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7352 SW Nevada Terrace, Portland, Oregon 97219
Home: 971-219-2177 - Cell: 971-219-2177 - maxcharlesbolen@gmail.com
Geographic Information Systems professional with over 14 years of experience applying
geographic analysis and technologies for improved information management and decision
support country wide. Expertise includes advanced data management, analysis, and
cartographic production. Satellite image interpretation, land cover mapping and related
accuracy assessment; time-series analysis; land use optimization and allocation model design;
scenario planning; participatory environmental risk assessment; spatial decision support
model design; web-based mapping application deployment; program reporting, monitoring,
and evaluation; Land Use and zoning designation and suitability.
ï‚· Extensive experience in GIS analysis using ESRI products for the last 16 years.
ï‚· 6 Years of using ArcGIS 10.0 through 10.2.1.
ï‚· Using U. S. Census datasets, including downloading, formatting, and analysis.
ï‚· Brought SDE online in collaboration with ODOT GIS staff, followed by detailed
analysis and database management.
ï‚· 10 years of maintaining, editing, and updating data in an Enterprise ArcSDE and Arc
Server environments.
ï‚· Over 12 years of experience mapping and analyzing socio-economic, land use, utility
maintenance, transportation, and natural resources data including use of Metro’s
RLIS in my last three GIS positions.
ï‚· Creating, manipulating, and managing relational databases in several private, utility,
and government environments.
ï‚· Conducting quantitative and qualitative analysis using applied statistics.
ï‚· Created 3D visualizations using (name product here) software with photo simulations,
time morphing, and scene fly throughs.
ï‚· 3 Years of ArcPad application development, software testing, and staff training
using Trimble hand held GPS units to collect environmental and engineering data.
ï‚· Strong ability to communicate orally and in writing with technical staff, elected
officials and the public; accomplished at technical writing.
ï‚· 8 years of experience as a Project Manager working on the full spectrum of GIS
tasks and staff coordination.
- ArcGIS 10.2 – Advanced -AutoCAD
-ArcSDE 10.2 -Network maintenance
-ArcPad 10.0 -Spatial Analyst
-Microsoft Office Suite -Network Analyst
-Adobe Creative Suite -3D Analyst
-Schneider ArcFM -Business Analyst
-Web Design software -Advanced Editing
-ArcServer -Google Earth
-ESRI LIDAR point cold analysis tools -Lidar
Employment HISTORY
05/2008 to Current GIS Manager and Analyst
Fregonese Associates – 1525 S.W. Park Ave. Portland, OR 97201
As GIS Manager, I coordinated the company’s GIS projects and managed part time GIS
staff. At the Fregonesse and Associates, GIS is a primary support system for the range of
macro and micro urban planning projects performed for clients such as Baton Rouge, Los
Angeles, Chicago, Chattanooga, Dallas Texas and various companies.
ï‚· Accurate on time delivery of products fulfilling customer needs is a top priority.
ï‚· The GIS Manager is often called upon to clarify analytical data sets and graphic
displays for clients
ï‚· Provide mapping and graphic tools for land use display, analysis and design,
including transportation networks and environmental factors,
ï‚· Cost benefit modeling, visualizations and presentation quality cartographic mapping.
ï‚· Employed operational models to integrate disparate data sets and databases at regional
and local geographies.
ï‚· Represented the company as an ESRI Business Partner, including conversion of the
company’s proprietary software product, Envision, to Open Source software. Metro
currently has Envision for its use in urban planning, visualization and descriptive
statistical product.
ï‚· Duties included an in house IT role, such as updating of software and system
administration involving GIS network servers.
 Assisted in design and implementation of the company’s Envision Tomorrow ArcGIS
07/2007 to 05/2008 GIS Specialist
City of Beaverton – 4755 S.W. Griffith Drive Beaverton, OR 97076
ï‚· Spatial and Data Analysis: Provided displays depicting the results of geospatial and
data analysis using Excel and the relational databases
ï‚· Custom Template Design: Designed and edited custom GIS query templates, scripts,
and macros, in collaboration with city clients to fulfill their specialized
ï‚· RLIS Data Partner: Responsible for integrating Metro's regional data set (RLIS) with
the city of Beaverton and Washington County mapping and online products.
ï‚· Street Address Database: Worked with city building inspectors, surveyors, and code
enforcement staff to assure a current accounting of construction activities in the city.
Address locations were combined with GIS layers to deliver property information
used by other departments.
ï‚· Economic Gardening: For the Mayor's Economic Development staff used ESRI's
Business Analyst to conduct a site suitability analysis based on business metrics.
