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Mcluhan¨s medium
Naoki Watanabe
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Shimbashi, Tokyo
2017/3/25 Presentation event 1
? Is scientist responsible for science and technology?
? Are they different, a kindle and a book?
2017/3/25 Presentation event 2
? Marshall McLuhan
? The medium is the message.
? The medium is the extension of man
? My opinion
2017/3/25 Presentation event 3
Marshall McLuhan
? 1911, Canada C 1980, Canada
2017/3/25 Presentation event 4
What if you read ^Haruki Murakami ̄ in
? Clay tablet
? Hard cover
? Soft cover
? Web browser
? Kindle
? Narrated by man
2017/3/25 Presentation event 5
The medium is the message
? The medium itself is important
? The medium controls a content.
? The medium is the environment not noticed.
2017/3/25 Presentation event 6
The medium is the extension of man
? A wheel is the extension of the foot.
? A book is the extension of the eye.
2017/3/25 Presentation event 7
A book
2017/3/25 Presentation event 8
2017/3/25 Presentation event 9
The medium changes our world
? The medium changes the ratio of perceptions.
? The ratio of perceptions can change the world we perceive.
2017/3/25 Presentation event 10
My Opinion
2017/3/25 Presentation event 11
Scientist is not responsible for technology
? Technology is medium.
? Impossible to imagine an effect of new medium.
? New technology is invented by some people at the same time.
? Medium is just the extension of man
2017/3/25 Presentation event 12
A book and Kindle are different
? When you visit a website, you ^surf ̄.
? When you read a book, you ^read ̄.
? Kindle is not a book nor website.
2017/3/25 Presentation event 13
? マクル`ハン(1987)〆メディアD繁gののT燹(浅圻, 采云U)み
? マクル`ハン(1986)〆グ`テンベルクのy采狼D試忖繁gの侘撹〇(畢U)
? マクル`ハン, フィオ`レ(2015)〆メディアはマッサ`ジである: 唹の朕
h〇(T爽, 紗儲U)采竃型仟芙
? マ`シャル マクル`ハン, エドマンド?カ`ペンタ` (2003), 〆マクル`
ハン尖D徨メディアの辛嬬來〇(寄念 屎骸, 瘁儲才刔U)峠群芙
? m百紹(2008)〆マクル`ハンの高尚 メディアがみえる〇みすず型
? 翌表宗湊隻(2016)〆テクノロジ`は是を照わない〇(防云圍U)みすず
? ニコラス?G?カ`(2010)〆ネット?バカDインタ`ネットがわたしたち
2017/3/25 Presentation event 14

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Mcluhan¨s medium

  • 1. Mcluhan¨s medium Naoki Watanabe Saturday, March 25, 2017 Shimbashi, Tokyo 2017/3/25 Presentation event 1
  • 2. Issues ? Is scientist responsible for science and technology? ? Are they different, a kindle and a book? 2017/3/25 Presentation event 2
  • 3. Agenda ? Marshall McLuhan ? The medium is the message. ? The medium is the extension of man ? My opinion 2017/3/25 Presentation event 3
  • 4. Marshall McLuhan ? 1911, Canada C 1980, Canada 2017/3/25 Presentation event 4
  • 5. What if you read ^Haruki Murakami ̄ in ? Clay tablet ? Hard cover ? Soft cover ? Web browser ? Kindle ? Narrated by man 2017/3/25 Presentation event 5
  • 6. The medium is the message ? The medium itself is important ? The medium controls a content. ? The medium is the environment not noticed. 2017/3/25 Presentation event 6
  • 7. The medium is the extension of man ? A wheel is the extension of the foot. ? A book is the extension of the eye. 2017/3/25 Presentation event 7
  • 10. The medium changes our world ? The medium changes the ratio of perceptions. ? The ratio of perceptions can change the world we perceive. 2017/3/25 Presentation event 10
  • 12. Scientist is not responsible for technology ? Technology is medium. ? Impossible to imagine an effect of new medium. ? New technology is invented by some people at the same time. ? Medium is just the extension of man 2017/3/25 Presentation event 12
  • 13. A book and Kindle are different ? When you visit a website, you ^surf ̄. ? When you read a book, you ^read ̄. ? Kindle is not a book nor website. 2017/3/25 Presentation event 13
  • 14. Bibliography ? マクル`ハン(1987)〆メディアD繁gののT燹(浅圻, 采云U)み すず型 ? マクル`ハン(1986)〆グ`テンベルクのy采狼D試忖繁gの侘撹〇(畢U) みすず型 ? マクル`ハン, フィオ`レ(2015)〆メディアはマッサ`ジである: 唹の朕 h〇(T爽, 紗儲U)采竃型仟芙 ? マ`シャル マクル`ハン, エドマンド?カ`ペンタ` (2003), 〆マクル` ハン尖D徨メディアの辛嬬來〇(寄念 屎骸, 瘁儲才刔U)峠群芙 ? m百紹(2008)〆マクル`ハンの高尚 メディアがみえる〇みすず型 ? 翌表宗湊隻(2016)〆テクノロジ`は是を照わない〇(防云圍U)みすず 型 ? ニコラス?G?カ`(2010)〆ネット?バカDインタ`ネットがわたしたち のにしていること〇(Sx岷徨U)楳輿芙 2017/3/25 Presentation event 14