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me / my / mine
me / my / mine
Het is voor mij

Mijn fiets

Van mij / de mijne

Its for me

My bike

Its mine

Its for you

Your bike

Its yours

Its for him

His bike

Its his

Its for her

Her bike

Its hers

Its for us

Our bike

Its ours

Its for you

Your bike

Its yours

Its for them

Their bike

Its theirs
me / my / mine
Het is voor mij
Its for me

Its for you
Its for him
Its for her
Its for us
Its for you
Its for them

Na voorzetsels
me / my / mine
Mijn fiets
My bike

Your bike
His bike
Her bike
Our bike
Your bike
Their bike

Als er wel een zelfstandig
naamwoord achter staat
me / my / mine
Van mij / de mijne
Its mine

Its yours
Its his
Its hers
Its ours
Its yours
Its theirs

Als er geen zelfstandig
naamwoord achter staat




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