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Melanie WARNER Spencer
Journalist  Editor  Photographer  Social Media Pro  Blogger  Mentor  Speaker
2014 to present Editor New Orleans Bride and New Orleans Homes & Lifestyles magazines;
managing editor Acadiana Profile and Louisiana Life magazines; and books editor at
Renaissance Publishing.
 Create editorial vision, build editorial schedule, recruit and work with a
roster of more than 50 freelancers from all over the country, work with
art director, coordinate photography, style photo shoots and assign and
edit four magazines, as well as two blogs and work with marketing to
build and promote the brand.
 Generate concepts for books and husband from idea to completion.
 Editor of The Essential Louisiana Seafood Cookbook, released
October 2016.
 Co-author of Essential New Orleans: 15 Places We Love.
 WWLTV, Channel 4 guest expert for monthly weddings segment.
 Editor and co-writer daily Let Them Eat Cake blog.
 Editor of award-winning Full Sport Press blog.
 Write monthly Biz Etiquette column and Great Offices design feature for
Biz New Orleans Magazine at Renaissance Publishing.
 Maintain various social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram
Twitter, Google + and LinkedIn.
 Monitor web traffic via Google Analytics and work with web editor to
push growth.
 Vice president and board member of Press Club of New Orleans.
 Frequent guest speaker, workshop leader and teacher at a variety of
organizations and schools and universities.
2014 to 2015 Editor New Orleans Bride magazine and custom publications at Renaissance
Publishing and freelance, New Orleans, Louisiana and the South.
 Build editorial schedule, recruit and work with freelancers, work with art
director, coordinate photography, style photo shoots and assign and
edit New Orleans Bride Magazine at Renaissance Publishing, as well as
work with marketing to build and promote the brand.
 WWLTV, Channel 4 guest expert for monthly weddings segment.
 Founder and writer of Bon Vivant blog, third most popular blog at
myneworleans.com (experience with Wordpress and various other CMS
 Founder, co-writer (writing weekly wedding etiquette post) and editor of
the daily Let Them Eat Cake wedding blog at myneworleans.com.
 Build editorial schedule, recruit and work with freelancers and clients,
work with art director and assign and edit more than 42 custom
publications at Renaissance Publishing.
 Editor of companys first book, The Essential Louisiana Cookbook, by
Stanley Dry (now in its second printing).
 Write monthly Biz Etiquette column and Great Offices design feature for
Melanie Warner Spencer, 512-567-2732, penfemme@gmail.com, www.melaniewarnerspencer.com
Biz New Orleans Magazine at Renaissance Publishing.
 Contributing writer and associate editor Acadiana Profile Magazine,
Louisiana Life Magazine, New Orleans Magazine and New Orleans
Homes & Lifestyles Magazine at Renaissance Publishing.
 Contributor and Easy Southern Escapes columnist and photographer for
 Exhibiting fine art photographer and editorial photographer for various
 Maintain various social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram
Twitter, Google + and LinkedIn.
 Monitor web traffic via Google Analytics and work with web editor to
push growth.
 Board member for Press Club of New Orleans, head of social and
professional development teams, creator and producer of the quarterly
newsletter disseminated via ConstantContact.
2012 to 2014 Freelance lifestyle and news reporter, editor-in-chief of Houston Brides
Magazine and photographer, Southeast Texas and the South.
 Write about design, style, arts and entertainment for various print and
online daily newspapers.
 Work has appeared in the Chicago Tribune, the Huffington Post, the
Houston Chronicle and the Austin American-Statesman, as well as
magazines including Houston Magazine, Modern Luxury Houston
Brides, Austin Monthly and Austin Monthly Home and online
publications around the globe, such as Reuters in Australia, the United
Kingdom and India.
 Ghost edit for bloggers and columnists.
 Blog on multiple platforms.
 Engage in various social media platforms, including Facebook,
Instagram and Twitter.
 Photograph images to accompany pieces for print and online
 Coordinate and style photo shoots.
 Write and deliver speeches and presentations on topics including design,
style, trends, journalism and social media.
2011-2012 Senior features reporter covering interior design and style for the Houston
Chronicle, contributing writer for Gloss magazine and photographer, Houston, Texas
 Generate story ideas, write, research and conduct interviews for features,
blurbs, bi-monthly column, daily Design Houston blog.
 Engage in social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, Google + and LinkedIn.
