Mentoring and coaching are important roles for supervisors in an era of team science. Mentoring involves offering encouragement and sharing knowledge to assist mentees' careers, while coaching helps mentees discover their own paths to goals through questioning. Effective mentors and coaches adapt their approach based on a mentee's needs. When incorporating mentoring into team science, it is important to consider threats to individuals' identities and statuses. Hiring should evaluate candidates' values, performance abilities, and behavioral tendencies. Pre-tenure agreements can clarify expectations for early career scientists' participation in team projects. Motivating team identity involves finding where personal and institutional priorities overlap.
This document provides an overview of mentoring. It defines mentoring as supporting people to maximize their potential and develop skills. Good mentors act as advisors, guides, and role models. They provide feedback and help mentees build networks. Mentoring benefits mentees through improved confidence and career opportunities, and benefits mentors through job satisfaction and strengthened skills. The document outlines qualities of good mentors and discusses dimensions and models of mentoring, including the GROWS model for setting goals.
Mentoring programs can support specific groups, learning programs, individuals, and organizations through change or transition. They aim to identify and develop potential, induct staff more quickly, improve retention, support underrepresented groups, and encourage personal and professional growth. A mentor guides a mentee's career development through coaching, advising, promoting, and acting as a role model, advisor, and supporter. Effective mentoring relationships establish goals and expectations, provide guidance and feedback, and eventually redefine the relationship as the mentee gains experience and independence.
This document outlines an agenda for a leadership training session on strategic thinking, vision, mission, and managing the external environment. The agenda includes introductions, defining key concepts, exercises on strategic thinking types, crafting visions and missions, and building inter-organizational relationships. Participants will evaluate their learning at the end of the session. The goal is to help leaders develop strategic thinking skills and learn how to align their organization's vision and mission with external factors.
Introduction to sigma phi sigma mentoring processsigmaphi
This document provides information about mentoring within Sigma Phi Sigma. It defines mentoring and lists its benefits for mentors, mentees, and the organization. Characteristics of effective mentors and mentees are described. The document also discusses active listening skills, giving and receiving feedback, and the steps to become a mentor or mentee within the program. The overall purpose is to foster mentoring relationships that support members' personal and professional growth.
Mentorship Virtual Training for Biomedical Engineers outlines a session on mentoring concepts and best practices. The document discusses mentoring as an intentional, nurturing relationship that supports career development and psychosocial growth. It describes the phases of mentoring, including preparing, negotiating, enabling, and coming to closure. Process skills like asking questions, reformulating statements, and providing feedback are reviewed. The document also covers mentoring approaches, potential problems, and ethics. The overall goal is to discuss how mentoring can enhance learning and maximize potential for both mentors and mentees.
This document outlines the objectives and rationale for a coaching session aimed at developing leadership skills. It defines coaching as a process focused on unlocking potential and maximizing performance through questioning, listening and establishing goals. The session explores different coaching models and gives participants opportunities to practice coaching skills and assess their own abilities.
This document provides guidance on how to coach and develop others effectively. It discusses behaviors good coaches exhibit such as helping people understand themselves, facilitating goal setting, and providing encouragement. It also outlines behaviors coaches should avoid, like giving answers or imposing their own opinions. The document then reviews skills coaches need like asking thought-provoking questions, active listening, and motivating action. It introduces the G.R.O.W. model for structuring coaching conversations around setting goals, discussing reality, exploring options, and determining willingness. The coaching process involves building trust with the coachee, using the G.R.O.W. model, and following up to check on progress.
By Kevin Burns at ProductCamp Twin Cities 2016
We've heard of agile coaches but what about product coaches? We'll talk about what makes a great coach and how you might apply coaching concepts to leading product teams.
This talk will includes concepts related to:
Child vs adult learning styles
Four Types of Learners
Socratic Method
Scientific Management vs Servant Leadership
The Zen Master, Phil Jackson
Shu Ha Ri
Edward Deming
this presentation gives basic understanding of What is coaching, Why coaching, Skills required to be a coach, Coaching arc of conversation and basics of coaching models.
