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Melanie Norman
Melanie.Norman@my.chamberlain.edu | (404)-797-6775
Seeking a residency position within a reputable medical establishment that believes in
patient family centered care.
Chamberlain College of Nursing Atlanta, GA
Bachelor of Science in Nursing | GPA: 3.3 June 2015
The University of Georgia Athens, GA
Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences May 2004
BLS Certified (American Heart Association)
Mandated Reporter: Critical Links in Protecting Children
Nurses on the Front Line: Preparing for and Responding to Emergencies and Disasters
Community Health (96 hours) Atlanta, Georgia
Skyland Trail January 2015 – February 2015
 Created medication pill boxes for each patient and ensured that they took their
medications on time.
 Provided therapeutic communication through horticulture activities, music and art
therapy, and mediation.
 Charted MAR’s.
Hamilton Healthcare (96 hours) Dalton, Georgia
Mother Baby/ Labor & Delivery October 2014 – December 2014
• Completed head to toe assessment on newborn less than 24 hours old as well the
24 hour assessment (hearing, PKU, pulse ox, and blood pressure).
• Performed post-partum assessment which including checking fundus and BUBBLE
HE process.
• Cared for 29 week premature newborn that developed to 36 week gestational age
and monitored diagnosed heart murmur that was caused by aortic stenosis.
Pediatria (96 hours) Stockbridge, Georgia
Pediatrics September 2014 - October 2014
• Administered appropriate medications through nebulizers and G-Tubes to
• Created age appropriate developmental activities for children 0-5 years of age.
• Conducted tube feedings through G-Tube and JG Tubes.
St. Mary's Hospital and Healthcare System (96 hours) Athens, Georgia
Critical Care July 2014 - August 2014
• Dispensed medications to patients in the Emergency department.
• Checked vital signs, blood glucose levels and monitored cardiac rhythms.
• Educated patients on discharge orders and prescriptions.
Devereux Georgia (96 hours) Kennesaw, Georgia
Mental Health May 2014 - June 2014
• Facilitated therapeutic group sessions for children that experienced sexual abuse.
• Dispensed medications to patients.
Phillips State Prison (96 hours) Buford, Georgia
Medical Surgical II March 2014 - April 2014
• Administered vaccines and medication to inmates.
• Responsible for blood draws which included prepping and documenting.
• Performed patient assessments, which included checking weight, vital signs and
eye exams.
Grady Memorial Hospital (160 hours) Atlanta, Georgia
Medical Surgical I and Fundamentals November 2013 - February 2014
• Head to toe assessments for individual assigned patients.
• Assisted in daily living activities this included grooming, bed baths, and helped
with feeding.
• Educated and administered medication to patients.
• Communicated with patients regarding their medical needs.
• Cared for bed sores of all degrees.
• Maintained catheter bag, which including cleaning, draining, and replacing.
Additional Experience
Personal Residence Atlanta, Georgia
Child Care Provider August 2004 - Present
• Provided care for a variety of children ranging from 0 months-15 years old.
• Completed all household duties.
• Responsible for supplying household with nutritious items weekly.
• Maintained clean environment in child's room.
• Assisted child in achieving developmental milestones.
• Provided structured daily activities that were age appropriate.
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, member July 2014-Present
Community Service
Ronald McDonald House
Andrews Board at Peachtree Road United Methodist Church

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  • 1. Melanie Norman Melanie.Norman@my.chamberlain.edu | (404)-797-6775 1050 LENOX PARK BLVD NE | ATLANTA, GA 30319 Objective Seeking a residency position within a reputable medical establishment that believes in patient family centered care. Education Chamberlain College of Nursing Atlanta, GA Bachelor of Science in Nursing | GPA: 3.3 June 2015 The University of Georgia Athens, GA Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences May 2004 Certifications BLS Certified (American Heart Association) Mandated Reporter: Critical Links in Protecting Children Nurses on the Front Line: Preparing for and Responding to Emergencies and Disasters Experience Community Health (96 hours) Atlanta, Georgia Skyland Trail January 2015 – February 2015  Created medication pill boxes for each patient and ensured that they took their medications on time.  Provided therapeutic communication through horticulture activities, music and art therapy, and mediation.  Charted MAR’s. Hamilton Healthcare (96 hours) Dalton, Georgia Mother Baby/ Labor & Delivery October 2014 – December 2014 • Completed head to toe assessment on newborn less than 24 hours old as well the 24 hour assessment (hearing, PKU, pulse ox, and blood pressure). • Performed post-partum assessment which including checking fundus and BUBBLE HE process. • Cared for 29 week premature newborn that developed to 36 week gestational age and monitored diagnosed heart murmur that was caused by aortic stenosis. Pediatria (96 hours) Stockbridge, Georgia Pediatrics September 2014 - October 2014 • Administered appropriate medications through nebulizers and G-Tubes to patients. • Created age appropriate developmental activities for children 0-5 years of age. • Conducted tube feedings through G-Tube and JG Tubes. St. Mary's Hospital and Healthcare System (96 hours) Athens, Georgia Critical Care July 2014 - August 2014 • Dispensed medications to patients in the Emergency department. • Checked vital signs, blood glucose levels and monitored cardiac rhythms. • Educated patients on discharge orders and prescriptions.
  • 2. Devereux Georgia (96 hours) Kennesaw, Georgia Mental Health May 2014 - June 2014 • Facilitated therapeutic group sessions for children that experienced sexual abuse. • Dispensed medications to patients. Phillips State Prison (96 hours) Buford, Georgia Medical Surgical II March 2014 - April 2014 • Administered vaccines and medication to inmates. • Responsible for blood draws which included prepping and documenting. • Performed patient assessments, which included checking weight, vital signs and eye exams. Grady Memorial Hospital (160 hours) Atlanta, Georgia Medical Surgical I and Fundamentals November 2013 - February 2014 • Head to toe assessments for individual assigned patients. • Assisted in daily living activities this included grooming, bed baths, and helped with feeding. • Educated and administered medication to patients. • Communicated with patients regarding their medical needs. • Cared for bed sores of all degrees. • Maintained catheter bag, which including cleaning, draining, and replacing. Additional Experience Personal Residence Atlanta, Georgia Child Care Provider August 2004 - Present • Provided care for a variety of children ranging from 0 months-15 years old. • Completed all household duties. • Responsible for supplying household with nutritious items weekly. • Maintained clean environment in child's room. • Assisted child in achieving developmental milestones. • Provided structured daily activities that were age appropriate. Affiliations Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, member July 2014-Present Community Service Ronald McDonald House Andrews Board at Peachtree Road United Methodist Church