ï‚· Worked with the city utility staff to gather field assets in GIS and incorporate them
into a geodatabase. This includes water, building permitting, and utility management.
ï‚· Research and Development: Worked directly with application development staff to
ensure GIS protocols were enforced, including nightly SDE database updates, several
IMS products, and other web based map integration tools.
12/2004 to 07/2007 GIS Specialist Oregon Bridge Delivery Partners – 1165 Union
N.E. Salem, OR 97301
Associate Information Technologies Specialist for the Fluor Corporation. Working on the
OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program for the Oregon Bridge Delivery Partners.
ï‚· Hardware and Software Installation: Assisted in installation and testing of OBDP's
enterprise GIS software and hardware. Including ArcSDE,ArcIMS, SQL server,
handheld Trimble GPS with ArcPad,ArcGIS, and Citrix server.
ï‚· Database Development: Assisted in compiling a state wide data set in compatible
formats for engineering design and database creation.
ï‚· GIS Database Design: Organized the GIS data for use in map production, IMS
creation, and data export to assigned contractors. Established rules for updating the
database to maintain data integrity and accessibility.
ï‚· ArcPad Software and Trimble Mobile GPS: Implemented mobile GPS project using
ArcPad software, enabling environmental field staff to ground truth reported spatial
locations and their updating the primary database. Including creation of training
materials, and training of project staff.
ï‚· Map Production: Working with design engineers, construction staff, and
environmental permitting to created specialized map products. Created and
maintained bridge project maps, regularly updated and distributed during the
multiyear project, the largest public works project in Oregon’s history. Produced
custom tailored maps public involvement, media distribution, and information packets
for public forums.
ï‚· Design and Implementation IMS: The Internet Mapping Service operated as an
interactive resource for OBDP staff in assembling and verifying spatial information
from the field and associated contractor Web Services: Web service were created
using OBDP’s GIS database on SQL server, and distributed via ArcSDE (Spatial Data
ï‚· Threatened and Endangered Impacts: Site characteristics analysis was done for
identifying potential habitat impacts during bridge repair and construction. I created a
model in Model Builder to automate future habitat analysis and reporting. I assisted
the Columbia River Migratory corridor project by compiling relevant GIS data layers
by me and environmental staff.
12/2003 to 12/2004 GIS Analyst
Criterion Planner/Engineers – 725 NW Flanders Street, Suite 303 Portland, OR 97209
ï‚· Independent consultant of GIS services to Criterion Planners/Engineers. Assisted in
migration of the company's urban planning and analysis modeling software from
ArcView to ArcGIS 8.3.GIS services were provided for the following projects.
ï‚· Software Development and Testing: Assisted application development team in
enhancements to the company’s Index modeling product, including testing and
debugging. This included custom modifications to meeting the modeling needs of
specific clients.
ï‚· Lake County California: Maintenance and update of a web based ArcIMS application
called Pipefinder that uses geo-locating and digital photos to coordinate maintenance
and repair of waste water pipelines by non-GIS county staff via the internet.
ï‚· - North Sacramento California: Used Criterion's ArcGIS based product Plan Builder
to conduct analysis of alternate planning scenarios for the Natomas area of the city of
Sacramento. The model was input current land use information and scenarios were
developed and statistics produced regarding the relative merits of several land use
plan scenarios. The final product was a series of land use and condition indicator
maps to be used for decision support.
06/2002 to 12/2003 GIS Analyst/Transportation Planner
Metro Region Government – 600 N.E. Grand Ave Portland, OR 97232
GIS Analyst and transportation planner for Metro using RLIS (Regional Land Information
System) data and ESRI products.
ï‚· Stream riparian inventory for the Portland metropolitan area using streams
geomorphic unit data and satellite imagery. ArcEditor was the primary ESRI product
ï‚· South Corridor Transportation Project: Wetland impact identification, geological
descriptions, endangered species habitat identification, train noise and vibration
impacts, impacts on riparian areas, all as input for the project design engineers.
ï‚· Census Data: Organized and mapped current and forecast population and
employment data for the departments New Starts project for South Corridor Project.
ï‚· Map Production: GIS mapping was done for the Transportation Improvement Plan
(TIP), which included integration of EMME2 modeling data with the RLIS base data.
ï‚· Land Use Final Order (LUFO): Prepared a series of maps for use by Tri-Met and
Metro staff. This included conferring with Tri-Met engineers' on appropriate scale
tolerances and establishing design criteria to meet project objectives.
ï‚· Community Involvement Support: Created maps and graphics for distribution and
display at public forums and upon citizen request.
1995 Associate of Arts:General Studies Central Oregon Community College - Bend
2003 Bachelor of Science:Geography Portland State University - Portland Oregon
160 hours of ESRI certified training.