The document discusses developing an effective mentoring program, including defining the roles of mentors and mentees, the various stages a mentoring relationship progresses through, skills needed for mentoring, and tips for setting up a mentoring scheme. Mentoring can help with career development, psychosocial support, and organizational effectiveness when structured programs with goal-setting are implemented. Effective mentoring involves establishing trust, providing guidance and feedback, and supporting the mentee through career and personal growth.
Coaching involves guiding someone towards their goals through mutual sharing and creating agreed upon outcomes. It is not about correcting behavior or being the expert, but contributing to development through a two-way partnership. Effective coaching requires actively listening, asking questions, advocating opinions, giving and receiving feedback, and building agreement. Coaches must customize their style based on factors like gender, sport type, and aspirations. Directive, supportive, autocratic, democratic, and humanistic approaches each have advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation. Building trust and empowering self-growth are keys to managing the dual role of evaluator and coach. Exemplary coaching philosophies focus on knowledge sharing, building character, fostering growth, and cultivating high self-
A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could, because someone else thought they could.
- Zig Ziglar, author
This primer is for those who are keen to mentor others.
Applying coaching and mentoring strategies in the workplaceMichelle Grant
This document outlines strategies for applying coaching and mentoring in the workplace. It discusses distinguishing between coaching and mentoring, identifying principles for coaching others, and how coaching and mentoring can develop employees. The Grow model for coaching is introduced, which involves setting goals, understanding reality, exploring options, and establishing willingness. Learning contracts are also covered as a tool to clarify learning goals and roles between supervisors and employees. The overall message is that coaching, mentoring, and feedback are important for supervisors to facilitate employee growth and performance.
Mentoring is very important aspect in organization management for proper grooming, growth and development of new entrant in an organization.This presentation will introduce u about the various aspects,method ad straties of mentoring.
lesson 6 SS II Coaching & Mentoring.pptxclasshub4room
This document defines and compares coaching and mentoring. Coaching and mentoring are strategies that promote personal development and involve one-on-one communication to enhance skills, knowledge, or work performance. Coaching focuses on short-term goals, while mentoring emphasizes long-term development. Both use communication and questioning to facilitate growth, but mentoring also involves advocacy and role modeling.
The document outlines the objectives and deliverables for a mentoring program. It discusses establishing a mentoring relationship that is voluntary and based on accountability, partnership, and developing the mentee's career. It provides questions for initial meetings between the mentor and mentee to understand goals and challenges. It also describes the phases of the mentoring relationship from developing rapport to increasing independence. The document establishes the framework, timeline, and phases of the mentoring program to guide the mentee from dependency to empowerment.
Presentation delivered by Pablo Junco to the HOLA Community at Microsoft. The objective was to provide guidelines to people how want to become a mentor (or improve their skills as mentor.
HOLA stands for Hispanic & Latino Organization of Leaders in Action. HOLA provides professional development and networking opportunities for members and allies of the LatinX and Hispanic communities.
For young professionals, having a mentor is often encouraged and touted; however, knowing how to find and effectively engage in such relationships is not necessarily easy or intuitive. This panel draws on primary and secondary research funded by the Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations, the expertise of an employee engagement expert, and a public relations professional with experience in both corporate and agency settings to help attendees better understand and navigate mentoring relationships. Panelists will share both personal experiences and research insights derived from a survey of more than 400 millennial PR professionals; interviews with 50+ PR professionals and students across five countries; and a review of nearly 200 mentoring studies and articles. Specific topics include best organizational and interpersonal mentoring practices, mentorings role in growing diverse organizations and mentorings connection to leadership development.
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Define what research tells us about mentorships value to PR practitioners in both the U.S. and abroad, and its link to PR leadership.
