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Ameenah B. Mc
1821 Spring Garden Street, Apt 3F, Philadelphia, PA 19130
267-972-4291 Msmccann22@yahoo.com
Twelve years as a public health professional. Currently work for the Philadelphia Department of Public Health for a
division with an operating budget of $45M of which I am responsible for $6M. Proven abilities in program
evaluation, monitoring, program development, and quality assurance. Reputation for concise analysis of programs
and brokering assistance to clients. Exceptional diplomacy skills and strong commitment to all projects.
Summary of Skills
Program Analysis
 Developed new programs for clients that target specific populations.
 Reviewed new and continuing program proposals submitted by organizations seeking funding for health service programs;
recommended modifications in accordance with local, state, and/or federal provisions and develop recommendations to
grantor agencies.
 Monitored funding from various sources upwards to $7M (or 60 contracts) to ensure sound spending practices and allowable
 Researched and explored various policy issues; reviewed pending legislation and regulations and technical research studies.
 Developed contracts with clients; prepared work statements delineating the number of clients to be served and the nature of
services to be delivered.
 Reviewed and approved budgets and invoices.
 Prepared, analyzed, and submitted quarterly reports on program activities to various local, state and federal agencies.
Prepared documents on progress toward overall goals; developed and prepared annual, comprehensive and special program
plans, and corrective action plans/performance improvement plans.
Program Evaluation and Monitoring
 Audited a myriad of program specific files to ensure accuracy and to ensure clients are adhering to provisions.
 Facilitated corrective action or performance improvement to clients in efforts to enhance service delivery.
 Observed programs while utilizing tools specifically derived from provisions to ensure quality service delivery.
 Provided narrated feedback to clients using specific tools such as: corrective action plans and performance improvement
plans and quality improvement plans with specific next steps and follow-up timelines.
 Redeveloped 6 monitoring tools while considering revised provisions. Two of which were considered by the CDC as an
example for other jurisdictions.
 Co-coordinator for HIV testing programs in Philadelphia. This included staying abreast of the latest testing technologies,
reviewing monthly laboratory invoices, developing policy in real-time, distributing counselor ID numbers, facilitated the face to
face examinations for provisional certification, and monitored Philadelphias HIV Test and Link Training Program.
 Developed Best Practices for providing HIV positive tests results and how to support staff. In 9/2010, these Best Practices
were integrated into the AIDS Activities Coordinating Offices and Access Matters HIV Counseling, Testing, and Referral
Services trainings (200 individuals and counting have been trained on these best practices).
 Designed, implemented & managed major initiatives such as: African American Youth Obesity Initiative (exceeded goal by
42%), Breast Cancer Awareness Program- Susan G. Komen Philadelphia Affiliate: following an Evidence Based Intervention
(EBI) - Friend to Friend (under my purview, exceeded goal by 33%)
 Designed and developed curriculum for HIV/AIDS education for older adults in collaboration with the Philadelphia Corporation
of Aging (under my purview, 75 older adults were educated).
Ameenah Mc
Cann-Woods 1
 Co-created an 8- Module Self-Esteem, Power, Education, Action & Knowledge (SPEAK) Program: High Risk Teen Curriculum
(under my purview, 45 youth completed SPEAK).
 Co-created Text 4 Truth; a progressive text messaging service for youth on sexual health issues in the Philadelphia area.
Quality Improvement
 Competent in FOCUS-PDSA (Find a problem, Organize a team, Clarify the problem, Understand a problem, Select an
intervention- Plan, Do Study, Act). Currently monitoring 3 quality improvement projects.
