The document discusses key concepts of object-oriented programming using C++ including defining classes, encapsulation, static vs non-static members, and polymorphism. A class defines a category of objects by grouping related data and functions. Classes encapsulate data by hiding implementation details and exposing an interface. Static members are shared across all objects while non-static members are unique to each object instance. Polymorphism allows the same operation to behave differently based on the object type.
This document discusses strategies for targeting a teen audience aged 14-18 for the film "U.S.B". The film is a teen drama. Key elements that appeal to teens include urban styled clothing of the main characters, a popular rap song on the soundtrack, and promoting the film on social media platforms popular with teens like Twitter. Feedback from peers and teachers on a rough cut helped improve editing, sound, and use of mise-en-scene elements. The film was uploaded to video sites like Vimeo and shared on social media to reach the intended teen audience.
The document discusses communication and its key components. It describes communication as involving a sender, message, and receiver. It outlines the steps in the communication process for both the sender and receiver. The sender must know what they want to say, decide how to say it, and monitor the response. The receiver must listen, understand the complete message, and evaluate it. Effective communication is described as being clear, correct, concise, and complete. Barriers to communication like noise are also discussed.
- Barnes Group is an international industrial and aerospace manufacturer and services provider with two business segments: Industrial and Aerospace.
- The presentation provides an overview of Barnes Group's history, businesses, end markets, growth strategies, and financial performance trends.
- Barnes Group has demonstrated growth and margin expansion through acquisitions, strategic investments, and its Barnes Enterprise System, and is well positioned for continued profitable growth with global industrial and commercial aerospace end markets.
O documento lista e descreve alguns dos vulc?es mais famosos do mundo, incluindo o Monte Fuji no Jap?o, o Krakatoa na Indonésia, o Monte Pelée na Martinica, o Monte Santa Helena nos EUA, o Pinatubo nas Filipinas, o Etna na Itália, o Vesúvio na Itália e o Kilauea no Havaí. Ele também menciona que a maior erup??o vulc?nica da história ocorreu na bacia do rio Amazonas há 200 milh?es de anos.
On the Validity of Peer Grading and a Cloud Teaching Assistant SystemTimVogelsang
We introduce a new grading system, the Cloud Teaching
Assistant System (CTAS), as an additional element to instructor grading, peer grading and automated validation in massive open online courses (MOOCs). The grading distributions of the different approaches are compared in an experiment consisting of 476 exam participants. 25 submissions were graded by all four methods. 451 submissions were graded only by peer grading and automated validation. The results of the experiment suggest that both CTAS and peer grading do not simulate instructor grading (Pearson’s correlations: 0.36, 0.39). If the CTAS and not the instructor is assumed to deliver accurate grading, peer grading is concluded to be a valid grading method (Pearson’s correlation: 0.76).
The document contains charts and tables showing sales data and commission structures for a multi-level marketing company selling various health supplements. It outlines the earning potential at different levels of sponsorship recruitment and provides information on product prices, compensation plans, and qualification requirements to reach different leadership ranks. The last pages list the company's product lineup along with their respective general point (GP) values for order volume requirements.
This document discusses strategies for targeting a teen audience aged 14-18 for the film "U.S.B". The film is a teen drama. Key elements that appeal to teens include urban styled clothing of the main characters, a popular rap song on the soundtrack, and promoting the film on social media platforms popular with teens like Twitter. Feedback from peers and teachers on a rough cut helped improve editing, sound, and use of mise-en-scene elements. The film was uploaded to video sites like Vimeo and shared on social media to reach the intended teen audience.
The document discusses communication and its key components. It describes communication as involving a sender, message, and receiver. It outlines the steps in the communication process for both the sender and receiver. The sender must know what they want to say, decide how to say it, and monitor the response. The receiver must listen, understand the complete message, and evaluate it. Effective communication is described as being clear, correct, concise, and complete. Barriers to communication like noise are also discussed.
- Barnes Group is an international industrial and aerospace manufacturer and services provider with two business segments: Industrial and Aerospace.
- The presentation provides an overview of Barnes Group's history, businesses, end markets, growth strategies, and financial performance trends.
- Barnes Group has demonstrated growth and margin expansion through acquisitions, strategic investments, and its Barnes Enterprise System, and is well positioned for continued profitable growth with global industrial and commercial aerospace end markets.
O documento lista e descreve alguns dos vulc?es mais famosos do mundo, incluindo o Monte Fuji no Jap?o, o Krakatoa na Indonésia, o Monte Pelée na Martinica, o Monte Santa Helena nos EUA, o Pinatubo nas Filipinas, o Etna na Itália, o Vesúvio na Itália e o Kilauea no Havaí. Ele também menciona que a maior erup??o vulc?nica da história ocorreu na bacia do rio Amazonas há 200 milh?es de anos.
On the Validity of Peer Grading and a Cloud Teaching Assistant SystemTimVogelsang
We introduce a new grading system, the Cloud Teaching
Assistant System (CTAS), as an additional element to instructor grading, peer grading and automated validation in massive open online courses (MOOCs). The grading distributions of the different approaches are compared in an experiment consisting of 476 exam participants. 25 submissions were graded by all four methods. 451 submissions were graded only by peer grading and automated validation. The results of the experiment suggest that both CTAS and peer grading do not simulate instructor grading (Pearson’s correlations: 0.36, 0.39). If the CTAS and not the instructor is assumed to deliver accurate grading, peer grading is concluded to be a valid grading method (Pearson’s correlation: 0.76).
The document contains charts and tables showing sales data and commission structures for a multi-level marketing company selling various health supplements. It outlines the earning potential at different levels of sponsorship recruitment and provides information on product prices, compensation plans, and qualification requirements to reach different leadership ranks. The last pages list the company's product lineup along with their respective general point (GP) values for order volume requirements.