Reflect on the different kinds of mentors (personal, academic, professional) and will learn about the importance of mentorship in growing diverse, inclusive workplaces.
Analyze the 10 best organizational and interpersonal mentoring practices and will receive practical tips and advice for building and fostering them.
Features public relations professionals:
- Keith Burton, principle, Grayson Emmett Partners
- Dr. Diana Martinelli, professor and administrator, West Virginia University
- Alicia Thompson, managing director, Porter Novelli
This document provides information about mentoring and coaching for newly appointed head teachers. It discusses the differences between training, coaching, mentoring, and counseling. It also outlines learning outcomes related to understanding the benefits of mentoring/coaching approaches and demonstrating mentoring/coaching skills. Various models and techniques are presented, including the GROW model, listening skills, questioning techniques, and providing feedback. The document emphasizes creating an environment to support positive behavior change through mentoring and coaching.
List of competency based interview questionsConfidential
The document provides a sample of competency-based interview questions organized under common competencies such as persuasiveness, teamwork, planning and action, leadership, problem analysis, and achievement orientation. For each competency, behavioral statements are given as examples of effective behaviors, followed by sample questions that could be asked in an interview to evaluate a candidate's competency in that area. The questions are designed to have candidates provide real examples from their work experience that demonstrate their competency.
List of competency based interview questionsConfidential
The document provides a sample of competency-based interview questions organized under different competencies such as persuasiveness, teamwork, planning/action, leadership, problem analysis, and achievement orientation. For each competency, it lists behavioral statements and sample questions that could be asked in an interview to evaluate a candidate's competency in that area. The questions are designed to have candidates provide real examples from their work experience to demonstrate their skills.
Workshop 1 PD & 2016 for its learninleaderhsp gelizabethp1066
This document provides an overview of leadership and management theories and styles. It discusses different learning styles using the Honey and Mumford model. It then covers several theories of leadership, including trait theory, behavioral theory, contingency theory, and various leadership models like situational leadership, transformational leadership, and action-centered leadership. Management roles based on Mintzberg's framework are also outlined. The document aims to help participants understand different approaches to leadership and management.
MENTORSHIP - The Ultimate Career Tool April 21rhenderson08
This document provides an overview of mentorship and how to develop an effective mentoring relationship. It defines what a mentor is, discusses the benefits of mentorship for career and personal development, and outlines different types of mentoring models. The document suggests asking yourself questions to determine if you are ready for a mentor and gives tips for finding the right mentor and making the most of the relationship. It provides examples of successful mentoring programs and statistics that show mentoring can help improve employee retention, promotion rates, and job satisfaction.
AMA Alliance Mentoring 101 - Developing Leadership in Your Allianceamaalliance
The document provides guidance on developing mentoring programs and relationships within the AMA Alliance. It discusses establishing clear expectations and goals when forming mentoring pairs. The document emphasizes empowering mentees by asking questions, giving them responsibility, and providing constructive feedback to help them grow as leaders. Successful mentoring is presented as a two-way relationship that benefits both the mentor and mentee.
This document provides information about the West Lothian leadership development programme including its aims, elements, key documents, session overviews, and the roles of coaches. The programme aims to increase leadership capacity, support for project leaders, and embed a coaching culture. It involves self-evaluation, leadership projects, coaching sessions, and maintaining a learning journal. Coaches are meant to support and challenge participants by using a non-directive approach focused on strengths, questioning, and accountability. The GROW model is presented as a framework for coaching sessions.
This document discusses the different types of future tenses in English: simple future, future continuous, future perfect, and future perfect continuous. It provides examples of how to form sentences for each tense. The simple future uses "will" plus the base verb form. The future continuous uses "will be" plus the present participle (-ing form). The future perfect uses "will have" plus the past participle. And the future perfect continuous uses "will have been" plus the present participle. Examples are given for how to form sentences in each tense.