 Competent in Trend Analysis
Work Experience
Philadelphia Department of Public Health, Philadelphia, PA 2009-present
Public Health Program Analyst
BEBASHI-Transition to Hope, Philadelphia, PA 2003-2009
Supervisor of Prevention Programs & Education (promoted)
Northeast Community Center for MH/MR, Philadelphia, PA 2002-2003
Resource Coordinator
Master of Science 2008
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Capella University
Bachelor of Arts 2001
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Continuing Education
National Quality Center Quality Academy 2013
Planning, Implementing, & Monitoring a CTR Program (CDC) 2011
Assuring Quality of HIV Prevention Counseling (CDC) 2011
Professional Affiliations
Mission Incorporated 2009- present
United Health Group Health Education Committee 2008- 2011
Office of HIV Planning Community Planning Group 2007- 2009
Community Involvement
Philadelphia FUTURES- White Williams Scholars- Educator/Facilitator 2009-present
Susan G. Komen Philadelphia Affiliate- Grant Reviewer 2010-2013 (per their request)
MLK 365 (various projects from year to year) 2008- 2014 (annually)
Ameenah Mc
Cann-Woods 2

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  • 1. Ameenah B. Mc Cann-Woods 1821 Spring Garden Street, Apt 3F, Philadelphia, PA 19130 267-972-4291 Msmccann22@yahoo.com http://www.linkedin.com/in/ameenahmccann Twelve years as a public health professional. Currently work for the Philadelphia Department of Public Health for a division with an operating budget of $45M of which I am responsible for $6M. Proven abilities in program evaluation, monitoring, program development, and quality assurance. Reputation for concise analysis of programs and brokering assistance to clients. Exceptional diplomacy skills and strong commitment to all projects. Summary of Skills Program Analysis Developed new programs for clients that target specific populations. Reviewed new and continuing program proposals submitted by organizations seeking funding for health service programs; recommended modifications in accordance with local, state, and/or federal provisions and develop recommendations to grantor agencies. Monitored funding from various sources upwards to $7M (or 60 contracts) to ensure sound spending practices and allowable expenditures. Researched and explored various policy issues; reviewed pending legislation and regulations and technical research studies. Developed contracts with clients; prepared work statements delineating the number of clients to be served and the nature of services to be delivered. Reviewed and approved budgets and invoices. Prepared, analyzed, and submitted quarterly reports on program activities to various local, state and federal agencies. Prepared documents on progress toward overall goals; developed and prepared annual, comprehensive and special program plans, and corrective action plans/performance improvement plans. Program Evaluation and Monitoring Audited a myriad of program specific files to ensure accuracy and to ensure clients are adhering to provisions. Facilitated corrective action or performance improvement to clients in efforts to enhance service delivery. Observed programs while utilizing tools specifically derived from provisions to ensure quality service delivery. Provided narrated feedback to clients using specific tools such as: corrective action plans and performance improvement plans and quality improvement plans with specific next steps and follow-up timelines. Redeveloped 6 monitoring tools while considering revised provisions. Two of which were considered by the CDC as an example for other jurisdictions. Co-coordinator for HIV testing programs in Philadelphia. This included staying abreast of the latest testing technologies, reviewing monthly laboratory invoices, developing policy in real-time, distributing counselor ID numbers, facilitated the face to face examinations for provisional certification, and monitored Philadelphias HIV Test and Link Training Program. Programming Developed Best Practices for providing HIV positive tests results and how to support staff. In 9/2010, these Best Practices were integrated into the AIDS Activities Coordinating Offices and Access Matters HIV Counseling, Testing, and Referral Services trainings (200 individuals and counting have been trained on these best practices). Designed, implemented & managed major initiatives such as: African American Youth Obesity Initiative (exceeded goal by 42%), Breast Cancer Awareness Program- Susan G. Komen Philadelphia Affiliate: following an Evidence Based Intervention (EBI) - Friend to Friend (under my purview, exceeded goal by 33%) Designed and developed curriculum for HIV/AIDS education for older adults in collaboration with the Philadelphia Corporation of Aging (under my purview, 75 older adults were educated). Ameenah Mc Cann-Woods 1
  • 2. Co-created an 8- Module Self-Esteem, Power, Education, Action & Knowledge (SPEAK) Program: High Risk Teen Curriculum (under my purview, 45 youth completed SPEAK). Co-created Text 4 Truth; a progressive text messaging service for youth on sexual health issues in the Philadelphia area. Quality Improvement Competent in FOCUS-PDSA (Find a problem, Organize a team, Clarify the problem, Understand a problem, Select an intervention- Plan, Do Study, Act). Currently monitoring 3 quality improvement projects. Competent in Trend Analysis Work Experience Philadelphia Department of Public Health, Philadelphia, PA 2009-present Public Health Program Analyst BEBASHI-Transition to Hope, Philadelphia, PA 2003-2009 Supervisor of Prevention Programs & Education (promoted) Northeast Community Center for MH/MR, Philadelphia, PA 2002-2003 Resource Coordinator Education Master of Science 2008 Industrial/Organizational Psychology Capella University Bachelor of Arts 2001 Psychology Indiana University of Pennsylvania Continuing Education National Quality Center Quality Academy 2013 Planning, Implementing, & Monitoring a CTR Program (CDC) 2011 Assuring Quality of HIV Prevention Counseling (CDC) 2011 Professional Affiliations Mission Incorporated 2009- present United Health Group Health Education Committee 2008- 2011 Office of HIV Planning Community Planning Group 2007- 2009 Community Involvement Philadelphia FUTURES- White Williams Scholars- Educator/Facilitator 2009-present Susan G. Komen Philadelphia Affiliate- Grant Reviewer 2010-2013 (per their request) MLK 365 (various projects from year to year) 2008- 2014 (annually) Ameenah Mc Cann-Woods 2