Max Bolen Resume 12202016

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Max Bolen Resume 12202016

  • 1. MAX BOLEN 7352 SW Nevada Terrace, Portland, Oregon 97219 Home: 971-219-2177 - Cell: 971-219-2177 - maxcharlesbolen@gmail.com PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY Geographic Information Systems professional with over 14 years of experience applying geographic analysis and technologies for improved information management and decision support country wide. Expertise includes advanced data management, analysis, and cartographic production. Satellite image interpretation, land cover mapping and related accuracy assessment; time-series analysis; land use optimization and allocation model design; scenario planning; participatory environmental risk assessment; spatial decision support model design; web-based mapping application deployment; program reporting, monitoring, and evaluation; Land Use and zoning designation and suitability. SKILLS GIS SKILLS ï‚· Extensive experience in GIS analysis using ESRI products for the last 16 years. ï‚· 6 Years of using ArcGIS 10.0 through 10.2.1. ï‚· Using U. S. Census datasets, including downloading, formatting, and analysis. ï‚· Brought SDE online in collaboration with ODOT GIS staff, followed by detailed analysis and database management. ï‚· 10 years of maintaining, editing, and updating data in an Enterprise ArcSDE and Arc Server environments. ï‚· Over 12 years of experience mapping and analyzing socio-economic, land use, utility maintenance, transportation, and natural resources data including use of Metro’s RLIS in my last three GIS positions. ï‚· Creating, manipulating, and managing relational databases in several private, utility, and government environments. ï‚· Conducting quantitative and qualitative analysis using applied statistics. ï‚· Created 3D visualizations using (name product here) software with photo simulations, time morphing, and scene fly throughs. ï‚· 3 Years of ArcPad application development, software testing, and staff training using Trimble hand held GPS units to collect environmental and engineering data. ï‚· Strong ability to communicate orally and in writing with technical staff, elected officials and the public; accomplished at technical writing. ï‚· 8 years of experience as a Project Manager working on the full spectrum of GIS tasks and staff coordination.
  • 2. SOFTWARE - ArcGIS 10.2 – Advanced -AutoCAD -ArcSDE 10.2 -Network maintenance -ArcPad 10.0 -Spatial Analyst -Microsoft Office Suite -Network Analyst -Adobe Creative Suite -3D Analyst -Schneider ArcFM -Business Analyst -Web Design software -Advanced Editing -ArcServer -Google Earth -ESRI LIDAR point cold analysis tools -Lidar Employment HISTORY 05/2008 to Current GIS Manager and Analyst Fregonese Associates – 1525 S.W. Park Ave. Portland, OR 97201 As GIS Manager, I coordinated the company’s GIS projects and managed part time GIS staff. At the Fregonesse and Associates, GIS is a primary support system for the range of macro and micro urban planning projects performed for clients such as Baton Rouge, Los Angeles, Chicago, Chattanooga, Dallas Texas and various companies. ï‚· Accurate on time delivery of products fulfilling customer needs is a top priority. ï‚· The GIS Manager is often called upon to clarify analytical data sets and graphic displays for clients ï‚· Provide mapping and graphic tools for land use display, analysis and design, including transportation networks and environmental factors, ï‚· Cost benefit modeling, visualizations and presentation quality cartographic mapping. ï‚· Employed operational models to integrate disparate data sets and databases at regional and local geographies. ï‚· Represented the company as an ESRI Business Partner, including conversion of the company’s proprietary software product, Envision, to Open Source software. Metro currently has Envision for its use in urban planning, visualization and descriptive statistical product. ï‚· Duties included an in house IT role, such as updating of software and system administration involving GIS network servers. ï‚· Assisted in design and implementation of the company’s Envision Tomorrow ArcGIS extension. 07/2007 to 05/2008 GIS Specialist City of Beaverton – 4755 S.W. Griffith Drive Beaverton, OR 97076 ï‚· Spatial and Data Analysis: Provided displays depicting the results of geospatial and
  • 3. data analysis using Excel and the relational databases ï‚· Custom Template Design: Designed and edited custom GIS query templates, scripts, and macros, in collaboration with city clients to fulfill their specialized requirements. ï‚· RLIS Data Partner: Responsible for integrating Metro's regional data set (RLIS) with the city of Beaverton and Washington County mapping and online products. ï‚· Street Address Database: Worked with city building inspectors, surveyors, and code enforcement staff to assure a current accounting of construction activities in the city. Address locations were combined with GIS layers to deliver property information used by other departments. ï‚· Economic Gardening: For the Mayor's Economic Development staff used ESRI's Business Analyst to conduct a site suitability analysis based on business metrics. ï‚· Worked with the city utility staff to gather field assets in GIS and incorporate them into a geodatabase. This includes water, building permitting, and utility management. ï‚· Research and Development: Worked directly with application development staff to ensure GIS protocols were enforced, including nightly SDE database updates, several IMS products, and other web based map integration tools. 