The document discusses child development and learning disabilities. It outlines the agenda for a teacher training workshop which includes understanding child development stages, their importance for teaching, and learning disabilities. The stages discussed are physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development from infancy through early childhood. Key aspects of development at each stage like brain maturation, motor skills, language, and social interactions are explained.
This document provides guidance on how to coach and develop others effectively. It discusses behaviors good coaches exhibit such as helping people understand themselves, facilitating goal setting, and providing encouragement. It also outlines behaviors coaches should avoid, like giving answers or imposing their own opinions. The document then reviews skills coaches need like asking thought-provoking questions, active listening, and motivating action. It introduces the G.R.O.W. model for structuring coaching conversations around setting goals, discussing reality, exploring options, and determining willingness. The coaching process involves building trust with the coachee, using the G.R.O.W. model, and following up to check on progress.
By Kevin Burns at ProductCamp Twin Cities 2016
We've heard of agile coaches but what about product coaches? We'll talk about what makes a great coach and how you might apply coaching concepts to leading product teams.
This talk will includes concepts related to:
Child vs adult learning styles
Four Types of Learners
Socratic Method
Scientific Management vs Servant Leadership
The Zen Master, Phil Jackson
Shu Ha Ri
Edward Deming
this presentation gives basic understanding of What is coaching, Why coaching, Skills required to be a coach, Coaching arc of conversation and basics of coaching models.
The document discusses developing an effective mentoring program, including defining the roles of mentors and mentees, the various stages a mentoring relationship progresses through, skills needed for mentoring, and tips for setting up a mentoring scheme. Mentoring can help with career development, psychosocial support, and organizational effectiveness when structured programs with goal-setting are implemented. Effective mentoring involves establishing trust, providing guidance and feedback, and supporting the mentee through career and personal growth.
Coaching involves guiding someone towards their goals through mutual sharing and creating agreed upon outcomes. It is not about correcting behavior or being the expert, but contributing to development through a two-way partnership. Effective coaching requires actively listening, asking questions, advocating opinions, giving and receiving feedback, and building agreement. Coaches must customize their style based on factors like gender, sport type, and aspirations. Directive, supportive, autocratic, democratic, and humanistic approaches each have advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation. Building trust and empowering self-growth are keys to managing the dual role of evaluator and coach. Exemplary coaching philosophies focus on knowledge sharing, building character, fostering growth, and cultivating high self-
A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could, because someone else thought they could.
- Zig Ziglar, author
This primer is for those who are keen to mentor others.
Applying coaching and mentoring strategies in the workplaceMichelle Grant
This document outlines strategies for applying coaching and mentoring in the workplace. It discusses distinguishing between coaching and mentoring, identifying principles for coaching others, and how coaching and mentoring can develop employees. The Grow model for coaching is introduced, which involves setting goals, understanding reality, exploring options, and establishing willingness. Learning contracts are also covered as a tool to clarify learning goals and roles between supervisors and employees. The overall message is that coaching, mentoring, and feedback are important for supervisors to facilitate employee growth and performance.
Mentoring is very important aspect in organization management for proper grooming, growth and development of new entrant in an organization.This presentation will introduce u about the various aspects,method ad straties of mentoring.
lesson 6 SS II Coaching & Mentoring.pptxclasshub4room
This document defines and compares coaching and mentoring. Coaching and mentoring are strategies that promote personal development and involve one-on-one communication to enhance skills, knowledge, or work performance. Coaching focuses on short-term goals, while mentoring emphasizes long-term development. Both use communication and questioning to facilitate growth, but mentoring also involves advocacy and role modeling.
The document outlines the objectives and deliverables for a mentoring program. It discusses establishing a mentoring relationship that is voluntary and based on accountability, partnership, and developing the mentee's career. It provides questions for initial meetings between the mentor and mentee to understand goals and challenges. It also describes the phases of the mentoring relationship from developing rapport to increasing independence. The document establishes the framework, timeline, and phases of the mentoring program to guide the mentee from dependency to empowerment.