 Photograph products and interiors for articles and online products, as
well as schedule photo shoots, scout locations, gather goods for product
spreads and photo shoots, style photo shoots and gather images.
 Represent the newspaper at various public and private functions, trade
shows and press events and speak and deliver presentations to various
groups in the community and on local TV news stations.
 Assist when needed with duties pertaining to social media.
Melanie Warner Spencer, 512-567-2732, penfemme@gmail.com, www.melaniewarnerspencer.com
2009-2011 Managing editor of the Texas Catholic Herald, Houston, Texas
 Set the editorial schedule, manage production (and coordinate with print
house) and oversee and assist with design (using InDesign) and layout, as
well as assign and edit all stories, photography and design assignments to
staff and freelancers.
 Oversee redesign of the publication and website (launching February
2011) and develop, execute and manage blogging, multi-media and
social media strategy and operations (launching Spring 2011).
 Train and manage reporters, designers, copy editors, freelancers and
 Report and write features and blurbs and take and source photographs, as
well as edit imagery and prepare it for production.
 Create and implement intern program and oversee interns.
 Represent the newspaper at various public and private functions, trade
shows and press events and speak and deliver presentations to various
groups in the community.
 Maintain photo archive.
2008-2009 Press Secretary to Texas First Lady Anita Perry
 Coordinate and promote interviews, as well as video, imagery and all
other media related to the First Lady and her projects via traditional and
social media, including Facebook, Twitter, blogging and other Web-
based and multi-media.
 Organize and promote press conferences and major announcements.
 Promote the First Ladys projects
 Write speeches, press materials, blog, scripts and Web copy.
 Work closely with Governors press shop to coordinate events and keep
them abreast of the First Ladys projects.
 Work closely with the multi-media team.
 Photograph events for in-house and online archives, data basis and other
multi-media projects.
 Create and supervise all written materials generated by the Office of the
First Lady or outside entities using the name or likeness of the First
 Supervise interns.
 Create and implement yearly media strategy.
 Maintain photo archive.
2005-2008 Features reporter and columnist, contributing writer for Glossy magazine and co-
assigning editor for the Glossy Homes section of Glossy, Austin American-Statesman, Austin,
 Generate story ideas, write, research and conduct interviews for features,
blurbs, bi-monthly column, daily Design Notebook blog and weekly
Style Minute video.
 Editor of Season for Caring, the papers charity campaign. Duties were
to determine editorial schedule, assign and edit
 Report as needed for other newsroom departments and sections,
including A1, Metro and Real Estate sections.
 Develop editorial schedule, generate story ideas, write and assign for the
Glossy Homes section of Glossy magazine (an exclusive, glossy, full-
Melanie Warner Spencer, 512-567-2732, penfemme@gmail.com, www.melaniewarnerspencer.com
color broadsheet publication).
 Coordinate and record audio and video for multimedia products related
to features, column and blog.
 Photograph products and interiors for articles and online products, as
well as schedule photo shoots, scout locations, gather goods for product
spreads and photo shoots, style photo shoots and gather images.
 Represent the newspaper at various public and private functions, trade
shows and press events and speak and deliver presentations to various
groups in the community.
 Assist when needed with duties pertaining to mentoring committee and
training committee.
2004-2005 Assistant editor, Pflugerville Pflag (community newspaper affiliate of the
Statesman), Pflugerville, Texas.
 Cover city politics and write, research and conduct interviews for
additional features and blurbs.
 Line editing, copy editing, layout (in Quark) and photography.
 Interview, assign to, supervise and manage payment invoices and
contracts for freelancers.
 Develop and maintain the editorial calendar.
 Coordinate, oversee and edit special sections.
 Co-chair editorial design committee for Austin Community Newspapers
 Develop, coordinate and supervise internship program.
 Assist in major redesign of newspaper.
2003-2004 Monthly contributing writer and editorial assistant, Austin Monthly Magazine,
Austin Texas.
 Write, conduct interviews and research features and department pieces.
 Gather images.
 Copy edit.
 Coordinate product spreads, gather products and style photos.
1999-2003 Freelance writer and photographer, Kentucky and Texas.
Education Northern Kentucky University B.A., Art (Photography)/Area of Concentration
English (Writing).