12/2004 to 07/2007 GIS Specialist Oregon Bridge Delivery Partners – 1165 Union N.E. Salem, OR 97301 Associate Information Technologies Specialist for the Fluor Corporation. Working on the OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program for the Oregon Bridge Delivery Partners. ï‚· Hardware and Software Installation: Assisted in installation and testing of OBDP's enterprise GIS software and hardware. Including ArcSDE,ArcIMS, SQL server, handheld Trimble GPS with ArcPad,ArcGIS, and Citrix server. ï‚· Database Development: Assisted in compiling a state wide data set in compatible formats for engineering design and database creation. ï‚· GIS Database Design: Organized the GIS data for use in map production, IMS creation, and data export to assigned contractors. Established rules for updating the database to maintain data integrity and accessibility. ï‚· ArcPad Software and Trimble Mobile GPS: Implemented mobile GPS project using ArcPad software, enabling environmental field staff to ground truth reported spatial locations and their updating the primary database. Including creation of training materials, and training of project staff. ï‚· Map Production: Working with design engineers, construction staff, and environmental permitting to created specialized map products. Created and maintained bridge project maps, regularly updated and distributed during the multiyear project, the largest public works project in Oregon’s history. Produced custom tailored maps public involvement, media distribution, and information packets for public forums. ï‚· Design and Implementation IMS: The Internet Mapping Service operated as an interactive resource for OBDP staff in assembling and verifying spatial information from the field and associated contractor Web Services: Web service were created using OBDP’s GIS database on SQL server, and distributed via ArcSDE (Spatial Data Engine). ï‚· Threatened and Endangered Impacts: Site characteristics analysis was done for identifying potential habitat impacts during bridge repair and construction. I created a model in Model Builder to automate future habitat analysis and reporting. I assisted the Columbia River Migratory corridor project by compiling relevant GIS data layers by me and environmental staff.
  • 4. 12/2003 to 12/2004 GIS Analyst Criterion Planner/Engineers – 725 NW Flanders Street, Suite 303 Portland, OR 97209 ï‚· Independent consultant of GIS services to Criterion Planners/Engineers. Assisted in migration of the company's urban planning and analysis modeling software from ArcView to ArcGIS 8.3.GIS services were provided for the following projects. ï‚· Software Development and Testing: Assisted application development team in enhancements to the company’s Index modeling product, including testing and debugging. This included custom modifications to meeting the modeling needs of specific clients. ï‚· Lake County California: Maintenance and update of a web based ArcIMS application called Pipefinder that uses geo-locating and digital photos to coordinate maintenance and repair of waste water pipelines by non-GIS county staff via the internet. ï‚· - North Sacramento California: Used Criterion's ArcGIS based product Plan Builder to conduct analysis of alternate planning scenarios for the Natomas area of the city of Sacramento. The model was input current land use information and scenarios were developed and statistics produced regarding the relative merits of several land use plan scenarios. The final product was a series of land use and condition indicator maps to be used for decision support. 06/2002 to 12/2003 GIS Analyst/Transportation Planner Metro Region Government – 600 N.E. Grand Ave Portland, OR 97232 GIS Analyst and transportation planner for Metro using RLIS (Regional Land Information System) data and ESRI products. ï‚· Stream riparian inventory for the Portland metropolitan area using streams geomorphic unit data and satellite imagery. ArcEditor was the primary ESRI product employed. ï‚· South Corridor Transportation Project: Wetland impact identification, geological descriptions, endangered species habitat identification, train noise and vibration impacts, impacts on riparian areas, all as input for the project design engineers. ï‚· Census Data: Organized and mapped current and forecast population and employment data for the departments New Starts project for South Corridor Project. ï‚· Map Production: GIS mapping was done for the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP), which included integration of EMME2 modeling data with the RLIS base data. ï‚· Land Use Final Order (LUFO): Prepared a series of maps for use by Tri-Met and Metro staff. This included conferring with Tri-Met engineers' on appropriate scale tolerances and establishing design criteria to meet project objectives. ï‚· Community Involvement Support: Created maps and graphics for distribution and display at public forums and upon citizen request. EDUCATION 1995 Associate of Arts:General Studies Central Oregon Community College - Bend Oregon 2003 Bachelor of Science:Geography Portland State University - Portland Oregon 160 hours of ESRI certified training.