Presentation delivered by Pablo Junco to the HOLA Community at Microsoft. The objective was to provide guidelines to people how want to become a mentor (or improve their skills as mentor.
HOLA stands for Hispanic & Latino Organization of Leaders in Action. HOLA provides professional development and networking opportunities for members and allies of the LatinX and Hispanic communities.
For young professionals, having a mentor is often encouraged and touted; however, knowing how to find and effectively engage in such relationships is not necessarily easy or intuitive. This panel draws on primary and secondary research funded by the Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations, the expertise of an employee engagement expert, and a public relations professional with experience in both corporate and agency settings to help attendees better understand and navigate mentoring relationships. Panelists will share both personal experiences and research insights derived from a survey of more than 400 millennial PR professionals; interviews with 50+ PR professionals and students across five countries; and a review of nearly 200 mentoring studies and articles. Specific topics include best organizational and interpersonal mentoring practices, mentorings role in growing diverse organizations and mentorings connection to leadership development.
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Define what research tells us about mentorships value to PR practitioners in both the U.S. and abroad, and its link to PR leadership.
Reflect on the different kinds of mentors (personal, academic, professional) and will learn about the importance of mentorship in growing diverse, inclusive workplaces.
Analyze the 10 best organizational and interpersonal mentoring practices and will receive practical tips and advice for building and fostering them.
Features public relations professionals:
- Keith Burton, principle, Grayson Emmett Partners
- Dr. Diana Martinelli, professor and administrator, West Virginia University
- Alicia Thompson, managing director, Porter Novelli
This document provides information about mentoring and coaching for newly appointed head teachers. It discusses the differences between training, coaching, mentoring, and counseling. It also outlines learning outcomes related to understanding the benefits of mentoring/coaching approaches and demonstrating mentoring/coaching skills. Various models and techniques are presented, including the GROW model, listening skills, questioning techniques, and providing feedback. The document emphasizes creating an environment to support positive behavior change through mentoring and coaching.
List of competency based interview questionsConfidential
The document provides a sample of competency-based interview questions organized under common competencies such as persuasiveness, teamwork, planning and action, leadership, problem analysis, and achievement orientation. For each competency, behavioral statements are given as examples of effective behaviors, followed by sample questions that could be asked in an interview to evaluate a candidate's competency in that area. The questions are designed to have candidates provide real examples from their work experience that demonstrate their competency.
List of competency based interview questionsConfidential
The document provides a sample of competency-based interview questions organized under different competencies such as persuasiveness, teamwork, planning/action, leadership, problem analysis, and achievement orientation. For each competency, it lists behavioral statements and sample questions that could be asked in an interview to evaluate a candidate's competency in that area. The questions are designed to have candidates provide real examples from their work experience to demonstrate their skills.
Workshop 1 PD & 2016 for its learninleaderhsp gelizabethp1066
This document provides an overview of leadership and management theories and styles. It discusses different learning styles using the Honey and Mumford model. It then covers several theories of leadership, including trait theory, behavioral theory, contingency theory, and various leadership models like situational leadership, transformational leadership, and action-centered leadership. Management roles based on Mintzberg's framework are also outlined. The document aims to help participants understand different approaches to leadership and management.
MENTORSHIP - The Ultimate Career Tool April 21rhenderson08
This document provides an overview of mentorship and how to develop an effective mentoring relationship. It defines what a mentor is, discusses the benefits of mentorship for career and personal development, and outlines different types of mentoring models. The document suggests asking yourself questions to determine if you are ready for a mentor and gives tips for finding the right mentor and making the most of the relationship. It provides examples of successful mentoring programs and statistics that show mentoring can help improve employee retention, promotion rates, and job satisfaction.
AMA Alliance Mentoring 101 - Developing Leadership in Your Allianceamaalliance
The document provides guidance on developing mentoring programs and relationships within the AMA Alliance. It discusses establishing clear expectations and goals when forming mentoring pairs. The document emphasizes empowering mentees by asking questions, giving them responsibility, and providing constructive feedback to help them grow as leaders. Successful mentoring is presented as a two-way relationship that benefits both the mentor and mentee.