Continuing education
Poynter Institute (newspaper reporting, writing and editing)
University of Texas (Newswriting, magazine writing and headline writing continuing
education classes)
Awards and Associations
International Regional Magazine Association Award winner; Press Club of New
Orleans award winner and vice president; Texas Press Association award winner for
editorial photography; Winner of various juried art exhibitions for showing of fine art
Melanie Warner Spencer, 512-567-2732, penfemme@gmail.com, www.melaniewarnerspencer.com

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Melanie Warner Spencer Resume

  • 1. Melanie WARNER Spencer Journalist Editor Photographer Social Media Pro Blogger Mentor Speaker Experience 2014 to present Editor New Orleans Bride and New Orleans Homes & Lifestyles magazines; managing editor Acadiana Profile and Louisiana Life magazines; and books editor at Renaissance Publishing. Create editorial vision, build editorial schedule, recruit and work with a roster of more than 50 freelancers from all over the country, work with art director, coordinate photography, style photo shoots and assign and edit four magazines, as well as two blogs and work with marketing to build and promote the brand. Generate concepts for books and husband from idea to completion. Editor of The Essential Louisiana Seafood Cookbook, released October 2016. Co-author of Essential New Orleans: 15 Places We Love. WWLTV, Channel 4 guest expert for monthly weddings segment. Editor and co-writer daily Let Them Eat Cake blog. Editor of award-winning Full Sport Press blog. Write monthly Biz Etiquette column and Great Offices design feature for Biz New Orleans Magazine at Renaissance Publishing. Maintain various social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram Twitter, Google + and LinkedIn. Monitor web traffic via Google Analytics and work with web editor to push growth. Vice president and board member of Press Club of New Orleans. Frequent guest speaker, workshop leader and teacher at a variety of organizations and schools and universities. 2014 to 2015 Editor New Orleans Bride magazine and custom publications at Renaissance Publishing and freelance, New Orleans, Louisiana and the South. Build editorial schedule, recruit and work with freelancers, work with art director, coordinate photography, style photo shoots and assign and edit New Orleans Bride Magazine at Renaissance Publishing, as well as work with marketing to build and promote the brand. WWLTV, Channel 4 guest expert for monthly weddings segment. Founder and writer of Bon Vivant blog, third most popular blog at myneworleans.com (experience with Wordpress and various other CMS platforms). Founder, co-writer (writing weekly wedding etiquette post) and editor of the daily Let Them Eat Cake wedding blog at myneworleans.com. Build editorial schedule, recruit and work with freelancers and clients, work with art director and assign and edit more than 42 custom publications at Renaissance Publishing. Editor of companys first book, The Essential Louisiana Cookbook, by Stanley Dry (now in its second printing). Write monthly Biz Etiquette column and Great Offices design feature for Melanie Warner Spencer, 512-567-2732, penfemme@gmail.com, www.melaniewarnerspencer.com
  • 2. Biz New Orleans Magazine at Renaissance Publishing. Contributing writer and associate editor Acadiana Profile Magazine, Louisiana Life Magazine, New Orleans Magazine and New Orleans Homes & Lifestyles Magazine at Renaissance Publishing. Contributor and Easy Southern Escapes columnist and photographer for ShermansTravel. Exhibiting fine art photographer and editorial photographer for various outlets. Maintain various social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram Twitter, Google + and LinkedIn. Monitor web traffic via Google Analytics and work with web editor to push growth. Board member for Press Club of New Orleans, head of social and professional development teams, creator and producer of the quarterly newsletter disseminated via ConstantContact. 2012 to 2014 Freelance lifestyle and news reporter, editor-in-chief of Houston Brides Magazine and photographer, Southeast Texas and the South. Write about design, style, arts and entertainment for various print and online daily newspapers. Work has appeared in the Chicago Tribune, the Huffington Post, the Houston Chronicle and the Austin American-Statesman, as well as magazines including Houston Magazine, Modern Luxury Houston Brides, Austin Monthly and Austin Monthly Home and online publications around the globe, such as Reuters in Australia, the United Kingdom and India. Ghost edit for bloggers and columnists. Blog on multiple platforms. Engage in various social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Photograph images to accompany pieces for print and online publications. Coordinate and style photo shoots. Write and deliver speeches and presentations on topics including design, style, trends, journalism and social media. 2011-2012 Senior features reporter covering interior design and style for the Houston Chronicle, contributing writer for Gloss magazine and photographer, Houston, Texas Generate story ideas, write, research and conduct interviews for features, blurbs, bi-monthly column, daily Design Houston blog. Engage in social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google + and LinkedIn. Photograph products and interiors for articles and online products, as well as schedule photo shoots, scout locations, gather goods for product spreads and photo shoots, style photo shoots and gather images. Represent the newspaper at various public and private functions, trade shows and press events and speak and deliver presentations to various groups in the community and on local TV news stations. Assist when needed with duties pertaining to social media. Melanie Warner Spencer, 512-567-2732, penfemme@gmail.com, www.melaniewarnerspencer.com
