race

  • 2. Welcome to the Academic Raceway 500 Complete Three Races to Win the Academic Trophy Qualifying Lap Atlanta Motor Speedway Indianapolis 500 Click here to begin.
  • 3. Qualifying Lap QUALIFYING LAP Click on the key to start
  • 4. The amount of matter in an object is_____________. Academic Raceway 500 mass Solid, liquid, gas
  • 5. Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
  • 6. The state of matter that has no definite shape and takes up no definite amount of space. Academic Raceway 500 gas liquid
  • 7. Youve Crashed Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
  • 8. Nails rusting is an example of a ___________. Academic Raceway 500 Physical change Chemical change
  • 9. Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
  • 10. The process in which a liquid changes to a gas Academic Raceway 500 evaporation condensation
  • 11. Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
  • 12. The amount of space that matter takes up Academic Raceway 500 mass volume
  • 13. Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
  • 14. Congratulations! Youve Qualified! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go to your first race.
  • 15. Atlanta Motor Speedway Atlanta Motor Speedway Click on the key to start
  • 16. The state of matter that takes the shape of its container and takes up a definite amount of space Academic Raceway 500 gas liquid
  • 17. Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
  • 18. The state of matter that has a definite shape and takes up a definite amount of space Academic Raceway 500 solid liquid
  • 19. Youve Crashed Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
  • 20. Any change in the size, shape, or state of a substance Academic Raceway 500 Physical change Chemical change
  • 21. Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
  • 22. The size, shape, color, and smell are Academic Raceway 500 properties States of matter
  • 23. Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
  • 24. Cutting paper with scissors is what kind of change? Academic Raceway 500 Chemical change Physical change
  • 25. Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
  • 26. Congratulations! Youve Completed the First Race! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go to your final race to win the Academic Cup.
  • 27. Indianapolis 500 INDIANAPOLIS 500 Click on the key to start
  • 28. Particles that make up matter are called Academic Raceway 500 atoms Small particles
  • 29. Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
  • 30. Which state of matter has particles that do not have a strong pull between them Academic Raceway 500 gas solid
  • 31. Youve Crashed Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
  • 32. Which state of matter is an ice cube? Academic Raceway 500 liquid solid
  • 33. Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
  • 34. Water in the form of a gas is___________ Academic Raceway 500 Water vapor steam
  • 35. Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
  • 36. Burning wood is an example of a___________. Academic Raceway 500 Physical change Chemical change
  • 37. Youve Crashed! Academic Raceway 500 Click here to go back to the correct Pit Stop and have your car repaired.
  • 38. Congratulations! Youve Won the Trophy! Academic Raceway 500 THE WINNERS CIRCLE

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Copyright 息 2002 Glenna R. Shaw and FTC Publishing All Rights Reserved