This document provides information about the West Lothian leadership development programme including its aims, elements, key documents, session overviews, and the roles of coaches. The programme aims to increase leadership capacity, support for project leaders, and embed a coaching culture. It involves self-evaluation, leadership projects, coaching sessions, and maintaining a learning journal. Coaches are meant to support and challenge participants by using a non-directive approach focused on strengths, questioning, and accountability. The GROW model is presented as a framework for coaching sessions.
This document discusses the different types of future tenses in English: simple future, future continuous, future perfect, and future perfect continuous. It provides examples of how to form sentences for each tense. The simple future uses "will" plus the base verb form. The future continuous uses "will be" plus the present participle (-ing form). The future perfect uses "will have" plus the past participle. And the future perfect continuous uses "will have been" plus the present participle. Examples are given for how to form sentences in each tense.
The document discusses child development and learning disabilities. It outlines the agenda for a teacher training workshop which includes understanding child development stages, their importance for teaching, and learning disabilities. The stages discussed are physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development from infancy through early childhood. Key aspects of development at each stage like brain maturation, motor skills, language, and social interactions are explained.
This document outlines information and guidance for mentors in NASP's mentorship program. It defines mentoring as a relationship where an experienced person assists another in developing skills to enhance professional and personal growth. Mentoring functions include career coaching and psychosocial support. The webinar discusses mentor and mentee roles, expectations, needs, and provides tips for effective mentoring relationships.
IBIAN MIS managment information system projectHuma Mehir
This document discusses the planning and analysis phases of developing an MIS system for the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) at Sindh University, Jamshoro. The system aims to facilitate communication between teachers, students, and administrators by providing academic information like results, course outlines, and schedules online. Currently, the IBA uses a manual process that is time-consuming. The proposed MIS system would make this information easily accessible digitally to save time. It would allow students to check results online instead of physically going to notice boards or teachers' offices. The document outlines requirements, objectives, constraints, and feasibility of the project. Entity relationship and data flow diagrams are also included to design the system.
Unilever Pakistan Foods Ltd is one of Pakistan's largest FMCG companies. In FY2012, sales grew 19% to Rs.5.86 billion compared to 22% growth in FY2011. However, gross margins declined slightly. Profits grew more moderately with profit after tax rising 34% in FY2012 due to one-off gains. Liquidity ratios improved slightly over the previous year but were still lower than FY2010 levels, indicating potential short-term financial issues. Going forward, the company aims to continue profitable growth by leveraging its brand equity and global expertise despite challenges from the economy, competition and currency fluctuations.
This document contains a questionnaire for IT graduates of Sindh University. It has questions about why they chose IT as a career, which department they studied in, if they think IT has high scope in the job market, which institute they graduated from, if they have applied for jobs in Hyderabad or Jamshoro, which industries they have experience visiting for jobs, which sector has more market acceptability for IT graduates, if there are opportunities for IT graduates in Hyderabad, and what troubles IT graduates from Sindh University may be facing. It also contains a similar questionnaire for organizations regarding their IT department, posts, interview processes, preferences of Sindh University graduates, and criteria for selecting candidates.
How to Configure Recurring Revenue in Odoo 17 CRMCeline George
This slide will represent how to configure Recurring revenue. Recurring revenue are the income generated at a particular interval. Typically, the interval can be monthly, yearly, or we can customize the intervals for a product or service based on its subscription or contract.
Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
How to Configure Deliver Content by Email in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
Dr. Ansari Khurshid Ahmed- Factors affecting Validity of a Test.pptxKhurshid Ahmed Ansari
Validity is an important characteristic of a test. A test having low validity is of little use. Validity is the accuracy with which a test measures whatever it is supposed to measure. Validity can be low, moderate or high. There are many factors which affect the validity of a test. If these factors are controlled, then the validity of the test can be maintained to a high level. In the power point presentation, factors affecting validity are discussed with the help of concrete examples.