  • 3. 2009-2011 Managing editor of the Texas Catholic Herald, Houston, Texas Set the editorial schedule, manage production (and coordinate with print house) and oversee and assist with design (using InDesign) and layout, as well as assign and edit all stories, photography and design assignments to staff and freelancers. Oversee redesign of the publication and website (launching February 2011) and develop, execute and manage blogging, multi-media and social media strategy and operations (launching Spring 2011). Train and manage reporters, designers, copy editors, freelancers and interns. Report and write features and blurbs and take and source photographs, as well as edit imagery and prepare it for production. Create and implement intern program and oversee interns. Represent the newspaper at various public and private functions, trade shows and press events and speak and deliver presentations to various groups in the community. Maintain photo archive. 2008-2009 Press Secretary to Texas First Lady Anita Perry Coordinate and promote interviews, as well as video, imagery and all other media related to the First Lady and her projects via traditional and social media, including Facebook, Twitter, blogging and other Web- based and multi-media. Organize and promote press conferences and major announcements. Promote the First Ladys projects Write speeches, press materials, blog, scripts and Web copy. Work closely with Governors press shop to coordinate events and keep them abreast of the First Ladys projects. Work closely with the multi-media team. Photograph events for in-house and online archives, data basis and other multi-media projects. Create and supervise all written materials generated by the Office of the First Lady or outside entities using the name or likeness of the First Lady. Supervise interns. Create and implement yearly media strategy. Maintain photo archive. 2005-2008 Features reporter and columnist, contributing writer for Glossy magazine and co- assigning editor for the Glossy Homes section of Glossy, Austin American-Statesman, Austin, Texas Generate story ideas, write, research and conduct interviews for features, blurbs, bi-monthly column, daily Design Notebook blog and weekly Style Minute video. Editor of Season for Caring, the papers charity campaign. Duties were to determine editorial schedule, assign and edit Report as needed for other newsroom departments and sections, including A1, Metro and Real Estate sections. Develop editorial schedule, generate story ideas, write and assign for the Glossy Homes section of Glossy magazine (an exclusive, glossy, full- Melanie Warner Spencer, 512-567-2732, penfemme@gmail.com, www.melaniewarnerspencer.com
  • 4. color broadsheet publication). Coordinate and record audio and video for multimedia products related to features, column and blog. Photograph products and interiors for articles and online products, as well as schedule photo shoots, scout locations, gather goods for product spreads and photo shoots, style photo shoots and gather images. Represent the newspaper at various public and private functions, trade shows and press events and speak and deliver presentations to various groups in the community. Assist when needed with duties pertaining to mentoring committee and training committee. 2004-2005 Assistant editor, Pflugerville Pflag (community newspaper affiliate of the Statesman), Pflugerville, Texas. Cover city politics and write, research and conduct interviews for additional features and blurbs. Line editing, copy editing, layout (in Quark) and photography. Interview, assign to, supervise and manage payment invoices and contracts for freelancers. Develop and maintain the editorial calendar. Coordinate, oversee and edit special sections. Co-chair editorial design committee for Austin Community Newspapers group. Develop, coordinate and supervise internship program. Assist in major redesign of newspaper. 2003-2004 Monthly contributing writer and editorial assistant, Austin Monthly Magazine, Austin Texas. Write, conduct interviews and research features and department pieces. Gather images. Copy edit. Coordinate product spreads, gather products and style photos. 1999-2003 Freelance writer and photographer, Kentucky and Texas. Education Northern Kentucky University B.A., Art (Photography)/Area of Concentration English (Writing). Continuing education Poynter Institute (newspaper reporting, writing and editing) University of Texas (Newswriting, magazine writing and headline writing continuing education classes) Awards and Associations International Regional Magazine Association Award winner; Press Club of New Orleans award winner and vice president; Texas Press Association award winner for editorial photography; Winner of various juried art exhibitions for showing of fine art photography. Melanie Warner Spencer, 512-567-2732, penfemme@gmail.com, www.melaniewarnerspencer.com