Odoo 18 Accounting Access Rights - Odoo 18 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on accounting access rights in odoo 18. To ensure data security and maintain confidentiality, Odoo provides a robust access rights system that allows administrators to control who can access and modify accounting data.
Inventory Reporting in Odoo 17 - Odoo 17 Inventory AppCeline George
This slide will helps us to efficiently create detailed reports of different records defined in its modules, both analytical and quantitative, with Odoo 17 ERP.
2024 Summer Nutrition North Carolina ProfileMebane Rash
1. Supervising, Mentoring,
Coaching in an Era of Team
L. Michelle Bennett, PhD
Deputy Scientific Director, NHLBI, NIH
Howard Gadlin, PhD
Ombudsman, OD, NIH
University of Iowa
January 2013
4. We Wear Many Different Hats
Core Director
Team Lead
Division Head
Branch Chief
Department Director
Project Sponsor
5. We Have Different Strengths
Future directions
Working independently
6. Mentees Want Different Things
To be challenged
To learn the secrets
Brainstorming partner
Oral presentation skills
Introductions to others
Someone to help
identify opportunities
to present
Grant writing skills
Collaboration skills
To be directed
7. 7
Mentoring is an important component of
what we do
Supervisors may not be the best primary
Multiple mentors may be very valuable:
Is a two-way street
8. Defining a Mentoring Relationship
Formal vs Informal
Goal vs Topic/Task Driven
Frequent vs Infrequent Meetings
Degree/Level of Guidance
Accountability (both sides)
What does the Mentee want out of it?
The Mentor?
9. Situational Mentorship
Kenneth Blanchard and Paul Herseys situational leadership model tells us that managers could
use different leadership styles depending on the situation.
10. A Great Match is Important
Questions for Mentors
Questions for Mentees
11. 11
Questions for Mentors
How do you mentor best?
What kind of mentoring arrangement do you prefer?
For what kind of person are you a good mentor? A
poor mentor?
The next time you consider mentoring someone,
would you be willing to sit down first to explore
whether you are a good match?
What kind of conversation would you have to
determine if the relationship would be a good fit?
12. Questions for Mentees
What do you want out of a mentoring relationship?
What goals have you set for yourself?
Long term? Short term? Where do you want to focus now?
How do you learn best?
How do you like to be challenged?
How frequently do you want to meet?
What happens if one of us needs to cancel? If one of us
does not show up for an appointment?
13. A Great Match is Important
What qualities in a mentee will bring out the
best qualities in you as a mentor?
What 4 characteristics define you best in the
role of mentor?
14. There Can Be Challenges
Mentees can.
Consume you
Be unfocused and not follow-through
Be manipulative
Be unwilling to commit to the relationship
Mentors can.
Burn out
Run into situations where issues really need
professional help
Forget boundaries
Find themselves in odd situations (eg ethics, favors)
15. Mentoring Plan
Consider having your Mentee develop a
mentoring plan based on your questions and
the discussion about how you will work
Plan can include:
Setting professional goals
How they will achieve the goals
Role of the mentor in their career development
What they expect from mentor what mentor can
expect of them
16. Schedule Meetings When You Can Listen Actively
Pay Attention
Look at the person you are talking to and wipe all other
thoughts out of your mind
Show That You're Listening
Nod, smile, uh-huh, etc
Check-in to be sure you are understanding
Paraphrase, summarize what theyve told you, ask
clarifying questions
Do not Judge
Dont interrupt before they finish their thought
Respond Appropriately
Be open and honest, demonstrate respect
17. Mentoring
Mentoring: The mentor can be a trusted friend, senior colleague,
(usually a more experienced person). Some institutions create
"mentoring programs" in which newcomers are paired with more
experienced people in order to obtain good examples and advice
as they advance.
Explain how the Department/Institution works
Assists with their Mentee's careers by: offering
encouragement, sharing knowledge, providing growth
experiences, etc..
Encourages professional behavior by: setting high performance
expectations performance, teaching by example, inspiring
Gives wise counsel by offering advice or solutions to problems
18. Coaching
Coaching: The coach helps the individual uncover existing
strengths and abilities to develop strategies and action plans to
achieve those goals. A coach helps hold mentee accountable to
themselves through continued interactions and challenging them as
Helps client discover their own path to their desired goal or
objective (doesnt tell)
Invites employee to come up with his/her own thoughts, ideas
and strategies guided by powerful questions (i.e. What would
happen if the barriers were not there? What does success look
like? How do you see yourself tackling this issue? etc)
Helps the employee develop clarity about what he/she wants to
Helps guide development of action plans
19. Mentor/Coach
It is entirely possible to be (or to have) a
This is a person who can successfully meld the
two approaches and can provide one or the
other depending on the needs and issues of
the mentee
20. Choosing the Best Approach
In what situations would your preferred
approach be:
Telling someone how to handle the situation
Sharing experiences you have had in the past and
advising several options for approaching a problem
Ask a series of questions that will help the
individual self-discover the best solution to the
23. 23
Model of Team Development
Bruce Tuckman, 1965, 1977
Adjourning and
24. Interviewing and Hiring Models
Values-based interviews
This interviewing approach is designed to learn about
the values of the candidate and to determine if they
match those of the ideal candidate
Performance-based interviews
This interviewing approach asks the question of
whether the person being considered for the position
can actually do the job for which s/he is being
Behavioral-based interviews
This approach focuses on understanding how an
applicant would behave in very specific circumstances.
25. Interviewing and Hiring:
Values-based questions
Describe three situations you liked best from your
past position(s). What were the key ingredients that
made those situations so agreeable?
What do you do when you make a mistake in your
work? Describe your process for addressing such
What steps do you take to stay current with scientific
trends and advances?
26. Interviewing and Hiring:
Performance-based questions
Describe a project that you led that had a tight
deadline and its outcome.
One project of great importance to our team is..
How would you approach it?
Describe a time when your experimental results
did not match your expectations? What did you
do? What steps did you take?
27. Interviewing and Hiring:
Behavior-based questions
Describe a time when you faced a stressful
situation and how you used your coping skills to
emerge from it successfully.
Describe a time when you were required to follow
a policy with which you did not agree.
Describe how you have recently dealt with a very
upset customer or co-worker.
28. Practice
Think of one thing that would be really important
for you to learn when considering whether to
have someone join your team what would you
ask them to get that information?
Groups of four
Ask the question to a couple people
Did you get the information you were after?
Share with the group what you hoped to learn
Any ideas for improving the question?
29. Participating Shouldnt be Risky
Career Status
Post-doc Tenure Track Established
Early Career
30. Participating Shouldnt be Risky
Career Status
Post-doc Tenure Track Established
Early Career
31. Participating Shouldnt be Risky
Career Status
Post-doc Tenure Track Established
Early Career
32. We Propose Explicit Pre-Tenure Agreements
or Language to Include in the Offer Letter
Include Participating in or Leading an IR Project
in the Offer Letter
Roles, Responsibilities, Expectations
Review and Reward
Review criteria, sharing credit
For and by the scientist
Joint Appointments
What can everyone expect and how to make changes
33. Motivating Team Identity
Essential Work
Division Priorities and
Competencies and
Tasks that Engage
the Mind and Spirit
The Sweet Spot
Where personal strengths
and passions align with
essential work in a setting
which provides opportunities
for challenge and growth.
Where individuals are the
most valued and their
contributions most valuable.
Maximize the Value
of each Individual:
Aim to increase the
overlap among these
three circles, while
keeping in mind the
changing contents
within each circle.